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God, though lightly regarded by many, is a grievous sin against our Creator. These are days when sin, as God defines it, should be clearly set before the people. How many of us think of forgetfulness as a sin? Yet, according to the solemn language of Psalm ix., "The wicked should be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Moses exhorted the Israelities to remember the celebration of the Passover in Egypt, which plainly points us to the value and efficacy of Christ's redeeming blood. "Without shedding of blood there is no remission." It is well for redeemed men to remember the period when God, in His infinite mercy, delivered their souls from the thraldom of sin and spoke the message of pardon to their troubled consciences through the precious blood of a dying Saviour. But we must not forget that the day which brought deliverance to God's people of old, was a day of judgment to every house which had not upon it the blood mark of the slain passover lamb. For those who do not by faith personally appropriate the benefits of Christ's atoning and cleansing blood, there will come a day of judgment which shall evoke from such a cry worse than that heard in Egypt on a night never to be forgotten by its appalled inhabitants. Solomon the wise exhorts to remembrance of the Creator in the days of man's youth-a strong appeal to the young of our own day, when there is so much which tends to obliterate the sense of God's claims upon us. Observance of the

Sabbath day is a precept emphatically enforced, as the one command in the Decalogue prefaced by the word "Remember." We are living in days when this obligation in regard to what is now the Lord's Day is most fearfully assailed, not only by an ungodly world, but by many who are reckoned as religious people. Surely, prefaced by such an emphatic word, the one day's rest in seven, connected as it is with the crowning work of creation, was to be binding on the nations of this earth, throughout all time. England, with all her grandeur and greatness, will go down lower and lower amongst the nations, if she once loses the blessing of the Lord's-day. In St. Luke's Gospel, we have several instances of the same emphasis in connexion with the danger of ungodly alliance (xvii. 32); the tortures of memory endured by the lost (xvi. 25); and the prayer of a believing soul (xxiii. 42). The letters of the word "Remember " may be traced in the verses of the chapter from which the word is taken-namely, Eph. ii.-where we have the Ruin wrought by sin (verse 1); the Eternity of Divine love (4); Manifestation of God's power (5, 6); Exceeding riches of His grace (7); Made nigh by Christ's blood (13); the Blessing of His peace (14-17); the Excellence of the building (20, 21); the Return Jesus has promised-mentioned so many times as a theme of the great Apostle to the Gentiles. True decision for Christ is the only thing which can fit us for His blessed



After the singing of a hymn, the CHAIRMAN expressed his earnest desire for practical results from happy privileges enjoyed in the teaching afforded at the Conference meetings. He said :

We have heard the last address in this Convention, and have sung our last song of praise thereat. What is to be the outcome of it all? Our meetings have been promoted with the object of bringing Christians closer together. I am glad to acknowledge my indebtedness to Nonconformist brethren who were the means of draw. ing me into the activities of Christian work. We may not all be called to give public addresses, but all of us can be helpers in some way. None can tell what the Lord may direct us to do, as the result of what we have heard; but I am quite sure He has a word for every one of us. The recent Keswick Convention was a heaven upon earth to me. There I met with two young

ladies, who found Christ through the influence of the happy faces they saw and the joyful songs they heard there. What is keeping folks away from Christ? Surely one thing is the doleful appearance of those who should rejoice in the Lord. Tell me that my sins are forgiven, that God's gift to me is eternal life, and may I not well rejoice? It is easy to understand why Salvationists throw their caps into the air and shout "Hallelujah!" We have listened to very deep truths, but may I commend you to one little word which we can all understand-helps. God grant that as we leave this hall it may be as helpers of God's work in the world.

The Rev. R. W. ATKINSON offered fervent prayer, and also closed this happy and profitable Conference with the Benediction.

The Record had the following leading article on the Conference :


The proceedings at the Annual Conference of the Evangelical Alliance at Tunbridge Wells this week demand more than a passing notice. The Conference has met at a time when the question of Christian reunion is more frequently considered and discussed than it has ever been before. Even the Church of Rome is reading the signs of the times in this matter, but neither the wooing voice of the Pope nor the threats of the Cardinal affect, or can ever hope to affect, the mind or the

heart of Protestant Christians. Indeed, the recent utterances from the Vatican and from Preston almost suggest, as Archdeacon Richardson reminded the Conference on Wednesday, that Jesuitism has forgotten her cunning. But Protestants are ever mindful of the semper eadem of Rome, and they turn from her arrogant proposals for absorption to the more charitable suggestions of their brethren in Christ. But it is felt by many of the wisest and best of men that the time of reunion is not yet. There is, how

ever, no reason why, until the barriers are removed, Christians should not join hands across the wall of partition and unite in a common work for their common Lord.

It is to the promotion of such a union that the Evangelical Alliance has been nearly for half a century directing its efforts, and, it must be thankfully admitted, with very considerable success. Unum corpus sumus in Christo has been alike its motto and its basis of appeal. It has never lowered its flag to suit the changing temper of the age. It insists to-day, as strongly as it did in 1846, upon the Divine inspiration, authority, and sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures; the right and duty of private judgment; the Unity of the Godhead, and the Trinity of persons therein; the utter depravity of human nature in consequence of the fall; the Incarnation of the Son of God, His work of atonement, and His mediatorial intercession and reign; the justification of the sinner by faith alone; the work of the Holy Spirit in the conversion and sanctification of the sinner; the immortality of the soul, the resurrection of the body, the judgment of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, with the eternal blessedness of the righteous, and the eternal punishment of the wicked; and the Divine institution of the Christian ministry, and the obligation and perpetuity of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Many of these doctrines are regarded in the world as "old-fashioned," and not adapted to the spirit of the time; but the Evangelical Alliance does well to inscribe them on its banner in 1894 as clearly as it did in 1846, for there can be no effective united action in Christian work except upon a Christian basis. The Alliance has become an almost world-wide organisation. Since its inauguration it has held nine International Conferences, and Evangelical Christians of all nations have rejoiced together in the fellowship of the Gospel. The Alliance has never been content with a sentimental unity, although, perhaps, it has done more than any other one body to promote brotherly love and fraternal intercourse amongst those who hold widely divergent views upon questions of Churchmanship and the like. It has set before itself the practical advancement of the cause of Christ both at home and abroad. It is the Evangelical Alliance which gave us the Week of Prayer, which has extended into almost every land, and is still spreading. It is the Evangelical Alliance which initiated the Christian Literature Society for India, while the Christian Evidence Society is also the outcome of one of its Annual Conferences. Its religious services in Exeter Hall for working men gave rise to the movement, now so popular in the poorer parts of London, of special services in theatres and halls. It has promoted Christian work on the Continent, and Mr. Frank Deacon explained to the Conference on Wednesday that its evangelical basis had suggested to Dr. M'All the lines upon which his great work in France might be successfully carried on. It has done much in the promotion of Christian enterprise at home, not only in removing difficulties, but in organising united efforts in such matters as the observance of the Lord's Day and in the maintenance of religious


liberty. But if we would learn what the Alliance has done in the cause of freedom of conscience we must look abroad rather than at home. The release of the Madiai in Florence and of Matamoros and his fellow Protestants in Spain through the action of the Alliance is now a matter of ancient history. More recently the Alliance has interceded with like results for missionaries and converts in Turkey, and in other countries where men and women have been persecuted for righteousness' sake. case of the two Armenians recently condemned to death, but afterwards released from prison through the efforts of the Evangelical Alliance, is fresh in the minds of all, and we can only hope and pray that the Alliance may yet be successful in bringing relief to the persecuted Stundists of Russia. But, strange as it may appear, the difficulties in the way of religious liberty are greater in Christian Russia than in Mohammedan Turkey. Mr. Arnold, on Tuesday night, explained to the Conference that the opposition comes from the Greek Church, which has hitherto rejected all overtures for peace. But the Lord reigneth, and united prayer and effort in a holy cause must in the end prevail.

It was on these lines that the Conference at Tunbridge Wells proceeded. There has been a clear recognition of the vital principles of Evangelical religion. In this connexion it is only necessary to mention the thoroughly scriptural address of Mr. Talbot Greaves yesterday morning on the Atonement. There is a grave tendency in the present day to obscure the nature and merit of the Sacrifice on Calvary. The Sacerdotalist, on the one hand, thinks it needs to be repeated, and blasphemously teaches the efficacy of the Sacrifice of the Mass; while Socinians, on the other hand, repudiate the doctrine of imputed righteousness through the Cross. Against these divergent views the Evangelical Alliance sets the Divine testimony. From doctrine to practice has been a natural step, and we find that the Conference concerned itself with definite work at home (e.g., the Christianizing of modern education and the repulse of modern unbelief), on the Continent (e.g., the McAll Mission and similar agencies), and in the further field abroad. Mr. Eugene Stock's address on the World's Evangelization was one of the most marked features of the Conference. If may be that the line he took was not new to many of those present, but that did not detract from the solemnity of the ground of his appeal. If it be that the non-evangelization of the world in the sense Mr. Stock set forth is delaying the Lord's return, then how grave is the responsibility resting upon the Christian Church! But it is such Conferences as these, where men and women holding the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace gather together, which are calcu lated to arouse sympathetic interest in, and practical effort towards supplying the world's needs. The primary qualification, however, for personal service is personal consecration, and so we find that the first meeting each day of the Conference had to do with personal religion. It would, indeed, be melancholy for anyone con. cerned in the welfare of others to have to admit 'My own vineyard have I not kept."


THE monthly meeting of Council was held on Thursday, October 11, the Treasurer presiding. After a passage of Scripture had been read by the Chairman, prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. Gritton.


The following persons were unanimously admitted to membership :

Mrs. General Anderson, Clevedon.
Miss Elizabeth Barrett, Clevedon.
Miss Heptinstall, Clevedon.
Miss Hayden, Clevedon.

Rev. Jas. F. Monckton, Clevedon.
Miss Hill, Clevedon.

Rev. W. C. Minifie, Bournemouth.
Mrs. Alfred E. Derry, London.
Colonel Phayre, London.
W. H. Seagram, Esq., London.
Rev. S. D. Stubbs, London.
Rev. E. R. Hassé, Bedford.
Hammond Chubb, Esq., Bickley.
Mr. J. M. Goodchild, Walthamstow.
Mr. W. H. Byfield, Tunbridge Wells.
Miss B. Christian-Davidson, London.

Mr. A. E. Blackman, Maidstone.
Rev. W. H. Collis, Maidstone.
Rev. A. Cochrane, Snodland.
Mrs. A. M. Furber, Maidstone.
Rev. Edward Fison, Maidstone.
Rev. S. Fisher, Maidstone.
Mr. Harry S. Harland, Maidstone.
Miss Marian B. Lovett, Maidstone.
Mr. Somers Muggeridge, Maidstone.
Miss Eliza T. Monckton, Maidstone.
Rev. H. Boys Roberts, Maidstone.
Major W. G. Small, Maidstone.
Rev. Jas. Spensley, Maidstone.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Walker, Maid-


Mr. Arnold and the Rev. Jas. Consterdine gave reports of Deputation Work since the last Council meeting.


It was reported that the Hon. P. Carteret Hill, chairman of the Tunbridge Wells Branch, whose illness was referred to at the last Council meeting, had died somewhat suddenly on the 13th ult., and this event had, of course, cast a solemnity over the proceedings of the Conference.

The Council desired that the Secretary should write to Mrs. Hill, expressing their deep sympathy with her in this bereavement, and also the sense of the great loss sustained not only by the Evangelical Alliance, but by the Christian Church generally, in the removal of one who had been so long and so earnestly devoted to the service of Christ.


The Secretary then gave a report on the recent Conference at Tunbridge Wells, stating that there had been very large attendances at all the meetings, and that the addresses had been greatly appreciated. The garden party, given by Mr. and Mrs. Deacon, at Mabledon, had also been very successful. Another interesting feature connected with the Conference was that the proceedings had been very widely reported in the press.

The Council expressed their gratification on hearing of the success of the Conference, and desired that their special thanks be conveyed to Mr. and Mrs. Deacon for their kind hospitality at Mabledon.


In regard to reprinting in separate form some of the addresses given at the Conference, there was a general expression of feeling that Dr. Jenkins' paper on Present-day Unbelief: and how to meet it," should be thus printed for wide circulation, and this proposal was unanimously agreed to. It was stated that Evangelical Christendom would contain a full report of the Conference, and many of the addresses in extenso.


The Secretary read a letter from the Rev. T. R. Ballantine, hon. secretary of the Belfast Branch, dated September 19, stating that "At a meeting of our Executive Committee, it was unanimously and most heartily decided to ask the Evangelical Alliance to do us the great favour of coming to our city next year. It is now many years since we had the honour of receiving the Alliance, and we trust we may have that pleasure in 1895."

It was then moved by John Paton, Esq., seconded by the Rev. Bishop Taylor, and unanimously resolved

"That the Council have received with much gratification this cordial communication from Belfast, and heartily accept the invitation to hold the annual conference next year in that city."


Communications, dated September 15 and October 16, were read from Dr. Baedeker, who is now travelling in Russia.


The Secretary read various communications from her Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, from the Constantinople Committee of the Alliance, and from other quarters, on the subject of Religious Liberty in the Turkish Empire.

The Secretary of the Constantinople Branch stated that the congregation at Ordou had now felt compelled to give up the point which had hitherto been urged-namely, that they should be allowed to hold their Sunday services in the pastor's house pending the building of their new church.

A further communication was read from the Rev. J. D. Houston, secretary of the Foreign Missions Committee of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Ireland, on the subject of the difficulties which had arisen at Antioch. Letters were also read from Mr. Kayayan, expressing his warm gratitude for the recent help rendered to him by the kind efforts of the secretary.


A communication was read from the Rev. Dr. Muirhead, of Shanghai, on the subject of the recent murder of the Rev. J. A. Wylie in China, and urging that the Alliance should use its influence to ensure protection for the missionaries and converts. Dr. Muirhead stated that the Chinese authorities were quite capable of affording this protection if they saw distinctly that the British and other Governments would insist upon their doing so.


A letter was read from Madame Lopez Rodriguez, cordially thanking the Council for their vote of £20 towards the expenses of the recent trial of Don Alexander.


MR. ARNOLD reported to the Council, that by invitation of the Rev. James Ormiston, the convener of the Clifton Conference, he had addressed that assembly on the afternoon of October 3 on the subject of religious persecutions, and particularly referred to the case of the Stundists of Russia. The object of the address was to evoke interest and prayer on behalf of these suffering people. The attendance at the meeting was large, and much sympathy seemed to be awakened in the subject. One of the Christian friends who was present was so impressed with the value of this department of the work of the Alliance that she expressed her desire to be enrolled as a member and an annual subscriber. Many of the audience, however, were already members of the Alliance, and were glad to have the opportunity of hearing the Secretary's statement in regard to the work of the Alliance on behalf of religious liberty.

Proceeding to Clevedon, Mr. Arnold had the opportunity of addressing a meeting which had been kindly convened by the Rev. G. L. and Mrs. Fenton. There was a good attendance, and the Rev. C. Marson, vicar of Clevedon, presided. After prayer had been offered by the Rev. Edward Forbes, the chairman expressed his warm attachment to the principles of the Alliance, and his deep interest in all its work. He thought that now, more than ever, there was need for such an Alliance between all those who held fast to the fundamental truths of the Gospel, especially when Ritualisin and Sacerdotalism were making such efforts as were now visible. The Secretary in the course of his address, touched upon the principles of the Alliance, but dwelt more particularly upon its work, giving illustrations of the great value of the Week of Universal Prayer, and also of the efforts of the Alliance in promoting Christian union and brotherly love. He then described the action taken by the Alliance in favour of religious liberty in various countries, and

particularly the work of the past year on behalf of persecuted Christians in Russia, Turkey and other lands. The address evoked many expressions of sympathy and interest; and at the close of the meeting, a collection was taken in aid of the funds of the Alliance, and several new members were enrolled.

On Tuesday, September 18, the Rev. J. Consterdine paid a visit to Maidstone, where, by the kind hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fremlin, a number of friends were gathered together in a tent erected for the purpose in their garden at Heathfield. After Mr. Consterdine had spoken of the work of the Alliance and one or two local friends had addressed the meeting, a collection was made, and several names were given for membership. In the evening, by the kindness of the Rev. Jno. Roe, vicar of St. Paul's, Maidstone, a public meeting was held in his schoolroom, at which he presided, and Mr. Consterdine described the principles and aims of the Alliance. As a result of this visit over £7 was taken for the funds of the Alliance, and sixteen new members were enlisted, six of whom were in the ministry.

[blocks in formation]

A meeting of the Dublin Council was held on Monday, October 8. Mr. Thomas White-Fisher presided, and prayer was offered by the Rev. R. D. Bluett, B.D.


The following persons were then unanimously admitted to membership: Mr. Gustavus A. R. Wade, Mullingar; Mr. John Gurvey, Ballina; the Rev. J. D. E. Newcombe, B.D., Edenderry; Miss Maria Weir, Mr. H. B. Dawson, Dublin; the Rev. W. R. Carson, Clonmel; the Rev. J. C. Trotter, Ardrahan; the Rev. William Hall, LL.D., and Mr. John Neely, Maghira.


The Rev. D. Mullan reported that the annual Christian Convention, which is now held under the auspices of the Dublin Branch of the Alliance, had met in the last week in September. It was the twenty-first of these annual assemblies, and it was felt by those attending to have been one of the most interesting and profitable that had been held. Nearly 150 ministers of all Protestant denominations, and from all parts of the country, accepted the invitation, and the attendance at the various meetings was in advance of recent years.

The proceedings opened with a conversazione on Monday evening, September 24, when a pleasant hour of Christian fellowship was enjoyed. It was followed by a public meeting in the Large Hall, at which Lord Bangor, President of the Irish Branch, took the chair, and gave a cordial welcome to those present. Interesting addresses were delivered by the Archdeacon of Glendalough, the Rev. R. M'Cheyne Edgar, D.D., and the Rev. Wesley Guard. The proceedings commenced each day with a prayer meeting in the morning, and meetings at which addresses were delivered by the appointed speakers were held at 11.30 a.m., at 3 o'clock, and at 7.30 p.m.


Impressive addresses were delivered by the Rev. E. W. Moore, of Wimbledon, on "The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit"; by Professor Laidlaw, D.D., of the New College, Edinburgh, on "The Measure of Christian Holiness"; on Growing in love to Christ," by the Rev. F. A. C. Lillingston, of London; "Love to our Fellow Men," by the Rev. W. J. Dawson, London; "The Royal Priesthood," by the Rev. Richard Hobson, Liverpool. Pastor Sawday, of Leeds, spoke with much power upon the subject of Salvation: Not by Works, but by Grace"; and the Rev. John Bond, of London, upon "Practical Christianity," &c.


On the afternoon of Wednesday an interesting conference on "Home Reunion in Ireland" was held. Mr. David Drummond, J.P., presided, and papers were read on the subject by the Rev. R. D. Bluett (Episcopalian), the Rev. Samuel Prenter (Presbyterian), and the Rev. Dr. McMullen (Methodist). It was followed by an open conference, in which the Rev. Dr. Fletcher, the Rev. C. H. Crookshank, Mr. John R. Fowler, and the Rev. J. Denham Osborne took part. The discussion was characterised by the utmost harmony and good feeling. On Wednesday evening a meeting was held in the interests of Foreign Missions, at which stirring addresses

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