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Dr. J. D. Fernandez then introduced the following resolution, which was carried unanimously:

Resolved, That hereafter no bills will be paid by this Association for services rendered by any of its members in connection with the interests of this body, unless by special order.

On motion of Dr. Strausz, the Committee on Board of Health was tendered thanks for services rendered.

On motion, Drs. W. A. Spence and J. D. Mitchell, of Jacksonville, were elected honorary members and relieved from payment of dues.

The following resolution, introduced by Dr. Stringer, was adopted:

Resolved, That the Secretary be required to ascertain from the members of this Association the date of their graduation, the name of the college at which they graduated, and to place the same opposite their respective names on the Constitutional Roll,

The Committee on the President's address made the following report:

OCALA, FLA., April 9th, 1890,

Florida State Medical Association:

Your committee, to whom was referred the able and interesting address of your worthy President, beg leave to make the following report:

Upon a careful examination of same, we find only one or two points requiring any legislation thereto at this meeting.

On page 6, section 5, the proper remuneration of physicians as experts. This being a judicial question, definitely settled by the several Supreme Courts of various States, cannot be influenced or amended by any suggestions on our part as an Association, to the law-makers of our State. We feel our Legislature should provide for our protection, but they have repeatedly refused to do so.

Page 7, section 2, has already been provided for, and committees will report. The character of the address being sanitary and legislative, would suggest that copies be forwarded to our representatives of the State Legislature, and to our State Board of Health for their consideration. THOS. P. GARY, Chairman.

The report of the committee was accepted and committee discharged.

The Association then went into the election of officers for the ensuing year, with the following result:

President-Dr. Thos. P. Gary, of Ocala.

Ist Vice-President-Dr. S. Stringer, Brooksville.
2d Vice-President-Dr. J. Harris Pierpont, Pensacola.
Librarian-Dr. J. H. Douglas, Jacksonville.

Secretary and Treasurer-Dr. J. D. Fernandez, Jacksonville.

The delegates to the American Pharmaceutical Association were continued.

Dr. R. P. Daniel then read a very able and interesting paper on State Board of Health, which, on motion, was referred to the Publication Committee, and the thanks of the Association were tendered to Dr. Daniel. (See Appendix, G.)

The retiring President then appointed Dr. F. H. Caldwell a committee of one, to conduct the newly elected President to the chair. On taking the same, Dr. Gary thanked the Association for the honor conferred upon him. Said that he saw many members of the Association present who had been connected with it longer, and had labored harder to promote its interests in the past than he had, but he felt that there were none present who would do more to further its prosperity in the future than himself.

On motion, the Association adjourned until 2 P. M.

SECOND DAY-AFTERNOON SESSION. The Convention was called to order at 2:25 P. M., President Gary in the chair.

On motion, 8 P. M. was made a special hour for hearing reports from Medical Examining Boards.

A bill of Dr. R. A. Lancaster, for expenses for the past year in connection with his official duties, amounting to $23.00, was ordered paid.

Reports of Standing Committees being called for, President Gary responded as chairman of Section on Medicine, with a paper entitled, "The Selection of Remedies," the reading of which was listened to with marked interest, and, on motion, was referred to the Publication Committee. (See Appendix, H.)

Dr. F. H. Caldwell, chairman of Committee on Surgery, read a paper on "Railroad Surgery." (See Appendix. J.) It was listened to with marked attention, and referred to the Committee on Publication, after being discussed by Drs. Wall, Webb, Strausz and others.

Dr. N. D. Phillips, chairman of Section on Gynecology, presented an able paper on the above subject, which, after being read, was referred to the Publication Committee. (See Appendix, K.)

Dr. Jos. Y. Porter, chairman of Section on State Medicine, presented a paper on State Medicine which was read in his usual effective manner, and was listened to with interest, and, at its conclusion, the same was referred to Committee on Publication. (See Appendix, L.)

On motion, a special committee was appointed on Nomenclature, with instructions to report at the next annual meeting. The President named Drs. Porter, Caldwell and Phillips as members of same.

Dr. J. D. Fernandez presented a paper on "Microscopic Aid to Diagnosis," which was listened to by the members of the Association with appreciative attention; he also presented some specimens for inspection, which were examined with pleasure and profit by the members. Appendix, M.)


The following resolution was proposed by Dr. Daniel: Resolved, That Article 10 of the Constitution be amended so as to substitute the word "three" for "five" in the second line, next to the last word in the line.

Dr. J. P. Wall, chairman of Section on Obstetrics, read an able and instructive paper entitled "Puerperal Convul

sions." After some discussion the paper was referred to the Publication Committee. (See Appendix, N.)

A volunteer paper by Dr. Cuzner, subject, "Epidemic Influenza," was then read by that gentleman and listened to with a great deal of interest. A vote of thanks was tendered Dr. Cuzner for his paper, and it was ordered referred to the Publication Committee. (See Appendix, O.)

A volunteer paper by Dr. Van Hood, entitled "Gunshot Wounds," was read, and, after some discussion, referred to the Publication Committee. (See Appendix, P.) The following committees for the ensuing year, were then appointed by the President:


1. Medicine: Dr. J. F. McKinstry.

2. Surgery: Dr. F. F. Smith,

3. Gynecology: Dr. S. Stringer.
4. Hygiene: Dr. Jno. P. Wall.

4. Diseases of children: Dr. R. H. Dean.


Drs. R. P. Daniel, A. J. Wakefield and P. J. Stollenwerck.


Drs J. D. Fernandez, F. H. Caldwell and Solace. Mitchell.


Drs. DuBois, M. Kenedy and Phillips.


Dr. Pierpont, chairman, with power to add.

Dr. DeWitt Webb.



Drs. S. Stringer, R. A. Lancaster, P. H. Strausz, J. P. Wall, F. H. Caldwell, DeWitt Webb, M. Kenedy, J. N. D. Cloud, O. E. Worcester and G. V. Newsom.

The following preamble and resolution was introduced. by Dr. Jno. P. Wall, and adopted by the Association.

WHEREAS, There seems to be some difference of opinion with regard to the construction of the act "To regulate the practice of medicine and establish Medical Examining Boards" among the several Examining Boards, be it, therefore,

Resolved, That it is the sense of the Florida Medical Association that, in the true interpretation of the act referred to, the Medical Examining Boards have no right to examine any applicant except upon the production of a Diploma, or to issue a certificate to any practitioner unless he is a graduate of medicine.

Dr. Fernandez moved that the resolution of Dr. Wall be printed at once, and a copy be sent to each member of the Association and all the members of the Examining Boards. And the expense of the same be borne by the Association. Which resolution was adopted.

On motion, the Association adjourned until 8 P. M.


The Association met, pursuant to adjournment, at 8 P. M. President Gary in the chair.


Minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Reports from the Examining Boards were then called

Report from the first judicial district was read and, on motion, received. The second and third districts were not represented. Report from the fourth district was made by Dr. Fernandez. Report from the fifth district was made by Dr. Strausz. Report from the sixth district was made by Dr. M. Kenedy. And report from the seventh district was made by Dr. Caldwell.

These reports led to a lengthy discussion on the part of the different members of Examining Boards present and members of the society, after which the Association adjourned to meet at the train to-morrow morning to accompany Dr. Gary and the Marion County Medical Society to Homosassa.

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