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so as you do not see the water. Then put a looking-glass in the water: now if you can see the devil's picture aside, not seeing the water, it would look like a devil indeed. They have an old tale in Oxford, that Friar Bacon walked between two steeples: which was thought to be done by glasses, when he walked upon the ground.

Experiments in consort touching impulsion and percussion.

763. A weighty body put into motion is more easily impelled than at first when it resteth. The cause is partly because motion doth discuss the torpor of solid bodies; which, besides their motion of gravity, have in them a natural appetite not to move at all; and partly, because a body that resteth, doth get, by the resistance of the body upon which it resteth, a stronger compression of parts than it hath of itself: and therefore needeth more force to be put in motion. For if a weighty body be pensile, and hang but by a thread, the percussion will make an impulsion very near as easily as if it were already in motion. 764. A body over-great or over-small will not be thrown so far as a body of a middle size: so that it seemeth there must be a commensuration, or proportion between the body moved and the force, to make it move well. The cause is, because to the impulsion there is requisite the force of the body that moveth, and the resistance of the body that is moved: and if the body be too great, it yieldeth too little; and if it be too small, it resisteth too little.

that the palm of the hand, though it hath as thin a skin as the other parts mentioned, yet is not ticklish, because it is accustomed to be touched. Tickling also causeth laughter. The cause may be the emission of the spirits, and so of the breath, by a flight from titillation; for upon tickling we see there is ever a starting or shrinking away of the part to avoid it; and we see also, that if you tickle the nostrils with a feather, or straw, it procureth sneezing; which is a sudden emission of the spirits, that do likewise expel the moisture. And tickling is ever painful, and not well endured.

Experiment solitary touching the scarcity of rain in Egypt.

767. It is strange, that the river of Nilus overflowing, as it doth, the country of Egypt, there should be, nevertheless, little or no rain in that country. The cause must be either in the nature of the water, or in the nature of the air, or of both. In the water, it may be ascribed either unto the long race of the water; for swift-running waters vapour not so much as standing waters; or else to the concoction of the water; for waters well concocted vapour not so much as waters raw; no more than waters upon the fire do vapour so much after some time of boiling as at the first. And it is true that the water of Nilus is sweeter than other waters in taste; and it is excellent good for the stone, and hypochondriacal melancholy, which showeth it is lenifying; and it runneth through a country of a hot climate, and flat, without shade, either of woods or hills, whereby the sun must needs have great power to concoct it. As for the air, from whence I conceive this want of showers is of itself thin and thirsty; and as soon as ever it getteth any moisture from the water, it imbibeth and dissipateth it in the whole body of the air, and suffereth it not to remain in vapour, whereby it might breed rain.

cometh chiefly, the cause must be, for that the air

765. It is common experience, that no weight will press or cut so strong, being laid upon a body, as falling or stricken from above. It may be the air hath some part in furthering the percussion; but the chief cause I take to be, for that the parts of the body moved have by impulsion, or by the motion of gravity continued, a compression in them, as well downwards, as they have when they are thrown, or shot through the Experiment solitary touching clarification. air, forwards. I conceive also, that the quick 768. It hath been touched in the title of percoloose of that motion preventeth the resistance of lations, namely, such as are inwards, that the the body below: and the priority of the force al-whites of eggs and milk do clarify; and it is cerways is of great efficacy, as appeareth in infinite


Experiment solitary touching titillation.

766. Tickling is most in the soles of the feet, and under the arm-holes, and on the sides. The cause is the thinness of the skin in those parts, joined with the rareness of being touched there: for all tickling is a light motion of the spirits, which the thinness of the skin, and suddenness and rareness of touch do further: for we see a feather, or a rush, drawn along the lip or cheek, doth tickle; whereas a thing more obtuse, or a touch more hard, doth not. And for suddenness, we see no man can tickle himself: we see also

tain, that in Egypt they prepare and clarify the water of Nile, by putting it into great jars of stone, and stirring it about with a few stamped almonds, wherewith they also besmear the mouth of the vessel; and so draw it off, after it hath rested some time. It were good to try this clarifying with almonds in new beer, or muste, to hasten and perfect the clarifying.

Experiment solitary touching plants without leaves.

769. There be scarce to be found any vegetables, that have branches and no leaves, except you allow coral for one. But there is also in the deserts of S. Macario in Egypt, a plant which is long, leafless, brown of colour, and branched like

coral, save that it closeth at the top. This being set in water within a house, spreadeth and displayeth strangely; and the people thereabout have a superstitious belief, that in the labour of women it helpeth to the easy deliverance.

Experiment solitary touching the materials of glass. 770. The crystalline Venice glass is reported to be a mixture in equal portions of stones brought from Pavia by the river Ticinum, and the ashes of a weed, called by the Arabs kal, which is gathered in a desert between Alexandria and Rosetta; and is by the Egyptians used first for fuel; and then they crush the ashes into lumps like a stone, and so sell them to the Venetians for their glass-works.

issue forth. I remember Livy doth relate, that there were found at a time two coffins of lead in a tomb; whereof the one contained the body of King Numa, it being some four hundred years after his death: and the other, his books of sacred pontiffs; and that in the coffin that had the body, rites and ceremonies, and the discipline of the there was nothing at all to be seen, but a little light cinders about the sides, but in the coffin that had the books, they were found as fresh as if they had been but newly written, being written on parchment, and covered over with watchcandles of wax three or four fold. By this it seemeth that the Romans in Numa's time were not so good embalmers as the Egyptians were; which was the cause that the body was utterly consumed. But I find in Plutarch and others, that Experiment solitary touching prohibition of pu- when Augustus Cæsar visited the sepulchre of trefaction, and the long conservation of bodies. Alexander the Great in Alexandria, he found 771. It is strange, and well to be noted, how the body to keep its dimension; but withal, that long carcasses have continued uncorrupt, and in notwithstanding all the embalming, which no their former dimensions, as appeareth in the mum- doubt was the best, the body was so tender, as mies of Egypt; having lasted, as is conceived, Cæsar, touching but the nose of it, defaced it. some of them, three thousand years. It is true, Which maketh me find it very strange, that the they find means to draw forth the brains, and to Egyptian mummies should be reported to be as take forth the entrails, which are the parts aptest hard as stone-pitch; for I find no difference but to corrupt. But that is nothing to the wonder: one, which indeed may be very material, namely for we see what a soft and corruptible substance that the ancient Egyptian mummies were shroudthe flesh of all the other parts of the body is.ed in a number of folds of linen, besmeared with But it should seem, that, according to our observation and axiom in our hundredth experiment, putrefaction, which we conceive to be so natural a period of bodies, is but an accident; and that matter maketh not that haste to corruption that is conceived. And therefore bodies in shining amber, in quicksilver, in balms, whereof we now speak, in wax, in honey, in gums, and, it may be, in conservatories of snow, &c., are preserved very long. It need not go for repetition, if we resume again that which we said in the aforesaid experiment concerning annihilation; namely, that if you provide against three causes of putrefaction, bodies will not corrupt: the first is, that the air be excluded, for that undermineth the body, and conspireth with the spirit of the body to dissolve it. The second is, that the body adjacent and ambient be not commaterial, but merely heterogeneal towards the body that is to be preserved; for if nothing can be received by the one, nothing can issue from the other; such are quick-water is but an over-weight of the body put silver and white amber, to herbs, and flies, and such bodies. The third is, that the body to be preserved be not of that gross that it may corrupt within itself, although no part of it issue into the body adjacent and therefore it must be rather thin and small, than of bulk. There is a fourth remedy also, which is, that if the body to be preserved be of bulk, as a corpse is, then the body that incloseth it must have a virtue to draw forth, and dry the moisture of the inward body; for else

gums, in manner of cerecloth, which it doth not appear was practised upon the body of Alexander.

Experiment solitary touching the abundance of nitre in certain sea-shores.

of Assan, in the land of Idumea, a great part of 772. Near the castle of Caty, and by the wells the way you would think the sea were near at hand, though it be a good distance off: and it is nothing but the shining of the nitre upon the sea sands, such abundance of nitre the shores there do put forth.

Experiment solitary touching bodies that are borne up by water.

men, is of that crassitude, as living bodies bound 773. The Dead Sea, which vomiteth up bituhand and foot cast into it have been borne up, and not sunk; which showeth, that all sinking into

into the water in respect of the water; so that you may make water so strong and heavy, of quicksilver, perhaps, or the like, as may bear up iron: of which I see no use, but imposture. We see also, that all metals, except gold, for the same reason, swim upon quicksilver.

Experiment solitary touching fuel that consumeth little or nothing.

774. It is reported, that at the foot of a hill near the putrefaction will play within, though nothing the Mare Mortuum there is a black stone, where


And I am

sooner corrupt in some airs than in others. They be noble experiments that can make this discovery; for they serve for a natural divination of seasons, better than the astronomers can by their figures: and again, they teach men where to choose their dwelling for their better health.

Experiment solitary touching increasing of milk in

milch beasts.

of pilgrims make fires, which burneth like a coal, | gather mould more than in others. and diminisheth not, but only waxeth brighter persuaded that a piece of raw flesh or fish will and whiter. That it should do so is not strange for we see iron red-hot burneth, and consumeth not; but the strangeness is, that it should continue any time so: for iron, as soon as it is out of the fire, deadeth straightways. Certainly it were a thing of great use and profit, if you could find out fuel that would burn hot, and yet last long: neither am I altogether incredulous but there may be such candles as they say are made of salamander's wool; being a kind of mineral, which whiteneth also in the burning, and consumeth not. The question is this; flame must be made of somewhat, and commonly it is made of some tangible body which hath weight: but it is not impossible perhaps that it should be made of spirit, or vapour, in a body, which spirit or vapour hath no weight, such as is the matter of ignis fatuus. But then you will say, that that vapour also can last but a short time: to that it may be answered, that by Experiment solitary touching sand of the nature of the help of oil, and wax, and other candle-stuff, the flame may continue, and the wick not burn.

Experiment solitary economical touching cheap fuel.

778. There is a kind of stone about Bethlehem, which they grind to powder, and put into water, whereof cattle drink, which maketh them give more milk. Surely there would be some better trials made of mixtures of water in ponds for cattle, to make them more milch, or to fatten them, or to keep them from murrain. It may be chalk and nitre are of the best.


779. It is reported, that in the valley near the mountain Carmel in Judea there is a sand, which of all other hath most affinity with glass: insomuch as other minerals laid in it turn to a glassy 775. Sea-coal lasts longer than charcoal; and substance without the fire; and again, glass put charcoal of roots, being coaled into great pieces, into it turneth into the mother sand. The thing lasts longer than ordinary charcoal. Turf and is very strange, if it be true: and it is likeliest to peat, and cow-sheards, are cheap fuels, and last be caused by some natural furnace or heat in the long. Small-coal, or brier-coal, poured upon char-earth; and yet they do not speak of any eruption coal, make them last longer. Sedge is a cheap fuel to brew or bake with: the rather because it is good for nothing else. Trial would be made of some mixture of sea-coal with earth or chalk: for if that mixture be, as the sea-coal men use it, privily, to make the bulk of the coal greater, it is deceit; but if it be used purposely, and be made known, it is saving.

wind for freshness.

of flames. It were good to try in glass-works, whether the crude materials of glass, mingled with glass already made, and remolten, do not facilitate the making of glass with less heat.

Experiment solitary touching the growth of coral. 780. In the sea, upon the south-west of Sicily, much coral is found. It is a submarine plant. It hath no leaves; it brancheth only when it is under Experiment solitary touching the gathering of water; it is soft, and green of colour; but being brought into the air, it becometh hard and shining 776. It is at this day in use in Gaza, to couch red, as we see. It is said also to have a white potsherds or vessels of earth in their walls, to ga-berry: but we find it not brought over with the ther the wind from the top, and to pass it down coral. Belike it is cast away as nothing worth: in spouts into rooms. It is a device for freshness inquire better of it, for the discovery of the nature in great heats and it is said, there are some of the plant. rooms in Italy and Spain for freshness; and gathering the winds and air in the heats of summer; but they be but pennings of the winds, and enlarging them again, and making them reverberate, and go round in circles, rather than this device of spouts in the wall.

Experiment solitary touching the trials of airs. 777. There would be used much diligence in the choice of some bodies and places, as it were, for the tasting of air; to discover the wholesomeness or unwholesomeness, as well of seasons, as of the seats of dwellings. It is certain, that there be some houses wherein confitures and pies will VOL. II.-14

Experiment solitary touching the gathering of


781. The manna of Calabria is the best, and in most plenty. They gather it from the leaf of the mulberry-tree; but not of such mulberry-trees as grow in the valleys. And manna falleth upon the leaves by night, as other dews do. It should seem, that before those dews come upon trees in the valleys, they dissipate and cannot hold out. It should seem, also, the mulberry-leaf itself hath some coagulating virtue, which inspissateth the dew, for that it is not found upon other trees: and we see by the silk-worm, which feedeth upon

that leaf, what a dainty smooth juice it hath; and | require desiccation, which by the defluxion of. the leaves also, especially of the black mulberry, humours of the lower parts is hindered: whereas are somewhat bristly, which may help to preserve hurts and ulcers in the head require it not; but the dew. Certainly it were not amiss to observe contrariwise dryness maketh them more apt to a little better the dews that fall upon trees, or consolidate. And in modern observation, the like herbs growing on mountains; for it may be many difference hath been found between Frenchmen dews fall, that spend before they come to the and Englishmen; whereof the one's constitution valleys. And I suppose, that he that would ga- is more dry, and the other's more moist. And ther the best May-dew for medicine, should gather therefore a hurt of the head is harder to cure in a it from the hills. Frenchman, and of the leg in an Englishman.

Experiment solitary touching the correcting of Experiment solitary touching the healthfulness or


782. It is said they have a manner to prepare their Greek wines, to keep them from fuming and inebriating, by adding some sulphur or alum; whereof the one is unctuous, and the other is astringent. And certain it is, that those two natures do best repress fumes. This experiment would be transferred unto other wine and strong beer, by putting in some like substances while they work; which may make them both to fume less, and to inflame less.

Experiment solitary touching the materials of wildfire.

unhealthfulness of the southern wind.

786. It hath been noted by the ancients, that southern winds, blowing much, without rain, do cause a feverous disposition of the year; but with rain, not. The cause is, for that southern winds do of themselves qualify the air, to be apt to cause fevers; but when showers are joined, they do refrigerate in part, and check the sultry heat of the southern wind. Therefore this holdeth not in the sea coasts, because the vapour of the sea, without showers, doth refresh.

Experiment solitary touching wounds. 787. It hath been noted by the ancients, that wounds which are made with brass heal more easily than wounds made with iron. The cause is, for that brass hath in itself a sanative virtue; and so in the very instant helpeth somewhat: but iron is corrosive and not sanative. And therefore it were good, that the instruments which are used by chirurgeons about wounds, were rather of brass than iron.

783. It is conceived by some, not improbably, that the reason why wild fires, whereof the principal ingredient is bitumen, do not quench with water, is, for that the first concretion of bitumen is a mixture of a fiery and watery substance; so is not sulphur. This appeareth, for that in the place near Puteoli, which they call the court of Vulcan, you shall hear under the earth a horrible thundering of fire and water conflicting together; and there break forth also spouts of boiling water. Now that place yieldeth great quantities of bitumen; whereas Ætna and Vesuvius, and the like, which consist upon sulphur, shoot forth smoke, and ashes, and pumice, but no water. It is re-sently. The cause is, for that the few spirits ported also, that bitumen mingled with lime, and put under water, will make as it were an artificial rock; the substance becometh so hard.

Experiment solitary touching mortification by cold.

788. In the cold countries, when men's noses and ears are mortified, and, as it were, gangrened with cold, if they come to a fire they rot off pre

that remain in those parts, are suddenly drawn forth, and so putrefaction is made complete. But snow put upon them helpeth: for that it preserveth those spirits that remain, till they can re

Experiment solitary touching plaster growing as vive; and besides, snow hath in it a secret

hard as marble.

784. There is a cement, compounded of flour, whites of eggs, and stone powdered, that becometh hard as marble: wherewith Piscina Mirabilis, near Cuma, is said to have the walls plastered. And it is certain and tried, that the powder of loadstone and flint, by the addition of whites of eggs, and gum-dragon, made into paste, will in a few days harden to the hardness of a stone. Experiment solitary touching judgment of the cure

in some ulcers and hurts.

warmth as the monk proved out of the text; "qui dat nivem sicut lanam, gelu sicut cineres spargit." Whereby he did infer, that snow did warm like wool, and frost did fret like ashes. Warm water also doth good; because by little and little it openeth the pores, without any sudden working upon the spirits. This experiment may be transferred to the cure of gangrenes, either coming of themselves, or induced by too much applying of opiates; wherein you must beware of dry heat, and resort to things that are refrigerant, with an inward warmth, and virtue of cherishing.

Experiment solitary touching weight.

785. It hath been noted by the ancients, that in full or impure bodies, ulcers or hurts in the legs are hard to cure, and in the head more easy. 789. Weigh iron and aqua fortis severally; The cause is, for that ulcers or hurts in the legs then dissolve the iron in the aqua fortis, and

weigh the dissolution; and you shall find it to bear as good weight as the bodies did severally: notwithstanding a good deal of waste by a thick vapour that issueth during the working; which showeth that the opening of a body doth increase the weight. This was tried once or twice, but I know not whether there were any error in the trial.

Experiment solitary touching the super-natation of bodies.

790. Take of aqua fortis two ounces, of quicksilver two drams, for that charge the aqua fortis will bear, the dissolution will not bear a flint as big as a nutmeg; yet, no doubt, the increasing of the weight of water will increase its power of bearing; as we see brine, when it is salt enough, will bear an egg. And I remember well a physician, that used to give some mineral baths for the gout, &c.; and the body, when it was put into the bath, could not get down so easily as in ordinary water. But it seemeth the weight of the quicksilver more than the weight of a stone, doth not compense the weight of a stone more than the weight of the aqua fortis.

part touched, that water may be the medium of sounds. If you dash a stone against a stone in the bottom of the water, it maketh a sound. So a long pole struck upon gravel in the bottom of the water maketh a sound. Nay, if you should think that the sound cometh up by the pole, and not by the water, you shall find that an anchor let down by a rope maketh a sound; and yet the rope is no solid body whereby the sound can ascend.

Experiment solitary of the flight of the spirits upon odious objects.


793. All objects of the senses which are very offensive do cause the spirits to retire and upon their flight, the parts are, in some degree, destitute; and so there is induced in them a trepidation and horror. For sounds, we see that the grating of a saw, or any very harsh noise, will set the teeth on edge, and make all the body shiver. For tastes, we see that in the taking of a potion or pills, the head and the neck shake. For odious smells, the like effect followeth, which is less perceived, because there is a remedy at hand by stopping of the nose; but in horses, that can use no such help, we see the smell of a car

Experiment solitary touching the flying of unequal rion, especially of a dead horse, maketh them fly

bodies in the air.

791. Let there be a body of unequal weight, as of wood and lead, or bone and lead, if you throw it from you with the light end forward, it will turn, and the weightier end will recover to be forwards; unless the body be over-long. The cause is, for that the more dense body hath a more violent pressure of the parts from the first impulsion; which is the cause, though heretofore not found out, as hath been often said, of all violent motions; and when the hinder part moveth swifter, for that it less endureth pressure of parts, than the forward part can make way for it, it must needs be that the body turn over: for, turned, it can more easily draw forward the lighter part. Galilæus noteth it well, that if an open trough wherein water is, be driven faster than the water can follow, the water gathereth upon an heap towards the hinder end, where the motion began, which he supposeth, holding confidently the motion of the earth, to be the cause of the ebbing and flowing of the ocean: because the earth over-runneth the water. Which theory, though it be false, yet the first experiment is true. As for the inequality of the pressure of parts, it appeareth manifestly in this; that if you take a body of stone or iron, and another of wood, of the same magnitude and shape, and throw them with equal force, you cannot possibly throw the wood so far as the stone or iron.

Experiment solitary touching water, that it may be

the medium of sounds.

792. It is certain, as it hath been formerly in

away, and take on almost as if they were mad. For feeling, if you come out of the sun suddenly into a shade, there followeth a chillness or shivering in all the body. And even in sight which hath in effect no odious object, coming into sudden darkness induceth an offer to shiver.

Experiments in consort touching the super-reflection of echoes.

794. There is in the city of Ticinum in Italy, a church which hath windows only from above; it is in length a hundred feet, in breadth twenty feet, and in height near fifty; having a door in the midst. It reporteth the voice twelve or thirteen times, if you stand by the close end wall over against the door. The echo fadeth, and dieth by little and little, as the echo at Pont-Charenton doth. And the voice soundeth as if it came from above the door. And if you stand at the lower end, or on either side of the door, the echo holdeth; but if you stand in the door, or in the midst just over against the door, not. Note, that all echoes sound better against old walls than new; because they are more dry and hollow.

Experiment solitary touching the force of imagination, imitating that of the sense. 795. Those effects which are wrought by the percussion of the sense, and by things in fact, are produced likewise in some degree by the imagination. Therefore if a man see another eat sour or acid things, which set the teeth on edge, this object tainteth the imagination. So that he that seeth the thing done by another, hath his own

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