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Art. 50. An Efay towards a Demonstration of the Scripture Trinity. By the late learned Dr. Daniel Scott, Author of the Ap pendix to H. Stephens's Greek Lexicon in 2 Vols. Folio. Third Edition, to which is prefixed fome Account of the Author. 12mo. Goadby.

I S.

The Author of this little tract was eminent in the learned world on account not only of the Appendix to the Greek Lexicon above mentioned, but alío for a New Verfion of St. Matthew's Gospel, with critical notes, and an examination of Dr. Mills's various read. ings, which he published in 1741. The two folio volumes additional to Stephens's Lexicon fully difplayed his diligence, critical fkill and precifion. They were dedicated to Archbishop Secker and Bishop Butler, who had been fellow pupils with Dr. Scott at an academy at Tewksbury, and honoured him with their esteem, friendfhip, and correfpondence. By their perfuafion, we are here told, he was engaged in the above work, to the regret of many of his friends, and the friends of facred literature: for his clofe application to it, for many years, broke his health and spirits, and probably shortened his useful life, exclufive of the confideration that he was a lofer of feveral hundred pounds by this publication. We are farther informed that, by this means, he was prevented from completing a large Lexicon for the Greek Teftament, on a plan resembling Pa for's, which he had begun, and which would have been more ufeful than the other; he therefore lamented his having yielded to the perfuafions of his dignified friends.

The prefent effay appears to have been first published in 1724 or 1725. This edition was fo fpeedily difpofed of as greatly to furprize the Author, who foon had sufficient evidence that it was bought up and fuppreffed by an eminent prelate, Dr. Edmund Gibfon. A fecond edition, with fome enlargements, was published in 1738, and even then it was fo difficult to procure the pamphlet, that there was reason, it is faid, to fufpect that dishonourable methods were taken to prevent its circulation. The present Editor was well acquainted with the deceased Author; and though this effay, he tells us, has not entirely brought him into his fentiments, yet it has increased his efteem and affection, for all pious and charitable Chriftians, whatever may be their different fentiments concerning the important doctrine here confidered. This essay, he observes, is an admirable model for those who may engage in writing on points controverted among Chriftians. There appears through the whole an uncommon fpirit of candour, humility, and respect for the learned, from whom he differs, and whofe miftakes or falfe reafonings he thought it his duty to point out.'

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The Author pursues his fubject in a kind of mathematical form, by definitions, axioms, corollaries, &c. and on the whole concludes that the holy fcriptures plainly teach an inferiority of the Son and Spirit to the Supreme Father. My confcience, fays he, bears me witness, that I have proceeded always with this confi deration, that I am to give a most strict account of every line, and word, that paffeth under my pen; and therefore I have been precifely careful for the matter of my book to defend truth only, and only by truth.'


The effay itself admitting of no extracts, we have only to add, that whatever is the Reader's opinion on the particular point in queftion, he will, without doubt, approve of the ingenuous, pious, and charitable difpofition of the learned and benevolent Writer. Art. 51. A practical Treatife on Afflictions. To which is added, a thort Difcourfe on vifiting the Sick. By Stephen Addington. 12mo. 2 s. fewed. Market-Harborough printed: London, fold by Buckland, &c. 1779.

The Author tells us, that having found the confolations and inftructions contained in this book feasonable and valuable to himself in affliction, he wished to put them into the hands of others in the fame circumstances. The work treats on afflictions in general, their defign, the duties they call for, and then proceeds to addrefs a variety of fuitable confiderations to afflicted perfons, according to their different ftations and circumftances: to which are added, inftructions and exhortations for those who are recovered from affliction. It is a plain, ferious performance, and as we are all liable to distress, many may receive benefit from these benevolent inftructions. Art. 52. The Principles of the Chriftian Religion compared with thufe of all the other Religions and Systems of Philofophy, which have appeared in the World. By J. Stephens, Efq. 8vo. Boards. Dodfley. 1777.

4 s. in This work, by accident, efcaped our notice at the time of its publication; we shall now, therefore, only obferve, in brief, that the Chriftian world is fometimes not lefs obliged to the laity than to the clergy, for a RATIONAL defence. Mr. Stephens has clearly fhewn the fuperiority of the Chriftian fcheme, above all the other religious fyftems that have hitherto obtained any establishment, in any part of this globe.


Art. 53. Georgical Effays: In which the Food of Plants is particularly confidered, feveral new Compofts are recommended, and other important Articles of Husbandry explained, on the Principles of Vegetation. Vol. V. 8vo. 2 s. 6 d. fewed. Dodfley.


This very useful publication has been frequently recommended to our Readers: fee Review, vols. xl. xliii. xliv. and xlvii. We should have fooner inferted this fifth volume in our Journal, had we not been prevented by the accident mentioned in the preceding Article. SCHOOL-BOOKS.

Art. 54. Leffons for Children of Three Years old. Part II t. Small 4to. 6 d. Johnson. 1778.

Art. 55. Leffons for Children from Three to Four Years old. Small 4to. 6 d. Johnfon. 1779.

More pretty inftructive ftories for young children, agreeably interfperfed with fome of the first principles of natural knowledge

*The accident here alluded to, was the lofs of a parcel of books fent, in the autumn of 1777, to a Reviewer in the country, which never came to hand. Two or three other publications have, by this means, passed hitherto unnoticed.

+ See Review for July, 1778, p. 25.



But why will this good Lady go contrary to Nature, and perfift in making dumb creatures fpeak?-However innocently and ufefully fabulous, allegorical, and poetic language may be applied to animate natural defcriptions, and to enforce the leffons of wisdom when addreffed to persons of riper years; we humbly conceive that as the bodies of children fhould be nourished with the food of nature, so their tender minds should be fed and replenished with fimplicity and truth.


XI. The Light in which public Calamities ought to be viewed, and the Uè se bould make of them-Preached in the English Chapel at: Dunkeld, Feb. 0, 1--9, the Day appointed for a General Faft. By the Rev. James Paterson, M. D. Chaplain to her Grace the Duchess of Athole. Svo. 6d. Edinburgh printed, and fold by Lorgman in London.

Very well written; and very loyal. The Preacher expresses his abhorrence of the American rebellion in the warmett terms. "Horrid treason: Legrateful didovalty.” &c. &c. What a contraft to the termon peached on the fame occafion by Dr. Price, in the fouthern pure af zur Land?



HS lecer from #ailer, Egned most, and dated June 14, refers to former letters from the time Correfpendent; who seems pleased that they have not been caly acknowledged.—We have #arched er fles, and turned over our memorandans, but can find no letters from this Gender, of a dre porn that of his prefent

revet se dat we izpele there of in the wreck of books and papers, occhioned by us areast orain of an ingenious and worthy alecure, which bigceret a few not 15 102.

Wa rejet e a's Cheriencent's present Inquiries, &c. we Baa detekc reg væ them, as kūbus=

1. At that we have heart concerning here Editor of Longious, what pulasien was de me face in our last ponca's Review, is a degna, eiving mewhere in

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nious conjectures, almoft mike amends for the want of fatis. factory evidence with respect to the main point. In the firt letter, which, being confidered as a continuation, is called the eleventh, M. B. oblerves, that the Hanferit, a language which ftill exifts, but is, now, little understood in India, is a proof of the denvation of that language from fome other na tion, who tranfplanted it thither with their science and philo fophy.-He, moreover, quotes Fato, as telling the Greeks, that they wer a fece remnant of an ancient race of men, the Airta, the formerly invaded Europe and Afia, the conqueft of which produced multiplied scenes of defolation, ard placsé an immenie delert between the vanquished nations and thole that hac fubdued them. In the two following letters we hase the whose relation which Plato gives of the Atlantis, and of the Azandides, before they had facrificed their primitive fimi shine and virtue to that luxury which increafed their wants, and mipiret that thirft of depredation and conqueft that rendered them the fcourge of mankind, and drew down upon themselves the judgments of Heaven in the fubmerfion of their ifland. Nor is Plate the only witnefs alleged by our Author to ascertain the former exiltence of this people and this ifland; Homer, Sanchoniathon, and Diodorus Siculus, exhibit fragments of the genealo gies, exploits, manners and character of the Atlantides, and our Author is very dexterous in fewing together these broken craps; he has a knack at making handsome pitch-wor beyond what we have obferved in almoft any menders of the c and tattered garments of mythology and history. By is inge mous combinations of the reports of thefe Authors, it wold Hopear that the Atlantides were an ancient and powerful perple that they inhabited a fruitful and maritime country, that is hão v cf this country is the hiftory of the Egy plan and Gretim mythology, and that it is with an account of this people Egyptians begin their own history.

This row being the primitive people from whom al terc and prophy were derived; the next point to be whore we e they fituated? Plato favs, in an tw. card by the deep) near the continent, and cra ples of Hacles. But where was that was it C ste lend of which the Canaries are the thattered what we now c America? It was none cia. Author proves his fourteenth letter, nor yet ar xean, Wica tas been called Atlantic for abmc tr yea?, Hot in the Red Sea which Herodotus calle. send in the tit Fourhood of which a learned man puisto of Bucules, in the temple of that held gal The learned arguments, embellished with all the proces and exequence, that M. BAILLY has employed a. prat..

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