are dull; to help their infirmities, when they know not what to pray for as they ought: Yea, to make intercession in them, with groanings which cannot be uttered and to fill them with all ⚫grace and joy in believing. This is the Spirit whose presence and continual abode with me I want; and without whom I can do nothing. O God, grant me this, though, of myself, I am vile and unworthy, I shall be purified and made holy. Come, blessed Spirit, take an everlasting possession of my whole heart, soul and body. I call heaven and earth to witness, that thou art the only welcome guest, whatever else may usurp authority there; in thee alone I do rejoice: Therefore abide with me for Jesus' sake. Wednesday morning, March 28.-The Lord make me thankful! I have both strength of body, and a will given me to rise early, and redeem time for retirement. And now, my God, be with me, and subdue those wanderings which have crept in to my closet with me. Lord, I would fain have this place, and every moment spent in it, dedicated to thee. It was to get clear of the world, its entanglements and diversions, that I sought it. And, O suffer them not to follow me here, gracious God! Blessed Saviour, scourge every buyer and seller out of thy temple, even the temple which has been, again, and again, given up for the Holy Ghost to dwell in. Sabbath day, April 1.-I have now enjoyed my room for retirement one week. And O, has it not been a sweet week to me! Sure it has: for God he is no way bound to give: But, at the same time encouraged to plead earnestly for it for the dear Redeemer's sake: And to cast myself at the foot of a sovereign God, to be disposed of, as shall most consist with his glory, in life and death: That, if I live, I may live to the Lord; and if I die, I may die to the Lord; that whether I live or die, I may be the Lord's forever and ever. Lord, accept the surrender, for Jesus' sake. -Sabbath morning, March 25.- This is the first time that I have taken my room for retirement. And now the treachery of my own heart, and the subtilty of Satan perplex me with fears that I shall abuse the privilege, by misimproving it. And sure I am, if God leave me to myself, I shall do so! The Lord enable me strictly to watch over, and be jealous of myself, lest I should deceive myself and others-But, Lord, I beseech thee, let me not again fall to distrusting thy grace. Truth, Lord, without thee I can do nothing. I am not, of myself, suffi cient for a good thought. But, through Christ strengthening me, I can do all things. And hast not thou, my covenant God, graciously promised, that thou wilt not turn away from doing me good? Lord, except I have thy presence, wherefore am I come up hither? Wherefore didst thou excite in me such earnest desires of attaining such a place ? For any would do, if I only offer up lively sacrifices; no matter for such great secrecy. But in this, I trust, O my God, thou wilt enable me to pour out my whole soul into thy bosom, while no mortal eye or ear can discern Now, Lord, may the set time be come, wherein thou wilt favor thy poor, sinful creature with the quickening influences of thy blessed Spirit, and pour out on me a spirit of prayer and supplication, for Jesus' sake, in whose name I ask for all my mercies. Whose I am, and, by assisting grace, will be forever. Monday morning, March 26.-Yesterday morning my room seemed new and strange. And, for wise ends, I was shut up, confused and straitened: But in the evening had access to the throne of grace. And, Lord, I beseech thee, let me at this time also. And, O may this place be a Bethel. Here let me, with Jacob, wrestle with thee for the blessings I want, namely, increase of all the graces of thy blessed Spirit, knowledge, faith, evangelical repentance; yea, and humility, that dear and lovely grace: And for a spirit of prayer to be poured out on me... Lord, let me be no longer dumb before thy throne, since prayer is the very breath and life of the new creature. Lord, all thy works: praise thee.. And shall I alone be silent, while the angelic hosts and saints adore ! O let me, even me also bear my part. And Lord accept my feeble attempts, though I cannot praise as glorified angelsi and saints do; nor as thou art worthy to be praised and adored; for thou dost infinitely exceed all praise and adoration, thou altogether lovely, One in three glorious persons. O Lord, let me gaze or thy perfections, till I am transformed into the same image. O blessed be thy name, I shall be like thee, when in one everlasting day I shall see thee has condescended to own me, and afforded me his assistance every day. O what a mercy this! that I, who have so long been, in a manner, dumb before the throne of grace, all confusion and wandering, should again have my mouth opened, and filled with arguments; my soul held up, and strengthened to wrestle with God. O, go on, gracious God, yet more and more to discover thyself to me, in and through the dear Mediator. O let me behold thy adorable perfections, till I am swallowed up in admiration, and transformed into the same image. O, fill me as full as this clay vessel can hold; and when it can hold no more, Lord, let it break, that my soul may wing away, as a bird let out of its cage; awake in thy likeness, and be satisfied. And O, why am I thus rejoicing in hope of the glory of God, to be revealed to me, in the face of Jesus Christ! Lord, this must be resolved into thy adorable sovereignty: Even so Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight. For I utterly disclaim all worth or worthiness in me; yea, I am altogether unworthy of all the mercy and truth thou hast already shown to thine handmaid. It is only because thou wilt have mercy on whom thou wilt have mercy, that, by thy grace, I am what I am. And, Lord, since grace is thus absolutely free and sovereign, and increase of grace is attainable for those who have the principle, who are believers in Jesus Christ; and perseverance to the end is certain, I fly to thee, in the name of Jesus, and renew my request for increase of grace, and perseverance too. For thou hast said, For these things thou wilt be inquired of, to do them for me. 0 Lord, I cannot let thee go without this blessing: For never did a poor worldling more earnestly covet riches, than I do grace to do thy will. Lord, grant me this, and thyself, and it is enough. Let me have the portion I have chosen, and I will leave the worldling to his. O Lord, hear for Jesus' sake. Amen. Tuesday morning, May 15.-On Saturday evening, Sabbath morning and evening, and yesterday morning, I have been much refreshed in writing on death and judgment. I find, by examination, still good ground to hope, through riches of grace, that the great Judge of quick and dead is, in very deed, my everlasting friend; and therefore never will disown me; never will say, I know you not, depart from me: But, on the contrary, will say, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you before the foundation of the world: For I have paid the ransom for you; I have redeemed you with the price of my precious blood. I effectually called you in time, and enabled you by faith to embrace me, on my own terms. I made you sincere, from the day I called you, though you were then very imperfect. You was then sanctified but in part. You groaned under a body of sin and death, which caused you to wander from me, wound your own soul, and grieve my blessed Spirit. But I kept thee by the bonds of the everlasting covenant, and by my mighty power, through faith unto salvation. And, for my sake all thy poor imperfect performances, |