Representing Race: Racisms, Ethnicity and the MediaSAGE Publications, 16. feb. 2005 - 241 sider Well-informed, thoughtful and transnational in its perspectives, Downing and Husbands work is likely to become the key text in the field. The book is essential reading for anyone interested in the politics of race and representation - Professor Daya K. Thussu, University of Westminster, UK The Media play a diverse and significant role in the practical expression of racism and in the everyday politics of ethnicity. Written by two veterans of research on media and 'race', this book offers a fresh comparative analyses of the issues and sets out the key agendas for future study. Representing 'Race': racisms, ethnicities and media - Introduces and evaluates key conceptual issues - Provides a conceptual framework for understanding the role of the media - Addresses a number of pressing political concerns including 'racial'justice and the drift to the Right - Includes a wide range of contemporary examples from Britain, the USA, Europe, Australia. - Analyzes the growth of indigenous people's media - Compares media representations of 'race', 'religion', 'tribe', and 'nationality' - Assesses current strategies for reforming professional media practice in this sphere. Drawing on years of research, this book provides both a major intervention in the debate, as well as a comprehensive introduction to the area. As such, it will be required reading for anyone interested in 'race', representation and the media. |
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... reality - tests and reality- shocks . The 400 tons of pressure utilized by the rotary press rather power- fully evokes the tireless media reproduction in varying forms of racist stereotypes , day by day , year by year , decade by decade ...
... reality . Yet not only is the reality fragmented , but very often a negative interpretation of the fragment hangs in the background without needing to be explicitly stated . Thus Mexican men appear as torpid bums , Roma families as ...
... reality ; but defined the way in which ( in the case of guardians of order ) reality was to be shaped and ( in the case of the philosophers ) was to be thought about and interpreted . ( 1990 : 63 ) Thus this denial of the possibility ...
Research on Racism Ethnicity and Media | 25 |
Racism and the Media of the Extremist Right | 60 |
Comparative Perspectives | 86 |
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Representing Race: Racisms, Ethnicity and the Media John D H Downing,Charles Husband Begrænset visning - 2005 |
Representing Race: Racisms, Ethnicity and the Media John D H Downing,Charles Husband Begrænset visning - 2005 |