M. Kenedy, R. A. Lancaster, D. J. McRae, W. V. Newsom, W. R. O. Veal, N. D. Phillips, J. M. Samuel, P. H. Strausz, S. Stringer, J. N. Taylor, Jno. P. Wall, DeWitt Webb and Henry Bacon. Immediately after the roll call, Dr. Frank H. Caldwell arose and made brief but touching remarks on the absence of our Secretary, Dr. A. W. Knight, deceased. That Dr. Knight had long filled the position of Secretary, and that his genial smile and pleasant countenance were lost to us forever, and, as a slight token to his memory, moved that the Association adjourn until 8 P. M. Motion was seconded and carried. M. The Association met pursuant to adjournment at 8 P. The President in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, The President then, read his annual address, which was listened to with marked attention, and after its completion Dr. Fernandez moved that a committee be appointed, by the Vice-president, to consider the President's address. and report on same. This was carried, and Drs. Gary, Caldwell and Fernandez were appointed as said committee. Dr. Dwelly, of Ocala, moved that Dr. Chettock and Dr. Lyons, of Indiana, be invited to seats on the floor of this Association, which was carried. The Committee on Credentials asked for information in regard to who are eligible to membership in the Association. The President stated that members of the Association shall be physicians in good standing and graduates of some reputable medical college. The matter was discussed by Drs. Wall, Gary, Caldwell, Porter, Webb and others, the discussion taking a wide range. Dr. Dubois appealed from the decision of the chair. The sense of the house, after a lengthy discussion, was taken, and the decision of the chair sustained. It was moved and carried that a Committee on Necrology be appointed to act on the death of Drs. A. W. Knight and J. A. Alexander. The President appointed Drs. Dean, Webb and Merrell as said committee. The election of a permanent Secretary was then, upon motion, entered into. Dr. R. H. Dean, of Leesburg, was nominated for the position, and the Secretary was authorized to cast the ballot, which was in the affirmative, and Dr. Dean was declared duly elected. Reports of officers and standing committees were then called. Dr. J. M. Jackson, Jr., chairman of the Committee on Ethics, reported that said committee asked further time, and would report to-morrow. The Committee on Accounts, through its chairman, Dr. Bacon, also asked further time to make a report. Dr. Caldwell, chairman of Committee on Publication, reported that the bill for publishing the proceedings for the past year had been paid without consulting the committee. The Treasurer stated that the bill had been approved by the former Secretary, and hence he had paid it. Dr. Gary, chairman of the Committee on Arrangements, reported that the committee extended to the Association an invitation to go on an excursion to Blue Springs Homosassa, etc., on Thursday, the 10th, and that they had secured reduced railroad and hotel rates, etc. Dr. Webb moved that a vote of thanks be extended to Dr. Gary and the Marion County Medical Society for the hearty reception and welcome extended to this Association, which motion was duly adopted. Dr. Caldwell moved that 8 o'clock to-morrow night be set aside for the discussion of matters pertaining to the State Examining Board. This, on motion, was changed to 2 o'clock P. M., Wednesday. Dr. Fernandez stated that Dr. A. T. Cuzner, of Jacksonville, though not a member of the Association, was present, and desired to read a paper before the body, and moved that an opportunity be afforded the gentleman to do so on to-morrow, when the regular order of papers shall be taken up. This motion was adopted. The following gentlemen were nominated for membership and their names handed to the Committee on Credentials: Dr. D. C. Judson, of Melbourn; Dr. N. A. Williams, of Macon; Dr. O. E. Worcester, of Conant; Drs. C. R. Oglesby, H. L. Simpson and W. E. Anderson, of Pensacola; Drs. S. W. Moody and J. M. Thompson, of Ocala; Dr. J. D. Bennett, of Crystal River; Dr. Andrew McBride, of Citra; Dr. George E. Shuey, of McClenny; Dr. J. H. Douglass, of Jacksonville; Dr. R. T. Walker, of Cedar Key, and Dr. A. A. Alston, of Belleview. It was moved and carried that the Secretary cast the ballot for the above named gentlemen. The ballot being cast in the affirmative for each, they were declared duly elected. On motion, Association adjourned to Wednesday morning, 9 A. M. MORNING SESSION-SECOND DAY. WEDNESDAY, April 9th. The Association met pursuant to adjournment at 9 A. M., with the President in the chair. The minutes of previous session were read and approved. The Committee on Ethics, through Dr. J. M. Jackson, Jr., of Bronson, made the following written report (see Appendix, B). This report was received and referred to the Publishing Committee. The Committee on Necrology, Dr. Webb, chairman, then reported on the death of Drs. A. W. Knight, of Jacksonville, and J. A. Alexander, of Citra. Report referred to Committee on Publication. (See Appendix, C.) Dr. Daniel, chairman of Committee of State Board of Health, made the following report (see Appendix, D). Which was received, referred to Committee on Publication, and committee discharged. A telegram was received by the Secretary from the Florida Pharmaceutical Association, in session at Tampa, sending greetings and asking when and where the next meeting of the Florida Medical Association will take place. The Secretary was authorized to answer the same, whenever the place and time of meeting was decided upon. The consideration of the place for the next meeting was then taken up, and Dr. Pierpont, in a few appropriate words, extended an invitation from the Escambia County Medical Society to have the State Association meet in Pensacola at its next session. Dr. Daniel extended an invitation to the Association to meet in Jacksonville. Dr. Wall, of Tampa, did the same for Tampa, taking the ground that it is a more accessible place, and that more members on that account will attend. It was moved and seconded that the place for the next meeting be selected by ballot. Drs. Johnson and Hodges were appointed tellers. The vote being polled, it was found that Pensacola had received a majority of the votes, and this decision was, upon motion, made unanimous. The time of meeting was then discussed, and it was finally decided that it should be on the second Tuesday in April, 1891. Reports from County Medical Societies were then called for. Dr. Hodges, Secretary of the Alachua County Medical Society, made the following report, which was referred (see Appendix, E). Dr. Pierpont made a verbal report from the Escambia County Medical Society. He stated that apathy had existed in his county, and the old society had gone out of existence last year this society was reorganized with fourteen members, and it is now in a flourishing condition, and holds meetings twice a month. Drs. Miller and Stollenwerck, delegates from Duval County Medical Society, being absent, no report was made from that county. Dr. Peeler, from Osceola County, reported that a society had recently been organized with four members, which includes all the regular members of the profession in his county. They have no stated meetings, but meet when they can, and the society is getting along very well. Dr. E. Van Hood, Secretary of Marion County Medical Society, being absent, Dr. Gary, the President, made the following report: That interest in the society languishes, as it is composed principally of country physicians and it is difficult for them to get together, but they have stated meetings, and the profession of the county is a unit. Dr. DeWitt Webb, of St. Johns County Medical Society, reported that six members constituted their mem bership. That the society had sent to the Committee on Ethics a question of ethics, which had arisen among them relating to physicians taking contract practice. This matter has been reported on by the Committee on Ethics. (See report of same.) The resignation of Dr. F. H. Caldwell, as Librarian, was read and accepted. Dr. J. H. Douglas, of Jacksonville, was nominated and duly elected to fill the vacancy. of retiring Librarian, $4.58, was ordered paid. Bill Dr. Dean, elected Secretary at yesterday's session, arose and said that he could not hold the office, that his time and health would not permit, and therefore resigned. His resignation was accepted, and Dr. Fernandez was nominated for the office, and duly elected, The Treasurer then made his annual report for the year 1889. (See Appendix, A.) This report was received and approved and referred to Committee on Publication. The Treasurer also read a letter from Dr. C. J. Kenworthy, tendering his resignation as a member of this Association, which was, on motion, received. The Secretary read a letter and presented a bill from Dr. L. J. Burton; the latter covering expenses to Tallahassee on Board of Health Committee. On motion of Dr. Strausz, the bill was ordered paid. |