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God, I have been kept, for the most part of this week, in a cheerful lively frame, depending on God for every thing needful for soul and body. Yesterday morning, in an especial manner, I had access to the throne of grace, had my mouth filled with arguments, and did, I trust, in the arms of faith and prayer, carry my children to Jesus for spiritual blessings:-Rejoiced in him as a glorious conquer. or, as able to subdue the stubbornness of their wills, as a Levi's and mine. O Lord, in mercy overcome them by thy sovereign grace. Lord, pity them, and work by whom thou wilt work; send by whom thou wilt send. I will not dare to limit the Holy One of Israel, though I should rejoice if thou wouldest make poor worthless me, an instrument to do them good. But if thou deny me success in conversation, yet, for Jesus' sake, forbid me not to pray, neither let me be straightened in prayer for them; but help me, O my God, to pray earnestly for those who will not yet be persuaded to pray for themselves. O Lord; awaken them, that they may pray also, and do thou hear, not for our sake, but for thine own sake, that the riches of thine own grace may be glorfied, admired, and adored, to all eternity.

Tuesday evening, October 30.-I desire to record; to the praise and glory of God, that he has this day been very gracious to me. In the morning, I was enabled to rise early, and dedicate myself anew to him. This afternoon the clouds gathered blackness, so that it was very dark, and looked awfully, I spoke to my children, and desired

them to be silent, which they immediately complied with, and I perceived an unusual solemnity among them in general, and presently one of them rose, and desired me to pray with them, which I joyfully did, and was much affected and enlarged in pleading with God, for grace for them, that they might be brought savingly home now in the days of their youth; and such visible convictions I never saw before in them. There were six, in particular, who seemed quite distressed, and wept very much, while I was praying, and talking to them for nearly an hour; and they continued grave and serious till school was done. The Lord in mercy fasten conviction, and never suffer it to cease till it end in a sound conversion. O that I might see so much of the presence of God every day in awakening my little ones.

Tuesday, January 1, 1745.

LORD, I bless thee that thou hast brought me to see the return of another new year's day: And now, O my God, assist me, and I will renew the dedication of myself, soul and body, with all my faculties and members to thee. Lord take a fresh, a free, a full and everlasting possession of me; for I protest to thee I am thine own.-Lord, I am thine, forever thine, blessed be thy name. I am not only so by creation and preservation, but by Redemption too; yea, and thou art my covenant God. O Lord, for this my soul rejoices. O my God, my only portion, I protest I renew my choice of thee, and rejoice in it more than in all this world, ten thousand times over. O my God, now for Jesus' sake I beseech thee hear the voice of my supplication. Lord, pardon the iniquities of the year past: Forgive me, dear Lord, for all my worldly mindedness, coldness in religious duties, unprofitableness under the means of grace, want of love to thee and thy children, want of faith, holy zeal and courage in thy cause, omission of duties, secret or relative. O Lord, my sins are past finding out ; I cannot reckon them up in order unto thee. Lord, pardon mine iniquities, for they are very great. O blessed be thy name, there is forgiveness with thee for sins of a crimson die, and she, to whom thou forgavest much, loved much. Therefore, O my God, that I may assuredly know that my sins which are many, are forgiven, make me love much. O Lord, blow upon the spark of love in my soul, and make it flame so vehemently, that many waters cannot quench it, neither the floods drown it. Lord, if I love much, I shall obey much, for they who love thee keep thy commandments. O let this grace be in lively exercise all the ensuing year, if I live to see it, and bestow on me all the other graces of thy blessed Spirit, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

Monday morning, May 15.-Last evening I went to see the dear Mr. Helyer, who told me a few days more would make the turning point. And as he earnestly entreated us that were around him, whom he called his friends, to pray for him, Lord, I beseech thee teach me for what and how I ought to pray. O Lord, in the arms of my faith and prayer I would bring this thy dear sick servant to thee, even him whom thou lovest, and beg thou wilt make his bed now. Lord, ease his pain, by darting the beams of thine everlasting love into his soul: Now, now Lord, let him begin to reap the fruit of all his labors of love: Now let him taste and feel that the Lord is gracious. O now, thou blessed Jesus, kiss him with the kisses of thy mouth. O, if it be thy will, let him triumph over the king of terrors. Lord, let his will be swallowed up in thine, and grant that he may bear a testimony for God in his last breaths. Lord, I bless thee, that thou hast scattered his clouds, and that he is panting after thee. O suffer not Satan any more to darken his evidences. Abba, Father, with thee all things are possible. Thou canst, if thou please, yet raise him. I leave him in thy merciful hands, and beg thou wilt bow my stubborn will to thine, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

Monday evening, May 27. This morning it pleased the great and glorious God to take to himself my dear, dear Mr. Helyer. O, he is gone from me. I shall never more hear any of his precious sermons or solemn counsels. O my God, preserve me from murmuring at thine holy hand. I desire to bless thy dear name, that thou didst lend worthless me so sweet a pastor, so long: And now thou hast in infinite wisdom bereaved me of my shepherd, I would give myself wholly to thee, thou great shepherd and bishop of souls. O be

thou my all. Now, Lord, thou hast laid thy hand heavily upon me: Thou hast touched me in a tender part: Thou hast cut off a stream, from which much comfort has flowed to my poor soul: Now, my God, appear for me, and refresh my soul with streams more immediately from the fountain. Lord, sanctify thine hand to me, to his dear consort and all relations, to my dear aged Pastor, to the whole Church. Olet this awful dispensation of thy providence awaken secure souls, and quicken the awakened. O let the fruit of all be to take away sin. Lord, I confess thou might justly deprive me of all precious means: But pity me, dear Lord, and still afford us the means of grace. O give us a Pastor after thine own heart. Blessed be thy name, the residue of the Spirit is with thee. Lord, I desire to trust thee for all future events; but I beg, Lbeseech thee, bring me nearer to thy blessed self, by this great turn in the wheel of thy providence. O Lord enable me to be, in good earnest, preparing to follow him, who through faith and patience is gone to inherit the promises. O Lord, hear me; Lord, answer me, for Jesus Christ's sake, in whose mame I beg all, to whom be glory forever. Amen.

Now, with sorrow of heart, I am again going to record the repeated blows of God's hand, in bereaving me, and the mournful church to which I belong, of our dear aged Pastor, the Rev. Mr. Clap, who died on Wednesday evening October 30, 1745. The Lord in mercy sanctify this rod, and enable us all to see it, and who it is who hath appointed it, and with truly resigned, humble souls to say, "The

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