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this place; and I rejoice to know that it presents a record of steady, gradual development. You commenced, in 1827, with some three or four pious individuals, driven by then existing circumstances to scrutinize carefully, and, I trust, prayerfully, our polity as a Christian community. The result was a conviction that it could be sustained by substantial reasons, and an adhesion to our cause. Your first public worship was conducted in the house of John Haworth, by my old, revered friend, Mr. T. Halkyard, of Mossley. The attendance was good and cheering. The next service was conducted by Mr. Hillock, a Circuit preacher from Ashton, in the house of Mr. J. Andrew, the preacher standing in the lobby of the house that the people, crowding the different rooms, might hear the better. Succeeding supplies continued to visit the place. terest was excited, and the congregations continued to increase. At length a large room was taken for stated worship and the establishment of a school. This soon became too small for your congregations and scholars, and a larger room, an upper one, ranging over other rooms beneath it, was engaged. This was fitted up as a preaching-place, and for the accommodation of school-classes, and was opened by an early Christian friend of mine, recently deceased, Mr. Makinson, of Manchester. Here the congregation and the school continued to flourish, and the Society increased from seven to nineteen.


Awhile after, a chapel was contemplated, and, in 1829, was built, with a school beneath it, considered at the time neat and commodious (thirty-six feet wide and forty-two feet long). This chapel was opened for divine service by Mr. Fox, and my esteemed friend, Mr. Allin; and has proved with its school, as you well know, a signal blessing to the neighbourhood, and the spiritual birthplace of many precious souls. The school was speedily filled to such a degree as to compel (painful task!) its conductors to decline fresh applications for admission. To remedy this crying want, and to meet the pressing claims of the

locality, an additional school, one storey high, was erected, the congregation and society meanwhile steadily advancing. Recently, a second storey has been added to the building, a noble room, the school still flourishing; and now you are engaged in building a large house for God, not having, at all times, adequate and comfortable accommodation for your congregation and scholars in your once commodious chapel. Your schools, I learn, are good and improving on the whole, with cheering prospects. You have a dayschool, consisting of more than 300 scholars, conducted by an efficient and respected teacher; you have Sunday-schools equally encouraging; and a Society of 127 members, and a congregation, considered in its present and prospective state, such as warrants you to take the step_on which you have now entered, and to further which we are this day met in large numbers. May God bless and succeed your pious undertaking!

I think I learned from a late correspondence with my friend Atherton, that our people in this place have not engaged in their proposed undertaking without having respect to pecuniary obligation. Indeed, had it been otherwise, I should feel that of all persons I am the most improper and the least likely to stand before you this day as I now do. Happily, however, I am authorized to say of our friends here, that theirs is no reckless, haphazard undertakingthey have sat down and counted the cost in the fear of God, and are prepared, and determined too, todo their utmost to place their entire premises in as easy circumstances as possible, consistent with necessary accommodation and the convenience and comfort required: hoping, in a few years, should no untoward circumstances arise, to be prepared, by the blessing of God, to sweep the debt entirely away. This is a noble resolve, and worthy of the men, being alike creditable to their feelings, and judgment, and piety.

But then, while they resolve to give their hearts to this work, and to make sacrifices of time, and labour, and worldly substance, they have, of

course, assumed that their neighbours and friends will aid them in their undertaking, and come up with them to the help of the Lord. Let me hope they will not be disappointed; indeed they will not beyou will help those who help themselves. I know you will.*

Some of you are connected with different sections of the universal Church; but your presence shows that you are interested in our undertaking. And why should you not? You cannot in all details connected with Christianity "see eye to eye," but you respect, and hail, and bid God speed to all who hold Christ as their Head, and who wish and toil to extend his cause in the world. I know you do. True, I am almost, though not altogether, a stranger to this particular locality, and know not you all; but I know some of you, and these I am willing to consider as a sample of the whole; and this is hopeful and encouraging. And then I know your neighbourhood well, and

*It is cheering to reflect on the efforts recently put forth in various parts of our Connexion to reduce chapel debts, and to place those recently built, or in the course of building, in easy circumstances. In these praiseworthy exertions, however, we ought not to overlook other important Connexional arrangements. Those should be done, and these should not be left undone. Now I am writing, I have not seen the Minutes of our late Conference; of course I can form no decided opinion of our state as a whole. I may, however, observe, that we are liable to be chiefly taken up, in rather complex arrangements such as ours are, with what is most obvious and clearly seen; while what is less so, though in reality equally important, or even more important, is too much overlooked. Indeed, in a community like ours, where one department is in close connexion with every other, what is indirect in its bearings, and least manifest, may prove ultimately either more or less beneficial than what is direct and obvious. We are a chain, and every link must be kept sound and good to secure permanent beneficial results. A healthy, thriving body consists in the wellbeing and sound condition of all the functions and members. I rejoice in the improved and improving condition of our chapel estates, and only wish to hint that while there is no relaxation in this direction, it is necessary to watch and sustain all our Connexional regulations, in order to secure that substantial and lasting prosperity that is so desirable. W. S.

was delighted, not a long time ago, to hear what was done at Mossley for its chapel, in the removal of its debt, and am willing to hope that you are disposed, according to your circumstances, to take a leaf out of the same book. Therefore I cannot, and will not, but augur well of your undertaking. I say to you, Hate debts, except debts of love; and have as few of them as you can help. Hate debts, especially on chapels, and annihilate them, if you can. And can you not? You know not what you can do till you right earnestly try. It is astonishing what has of late years been done in this direction in our own little community by united effort. I verily believe it has proved manifold more than our people expected, before they determinately put forth the effort. I believe, too, that your neighbours at Mossley are at this hour pleased with themselves for having, even at considerable personal sacrifice, rid their chapel from debt. And I firmly believe, too, that in proportion to the easy circumstances in which you place your premises, though you should even exceed those labours and generous bestowments now contemplated, will be your gratification; and if you should write nil on the debit side of your accounts, your joy will abound, though your efforts somewhat exhaust your physical powers, and a little, or if you please, more than a little, interfere with a few of your material comforts, and trench somewhat upon your worldly substance. After all, I only urge you in this respect to do as God prospers you that is the rule, and God has given it; remembering that "the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof," that his are the gold and silver, and that you are but stewards of his manifold mercies, who are required to work for God" while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work."

And now, my hearers, before closing allow me to say, that in building chapels and schools, and even in placing them in easy circumstances, all is not accomplished that is desirable. You will need the blessing of God to render them sub

servient to the glory of God. Your object, end, and aim, are not to be narrowed down to the mere adornment of your neighbourhoods, to the spirit of rivalry and ostentation, to the mere strengthening of a sect. No. The mere attainment of such purposes is too low by far. Your religious and educational structures should be raised and sustained for higher and holier purposes, for the mental and moral elevation of the people, to mend and save the world. And if you aim at less than this, you miss your way, and will lose your reward. Your fellow-creatures are your fellow-immortals, whose souls are precious in the sight of God; and for whose souls you are required to watch, and pray, and teach, that you may win them to Christ, and rescue them from endless destruction. In this work you need the blessing of heaven. At best, you can only be instruments in the hands of God. Hear me, and ponder the thought: Paul may plant, Apollos may water, but God alone can give the increase.

Remember this, not only now while it is pressed upon your consideration, but while your sanctuary is rising from its present state to the reception of its topstone-while its interior is preparing for the accommodation of its pastor and people-remember this, should you be spared to enter its sacred portals on that joyous day when it shall be dedicated to God by the celebration of his mercy in songs of praise-when his throne shall be addressed, and his blessing sought, in humble, solemn prayer when his testimonies of truth, all impregnated as they are with the living spirit of holiness and love, shall be read to the people from his holy book, and when "Christ and him crucified" shall be set forth as God's merciful interposition for the salvation of ruined, sinful man: in short, remember this throughout the entire of your earthly existence. Then shall your works of faith and labours of love not only abound, but God, even your God, shall cause his face to shine upon you, place your names in the book of life, and at length give you a lot among the redeemed thousands

who stand admiringly before his throne!

It is thus, my hearers, I address God's people and saints. But some now present are not, I fear, to be classed among the saved of the Lord. They have a kind of respect, and reverence, and love for the religion of the Son of God, but are not renovated by its power; have not yet surrendered themselves in body, soul and spirit to its regenerating influence; they know the truth, but do not walk therein; their hearts have not yet yielded to those sacred influences by which they are often visited; they are not born from above, and cannot call God Father by the Holy Spirit formed in them the hope of glory.

To such I affectionately say, Let me hope that this day, this hour, to you will prove the beginning of good days; that you will, from this time, give yourselves to God, cherish those heavenly influences imparted to your souls, become men of prayer, decided for God, seeking salvation as the one thing needful. And not only so, but that you will aim at the promotion of the glory of God, in holy, active, persevering endeavours to bring others to Christ. In this interesting manu facturing neighbourhood a wide field is open before you, inviting your pious labours. You are surrounded by a vast population, and a population rapidly augmenting. You have ample scope for holy and ardent ambition. And can you conceive of labours more honourable and praiseworthy than those which tend to extend Messiah's kingdom, and save the souls of men? You cannot. You must think so now; and such thoughts will become much more vivid when you come to die, and more so still when the fleeting vanities of time shall be succeeded by the clearer visions and substantial realities of eternity.

I have done. I may see your faces no more-I may not live to hear of your entering the house of God, this day partially set apart to God. Indeed, ere that time arrive, not only I, but some of you may have entered the eternal home. The thought is solemn, and ought to affect your

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MANSFIELD, NOTTINGHAM CIRCUIT.We feel pleasure in forwarding for publication in the Magazine a brief notice of the successful effort made by our friends in Mansfield, under the guidance of the Rev. Moses Mills, for the erection of a dwelling-house for the resident minister. The Trust Estate being in depressed circumstances, our esteemed brother saw that, could a dwelling-house be raised on the spare land by the side of the chapel, and the expense of the building met by voluntary contribution, the estate would be effectually relieved, the hearts of attached friends, and especially of the trustees, eased, and a fairer prospect would be opened to the cause of Christ in connexion with that place. The project having been sanctioned by the quarterly meeting, was promptly undertaken, and has been happily accomplished. A neat, modest and commodious dwelling now presents its graceful front to the street, parallel with the front of the chapel, and only a few yards separated from it.

The cost of the house, with drainage, pallisading, &c. &c., is £255 6s. 7d.; travelling and other expenses, £10 10s. ; making an outlay of £265 16s. 7d.

There has been raised by contributions in money towards this object :

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tously supplied as for contributions in money. Among those in Mansfield who ought specially to be named areMr. Whithers, who has throughout afforded his steady and zealous support; Misses Carey and Revil; Miss Smith, a young person not connected with our congregation, who, with much labour and perseverance, crocheted a counterpane so beautiful as to be admired by all who saw it; and also Miss Brailsford, who was very industrious in preparing articles for the bazaar, and in aiding during its sales.

When the weakness of our religious interest in Mansfield is considered, we may well be gratified at the result of this enterprise. Of the assiduous, persevering, and even toilsome exertions of Mr. Mills, in eircumstances where there was much to oppose and to discourage, it would be scarcely possible to speak too highly. May he have the hallowed satisfaction of knowing that this commendable effort has been followed by many years of spiritual prosperity to the little Church which has shared so largely in his solicitudes and cares, and for which he has so energetically laboured! And may the ever blessed God in all things be glorified, through Jesus Christ! Amen. G. G. ALNWICK-TEA PARTY.-The members and friends of the Methodist New Connexion, Alnwick, held a social teameeting in the chapel on Wednesday evening, June 16th, for the twofold object of rejoicing together at the reappointment of our highly-esteemed minister, the Rev. J. Wright, and to take a temporary "farewell" of our excellent brother, J. Medicraft, who has been called upon by the Church to devote himself to the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Mr. J. Drysdale was called upon to preside. The meeting was one of a deeply-interesting charac ter, and evidenced a sincerity of feeling which was exceedingly gratifying.

Nottingham, July 12th.

The cheerful response given to an expression of welcome to Mr. Wright, showed the attachment of the people to their devoted pastor; and the tears of sympathy which accompanied the parting "farewell," betokened the inward breathings of many souls for the future guidance and ministerial success of our young and promising Northumbrian!

Several articles of a useful kind, in addition to a selection of books to the amount of about £5, were presented during the evening to Mr. Medicraft, as a parting testimonial of affectionate regard.

Praying that the present year may be one of unusual success throughout our beloved Connexion, I remain, dear sir, yours affectionately, JAMES ALLAN. ON CONNEXIONAL DAY-SCHOOLS.-MR. EDITOR. I have been very much pleased of late to perceive the efforts that have been made to stir up the Connexion to a sense of its duty on the question of dayschool education. Than this, no question occupies a greater share of public notice at the present time. That the Educational Committee earnestly calls upon the Connexion to do its duty in this important matter is but another proof that there is not wanting amongst us a number of right-hearted men, whose sentiments and sympathies beat time to the age in which we live. It has often been apologetically affirmed that the principles of our community were considerably in advance of the times. Of the truth of this there can be little question. But I fear, Mr. Editor, that, unless this Connexional-day-school question be taken up by us with greater earnestness than at present, our enemies, and friends too, will turn the tables upon us with the sneer that, whatever position our principles may sustain to the age we live in, our practices are far behind it. None of us would like the taunt; we could not deny its truth; then let every Circuit bestir itself at once.

Will you permit me, Mr. Editor, to ask the Committee what efforts they haye made to turn into Connexional dayschools those which are already conducted in our own school-rooms and by our own friends? There are many such schools in the Connexion. Might not

many of these be turned into Connexional schools at once by the appointment of an efficient local committee? The Connexional attachment of the present teachers, together with the increase of scholars arising from the influence and efforts of a respectable committee, would be, in most instances, a sufficient inducement for the teachers to submit to supervision.

In some instances, private teachers might be sent for a short time to Borough-road, the very small expense of which might be easily borne by the friends in the Circuit. Few of our people are aware that the small matter of £10 at such a place would cover all the expenses that would be incurred even for six months' training. Who would not be a trained teacher when they can lodge, live, and learn at Borough-road for less than they can simply live upon at-home? In order to get the friends in the respective Circuits to move in this matter, they ought to be personally visited by a deputation from the Committee. In every Circuit there are local difficulties that might easily be surmounted by a persevering deputation, but which appear perfectly insurmountable in the filling up of a schedule. Commending these remarks to the whole Connexion,

I am, dear Sir,
Yours truly,

[The questions submitted are important. Inquiry and discussion on this subject may do good, but cannot do harm. Perhaps the Educational Committee can furnish information on some of the points named.-ED.]


THE BRAND OF DOMINIC; or, The Inquisition at Rome Supreme and Universal. By the Rev. W. RULE. London: J. Mason.

Every man whose competent talents and acquirements are employed in exposing the abominations of the Mother of Harlots has a high claim to our gratitude; hence our cordial thanks are due to the Rev. W. Rule for his seasonable production. It is a carefully-prepared and wellwritten exposure of that most atrocious institution, the Inquisition. The author traces the history of that sanguinary institution from its origin at the Council of Tours, in 1163, to the present day, carefully excluding from his narrative of facts everything either doubtful in its

evidence or irrelevant in its character, and presenting the reader with the results of his personal examination of every document and authority employed. The author proves that the Inquisition is still in active operation, holding its councils three times every week in Rome, and, by its agents in other countries, seeking continually to undermine the foundations of civil, ecclesiastical and personal freedom all over the world. The originality of the work imparts a freshness to its character, its careful and candid preparation secures our confidence, and its tragic scenes will produce a mournful interest in the hearts of true Protestants. We are not of those who presumptuously rely upon the diffusion of knowledge, and the

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