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Johnston, John H..

New York, N. Y.

Kenney, Moses B.

Kermott, John W.


Marmon, John W.
Mason, John D.
Newton, E. O..
Newton, Robert S..
Palmer, N...
Potter, A.

Potter, Stephen W..

Prentiss, M. M...

Shaw, Edward M..
Springsteen, Albert G.

Stanton, Lyman..
Stowe, John......
Wood, Alfred A.
Wood, Almon..
Wright, W. R.
Yost, P. D.....

[blocks in formation]


Eclectic Medical Association.

The Fourteenth Annual meeting of the National Eclectic Medical Association of the United States of America will be held pursuant to adjournment, at the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, beginning on Wednesday, the eighteenth day of June, 1884, at TEN O'CLOCK in the morning, will continue in session for three days.

The place of meeting will be at Greenwood Hall, and the Association will have a sufficient number of smaller rooms for the convenience of the Sections and Committees.

The Committee of Arrangements and Reception consists of A. J. Howe, M. D., of Cincinnati; W. F. Gemmill, M. D., of Forest; H. M. Merrell, of Cincinnati; J. U. Lloyd, M. D., of Cincinnati; and L. E. Russell, M. D., of Springfield.

Communications to the Committee should be addressed to to Prof. A. Jackson Howe, M. D., Chairman of the Committee.


of the Association will be at the Palace Hotel, directly opposite the place of meeting, and the expenses for board will probably not exceed $2.00 to $2.50 a day.

The leading Railroad Companies are promising reduced rates of fare and the Committee of Arrangements are using every proper effort to secure these advantages, but we suggest in connection with the work of the Committee that the officers of State and local Societies, as well as individual members, make such arrangements as they are able at their end of the

line of roads. This can often be accomplished when it is known to the railroad companies about how many will be likely to take passage. Nearer the time of meeting more definite arrangements will be made known through the public prints and facts upon this point should be made known to the Committee of Arrangements.

The Officers, Committees, and the Eclectics of the State of Ohio, are determined to make this occasion the most successful epoch in the history of this Association, and why should it not be? The time is propitious; the appeal comes from all parts of the Union for more thorough organisation, and the supporters of Reform in Medical Practice are rallying around the National Organisation with renewed zeal and determination. The object of this Association should inspire every one who has the interests of the medical profession in his heart, viz.: “to maintain organised coöperation between physicians, for the purpose of promoting the art and science of Medicine and Surgery, and the dissemination of beneficial knowledge, and an improved practice of medicine." Besides, we gather this year to a city the most accessible from all points of the country, centrally located, and the alma mater of our School of Practice. We expect to greet representatives from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The extreme North will be there and the Sunny South has promised to fall into line.

Every State Society is entitled to fifteen delegates; local Societies and Medical Colleges each to two delegates.

It is desirable that every State and local Society, so far as practicable, send as delegates new members, as the rights of permanent members are already fixed; the State and local Societies can thus add noticeably to the numerical strength of the National Association. Delegates should be appointed as soon as possible and their names with credentials may be forwarded at any time previous to the meeting to the Secretary, thus saving time and annoyance when the Association is in session. The names of those recommended to Permanent Membership should also be given.

The Secretary of this Association desires the Secretaries of

State and local Societies to communicate to him at an early day the names and address of their officers, number of members, times of meeting, etc.

There have been also numerous applications to the Secretary, by physicians not members of any medical society, for copies of the Constitution, in order to ascertain how they may attach themselves to the National Association. The attention of all such is directed to Article I. of the By-Laws. It will be incumbent upon them to become members of some State or local Society in affiliation with the National body. When there is none in the State, they may elect the alternatives, to unite with a Society in some other State, or to organize a Society at home. There is abundant time for either course. It is the desire and intention of the National Association to afford abundant facilities to all worthy physicians of like sentiment and sympathy to unite with it; only desiring to guard against the receiving of irresponsible, incompetent and unworthy individuals.

It is desired that all credentials shall define the standing of the delegates and candidates for Permanent Membership, and especially their eligibility as defined by the By-Laws. "This Association may receive as Permanent Members such persons, graduates of regularly-organised medical colleges, holding legitimate diplomas, and physicians who have been engaged in reputable practice fifteen years, as are duly recommended by the local or State Eclectic Medical Society to which they belong, provided they are or have served as delegates to this Association." Due attention to this requirement will be an effectual protection against any unfortunate action in regard to adding to the membership.


To facilitate and systematise the business of the Association, it is desirable that all essays shall be submitted to their respective Sections before they come before the Association or printed in the Transactions. This feature was introduced several years ago, and has since grown into favor. Each Section is constituted with a Chairman and Secretary whose duty

it is to examine all papers submitted to their allotment, and when opportunity is afforded by the Association, to have a meeting of the Section, read such articles as are deemed worthy and important, and report them with their proceedings to the Association. Every essay when submitted becomes the property of the Association and is finally delivered to the Permanent Secretary for publication in the Transactions. All members appointed to prepare papers will see to it that their productions are delivered to the Secretary or placed in possession of the proper Sections. It is also suggested that authors of essays notify the officers of their Section of the purpose to comply with their appointment; and if any change is made by them in the subject assigned them, to notify the officers of the Section prior to the meeting; thus facilitating matters and also giving the officers a basis for their expectations.

Rooms and facilities for the different Sections will be provided by the local Committee. They will be expected to arganize, arrange papers and discuss such matters as are unnecessary to be brought before the General Association. The Chairman of each Section will report all progress in his department and the Secretary will preserve a record and memoranda.


Below is a list of the Sections and officers. Each officer has declared his hearty willingness to work for the interest of his Section. The address of each is given :

A. Hygiene, State Medicine, and Medical Jurisprudence.— Chairman, MILBREY GREEN, M. D., No. 1 Columbus Square, Boston, Mass.; Secretary, B. L. YEAGLEY, M. D., Box 600, Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

B. Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine.-Chairman, R. W. GEDDES, M. D., Winchendon, Mass. ; Secretary, WM. T. GEMMILL, M. D., Forest, Ohio.

C. Materia Medica and Therapeutics.-Chairman, R. E. KUNZE, M. D., 606 Third avenue, New-York City; Secretary, H. B. PIPER, M. D., Tyrone, Penn.

D. Obstetrics and Gynecology.-Chairman, H. K. STRATFORD, M. D., 243 State street, Chicago, Ill.; Secretary, ALBERT MERRELL, M. D., 2346 Chestnut street, St. Louis, Mo.


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