McGILL MIXTURE The Acme of Perfection for the Pipe. McGill Mixture is manufactured from the finest tobacco obtainable. It is cool and sweet, and will not burn the tongue. Trv a Sample Package, vou will use no other. FOR SALE BY L. L. STODDARD, G. LAUBER, E. J. JONES, And others. FINE FLINT & PAUL, UPHOLSTERING. Students' Chairs, Couches, Window Seats and Portieres a Specialty. Near New Haven Opera House. 674 Chapel Street. AUGUR'S ART STORE, 127 Church Street. Next to Public Library. Collection of Etchings and Photographs for College Rooms. Pictures Framed to Order. ARTIST MATERIALS. Fine Line of Stationery. Card Engraving. Soule's Celebrated Photos. for Collectors Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen. NEW HAVEN COPYING OFFICE REMOVED TO 25 CENTER STREET. Our rates are as low as the lowest and we guarantee to do first-class work, as we have for ten years. Don't fail to call and get SPECIAL COLLEGE RATES. ESTABLISHED 1818. BROOKS BROTHERS, Broadway, corner 22d Street, NEW YORK CITY. CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS READY MADE AND MADE TO MEASURE. FALL AND WINTER 1894-95. In the Department for Clothing to order will be found in addition to a full line of seasonable goods-materials in all the year round weights in all qualities-with a wide range of price, thereby giving the fullest opportunity for selection. The particular care exercised by us in the cut, manufacture and novelty of pattern in our Men's Ready Made stock is also extended to our Clothing for Boys and Children and guarantee exclusive styles, while, at the same time, the necessity for moderate prices has not been overlooked. Our furnishing Goods embrace a most complete assortment of articles in that line for Boys as well as Men, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves and Neckwear in original shapes and colorings, imported by us from leading London manufacturers, also Lounging Jackets, Waterproof Coats, etc. In this Department we have added a new line of leather and wicker goods, including Luncheon Baskets, Holster Cases, Sheffield Plate Flasks, Riding Whips, Crops, Dog Canes and Golf Sticks. Catalogue, samples and rules for self-measurement sent on application. Our location, one block from Madison Square, is convenient to the leading Hotels and easy of access from the principal railway stations in New York and vicinity. THE YALE LITERARY MAGAZINE. - Conducted by the Students of Yale University. This Magazine established February, 1836, is the oldest college periodical in America; entering upon its Sixtieth Volume with the number for October, 1894. It is published by a board of Editors, annually chosen from each successive Senior Class. It thus may be fairly said to represent in its general articles the average literary culture of the university. In the Notabilia college topics are thoroughly discussed, and in the Memorabilia it is intended to make a complete record of the current events of college life; while in the Book Notices and Editors' Table, contemporary publications and exchanges receive careful attention. Contributions to its pages are earnestly solicited from students of all departments, and may be sent through the Post Office. They are due the Ist of the month. If rejected, they will be returned to their writers, whose names will not be known outside the Editorial Board. A Gold Medal of the value of Twenty-five Dollars, for the best written Essay, is offered for the competition of all undergraduate subscribers, at the beginning of each academic year. The Magazine is issued on the 15th day of each month from October to June, inclusive; nine numbers form the annual volume, comprising at least 360 pages. The price is $3.00 per volume, 35 cents per single number. All subscriptions must be paid in advance, directly to the Editors, who alone can give receipts therefor. Upon the day of publication the Magazine is promptly mailed to all subscribers. Single numbers are on sale at the Coöperative Store. Back numbers and volumes can be obtained from the Editors. A limited number of advertisements will be inserted. The character and large circulation of the Magazine render it a desirable medium for all who would like to secure the patronage of Yale students. All communications, with regard to the editorial management of the periodical, must be addressed to the EDITORS OF THE YALE LITERARY MAGAZINE, New Haven, Conn. |