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was wanting in this spirit that Church was also wanting in energy and life at home. In fact, he could not conceive of a true Church being destitute of this spirit. (Hear.) The world contained nearly eight hundred millions of beings, who were sailing down the stream of life -who were about to take the deathplunge-without hope and without God in the world. These were the people who demanded their sympathies and their prayers; and, in the discharge of the obligations imposed upon them as Christians, they must seek with prayer and a liberal spirit to diffuse throughout the world those blessings of which they themselves were the recipients. He thought there should be greater liberality in the Church, and they must be prepared to make sacrifices for this cause. He had really felt ashamed, whilst the report was being read, to hear that during the past year they had only raised £30 in Huddersfield. He was sure they could do more, and he could only say, that if any four gentlemen or families in that meeting would promise an annual subscription of five guineas, he would raise his subscription to the same amount. (Hear, hear.) He was sure this could be done, and he thought they might also find twenty individuals who would give a guinea. (Hear, hear.) Now, if this were done, their next report would be much better than their present one. He hoped before the meeting was over to be able to announce that his offer had been accepted. The Rev. C. J. Donald, the Rev. J. Glendinning, the Rev. J. Bensley, the Rev. W. Mills, the Rev. Lot Saxon and the Rev. J. Stacey also addressed the meeting. While the collection was being made, the chairman said, he had very great pleasure in announcing that three individuals had promised annual subscriptions of five guineas, and a fourth had promised either to give or beg a five-guinea subscription. Three others had promised a guinea each, and two half a guinea each. These announcements were received with much satisfaction.-Leeds Mercury.

BOSTON CIRCUIT.-CHAPEL ANNIVERSARY.-The anniversary services connected with Zion Chapel, Boston, were held November 2nd and November 9th, 1851. The Rev. T. Allin favoured us with his aid on November 2nd, and preached two able sermons. Our old friend, John Shaw of Pudsey, preached November 9th. The annual tea-party was held in the chapel November 10th. Between two and three hundred persons sat down to tea. After tea, the meeting

was addressed by the Revs. J. Watts (Independent), J. F. Holmes (Independent), T. Rough (Baptist), J. Dickenson (Primitive), J. Nicholas and J. Shaw. The meeting was further enlivened by the choir, who sang some excellent pieces assisted by Mrs. Turner, Professor of Music. The proceedings of the evening gave universal satisfaction, and the friends separated equally delighted with the speaking and the singing.

The provisions were as usual kindly given by the friends, and the proceeds of the tea-party and the sermons amounted to £20 11s. Cd., being in advance of last year, though, in consequence of additional expenses, the net profits were a few shillings less than last anniversary. Nov. 21st, 1851.

J. N.

TESTIMONIAL TO A LOCAL PREACHER. GATESHEAD CIRCUIT.-On Monday evening, Nov. 10, a Circuit tea-meeting was held in Bethesda school-room, on the occasion of our respected brother and local preacher, William Turnball, leaving Gateshead for London. After tea he was presented by the Rev. W. Cocker, on behalf of the Circuit, with a copy of the Rev. Robert Hall's works, the Rev. Richard Watson's "Biblical and Theolological Dictionary," the Rev. Thomas Allin's work on "Modern Atheism," and the Rev. W. Cooke's "Theoites," as a token of respect and an expression of the estimation in which they view his past services to the Circuit. Addresses were delivered on the occasion by the Revs. W. Cocker and W. Beresford, and Messrs. Edward, Foreman, Halliday, Blenkinsop and Hetherington, on the adaptation of Methodism in its internal organization to bless the world, but more especially in reference to the united services of Circuit and local preachers and classleaders. The meeting was one of mingled sorrow and joy, and our hope is that our brother may speedily be directed by the providence of God into a field of labour where his services may be made an abundant blessing to the perishing souls of men.

[This good brother is now with us in London, and we hope his presence and help will prove a blessing to our Zion. -ED.]

OPENING OF SCOTLAND-STREET CHAPEL ORGAN.-On Sunday, Nov. 23rd, two sermons were preached in Scotlandstreet chapel, by the Rex. J. Poxon, on the occasion of opening the new organ in the above place of worship. The impressive discourses were listened to with the deepest attention by overflowing congregations, the chapel at night being

crowded to excess. The feelings of the audience during the services were overwhelming, and the singing, under the leadership of Mr. Cartwright, was such as had never been heard in the chapel before. The collections amounted to £20 3s. 1d. For some time the greatest excitement had prevailed with regard to the tea-meeting to be held in connexion with the opening services, 700 tickets having been disposed of ten days before the time. In order to accommodate such a large assembly, it was found necessary to commence tea at four o'clock, the body of the chapel being filled by that time, and before six o'clock the whole number, amounting to 800, had been accommodated. The chapel presented a noble and animated appearance, being crowded in every part, the organ pealing forth rich and melodious music, being a foretaste of the entertainment provided for the evening. After the meeting was opened with singing and prayer, it was moved by Mr. T. Hall, seconded by Mr. T. Firth, and passed by acclamation, that the Rev. J. Poxon should preside on the occasion. During his speech the rev. gentleman was frequently interrupted by manifestations of approbation. He reverted to the object of the meeting, the state of the Society, and gave a history of the introduction of the organ, and its future prospects. After alluding in a most affecting manner to the interest and affection he felt for the Church and congregation as their minister, and to the time he had spent among them, he resumed his seat amid loud and continued cheering. Here an anthem was sung by the choir, the rest of the evening being occupied by choice peeches and beautiful singing alternately. Mr. Swift was next called upon, who spoke on the advantages of the voluntary principle. Mr. S. Gleadill then moved a vote of thanks to the young ladies, which, being seconded by the Rev. W. Burrows and supported by Messrs. Taylor and Hallam, was carried by acclamation. Mr. F. Newbery (the eldest son of the late Rev. F. Newbery, once minister in this town) next proposed a vote of thanks to the young gentlemen who had so generously assisted at the tables. The Rev. T. Rudge, in an animated speech, seconded the motion, which was passed amid much cheering.

J. Wittaker, Esq., of Hurst, then came forward and expressed the delight and pleasure he had felt during the meeting, and moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Jones, the organ-builder; Mr. Hessey, the organist; and the choir, for

their efficient services; and his motion was seconded by Mr. G. Fox, in an animated speech of some length. A vote of thanks was passed to the organ committee, moved by Mr. J. Gleadill, seconded by Councillor Wood and supported by Mr. Bradburn, who expressed the sentiments of affection and esteem he held for the Rev. J. Poxon (the chairman of the committee), having sat under his ministry during his two years' stay at Birmingham. Mr. Poxon then vacated the chair, and Mr. Wittaker was called upon to occupy it. Councillor Crowther then moved a vote of thanks to the chairman for the pleasing manner in which he had conducted the business of the meeting. When the motion was put to the meeting, it was met by the strongest marks of approbation. Mr. Poxon then came forward and said," Dear brethren, I thank you sincerely for your kindness. I came amongst you a stranger, and you took me in; on all occasions you have been kind to me, very kind, and more than kind. Oh, there is a balm in Christian sympathy! and when I reach the end of the journey of life, I shall look back on this scene of my ministerial labours as a bright and sunny spot in the landscape of my exist ence; and believe me sincere in saying, that it is the prevailing desire of my heart to live and die with you." The reverend gentleman then sat down amidst loud and continued acclamations. After the benediction was pronounced the as sembly broke up, animated with the hope that when days and years are past they would all meet in heaven. Mr. Hessey, organist of South-street chapel, presided, and in a very talented and masterly style executed some of the most difficult music. The tone and tune of the organ are of a very superior character, and reflect the greatest eredit on the judgment and skill of Mr. Jones, the builder. The cost of the organ is £150, and it is inclosed in a case of Corinthian order (originated by Mr. F. Newbery), beautifully executed and richly gilt. The collections abovenamed, with the surplus of the bazaar and subscriptions, have served to defray the entire expense of the organ and necessary alterations.


(To the Editor.)

MY DEAR SIR,-Having, as you are aware, for many years taken a deep interest in everything relating to benefit or friendly societies, I feel it my duty to reply to the letter of "A Local Preacher" in your December number, and also to

your own remarks on the formation of a Connexional institution.

You believe the establishment of a Connexional sick and burial society to be quite practicable." So did the writer and a few other friends in 1849. I regret, however, to state that subsequent experience proved our expectations on this subject to have been fallacious. The necessity for such an institution was proved by the fact that some of our poor brethren were then subsisting on charity, owing to the failure of sick-clubs with which they had been connected for a long period of life, and on the funds of which they had depended for assistance in their declining years. To remedy this evil the brethren to whom I refer resolved to promote the establishment of a provident society on sound and equitable principles, and to confine it exclusively to the members and friends of our own community. With this view they employed Mr. Finlaison, the Government Actuary, and one of the most competent authorities of the day, to construct a set of tables so calculated as to provide against every contingency in life.

This was accomplished at an expense of about £50.

A very comprehensive code of rules was compiled with great consideration and care, and which were subsequently certified by J. Tidd Pratt, Esq.

A considerable number of tracts were issued, proving the insecure position of nearly all the existing benefitsocieties and secret orders, and the causes which had produced the ruin of thousands of such associations which had then ceased to exist.

The above publications were forwarded in the book-parcels to several of the leading Circuits, with a request that the same might be circulated. All our principal friends were corresponded with, and solicited to aid the institution by becoming directors or trustees. Yet all these efforts proved abortive. After this statement of facts, I leave it to you and A Local Preacher" to judge how far it is practicable to establish a Connexional sick and burial society.*


*We believe that both our principal friends and our ministers are behind no denomination in their desire to promote philanthropic institutions; but the subject was brought before the Connexion at a time of the most grievous commercial distress. We remember that during that period it required the constant attention of both ministers and wealthy friends to preserve numbers of our own poor members and still greater numbers of the general poor from absolute starvation. While we say this in

When, however, it was found impossible to accomplish this, the friends who had originated the movement determined to extend the basis of the contemplated association and throw it open to the public. They immediately succeeded in forming a highly respectable board of directors, including several clergymen of the established Church, and those of our own friends who had consented to act. The society was launched under the designation of the Equitable Provident Institution, the objects of which are:

A weekly allowance in sickness from 2s. 6d. to 12s. Sums at death of from £5 to £200.

Pensions in old age.

Endowments for children and adults.
Contingent endowments.

Medical advice and medicines.

The amount of success up to the present time has been, in the judgment of the writer, more than equivalent to the limited efforts which have been put forth to extend the principles of the society. The directors have practised the most rigid economy, and the writer believes that no similar institution has ever been founded for anything like the same limited amount of expenditure. It was resolved by the Board to proceed slowly and increase gradually, rather than by a large outlay to obtain a rapid accession of members.

The Equitable Provident Institution is now firmly established; it numbers 600 members, and is receiving daily accessions.

Branch societies exist in two or three provincial towns in the north of England, and I would strongly recommend "A Local Preacher" to set about the formation of one in his own Circuit. The directors are prepared to establish branch associations at their own expense, wherever TWENTY persons are willing to enrol themselves as members.

It would not be possible to secure for any Connexional institution superior advantages over those possessed by the Equitable Provident, and therefore I regard a separate society as being Now altogether unnecessary. The tables are

lower than those of other societies founded on similar principles; the direc

justice to our ministers and friends, we feel bound to add that great praise is due to Mr. Bates and other benevolent friends for the sacrifices they have made both in time and money to work out into a safe and practicable shape an institution which promises to do much good, and the advantages of which we recommend to the consideration of our friends throughout the Connexion.-ED.

tors having considered it of greater importance to a working-man that he be able to secure a certain advantage by the payment of a lower rate of premium amply sufficient to cover the risk than by the payment of a larger sum to provide a bonus at some distant period.

Every means has been taken to make the institution what its name imports, an "EQUITABLE PROVIDENT INSTITUTION." Its rules provide that, in the event of a member being out of employment, the payment of subscriptions may be suspended without incurring fines, so that a temporary illness may not necessitate the loss of membership; or if in the course of a few years a member should find himself unable to continue his contributions, whatever he has paid will be valued and returned in money, or he may retain his membership and receive such benefits as the amount he has paid will purchase.

Females are admissible as members. No meetings are held at public-houses.

Persons may insure for any one or all the advantages offered by the institution.

The government of the institution is under the entire control of the members. Existing benefit-societies may unite their interests with this institution.

My object, however, is not so much to point out the advantages in detail of the Equitable Provident Institution* as to show that a Connexional society is not practicable, and that the establishment of this institution has rendered such an association unnecessary.

I remain, dear Sir,
Yours truly,


Lansdowne Place, London Fields, Hackney, 17th Dec., 1851.

The rules and tables, price 2d., may be obtained, through any bookseller, of Houlston and Stoneman, Paternoster-row, where also may be had "Are Friendly Societies, Secret Orders, &c., Safe ?" price 1d.




OUR Community is called to sustain another loss in the death of our universally-beloved brother and minister the Rev. John Hilton. Words cannot express the shock we felt on opening the following note from our esteemed brother, the Rev. C. Ward of Stafford :

MY DEAR SIR,-It is my very painful duty to inform you that the Rev. J. Hilton is no more. He expired yesterday morning, after dressing and walking down stairs to breakfast! His end was rather sudden, although I had been expecting it some days. His expiring moments were characterized by eminent peace and confidence in the Saviour. May God sustain his sorrowing partner, and protect his fatherless children! No time for more. Yours very affectionately, C. WARD.

Stafford, Dec. 19, 1851.

It was only a few days before this we had received from Mr. Hilton the interesting and soul-stirring article on "Working for God," which appears in the present number of our Magazine. We had, indeed, no hope of our brother's recovery, but from the vigour of mind displayed in that

article and the physical strength necessary to write it, we thought it probable he might be spared a few months longer. But he is gonegone to his glorious reward; his pure spirit is translated from its shattered and suffering tenement to its eternal mansion above. We feel the losslanguage cannot express the sense of loss we feel in his removal; but our loss is his eternal gain! Our beloved brother was no ordinary character, either in intellectual power or religious principle and attainment. To a naturally vigorous and well-cultivated mind he united sterling integrity of principle, sincere and elevated piety, deep humility, ardent zeal for the divine glory, sincere love for his brethren in the ministry, and strong attachment to the Connexion. May the removal of one so excellent in character and in the noon-tide of

life quicken us all to increased devotedness and zeal! His example, and his dying words, summon us to "work while it is day!"


DIED, on Friday, the 14th of Nov., 1851, aged sixty-seven years, Mrs. Hilditch of Fenton, in the Longton Circuit.

In early life her mind was brought under the influence of serious impressions and convictions; and about forty years ago she united herself with us as a member of the Methodist New Connexion. During the whole of this long period she has been distinguished by an exemplary deportment; and although her reserved and retiring habits prevented her occupying any prominent position in the Church, a gracious Providence favoured her with the means and the disposition liberally to aid in circumstances of pecuniary difficulty. Her general experience was considered sound and scriptural, having obtained redemption through the blood of Christ, the forgiveness of sins. For many months she suffered much affliction of body, which prevented her from a regular attendance on religious ordinances; but, her sufferings were borne with Christian resignation, and we doubt not, she has now, through Christ, taken possession of a "house above, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." On one occasion, a few days before her death, she said to me, "How unworthy I feel! but my hope is in Christ." And then, with considerable emotion, she added, "He is my Saviour, and I cannot doubt but he will save me to the end."


DIED at Hartley, Blyth Circuit, Nov. 29th, Jane Dickenson, aged ninety-five years. She had been a member of the Society from the commencement of our cause in Hartley, and a sincere follower of the Lord Jesus Christ for a considerable period before that time. Through a long life of varied troubles and toils, religion had been her comfort and strength. Those who best knew her character can bear testimony to the simplicity and uniformity of her Christian profession.

The sickness which hurried her to the tomb was of short duration, but she was prepared for the result, and calmly resigned her spirit into "rest."


ON Sabbath morning, Nov. 23rd, 1851, our late brother, John Settle, entered into the joy of his Lord, in the seventyfifth year of his age. He was brought to a knowledge of the truth in the year 1811, under a sermon preached by the Rev. T. Bosher, from John xiv. 1-3. He immediately joined our Society and continued a member until his death. Our deceased brother was decidedly attached to the Connexion, stood by it in times of difficulty, loved its ministers, valued its ordinances and enjoyed its privileges. As a prayer-leader, Sabbath

school teacher and class-leader he was distinguished for punctuality and perseverance. His religious experience was rich, and his communion with God delightful. His faith in Christ as a Saviour was unshaken, and in death he found him precious. His end was peace.

Dewsbury, Dec. 11th.

J. H.

Died Nov. 20th, aged forty-seven, of consumption, Sarah Hand, a member of our sister Heath's class. During the whole of her lengthened illness, she manifested unshaken confidence in the Saviour, a confidence giving rise to a serenity, a joy, a holy triumph which Christian friends who visited her were delighted to witness. A corresponding spirit of patience and submission was displayed throughout the period of her illness. When her voice could but just be heard, it expressed her joyous anticipation of a better world, and the mention of the Redeemer whom she was shortly to see in glory lighted up with rapture her dying eye. "To die is gain." G. G.


ON the 22nd November, 1851, Ann Elkington, of Pendleton, departed this life in the 66th year of her age, and with the prospect of eternal life in heaven.T. C.

WILLIAM, son of the late William Fletcher of Adwalton, Dewsbury Circuit, whose memoir appeared in this periodical December, 1847, died in the Lord July 16th, 1849, in the 21st year of his age. He had been a consistent member of our Society about seven years; and, while health would permit, he was a diligent labourer in the Sabbath-school; but his weak body was borne down by lingering affliction and was not able to contain his vigorous and intelligent mind. He was a scholar of no mean order. He was the subject of severe affliction for the last ten years of his life, but was able to follow his vocation till the last few months, when he was chiefly confined to his room. Though not able to speak much, the language of his soul was, "Christ is precious." A short time before his death, on being asked by his leader, Mrs. Ann Gledhill, if he had any fears of death, he calmly answered, "No." His soul was cast on the Redeemer, and through him death had lost his sting and the grave its victory. He bore his afflictions with Christian-like patience and fortitude; never was a murmuring word known to escape his lips, even in his keenest sufferings. His death, like his life, was distinguished by a calm resignation to the divine will. He had "respect unto the recompence of reward." "Let me

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