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And when revived, I find myself outstretched
Upon a green and sloping meadow fair,
Which, Doctor, I now see as visibly
As that nose on your face Now up I rise
And stretch myself: when lo, the lovely maid,
Whom couching on the billows I had lost,
I see advancing, fairer than before.
How joy my eyes to ken so much of heaven.
-There with her comes a married youth, who

His beauteous spouse, at whose side, robed in white,

A child, his right hand round his mother's fingers
Clinging, runs doubling her maternal steps.

At once a slim tall villain rushes forth,
Seizes the child, and quite across a stream,
In width at least a rod, he tosses it
On the rough stones upon the other side.

I bid the nimble youth the scoundrel scize,
Who hastes away. He overtakes him. Blows
Num'rous succeed ere I arrive. "And see,"
Exclaims the youth, "how he has given me
An eye the colour of my hat." I seize
The villain by the collar, raising high
My left hand. Aiming at my eye he strikes
My forehead. With my right clenched fist I

Aim at his lights with all their force my knuckles;
But, WAKING, find against the solid wall
I've warred in vain; while from each knuckle

Comes the red fluid, (as you, Doctor, see,
Skin off and blood now dried.) On end I spring,
Sans intermission laugh near half an hour;
But laugh in pain: then travel o'er awake
The paths and scenes which sleeping I'd pur-


Strong the impression: for full well the whole
Distinctly I remember, and can never
Forget those strange sights. Doctor, now the

Dreams mostly I forget; my sleep is sound.
Then why such incoherent objects wild?

Or why retain I such remembrance strong
Of all that I have felt or seen or known?


What ate or drank you ere you went to bed?


Of beef-steak half a pound; half a fine shad (A rarity almost the season's first,) Well barbecued, with trimmings; coffee too, Three cups of strong; and plenteous toast; the whole

Washed down and settled with a pint of beer.


Aye, there's the cause: 'twas your intemperance
Let your bruised knuckles henceforth be a lesson,
Teaching you ne'er hereafter to offend
'Gainst nature's sober law of "not too much."


Why, there was truly pleasure in the feasting,
And pleasure in the dreaming: for such sights
Incongruous, rapt'rous, awkward, awful, droil,
(All which are now as much before my eyes
As if reality,) gave entertainment.

Nay, I again would suffer knuckle bruising,
To feast my eyes on such a miracle
Of beauty, so unearthly as I saw.

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Of all my dreaming, the foregoing is the most singularly wild that I can remember. I threw it into chitchat blank verse the forenoon after the dream; the image being still as distinctly before me as if all had been fact. I have ever thought, contrary to the opinion of some, that the thinking power is never wholly suspended. My strong argument arises from my own experience: I ne ver wake without some recollection, however indistinct, of having dreamed of something. Equally confident am I that, almost ever, much that has occupied the attention the day and evening previous, is more or less the subject of wild fancy on the pillow. Such was the case in the present instance, though there are many scenes and images of which a madman would hardly entertain an idea.

It has been asserted that no image is presented in sleep which was not before known. This may be true, though of its truth I am by no means certain. That the combinations of images and chain of events are often such as never before entered the mind, can admit of no doubt.

A turtle from the water crawls, &c. In the course of the preceding evening it was observed in conversation, that the American snapping, or mud turtle, afforded as rich a soup as the West-India green turtle.

And, swift as sight, "smooth sliding without step." Of rapid flights in the air, and Milton's "smooth sliding without step," probably every reader's dreaming experience has afforded examples.

'Twixt Cape May and Cape Charles. We had been speaking of a glass-house lately erected, and one of the company remarked that the sand, of which the glass was mostly made, was brought from the shores of the Delaware. This probably occasioned the dreaming of a glass ocean, and of the place where I seemed to be.

Palpable odours. In going to my lodgings after supper, I overtook a female, of what character or complexion I know not, whose abundance of perfumery vext my nostrils for several rods.

The trade winds stop our passage. While at supper, some conversation arose respecting the course of herring and shad, the passage of the herring from Africa to the gulf of Mexico, &c. I can assign no particular cause for dreaming of the lady who flew with me, other than that the ladies had been, as usual, in part the topic of conversation, and that beauty is perhaps too of ten the subject of my contemplations. No words can describe the holy beauty and expression of the mens divinior in her imagined countenance.

I grow at once earth's half in bulk. I had observed to my companions, that I had seen a calculation, that from one female herring, should the offspring all live, in ten years the bulk would be many times greater than that of the earth.

What occasioned the wild thought of dividing, or making mincemeat of the earth and moon, I could not conjecture, till I recollected that we had some mince-pie with supper, and one of

the company complained that the chopping-knife had not been sufficiently used.

Before going to sleep I recollect doubting whether I had, or not, seen or heard of a work describing a tour among the planets; and I remembered having read, twenty years ago or more, a whimsical account of a journey with an air balloon, the parachute attached to which was injured by striking against the planet Jupiter.

Figures the most uncouth, and sometimes forms the most beautiful, are familiar to those who have suffered in a high fever, have been taking opium, or have been otherwise indisposed; as are difficulties with respect to one's

clothes, inability to proceed, &c. as well as to dream it is doubtful whether or not we are dreaming.

The married lady appeared to be one with whom I had been intimately acquainted. Not having seen her for two years, I had, the day previous, received a letter from a friend, informing me that she was married, and had lately become a mother. Hence the appearance of the child.

Thus could I trace the causes of part of my dreaming fancies. It was a fact that each knuckle of the fingers and the thumb was sorely bruised, not healing in a fortnight.





HE army supplies for the present year were voted, March 2d, in the House of Commons without a division. The establishment is considerably reduced, the number of the land forces, for the present year, being as follows. For England 25,000; for Ireland, 20,000; for the colonies 33,000; for the territories of the East India Company 17,360; for the British contingent in France 20,126. The estimate of expense is 6,494,2901. it being less than the expense of the last year by 188,0272. The reduction in all the departments of the military expenditure is 418,0007.

during the last year, amounted to 351,122 pieces, or 10,974,473 yards. The narrow cloths, milled 132,607 pieces, or 5,233,616 yards, it being an increase over the manufacture of the preceding year of 2,422,135 yards. In this statement shawls and pelisse cloths are not included.

London, March 31.-Another report has been presented from the select committee on the poor laws. A very valuable appendix is annexed to it.

It gives the assessment for the relief of the poor in 1748, 1749, and 1750, by which it appears that on the average of those three years about 690,000l. per ann. was applied to the relief of the poor, in the year 1776, the sum of 1,531,000l. was expended on account of the poor; in 1783, 4 and 5, the sum of 2,000,000l. per annum; in 1803, 1804, 4,268,000l. and in 1813, 14 and 15, the average sum of about 6,130,000l. per annum, was expended for the maintenance of the poor. But the sums raised by poor rates and any 1818. other rate or rates in these years was, in 2,003,664 1813, 8,651,438; in 1814, 8,392,728; in 5,151,805 1815, 7,460,855. The number of pau1,588,759 pers relieved in 1813, was 971,913; in 336,000 1814, 953,993; in 1815, 895,973.

The following is an official statement of the quarter's revenue, ending the 5th April 1818, compared with the correspondent quarter of last year. Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the quarters ending the 5th of April, 1817 and 1818.

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£9,510,211 £10,249,207

Arr. of Property Tax 1,623,718, 254,190 From this statement it appears that the quarter just ended is better than the corresponding quarter by the sum of 738,990. If the charge upon the consolidated fund this quarter be estimated at 8,800,000l. the surplus this quarter will be 1,449,2077. It did not exceed 700,000l. in the corresponding quarter. Hence the surplus this quarter is more than double.

The manufacture of broadcloths, milled

The appendix closes with some important observations.

The number of persons relieved permanently, both in and out of any workhouse, on the average of the last three years, appears to be 516,963; ditto, occasionally, being parishioners 423,663; total 940,626; exclusively of any children of those permanently relieved out of the house.

Four thousand and ninety-four parishes, or places, maintain the greater part of their poor in workhouses, averaging for the last three years, 93,142 persons.

The population of England and Wales, as taken from the abstract laid before parliament, in the year 1811, appears

to have been 10,150,615; so that the number of persons relieved from the poor rates appears to have been 94 in each 100 of the population.

The total of the money raised by poor rates, appears to have averaged for the last three years, the sum of 8,168,3407. 13s. 91d. being at the rate of 16s. 1d. per head on the population, or 3s. 14d. in the pound of the total amount of the sum of 51,898,4237. 12. 64. as assessed by the property tax in the year 1815.

The amount of money expended in suits of law, removals, and expenses of parish officers, for purposes of, and for all other purposes, is, independent of the maintenance of the poor, 2,162,7997.

The number of persons belonging to friendly societies appears to be, for the last three years, nearly 8 in the 100 of the resident population.

The area of England and Wales, according to the latest authorities, appears to be 57,960 square statute miles, or 37,094,400 statute acres; wherefore, the number of inhabitants in each square mile, containing 640 acres, averages 175


The greater proportion of the population of England and Wales appears to be employed in trade and manufactures, there being 770,199 families returned employed in agriculture, and 959,632 in trade, manufactures and handicraft; besides 413,316 other families.

The duke of Richmond has been appointed captain general and governor in chief of the Canadas, Nova Scotia, &c. &c. in place of sir John Sherbrooke, who returns home in consequence of ill health, he having suffered a paralytick stroke. Sir Peregrine Maitland goes out as governor of Upper Canada. He is son-inlaw to the duke.

The marriage of her royal highness the princess Elizabeth, (third daughter of their majesties) with Philip Augustus Frederick, the hereditary prince of Hesse Homburg took place at the queen's palace on the 7th instant.

On the 15th April, lord Castlereagh, in consequence of a message from the prince regent, brought forward a proposition in the House of Commons, for some further provision for the dukes of Clarence and Cambridge, on their intended marriage, the former with a princess of Saxe Meinungen, and the latter with a princess of Hesse. A proposition to reduce the amount was carried against ministers by a vote of 193 to 184.

The London papers state, that, about 1 o'clock, on the 8th of April, lieutenant

David Davis, of the 62d regiment of foot, went to the war office, and inquired of lord Palmerston's messenger if his lordship was in the office. The messenger informed him that he was not, that he expected him in every moment; he desired him to walk into the waiting-room and write his name on the list of visitors, as is usual. Lieut. Davis declined doing so, and waited about the lobby, frequently asking if his lordship would soon come.-A little before two, his lordship arrived at the war office, alone, and was going up the stone stairs when the messenger informed lieut. Davis, that "he was lucky, for his lordship was come, and there was no visitor before him." Lieut. Davis immediately followed his lordship up the stairs, and taking a pocket pistol from under his coat, fired it at his lordship. The assassin ran down stairs with the pistol in his hand, saying, "I've done for him." The messenger immediately seized him, and with the assistance of others, secured him until a constable of St. Margaret's Parish, Westminster, arrived, and conveyed him to Queen-square police office. His lordship was taken into the office, his top coat was taken off, and Mr. Astley Cooper being immediately sent for, he very soon arrived, and examined his lordship's wound, from which, we are happy to say, there is not the slightest danger. The pistol was loaded with ball, which lacerated his lordship's right side: the ball did not lodge in the flesh, but passed through it, and fell on the stone stairs. Mr. Cooper attended lord Palmerston to his house, in his carriage. In the mean time lieut. Davis had been conveyed to Queen-square by the constable, assisted by the messenger, where he was examined before Mr. Markland, the magistrate. Crowds of persons collected round the office.

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The whole amount of revenue which it is estimated will be received this year, is about Leaving a balance unprovided for of about 221,000,000 The valuation of debts to be liquidated is finished; they amount to 1,700,000,000 francs-equal to $318,750,000.

The interesting nature of the following extract from the report of M. Beugnot, one of the commission of finance, made to the Chamber of Deputies on the 23d. of March, will excuse its length.

After giving the estimates, and detailing the manner in which the ways and means had been provided, he goes on to say:-"It was at first difficult to procure subscribers to the loan in France, but afterwards persons who had witnessed and were surprised at the speculations of foreigners, were satisfied to purchase at sixty francs that for which six months before they had refused fifty; but, considering the whole of the risks and trouble which the original leaders were put to, to make good their treaty, the profits were not more than 93 per cent, which could not, under all the circumstances, be considered exorbitant, nor could the cost of the loan be deemed as very heavy on France, when the results of it were taken into consideration. Trade was assisted by it; circulation of money was quickened, and the payments of the government were made with a punctuality beyond all former precedent.-By the treaties for the loan in the last year, 9,999,000 of francs of rentes were sold for the first loan; 8,000,000 for the second; and 9,000,000 for the third. In the present year ministers wanted a credit of 16,000,000 of rentes to make good the deficit of the revenue.

"Henceforth" continued the reporter, "there will be a competition among the contractors. The French capitalists, encouraged by the past, will no longer have occasion for the assistance of foreigners.This resort to our market from the funds of different nations, will have the most beneficial effects. But at whatever rate of interest the loan is made, it shows our distress, it accuses the present, and threatens the future. Thus your commission has sought, with the most watchful anxiety, the means of ascertaining the limits of such great and deplorable sacrifices.

"Your commission, perfectly persuaded that there is no longer credit, nor, perhaps, existence in France, but by an alleviation of the burden which depresses ber, has been anxious at length to ascer

tain the period of our financial emancipation, as inseparable from our political liberation. It wished to have given you, above all, some positive information with respect to the individual demands of foreigners, demands whose vagueness and uncertainty still fetter our most useful works, arrest the rising wing of credit, and impress on peace itself the character of hostility.

"Your commission have applied to the ministers of the king, in whom they discovered hearts entirely French; but they have not been able completely to satisfy


"According to the very terms of the treaty of November the 20th, the enfranchisement of our territory can only be in consequence of a deliberation, which the allied sovereigns have reserved to themselves the right of holding, on the expiration of the first years of occupation. But can this result be doubtful? Those sovereigns will ennoble policy in rendering it subordinate to justice.

"The occupation of our territory could not exceed two years, unless France were a prey to convulsions which endangered Europe. France is calm; she wishes peace: she wishes it as ardently as she waged war.

There remains to us, gentlemen, a last motive of conviction, but it is a painful one; it is this, that France has now arrived at a degree of exhaustion, in which it would be impossible for her much longer to support the burdens that have pressed her down during the last three years. It becomes our duty to declare this to you, since the inquiry in which we have been engaged for three months past, has forced upon us an intimate persuasion of its truth. Here is the termination of our sacrifices, because here is the termination of our means. We may, therefore, now calculate on the retreat of the foreign troops at the expiration of the present


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Fixing the amount of the claims of strangers on France is at present the subject of a negotiation. There is room to hope that you will know the result before the end of the session, and that it will put an end to those exaggerations which have had so unpleasant an influence on our credit. But it is necessary to supply the demand for the present service, without which, all, even hope would be compromised."

France has recognised the accession of Bernadotte to the throne of Sweden; he is now acknowledged by every civilized power.

A private letter from Paris, received

in London, states that, "there has been formed at Paris a political club, under the presidency of old general Lafayette. The number of its members at present amounts to 36. It is not a loose association, like that of the libereaux, Messrs. Lafitte, Perrier, or Davilliers; but a club eminently political, where the highest questions of state are discussed.

"Among the principal members are mentioned, Messrs. Lanjuinais, and the Duc de Broglie, peers of France, the deputies D'Argenson, Bhauvelin, Dupent de l'Eure, and Bignon; the men of letters, Benjamin Constant, Jay, Roujoux, and Aignau.

"In one of the last meetings of this club, the members discussed the advantages of a republican government, like that of the United States, and it was unanimously agreed that it was far superior to the highly boasted government of Great Britain. I mention it with regret, but I am forced to confess, that the republican party make considerable progress in France, and especially at Paris."

In the year 1816, there were consumed in Paris 71,115 oxen, 306,967 sheep, 62,400 calves, 4,136 cows. In 1817, 69,626 oxen, 300,422 sheep, 64,327 calves, and 4798 cows. The value of the purchase price of these quantities for the year amounted to 36,359,249 francs$7,271,849 50, and for 1817, 36,439,277 f.-$7,307,855 60.


It is stated in the London papers of March 26th, that the Spanish government, to enable them to fit out the Russian squadron, had determined to allow the merchants to ship on board two thousand tons of merchandise at low duties, who are made to understand that the force will be so overwhelming, that resistance on the part of the patriots must be vain. The clergy urge the necessity of taking away the heretical character of the ships, by a solemn baptism before the benediction of heaven can be secured.

The finances of Spain are in the most impoverished condition.

A letter of the third of March from Gibraltar, says, "the fleet the Spaniards received from the Russians, is laid up in dry dock, and will there rot. They have neither money to fit them out, nor seamen, and no provisions for the seamen; and of course no means to procure any."


It is stated that the differences between Spain and Portugal have taken an unfavourable turn in the European committee sitting at Paris, and appear to threaten

an immediate rupture. The British cabinet is awakened to the subject, and is carrying on an active correspondence with the other great powers to prevent hostilities if possible.

A letter from Gibraltar of the 23d March says, "The treaty between the Portuguese and Tunisians has expired, and as no treaty has been concluded upon, the Portuguese detain all Tunisians; at least they cruise off here and prevent vessels under that flag from going through the Straits. Two Portuguese frigates, and some smaller vessels are here watching the Tunisians. Two sloops of war and a schooner under that flag are here, and afraid to move."


A French paper says, "the sovereign pontiff, according to established custom, gave orders to the congregation of Rituals to proceed in the beatification and canonization of the venerable servant of God, Maria Clotilda Adelaide Xaviere of France, queen of Sardinia, and sister of the kings Louis XVI. and XVIII. The discussion took place in the presence of cardinal Mattei, dean of the sacred college, and of cardinal Della Somaglia, vicar of his holiness. The votes were unanimous in the affirmative. Consequently, this virtuous princess will be declared a saint in the next consistory."

Letters from Italy state that the protestant religion is to be tolerated in the estates of the Church and in Naples.

On the 20th of February last, a violent earthquake was felt in Sicily, which occasioned much damage. In Catanea, a great part of the cathedral and of the seminary were shaken down, and many ecclesiastics were crushed under their ruins. In Zaffarana the people were assembled for public worship, when the church fell, and crushed the preacher and fifty persons under its ruins. All the villages on the side of mount Etna were ruined; but as the houses were light buildings few lives were lost.


Much discussion is excited in this country on the subject of the liberty of the press. A censorship, with some restrictions upon the press, has been established in the grand duchy of Weimar. However, the project of a law respecting the freedom of the press, has been rejected by the second chamber of the States General. One of the orators who had spoken against the project, chiefly grounded his arguments on the diplomatic declaration made by the earl of Liverpool to the minister of Bonaparte, in London,

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