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tained by the three periods of 33, 46, and 217 years: but the method is exact enough in the great majority of instances, to obtain the time of the inferior conjunction to the nearest hour; and the nearest approach of the centres to within about 20" or 30". For the information of the curious, the following are the particulars of the transit of 1832, as obtained by direct calculation from De la Lande's Tables of Mercury. Time of the inferior conjunction (at Greenwich) May 5 days, Oh. 34 minutes. Nearest approach of the centres 8' 16", the planet being to the north.

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Bristol, Sept. 16, 1819.

IN Mr. Bonnycastle's Algebra, and several other works, we have a general | solution of the following Problem, viz. To divide a given number consisting of two known square numbers, into two other square numbers. If the roots of the given square numbers be denoted by a and b, and if p and q be any two numbers not in the proportion of a to b, or a + b to a-b, then the given numbera2+b2=(2bpq+a(q'—p3))2+ p2+q2


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Review" The History of Dublin," 2 vols. quarto, pp. 1348, with an Appendix, pp. 104. Cadel and Davies, London.

THE late J. Warburton, deputy keeper of the Records in Dublin Castle, Esq. supplied the annals, antiquities, charters, and ecclesiastical history, which is contained in the first volume: and this was prepared for the press, by the late Rev. James Whitelaw, author of the Census of the population of Dublin. The second volume, after his death, was written by the Rev. Robert Walsh, M. R. S. A. completing the work by the present state of the City, its

(2 apq+b (p2—q'))". See Bonnycas-public buildings, schools, institutions,

p2 + q2 tle's Algebra, octavo edition, p. 276. From this, it is evident, that if the roots of the four given square numbers be a, b, c, and d, the given number, or,

a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 = ( 2 b p q + a(q22)+


( 2 a pq+b (p2 — q2)2 + (2 dpq+cq-p'))

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2 + (2 cpq+d(p2-q'))", which is a

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canals, analysis of mineral springs and lead mines; biography of eminent natives, population, revenue, commerce, and literature; botany of the county of Dublin, conchology of the

neighbouring coast; ancient Irish MSS.

in the libraries; rents of the corpora

tion, ancient ecclesiastical revenue,

&c. &c.

This volume displays, along with extraordinary industry, an uncommon extent of multifarious learning, arts, sciences, and belles lettres, in the indefatigable author.

In so voluminous a work, it may be expected that much information is given, and that some inaccuracies and want of systematic arrangement may appear, as there has been no history of this second city in the empire, except its Antiquities by Harris. But in ge

neral, the facts are most accurately |titutes; thirteen houses for desolate stated, and the information is copious widows; two houses of refuge, for and minute. young female servants out of employThere are prints of 19 public build-ment; an asylum for old female serings, among which are the Castle; vants past work; the same for old rePatrick's Cathedral, in three views; duced tradesmen; a university, and St. George's Church; the Custom- an observatory; two botanic gardens, House; Exchange; Four Courts; and conservatories of foreign plants. Bank of Ireland; the late Tholsel; College; Provost's House; Foundling Hospital, and others.

This Work should be particularly interesting to Liverpool; Dublin being situated on the opposite side of the Irish channel, supplies provisions by two great canals, from the interior of Ireland, to the Liverpool provisionships; and the situation of Liverpool near the heart of England, convenient to the principal manufacturing places, is adapted to supply the wants of Ireland, through Dublin, with British manufactures, while the extensive foreign trade to Liverpool, forms the most convenient depository to supply a large portion of Ireland, through Dublin, with colonial produce. Its docks are spacious, and the harbour is improved by the piers, which form its three harbours, which are among the grandest specimens of marine archi


The first volume is of least general interest, although the ancient annals of Dublin, produced now from the most unquestionable sources, throw a considerable light on the history of Ireland. It contains the charters, lists of lord lieutenants, bishops, lord mayors, and sheriffs: the house of education and maintenance, for the sons of reduced citizens; a foundling hospital for all Ireland; a house for educating, clothing, and maintaining soldiers' children; another on the same plan, for sailors' children; house of industry, embracing every class of distressed poor, requiring assistance; and a male penitentiary. In the second volume other hospitals are described, viz.: a lying-in hospital; one for madness; one for the cure of syphilis and ruptures; four for the sick and hurt, wounds, and fractures; four for fever; one for sick soldiers; one for incurable complaints; six dispensaries of medicine and advice; institutions for the eye, for vaccination, and for cutaneous complaints; colleges of physicians, and of surgeons; an apothecaries' hall; four asylums for the blind, male and female; five asylums for penitent pros

There are in Dublin, about 3000 presbyterians, 1700 independents, 1400 methodists, 250 moravians, 150 baptists, 650 quakers, 50,000 of the established church, and 140,000 romanists; 67 charity schools, educating 13,000 children; of these 11 are of the church, 15 dissenters, 8 mixed, having the scripture only for religious instruction, without note or comment, these are on a large scale; and 32 romanist schools: 5 societies for education, 18 charitable associations, 3 literary institutes, 4 public libraries, 2 agricultural societies, 7 prisons, of which two are substitutes for transportation, by confinement to work. The total population is about 200,000, who dwell in 15,000 houses, besides barracks for 3000 horse and 8000 foot, leaving 1200 houses waste, and standing on 1300 acres, including waste ground, five squares, and the river Liffey, which flows through the centre of the city.

A cheap edition in 8vo. of this excellent Work, is extremely desirable.


I borrow from a pleasing little work, written by a Virginian, and entitled, "Letters from Virginia," the following description, which he gives in the character of a foreigner, newly landed at Norfolk.

"I took the boat this morning, and crossed the ferry over to Portsmouth, the small town which I told you is opposite to this place; it was court-day, and a large crowd of people was gathered about the court-house. I had hardly got upon the steps to look in, when my ears were assailed by the voice of singing, and turning round to discover from what quarter it came, I saw a group of about thirty negroes, of different sizes and ages, following a rough-looking white man, who sat carelessly lolling in his sulky. They had just turned round the corner, and were coming up the main street, to pass by the spot where I stood, on their way out of town. As they came nearer, I saw some of them loaded with chains

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to prevent their escape; while others had hold of each other's hands strongly grasped, as if to support themselves in their affliction. I particularly noticed a poor mother, with an infant sucking at her breast as she walked along, while two small children had hold of her apron on either side, almost running to keep up with the rest. They came along singing a little wild hymn, of sweet and mournful melody; flying by a divine instinct of the heart, to the consolation of religion, the last refuge of the unhappy, to support them in their distress. The sulky now stopped before the tavern, at a little distance beyond the court-house, and the driver got out. My dear Sir,' (said I to a person who stood near me,) can you tell me what these poor people have been doing? what is their crime? and what is to be their punishment?' -'O, (said he) its nothing at all, but a parcel of negroes sold to Carolina, and that man is their driver, who has bought them.' But what have they done, that they should be sold into banishment?'-' Done, (said he,) nothing at all that I know of; their masters wanted money, I suppose, and these drivers give good prices.' Here the driver having supplied himself with brandy, and his horse with water, (the poor negroes, of course, wanted nothing,) stepped into his chair again, cracked his whip, and drove on, while the miserable exiles followed in funeral procession behind him.”

From Hall's Travels in Canada.


It has frequently been said, that the hope of acquiring wealth or fame operates with more influence upon the human mind than any other motive. This seems to have been laid down as a position not to be disputed. It has been admitted as a fact, by men of talent, and, having derived sanction from the general conduct of mankind, age and custom have conspired together to mature it into an axiom.

From individuals who look no farther than the present state of things, such conclusions may very naturally be expected. But on minds that are enlightened to behold the realities of the invisible world, there are motives which operate with a more commanding stimulus than fame or fortune can possibly bestow.

To develop the hidden principles of human action, is not always placed within the power of man. Nevertheless, when we behold persons of talent and respectability, voluntarily renouncing all the comforts of civilized and social life, and encountering the most formidable danger, that they may take up their abode among savages, cut off from nearly all intercourse with the companions of their childhood and riper years, without the least prospect of obtaining any remuneration in this life for the sacrifices they make, we cannot but conclude, that something more powerful than either gold or honours, communicates the vigorous impulse under which they act. In the missionary department, characters of this description constantly appear; but in no case have they shone with such undeviating and undiminished lustre, as among the Moravian Brethren. Of the perils which some of these faithful servants of their Lord are called to endure, some knowledge may be obtained from the following article.

Extract of the Journal of the Voyage of the Brother G. Kmoch and his Wife, and the single Brethren Körner and Beck, in the brig Jemima to Labrador, in 1817.-(Written by Brother G. Kmoch.)

After describing the circumstances alluding to their departure from London on the 2d of June, and the voyage to the Orkneys, as having been remarkably favourable, he proceeds

"We arrived at Stromness on the 12th of June. Our abode in that place was rendered very pleasant, by the kindness we experienced from many friends, among whom was the minister of the town.

"On the 14th, we set sail, and had pleasant weather, with variable winds and calms. On the 24th, we were halfway between Great Britain and Labrador, and pleased ourselves with the prospect of an expeditious voyage. Many sword-fishes and porpoises played about the ship. Of the latter the shoals were so numerous, that the sea seemed to swarm with them in all directions.

"Between the 4th and 5th of July, we heard and saw many icebirds. This bird is about the size of a starling, black, with white and yellow spots, and is met with about 200 English

miles from the Labrador coast. When | wind was in a direction, that it apthe sailors hear it, they know that they peared scarcely possible to keep clear are not far from the ice. It flies about a of it, the ship being likewise beset on ship chiefly in the night, and is known all sides with fields of ice. In about by its singular voice, which resembles an hour's time the fog dispersed, and a loud laugh. we perceived, that we had just passed by at a short distance; which excited us to praise our almighty Saviour for our preservation.

"On the 6th, the weather was remarkably fine. In the afternoon, the wind shifted to the south-east, and during the night brought us into the "14th. Land was discovered a-head. ice. We tacked, and stood off and on. It was the coast of Labrador, sixty or "7th,_the_morning was cold and eighty miles south of Hopedale. We rainy. In all directions drift-ice was were close to the ice, and as a small to be seen. In the afternoon it cleared opening presented itself, the captain up a little, and we entered an opening ventured to push in, hoping, if he could in the ice, looking like a bay. The penetrate, to find open water between continual rustling and roaring of the the ice and the coast. For some time ice reminded us of the noise made by we got nearer to the land, but were the carriages in the streets of London, obliged at night to fasten the ship with when one is standing in the golden two grapnels to a large field. This was gallery of St. Paul's cathedral. The elevated between five and six feet mountains and large flakes of ice take above the water's edge, and between all manner of singular forms, some re-fifty and sixty feet in thickness below sembling castles, others churches,wag- it. It might be 300 feet in diameter, gons, and even creatures of various descriptions. As we or they changed positions, the same objects acquired a quite different appearance; and what had before appeared like a church, looked like a huge floating monster. Sitting on deck, and contemplating these wonderful works of God, I almost lost myself in endeavouring to solve the question,-"For what purpose these exhibitions are made, when so few can behold them, as they so soon vanish by returning to their former fluid and undefined state?" But surely every thing is done with design, though short-sighted man cannot comprehend it. Having in vain exerted ourselves to penetrate through the ice, we returned at night into the

open sea.


8th, the wind was north and strong, and we hoped that it would open a way for us to Hopedale, for we were in the latitude of that place.


"From the 9th to the 13th we were continually on different tacks, 'sometimes on the outside, and again among the ice, with various kinds of weather, and often prayed to the Lord to grant us soon to reach the end of our voyage. 13th, towards evening, we discovered an ice-mountain of immense height and length, flat at its top. As we approached it, we were enveloped in a thick fog, and could not see a yard from the ship, which increased the danger we were in of running foul of it and being lost, especially as the No. 9.-VOL. 1.


flat at the top, and as smooth as a meadow covered with snow. The wind has but little power over such huge masses, and they move very slowly with the current. There are small streams and pools of fresh water found on all those large pieces. Our situation_now defended us against the smaller flakes, which rushed by and were turned off by the large field, without reaching the ship. We were all well pleased with our place of refuge, and lay here three whole days, with the brightest weather, and as safe as in the most commodious haven; but I cannot say that I felt easy, though I hid my anxiety from the party. I feared that a gale of wind might overtake us in this situation, and carry fields larger than that at which we lay, when the most dreadful consequences might ensue; and the sequel proved, that I was not much mistaken.

"On the 17th, the wind came round to the south, and we conceived fresh hopes of the way being rendered open for us.

"18th, the weather was clear, and the_wind in our favour; we therefore took up our grapnel, got clear of our floating haven, and again endeavoured to penetrate through some small openings. Both we and the ship's company were peculiarly impressed with gratitude for the protection and rest we had enjoyed, and the warmth of a summer's sun felt very comfortable among these masses of ice. The clea

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ness of the atmosphere to-day caused them to appear singularly picturesque. It seemed as if we were surrounded by immense white walls and towers. In the afternoon we had penetrated to the open water, between the ice and the land, but we durst not venture nearer, as the sea is here full of sunken rocks, and the captain knew of no harbour on this part of the coast. Having found another large piece of ice convenient for the purpose, we fastened the ship to it. In the evening a thick fog overspread us from the north-east, and we were again quite surrounded by ice, which, however, was soon after dispersed by a strong north-west wind.

a distance, towards which we were driving, without the power of turning aside. Between six and seven, we were again roused by a great outcry on deck. We ran up, and saw our ship, with the field to which we were fast, with great swiftness approaching towards the mountain; nor did there appear the smallest hope of escaping being crushed to atoms between it and the field. However, by veering out as much cable as we could, the ship got to such a distance, that the mountain passed through between us and the field. We all cried fervently to the Lord for speedy help in this most perilous situation; for if we had but "In the night between the 19th and touched the mountain, we must have 20th we were driven back by a strong been instantly destroyed. One of our current to nearly the same situation we cables was broken, and we lost a graphad left on the 17th, only somewhat nel. The ship also sustained some danearer to the coast. On the 20th the mage. But we were now left to the morning was fine, and we vainly en- mercy of the storm and current, both deavoured to get clear, but towards of which were violent; and exposed evening the sky lowred, and it grew likewise to the large fields of ice, very dark. The air also felt so very which floated all around us, being oppressive, that we all went to bed, from ten to twenty feet in thickness. and every one of us was troubled with The following night was dreadfully uneasy dreams. At midnight we heard dark, the heavens covered with the a great noise on deck. We hastened blackest clouds, driven by a furious thither to know the cause, and found wind; the roaring and the howling of the ship driving fast towards a huge the ice, as it moved along, the fields ice-mountain, on which we expected shoving and dashing against each every moment to suffer shipwreck. other, was truly terrible. A fender The sailors exerted themselves to the was made of a large beam, suspended utmost, but it was by God's merciful by ropes to the ship's sides, to secure providence alone that we were saved. her in some measure from the ice; but The night was excessively cold with the ropes were soon cut by its sharp rain, and the poor people suffered edges, and we lost the fender. Remuch. We were now driven to and peated attempts were now made to fro, at the mercy of the ice, till one in make the ship again fast to some large the morning, when we succeeded in field; and the second mate, a clever fastening the ship again to a large young man, full of spirit and willingfield. But all this was only the pre-ness, swung himself several times off, lude to greater terrors. Deliverance from danger is so gratifying, that it raises one's spirits above the common level. We made a hearty breakfast, and retired again into our cabins. At one, the cook, in his usual boisterous way, roused us by announcing dinner, and putting a large piece of pork, and a huge pudding upon the table, of which we partook with a good appetite, but in silence, every one seemingly buried in thought, or only half awake. Shortly after, the wind changed to north-east and north, increasing gradually, till it turned into a furious storm. Topmasts were lowered, and every thing done to ease the ship. We now saw an immense ice-mountain at

and upon such fields as approached us, endeavouring to fix a grapnel to them, but in vain, and we even lost another grapnel on this occasion. The storm indeed dispersed the ice, and made openings in several places; but our situation was thereby rendered only still more alarming, for when the ship got into open water, her motion became more rapid by the power of the wind, and consequently the blows she received from the ice more violent. Whenever therefore we perceived a field of ice through the gloom, towards which we were hurried, nothing appeared more probable, than that the violence of the shock would determine our fate, and be attended with imme

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