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Bacon, lord,-(continued)-

his Reading on Uses, nature
and character of, 35-appointed
counsel for the crown against
Essex, 37-his conduct vindi-
cated, 39-sells an estate to sa-
tisfy his wants, 42-his ambi-
tion, 43-attaches himself to
king James, 44-knighted to
please Miss Barnham, 45-re-
turned for St. Alban's and
Ipswich, sits for the latter, 46
-his popularity with the Com-
mons, 47, 55-appointed king's
counsel extraordinary, 48, 315
-his treatise on the Advance-
ment of Learning, nature and
design of, 48, 101-142-his
tract on Ireland, good effects
of, 50, 51-appointed Solicitor-
General, 52-his Wisdom of
the Ancients, character of, 53—
appointed Judge of the Knight-
Marshal's Court, sworn of the
Privy Council, and becomes
Attorney-General, 55 his
charge against duelling, 56-
his plan of law reform, 59-63-
his humanity, 64-his tracts on
Church Reform, nature and
design of, 69-82-his opinion
on non-residence, pluralities,
and church property, 76-82-
appointed lord Keeper, his
salary as, 84, 85-his assiduity
in office, 86-amends the prac-
tice of his court, 87-obtains a
patent for appointing paid law-
reporters, 87-made lord Chan-
cellor, and raised to the peer-
age, ib.-celebrates his sixtieth
birthday, 88-commemorative
verses by Jonson, ib.-pub-
lishes the Novum Organum, 89
-nature and design of that
work, 143-202-its influence on
the progress of science, con-
sidered, 210-238-Instauratio
Magna, nature and design of,
88-209- his Sylva Sylvarum,
character of, 204- his Im-
peachment, 244-his letter to
the Lords, 245-compelled to
abandon all defence, 254-his
general submission, 258-265-
his articulate confession, 267-
269,341-sentence of the Lords,

271-his crime dispassionately
considered,-vitia temporis,—
271-282- his imprisonment,
282-his letter from the Tower,
ib. note-released and retires
to Fulham, 283-to Gorham-
bury, 284-his fine remitted
and assigned, 285, 286-his pa-
thetic petition, 286, 287-leaves
Gorhambury for Chiswick, 288
- his attachment to York
House, 289-his letter of
thanks for his liberty, 291-his
History of Henry VII., anec-
dote of, 293-his literary and
philosophical labours after his
fall, 294-interesting anecdote
of, 294-curious verses by,
297-applies for the provost-
ship of Eton, 301-his pathe-
tic appeal for a total pardon,
302-is pardoned and receives
his writ for Parliament, 303-
suffers from making an experi-
ment with snow, and is at-
tacked with bronchitis, 303,
306-his last letter, 304-his
death, proximate cause of, 306
-his burial, 307-his will, 308
-his person and peculiar ha-
bits described, 309-311 - his
character by Professor Play-
fair, 312.

Bacon, lady Francis, 358.
Bacon, Anthony, 359.
Barrington, Mr., his Observations
on ancient Statutes, 277, note.
Beale, Dr., his study of Bacon,

Berkeley, Bp., his observations
on analogy, 192, note.
Blackstone, sir William, his elo-
quent retort upon the Oxo-
nians, 172-his account of the
origin of king's counsel exa-
mined, 315.
Blumenbach, Professor, 132.
Bolingbroke, lord, his observa-

tions on king James's sale of
the peerage, 45-anecdote of,
Borgia, Alexander, saying of, 129,
95, note.

Boyle, Robert, joins the Oxford
Philosophical Club, 219, 226-
his pursuits influenced by Ba-
con's writings, 227-his ac-

count of Harvey's Discovery,

Brewster, sir David, his estimate
of Bacon's Philosophy consi-
dered, 210, 238.
Brougham, lord, his Discourse of

Natural Theology, 357.
Brown, sir Thomas, his Religio
Medici, 100.

Brydges, sir Egerton, his sonnet
to Bacon, 281.

Buckingham, Marquis of, 289.
Buckland, Dr., his riding-lecture
on Geology, described, 335.
Burleigh, lord, his advice to his
son, 276.

Bushell, Mr., character of, 257-
his account of Bacon's inter-
view with the King, 255-his
account of the sentence of the
Lords, 356-his Extract of his
Abridgment, 257, note.


Camden, his character of sir
Nicholas Bacon, 3, note.
Cartes, Des, his opinion of lord
Bacon, 232-his disrespectful
remarks upon Galileo, ac-
counted for, 232, note.
Carte, Mr., his history quoted,
274, 279, note.
Chichester, sir Arthur, his im-
provement of Ulster, aided by
Bacon's advice, 51.
Childrey, Archdeacon, his com.
mendation of Bacon's Philoso-
phy, 222-his Britannia Baco-
nica, 223.

Church Property, Bacon's obser-
vations on, 78-82.
Church Reform, Bacon's obser-
vations on, 68-82.
Clinical Lectures, Bacon's sug-
gestion of, 133-patriotic foun-
dation of, by Dupuytren, ib.
Clocks, Bacon's experiment with,
199-invention of pendulum,
ib. note.

Coke, sir Edward, anecdote of,
34-his usage of Bacon, 323.
Collins, Dr., influence of Bacon's
writings on, 213.
Commenius, his commendation
of Bacon, 234.

Cooke, sir Anthony, his plan of
teaching Bacon's mother, 3.

Copernican system, edict against,
repealed, 170.

Copleston, Dr., his Second Re-
ply, 146, note, 155, note-his
letter to Dr. Parr-Dissertation
on Analogy, 158, note-his
Four Discourses, 174, note.
Counsel, King's, origin of, 315-
difference between, and barris-
ters with patents of prece-
dence, 318.

Cowley, Abraham, his Ode to the
Royal Society, 212.
Cuvier, M., 132.


Davy, sir Humphry, his applica-
tion of the Voltaic pile, 176-
his safety-lamp, nature and
effects of, 197-his Consola-
tions in Travel, 169-con-
demns the seeking of systems
of science in the scriptures, ib.
Deduction, process of, 329.
Definitions, use and abuse of, 159.
Deodate, M., his anxiety for
Bacon's posthumous works,

Dickinson, Mr., his paper-ma
chine, wonderful power of, 196.
Drinkwater, Mr., his life of Ga
lileo, 98, note of Kepler, 215,


Duelling, Bacon's charge against,
55-Mandeville's Dialogue on,


Dugdale, mistake of, corrected,
55, note.

Dupuytren, M., his patriotic be-
quest, 133.

Ear of Dyonisius, 192.
Ear-spectacle or trumpet, Ba-
con's suggestion of, 9.
Elizabeth, Queen, her saying of
sir Nicholas Bacon, 3- of
young Francis Bacon, 4-her
prejudices, 20-character of,
by lord Bacon, 41, note-Miss
Aikin's account of, 275.
Essex, earl of, rewards Bacon

for his services, 24-his letters
to him, 319-his trial, 37.
Evelyn, Mr., his opinion of Ba
con's philosophy, 223.

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Galileo, his condemnation, 167—
edict against, repealed, 170-
his discovery of the pendulum,
174 answers Bacon's dis-
course on the tides, 236-letter
of, concerning the sun's stand-
ing still, ib. note-life of, by
Drinkwater, 98, note.

Gallois, Abbé, his praise of Ba-
con, 233.

Galvani, his observations on elec-
tricity, 175.

Gassendi, his esteem for Bacon,

Gay-Lussac, M., his aerouantic
voyage, 190-effects upon, of
the decreased gravity of the
atmosphere, 190.
Geology, Lyell's principles of,
154-Buckland's riding lecture
on, 335.

Gilbert, Dr., of Colchester, his
treatise on the magnet, 156,
note-his valuable observations
on magnetism, 156.
Gillies, Dr., his analysis of Aris-
totle's works, 151.
Gioenia Sicula, supposititious
discovery of, 180.
Glanvill, Mr., his Plus Ultra-
Vanity of Dogmatising-Scep-
sis Scientifica, 223, note-de-
fends the New Philosophy, ib.


Hacket, Bp., his Scrinia Rese-
rata, 242, note.

Hallam, Mr., his observations on
king James's knights, 45, note

-his eulogy of Bacon's poli-
Hamel, John Baptiste du, his
tical writings, 100, note.
praise of Bacon, 234.
Hampden, Dr., his Scholastic
Philosophy, 168, 171, note-
his Account of Aristotle's Phi-
losophy, 150, note.
Hargrave, Mr., his character of
Bacon's Reading on Uses, 35.
Harvey, Dr., his Circuitus San-
guinis, reception of, 130, note
-account of his great disco-
very, 194-his love of anatomy,
-loses his notes on, during
the rebellion, 132, note-his
curious remedy for the gout,
311, note.
Haywarde's book, anecdote of,
64-Bacon's witty and humane
saying of, 65.

Herschel, sir John, his treatise
of sound, 193, note-his Dis-
course on Natural Philosophy,
character of, 7, note-quoted
passim-anecdote of, 177.
History, Bacon's division of, 118.
Hobbes, of Malmesbury, charac-
ter of, 103-compared with
Bacon, 103, 104-translates se-
veral of Bacon's Essays, 102,
note-excellent aphorism of,


Humboldt, M. de, ascends the
Andes, 190-effects upon, of
the decreased gravity of the
atmosphere, ib.

Hume, Mr., his observations on
king James's knights, 45, note
-his character of the Com-
mons in 1604, 47, note.
Hutton, Abp., his letter to lord
Burleigh, 276.

Hutton, Dr, his discovery in
Glen Tilt of veins of granite,


Induction, process of, 146, 164,
324-Baconian distinguishable
both from Plato's and Aris-
totle's, 147-151, 163, 164-ap-
plicable as well to psycholo-
gical as to physical science,
186, 357.

Instauratio Magna, nature and

design of, 89-209-influence of, | Madox, Mr., his History of the

on the progress of science,
Ireland, Bacon's praise of, 50,
note-his tract on, 50.


Jackson of Exeter, his Four
Ages, 29, note.
James, king, irreverent saying
of, 203, note.
Johnson, Dr., his character of

Bacon's Essays, 32, note-de-
signed writing his life, ib.
Jonson, Ben, his character of Ba-
con's oratory, 17-his verses
on Bacon's sixtieth birth-day,
88-his opinion of the Novum
Organum, 214.


Court of Exchequer, 277, note.
Magdeburgh hemispheres, 191.
Mandeville, Dr., 58, note.


Napier, Professor, his Disserta-
tion on the scope and influ-
ence of Bacon's philosophy,
98, note-216, note-quoted

Newton, sir Isaac, sublime say-
ing of, 198-his careful study
of Bacon, 227-adopts his
phraseology, 228-Pemberton's
View of his philosophy, ib.-
Maclaurin's Account of his
discoveries, 229 Brewster's
life of, 210, 238.
Non-residence, Bacon's opinion
of, 76.


Kepler, account of, 215, note-North, sir Francis, account of

life of, by Drinkwater, ib.
Knowledge, objections against,
stated and refuted, 107-116-
dignity and utility of, 117—
survey and classification of the
various branches of, 118-142.


his appointment to be King's
Novum Organum, nature and de-
counsel, 317.

sign of, 143-202-influence of,
on the progress of science,


Lamb, Charles, witty saying of, Observers, frauds of, 180.

28, note.

Law Reform, Bacon's speech on,

12-his plan of, 59-63.
Lawrence, Mr., 132.

Light, reflection of,-refraction
of, 193-subject to the laws of
interference, ib.-analogy of,
to sound, ib.

Logic, 377.

Oldenburgh, Mr., first secretary
of the Royal Society, his eu-
logy on Bacon, 221.

Osborn, Francis, his letters of
advice to a son, 167, note-309.


Paper, machine for making, 196.
Paper Philosophers, 140.

Lyell, Mr., his principles of geo- Parliament, judicial power of,

logy, 154.


Mackintosh, sir James, his cha.
racter of sir John Herschel's
Discourse on Nat. Phil., 7, note
-his life of More, 28, note-
his autobiography, ib.-his re-
viewal on Bacon, 210-his cha.
racter of experimentalists, 211
-MS. remark in Hobbes's Dia-
logue, 226, note.


Pascal, M., his experiment on
the Puy de Dôme, 190.
Peiresc, an early disciple of Ba-
con, 232.
Pemberton, Dr., his View of
Newton's Philosophy, 229.
Philosophy, Bacon's division of,

Pius VII., his character-repeals
the edict against Galileo and
the Copernican System, 170.

Maclaurin, Mr., his opinion of Plato, his induction distinguished

the Instauration, 145, 229.

from Bacon's, 147-150, 163,

164-his doctrine of Forms,

Playfair. Professor, his Prelimi-
nary Dissertation, 210-quoted
passim his character of Ba-
con, 312.

Playfer, Dr., Bacon's letter to,
105-begins a translation of the
Advancement of Learning, 106.
Pluralities, Bacon's opinion of,

Poetry, an imitative art, 128-

Bacon's division of, ib.
Polarity, glaring instance of, 191.
Precedence, patents of, 318.
Prejudices, Bacon's doctrine of,

stated and illustrated, 153-162.
Prerogative Instances, Bacon's
doctrine of, stated and illus-
trated, 186-202.
Property, right of, 82-84.
Puffendorf, Baron, his eulogy on
Bacon, 235.


Quadrivium, a scholastic term,
meaning of, 168, note.


Raleigh, sir Walter, chided for
his free thinking by Elizabeth,
167, note.

66 Reading," custom of, in the
Inns of Court, 34, note.
Reid, Dr., his Analysis of Aris.

totle, 151.

Sharpe, Mr., his Essays, 73, note.
Smith, Dr. Adam, his Essay on
the Imitative Arts, 123, note.
Sorbiere, Dr., his Relation d'un
Voyage en Angleterre, attacked
by Dr. Sprat, 233, note-his
commendation of Bacon, 233—
banishment of. 233, note.
Sound, Bacon's observations on,
7-reflection of-refraction of,
193-subject to the laws of in-
terference, ib,-analogy of, to
light, ib.

South, Dr., his discourse on the
abuse of words, 157.
Southey, Dr., 233, 28, note.
Sprat, Dr., his history of the
Royal Society, 221-his eulogy
on Bacon, ib.
Stewart, Dugald, his character of
Bacon's Essays, 32-of his
classification of the sciences,

Stubbe, Dr. Henry, his character,
224 calls the experimentalists
a Bacon-faced generation, 225
-his abuse, 225, note.
Syllogism, 164-deductive, 329-
inductive, 330.

Sylva Sylvarum, character of, 204.


Theology, natural, Brougham's
Discourse on, 357.

Theory, proneness of observers to,


Ross, Alexander, his Arcana Mi-Thomson, Dr. his Annals of Phi-

crocosmi, 217-his attack upon
Bacon, 217, 218-his volumi-
nous writings ridiculed in Hu-
dibras, 218, note.
Royal Society, first suggestion
of, by Bacon, 210-rise and
progress of, 219-Wallis's ac-

losophy, singular assertion in,
211, note.

Triviales, a scholastic expression,
meaning of, 168, note.
Trivium, meaning of, 168, note.



count of, 338-Sprat's history Uses, Bacon's reading on, 34-37.
of, 221-bequest to, by the fly-
ing bishop of Chester, 220,
note-Cowley's Ode to, 212.
Rushworth, Mr., his assertion
that Bacon's decrees were not
reversed, 279.


Savigny, Von, 29, note.
Selden, Mr., 16%, note.

Voltaic pile, history and effects
of, 176, 189.

Voltaire, M., his letters on the
English nation, 240.

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