The Reverend Mark Twain: Theological Burlesque, Form, and ContentOhio State University Press, 2006 - 228 sider "I was made in His image," Mark Twain once said, "but have never been mistaken for Him." God may have made Mark Twain in His image, but Twain frequently remade himself by adopting divine personae as part of his literary burlesque. Readers were delighted, rather than fooled, when Twain adopted the image of religious vocation throughout his writing career: Theologian, Missionary, Priest, Preacher, Prophet, Saint, Brother Twain, Holy Samuel, the Bishop of New Jersey, and of course, the Reverend Mark Twain. Joe B. Fulton has not written a study of Samuel Langhorne Clemens's religious beliefs, but rather one about Twain's use of theological form and content in a number of his works-some well-known, others not so widely read. Twain adopted such religious personae to burlesque the religious literary genres associated with those vocations. He wrote catechisms, prophecies, psalms, and creeds, all in the theological tradition, but with a comic twist. Twain even wrote a burlesque life of Christ that has the son of God sporting blue jeans and cowboy boots. With his distinctive comic genius, Twain entered the religious dialogue of his time, employing the genres of belief as his vehicle for criticizing church and society. Twain's burlesques of religious form and content reveal a writer fully engaged with the religious ferment of his day. Works like The Innocents Abroad, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc, Roughing It, and What Is Man? are the productions of a writer skilled at adopting and adapting established literary and religious forms for his own purposes. Twain is sometimes viewed as a haphazard writer, but in The Reverend Mark Twain, Fulton demonstrates how carefully Twain studied established literary and theological genres to entertain-and criticize-his society. Book jacket. |
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The Reverend Mark Twain: Theological Burlesque, Form, and Content Joe B. Fulton Begrænset visning - 2006 |
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Adventures of Huckleberry aesthetics Aix-les-Bains American Arc's argues asserts Bakhtin believe Berkeley biblical blank cartridge boys burlesque California Press Calvin Calvinist carnival chapter 53 character Christian Science church service classical contrast creeds criticism dialogue discussion doctrine Doxology elements epic Essays example Ezekiel fact fairy tale form and content formal genre grotesque realism hagiography Holy Huck Huckleberry Finn human humor hymn Innocents Abroad Jim Blaine Joan of Arc Library of America literary forms Mark Twain Miss Wagner MTNJ narrative narrator notebook novel Old Ram parodia sacra parody Personal Recollections Presbyterian prophecy prophetic form question readers reality Recollections of Joan religious Reverend Mark Twain Roughing Sabbath saint Sawyer Second Advent sermon Shorter Catechism singing Sketches Socratic structure suggests Sunday Sunday-school books theological tion Tom Sawyer traditional trebling Twain creates Twain depicts Twain employs Twain wrote Twain's burlesque University of California wildcat wildcat religions William Dean Howells worship writing