THE TREAT & SHEPARD CO., Wholesale and Retail Music House, IMPORTERS OF SMALL INSTRUMENTS AND STRINGS, 849 CHAPEL STREET. State Agents for MATHUSHEK PIANOS, and the WASHBURN GUITAR and MANDOLIN. New Pianos to Rent. New Music Ordered Every Day. PACH BROTHERS, College Photographers, 935 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. URBANITY IS THE PRIME FACTOR OF J. H. GRIFFIN'S TONSORIAL ROOMS 9944 CHAPEL ST., Under the New Haven House. JOHN J. KIERNAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. Digests Printed at Low Rates. FINE BOOK WORK A SPECIALTY. J. J. KRAFT, Merchant Tailor, 26 Center Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. THE BATSON TAILORING CO., 96 CROWN STREET. POPULAR PRICED TAILORS. Your Clothing called for Weekly. Cleaned, Pressed, Repaired and Delivered. Tickets $1.00 to $3.00 per Month. SCHNEIDER, Barber to the Yale Co-Operative Association. WHICH? Which would you rather be able to do, To sing like a lark or a poet? To rejoice like one with the grass and the sky, To be happy and never to know it, Or to love like the other, and understand why -Vassar Miscellany. RESTAURANT Headquarters for Student Boarding at $3.50 per Week. R. H. WRIGHT, Proprietor. W. H. KINGSBURY, 92 CROWN STREET, -DEALER IN NEW HAVEN, CONN. BOOKS, COINS and STAMPS. School and College Text-Books, New and Second Hand, Bought and Sold. H. B. ARMSTRONG & CO., 89, 91, 93, 95 and 97 ORANGE ST. Carpets, Furniture, Upholstery, WINDOW AND DOOR DRAPERIES, RUGS AND MATS. Furnishing of Students' Rooms a Specialty. WINDOW SEATS AND CUSHIONS. CO-OPERATIVE DISCOUNT GIVEN TO STUDENTS. BROOKS & CO., Chapel cor. State St. GENERAL WESTERN TICKET AGENTS, LOWEST RATES TO ALL POINTS. Special Attention given to Securing First-Class Accommodations for Students. BAGGAGE CHECKED FROM ROOM TO DESTINATION. Representing all first-class Steamship Lines, including American, Cunard, White Star, Red Star and Allan to Europe. Ocean S. S. Co., Clyde S. S. Co. and Mallory to Florida. Old Dominion S. S. Co. to Old Point Comfort and Richmond. Agents Cook's Tours to all parts of the world. |