The American Journal of Clinical Medicine, Bind 19,Oplag 7–12American journal of clinical medicine., 1912 |
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Side 691
... TREATMENT OF THE HEART IN SYPHILIS On the basis of his experiences in fifty cases , Dr. Harlow Brooks ( Medical Record , February 24 , 1912 ) asserts an almost uni- versal occurrence of serious cardiac lesions in syphilis , which , he ...
... TREATMENT OF THE HEART IN SYPHILIS On the basis of his experiences in fifty cases , Dr. Harlow Brooks ( Medical Record , February 24 , 1912 ) asserts an almost uni- versal occurrence of serious cardiac lesions in syphilis , which , he ...
Side 705
... treatment by well - qualified men . The system of personal treatment of the insane can be divided into two great classes , namely : the physical and the mental . The Physical Side of Treating the Mentally Deranged The physical ...
... treatment by well - qualified men . The system of personal treatment of the insane can be divided into two great classes , namely : the physical and the mental . The Physical Side of Treating the Mentally Deranged The physical ...
Side 706
... treatment . Hydrotherapy and hot- packs should never , under any circum- stances , be given without careful examina- tion of the heart and the blood pressure . Patients undergoing this sort of treatment should be constantly watched by ...
... treatment . Hydrotherapy and hot- packs should never , under any circum- stances , be given without careful examina- tion of the heart and the blood pressure . Patients undergoing this sort of treatment should be constantly watched by ...
Side 714
... treatment . " Dr. Gallison's experience agrees very closely with my own , and his report seems to me a model of its kind . Any physician can carry out the method here described and secure the same results . Remember that there are three ...
... treatment . " Dr. Gallison's experience agrees very closely with my own , and his report seems to me a model of its kind . Any physician can carry out the method here described and secure the same results . Remember that there are three ...
Side 741
... TREATMENT OF ACNE In the curing of acne systematic treatment is often of more importance than local treatment . To secure the best re- sults , each case must be studied carefully , and all possible etiologic elements con- sidered . Dr ...
... TREATMENT OF ACNE In the curing of acne systematic treatment is often of more importance than local treatment . To secure the best re- sults , each case must be studied carefully , and all possible etiologic elements con- sidered . Dr ...
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Almindelige termer og sætninger
abdomen acid aconitine action acute administered alcohol alkaloid aloin American anesthetic antiseptic applied atropine bacillus believe blood body bowel brucine calcium calomel cause child chloroform chronic CLINICAL MEDICINE codeine coitus interruptus condition constipation copper course cure diagnosis diarrhea diet digestive digitalin disease doctor doses drug effect electrode examination fact frequently gastric give given gonorrhea grain granules hyoscine hypodermic infection intestinal iodine irritation Journal laxative lesion matter ment method milk months morphine neurasthenia normal nuclein operation organs ounces pain patient percent physician possible practice practitioner pregnancy present Price profession prostate gland pruritus QUERY quinine remedy salt sexual skin sodium solution sparteine stomach strychnine sulphate sulphocarbolate surgeon surgery surgical symptoms tablets temperature therapeutic things tion tissues tonsils treat treatment trouble tuberculosis typhoid fever ulcer urine usually uterus vaccine vomiting weeks woman
Populære passager
Side 811 - It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood...
Side 831 - the Elephant Is very like a snake!" The Fourth reached out his eager hand, And felt about the knee. "What most this wondrous beast is like Is mighty plain," quoth he; ' Tis clear enough the Elephant Is very like a tree!" The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear, Said: "E'en the blindest man Can tell what this resembles most; Deny the fact who can, This marvel of an Elephant Is very like a fan!" The Sixth no sooner had begun About the beast to grope, Than, seizing on the swinging tail That fell within...
Side 691 - Ah Love! could you and I with Him conspire To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire, Would not we shatter it to bits — and then Re-mould it nearer to the Heart's Desire!
Side 811 - ... spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.
Side 785 - There is an idea abroad among moral people that they should make their neighbors good. One person I have to make good : myself. But my duty to my neighbor is much more nearly expressed by saying that I have to make him happy — if I may.
Side 1183 - Away! we know that tears are vain, That death nor heeds nor hears distress: Will this unteach us to complain? Or make one mourner weep the less? And thou — who tell'st me to forget, Thy looks are wan, thine eyes are wet.
Side 983 - So take Joy home, And make a place in thy great heart for her, And give her time to grow, and cherish her; Then will she come, and oft will sing to thee, When thou art working in the furrows; ay, Or weeding in the sacred hour of dawn. It is a comely fashion to be glad, — Joy is the grace we say to God.
Side 831 - It was six men of Indostan, To learning much inclined, Who went to see the elephant, (Though all of them were blind), That each by observation Might satisfy his mind.
Side 988 - He must remember that, while he is a descendant of the past, he is a parent of the future ; and that his thoughts are as children born to him, which he may not carelessly let die.
Side 1231 - OSTROM. Massage and the Original Swedish Movements. Their Application to Various Diseases of the Body. A Manual for Students, Nurses and Physicians. By KURRE W. OSTROM, from the Royal University of Upsala, Sweden; Instructor \ in Massage and Swedish Movements...