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dies, as calamine ointment, or a weak solution of carbolic acid, the zinc and resin ointments, and the stronger lotions, being too stimulating, irritative, or drying.

If the ulcer be connected with syphilis, five grains of the iodide of potassium are given three times a day; and if, as is frequently the case, the ulcer be surrounded by an eczematous or a scaly eruption, a weak lotion of diacetate of lead and glycerine is applied, the latter keeping the epithelium in a moistened state, and so preventing the irritation which is produced by the dry scales.

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL.-Mr. Christopher Heath believes that an accurate diagnosis of each case of ulcerated leg is essential for its successful treatment, and that the haphazard plan of poulticing pursued by patients, and of applying the red nitrous oxide of mercury ointment by chemists to every form of ulcer, is as absurd as it is common.

The commonest form of ulcer, particularly among married women, is the syphilitic. This fact is often not recognized, and ulcers are treated with ordinary stimulants for months unsuccessfully, which heal in a few days under yellow wash (one grain of bichloride of mercury in one ounce of limewater), and iodide of potassium internally. The ulcer is usually multiple, very irregular, and the skin around has a peculiar "worm-eaten " appearance. The ulcers commonly extend up the leg to the knee, and there may be thickening of the tibia. There is a yellowish-white surface to the sores, and a thin discharge exudes in considerable quantity.

Ulcer of the leg depending upon scabies is constantly confounded with ordinary ulceration, but requires specific treatment for its cure. Mr. Heath never uses the sulphur ointment for any form of scabies; but, here as elsewhere, has had every reason to be satisfied with the sulphide of calcium lotion (sulphur and quicklime, of each one ounce, boiled in a pint of water), provided the affected part is well washed with hot water, and the lotion applied while it is warm and moist, and then allowed to dry on. Two or three applications of this kind remove the scabies, and the ulcers then heal readily with water dressing.

The eczematous ulcer is very commonly met with, the disease depending usually upon varicose veins. In obstinate cases of the kind, Mr. Heath has found weak iodine lotion (one drachm of the tincture to eight ounces of water), and in the later stage zine ointment, very serviceable.

The ordinary varicose ulcer heals readily with a lotion of nitrate of silver (two grains to an ounce), and constant ban

daging; but there is a form of irritable varicose ulcer (usually of small size and near the ankle) which is very difficult to cure, and in the treatment of which opium internally, in the form of compound soap (five grains thrice daily), is very useful.

The indolent ulcer of long standing, with thickened margins and a callous surface, is not very common in Mr. Heath's practice; but when it occurs it is invariably and rapidly cured by strapping the ulcer, and the leg for a short distance above and below it. The strips of plaster should be dipped in hot water before they are applied, as they thus fit the part much better than if merely warmed; and no other dressing is to be put upon the ulcer itself. A bandage is applied over the plaster, which latter requires renewal twice a week.


Editorial Notes.

We have during the last few weeks visited many portions of Conn., Mass., New York, Penn., Ohio, Ind., Kentucky and Tenn., and throughout the entire journey we have found the most abundant and gratifying evidences of the spread and development of Eclecticism. The physicians of our school, as a general thing, are doing a fine business, and are demonstrating by their successful practice the superior efficacy of Eclectic medicine. It does us good to meet with so many to whom we have lectured and used our influence to indoctrinate in the principles of a liberal system of medicine.

STATE SOCIETIES.-The several State Eclectic Medical Societies have recently held their annual meetings. Most all of them have been largely attended, and the proceedings have been of a most interesting nature. Many important subjects have been presented for consideration and fully discussed, among which we may mention the National Eclectic Medical Association and Pharmacopoeia. The urgent necessity of both of these measures to our branch of the profession has long been felt, and we are assured that there is now a determination to have these wants supplied. A call will soon be issued by the various committees appointed by the several Societies for a meeting to be held early in 1869 at some point most accessible and convenient to the Eclectic physicians of the United States. We hope this will be so managed as to accommodate the greatest

number, and that every one will feel it not only a privilege but a duty to attend. Such a meeting will do an immense amount of good by uniting and consolidating the strength of the Eclectic Medical Profession. We wish to see each other, to compare notes on practical subjects, and to interchange views in regard to the various measures which may be presented to the meeting for its consideration.

PHARMACOPEIA AND PURE DRUGS.-The Internal Revenue Law regulating the "manufacture of medicines," etc., says that all medicines not manufactured according to the Eclectic Dispensatory, and the U. S. Dispensatory and Pharmacopoeia, the American Journal of Pharmacy, the Homœopathic Dispensatory and Pharmacopoeia, shall be taxed as proprietary medicines. There are now many chemists and pharmaceutists who profess to manufacture medicines by processes not known or recognized by either of the above works, and offer them to the profession as standard remedies. According to the Internal Revenue Law such preparations are now to be regarded as nothing more than patent medicines, and are to be stamped as such, unless the manufacturers declare, under oath, that they are made according to the formulæ recognized by the above authorities.

Pure medicines are as indispensably, necessary as good medical skill. The practice of the most able physician will be attended with the worst possible results if his prescriptions are not filled with reliable medicines. Since this is the case, it is the duty of the profession to compel all manufacturers and dealers to furnish only such as are efficient and trustworthy. Drug manufacturing amounts to nothing unless the profession have confidence that patients will not be lost by the waste of time in experimenting with what is really worthless, or be sacrificed from the use of dangerous or spurious articles. Let the profession have good and pure medicines, and let the manufacturer's charge justify him in making the very best.

That we may have all medicines of uniform standard strength, and that every physician may know just what he is prescribing, we are decidedly in favor of a National Eclectic Pharmacopoeia, and will labor constantly for this object until it is accomplished. We hope the several committees will exert themselves in pushing forward this work.

First National Eclectic Life Assurance Society of the United States.

This Society commenced operations about the first of July, and already a large amount of business has been done. No Company

ever took so many policies and for such large amounts in so short a time. This is owing very much to the fact that the Eclectic physicians generally throughout the entire country are working for its success. While the examining physicians will be mostly of the Eclectic school, the Society does not propose to reject physicians of other schools in locations where there are no Eclectic physicians. There are more than six thousand Eclectic physicians scattered throughout the country. Over one hundred of them have already made application for assurance on their lives in this Company-some for as much as ten thousand dollars. The various agents will submit a special plan for the action of the physicians as soon as the State and local agencies can be established.


LESSONS IN PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS. By ALFRED LOOMIS, M.D., Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine in the Medical Department of the University of New York, Physician to Bellevue and Charity Hospitals, etc. New York: Robert M. Dewitt, Publisher, pp. 159.

There is no department of practical medicine which has been cultivated of late years with such gratifying success as the art of Diagnosis. Indeed the precision and accuracy with which physical Diagnosis now enables us to detect diseased conditions and refer symptoms to the organic lesions on which they depend, must be considered as the greatest achievement of modern medicine. The high and deserved reputation which the author of this little work has earned as one of the best teachers of clinical medicine in this country, should be regarded as a good credential of its worth, and this practical embodiment of his teachings in the form of these lessons cannot fail to prove a valuable addition to the literature of this subject.

Dr. Loomis does not attempt originality upon the subject, but endeavors to present in an available form those rules of Diagnosis which are now generally accepted by the best teachers. The plan which he pursues is admirable, and the rules which he lays down as a guide in the practice of this art are clear, simple, and concise. While the mind is not burdened and confused by a multiplicity of instructions, yet everything is given which bears directly upon the subject under consideration. The work is elegantly printed, and illustrated with a number of well executed woodcuts. We would cordially commend the work to both students and practitioners.



The New York State Eclectic Medical Society held its semiannual meeting in the City Hall at Syracuse, Wednesday, June 24th. The meeting was called to order by the President, Prof. W. W. Hadley, at 10 A.M.

Prayer was offered by Rev. John J. Lewis, of Syracuse.

J. Edwin Danelson, of Brooklyn, and Prof. J. M. Comins, of New York city, were elected Assistant Secretaries.

The roll of membership was called by the Secretary, Prof. Paul W. Allen, of New York city, and met with a good response.

Delegates were received from the Societies in the different Senatorial Districts throughout the State.

The minutes of the last meeting were then reported by the Secretary, Prof. P. W. Allen.

Dr. D. E. Smith thought the adoption should be postponed until the annual meeting, which would be the most proper time for such action. The January Convention is the legal meeting of the year. The report was tabled.

The Treasurer, Dr. D. E. Smith, made his report. Tabled for final action at the annual meeting.

The regular order of business being suspended, proposals for membership were entertained. The following were proposed: B. M. Genning, E. T. Cheney, C. C. Johnson, A. D. Brooks, C. D. Thompson, J. Edwin Danelson, W. C. Coburn, R. V. Pierce, J. Arnold, W. H. Bowlsby, E. E. Salisbury, E. L. Baker, T. A. Moore, A. Homer Haywood, F. B. Davis, and J. K. Richardson.

Locations and addresses of Eclectic physicians, not yet received by the Society, or recognized in the Eclectic Medical Register, were solicited.

Annual announcements of the Eclectic Medical College of the city of New York were distributed to each member, and remarks made by the Chair.

While the censors were in session and the Convention awaiting their report, the discussion of the treatment of croup was taken up. The varied experiences in regard to spongia, were interesting and instructive. This may yet become an important remedy-further investigation is recommended. The acetic syrup of sanguinaria and chlorinated soda were spoken of in highest terms.

The Society then adjourned to 3 P.M., and proceeded en masse to the Vanderbilt House, where a sumptuous repast was awaiting them.


The discussion of croup and diphtheria was resumed upon call of order by the President. Dr. P. W. Allen introduced the subject of

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