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thing must be done, and that, too, quickly, or death would inevitably soon close the scene.

I was induced to use Labarraque's solution of chlorinated soda. I made a wash of one part of chlorinated soda and water five parts, sweetened well with white sugar, and with a soft probang applied to the whole surface of the throat, as often as every ten minutes. Externally I applied the chlorinated soda freely, full strength, upon a compress, renewing as often as it became partially dried, until a high state of irritation was induced upon the surface, then used not so strong. I gave internally, by holding the tongue down with a spoon-handle, for she could not swallow at all, veratrum viride, five drops; tr. gelseminum, fifteen drops, for the first dose, repeated with half that amount in one hour; sponged the whole surface with tepid alkaline water, and ordered pediluvia of the same. I was happily surprised to see a material change for the better within one hour. Before two hours had passed, the diphtheritic membrane began to be detached, and was thrown off in large patches, and within twelve hours from the time I began to use the chlorinated soda, she could swallow freely, articulate plainly, and in short she was out of danger. Rapid convalescence continued, and in a few days she was as well as ever. I was amazed to find a remedy so potent in its effects over morbid conditions, as to control so formidable a disease as diphtheria.


I dare not announce it as such, from the trial of a single case, and I continued its use, and am still using it in every case that comes under my care, and have found it a SPECIFIC. at least seventy-five cases that have come under my charge since the above date, I have used no other treatment, and have not lost a single case. In croup, too, I have found it equally efficacious, used in the same way.

In quite young children I use the lotion not quite as strong, but use freely and often, controlling arterial excitement by the use of our sedatives, such as veratrum and gelseminum, &c., as the case may indicate. In this formidable disease, that has made such sad havoc among the children of our land, I have had the good fortune to save all

my patients. I now look upon a case of diphtheria or croup as a disease, not to be dreaded, under the use of the chlorinated soda. The agent, as found in the shops, is a strong alkali, a powerful antiseptic, stimulant, and resolvent. It has a specific influence upon the false membrane, or lymph forming that membrane, so tenacious in its character, and will dissolve it entirely when placed in the liquor; hence the soft portion or unorganized, between the true and false membranes, being first dissolved, the false is thrown off in large pieces. It has the same effect in both diseases. When the membrane becomes detached and thrown off, I use the wash quite weak, say one twentieth or one thirtieth, well sweetened, until all inflammation subsides. I have never seen anything written upon the use of this agent in these diseases, and have found it so valuable in my hands that I am constrained to bring forward this paper, thinking that some one may be benefited by the suggestion. Several physicians have tried it at my suggestion, and have found it a neverfailing remedy. Others may have their favorite remedies, but most of them fail now and then. This seems to check the progress of the disease immediately, and dissolve the exudation. I look upon it, as an agent in those cases, as invaluable.

New Formulæ.


Vinum Lobelia Composite.

B Pulv. Lobelia Fol., 3iij.; Pulv. Lobelia Seminæ, 3iij; Cypripedi Pubescentis, (American Valerian) in coarse powder, ij.; Ol. Anisi; Ol. Menth. Pip. ãā. f3 jss.; Alcohol, ij.; Vini (Sherry), O.ij.

Mix the lobelia, valerian and wine together, cut the oils with the alcohol, and turn them all together into the bottle. Macerate, with occasional agitation, for twenty-one days; then express and filter through paper. This makes an ele

gant preparation, and from many years' experience has be come a great favorite with myself and also with other practitioners to whom I have communicated the formula. I was recently reminded of my long-entertained intention to communicate the formula to the profession, by an order which I accidentally saw from a distant physician to my druggist for a large supply of what he called the "invaluable preparation." The dose is from half a drachm to a fluid ounce.

USES.-First, as a febrifuge and antiphlogistic.—In simple fevers it may be successfully used as a stimulating and nauseating diaphoretic, and is particularly adapted for this purpose to infants, children, and delicate adults. It is perfectly safe, and may be given in any quantity from a few drops to an ounce, in some simple warm infusion, sweetened and made palatable with sugar. A good vehicle is an infusion of the Nepeta Cataria. It promotes diaphoresis and diuresis, relaxes the muscular tension of the organization which exists in all sthenic forms of fever; promotes capillary circulation and relieves the nervous irritability of the system. If pushed to a sufficient extent it produces free and easy emesis without gastric irritation or any tendency to hyperemesis. As an antiphlogistic it may be freely and safely used in all forms of inflammatory disease occurring in children or delicate adults. If freely administered in the primary or congestive stage of pleurisy, pneumonia, or other inflammatory form of disease, it will usually cut short the disease. It is not advisable to continue its administration to a very great length of time. Its good effects are usually obtained when it is gradually administered until free emesis is brought on in the course of four or six hours, and should then be discontinued for a time at least; but may be renewed again if circumstances indicate. Its sedative effect is very considerable if long continued.

Second-as an emetic for infants and delicate persons. Third-in croup and catarrh it is very convenient and efficient.

Fourth-as an anodyne for infants that are cross and fretful from colic or indigestion, it is superior to any of the

soothing syrups or cordials, and does no harm. It may be given mixed with an equal quantity of simple syrup in teaspoonful doses to infants, and repeated until relief is obtained. It will do no harm to even the most delicate infant, but it need not be continued at any time after vomiting ensues.

Its range of application is very extensive, and I find it to be one of my most useful remedies.

Syr. Hypophosphate Composite.

B Calc. Hypophos.; Soda Hypophos., ãã. 3j..; Aquæ Dist. Bul., f3. xxv.; Glycerine; Syr. Simp.; Alcohol, āā., fz. V.

Dissolve the salts in the hot water and filter through paper; then add the other articles in the order in which they are written in the formula. In cold weather or when the solution is to be used immediately it is better to omit the alcohol and substitute water. The spirit is only added to prevent fermentation. It will be seen that each f3., represented by a teaspoonful, contains one and a half grs. of each of the salts or three grains of both. This constitutes a very eligible method for the administration of these articles, and it is the more valuable because it is so easily prepared. prefer the chemicals manufactured by Nichols, of Boston, to any others that are in the market, and always use them in my practice, though the price is about twenty per cent. higher than that of other chemicals. For some purposes, the Syrup of the Hypophosphites, prepared by Mr. Nichols, is preferable to the formula here given. It is where the iron and the potassa may be desired, or where these will not be objec



The preparation is of great service in the treatment of many forms of disease where there is great nervous debility or exhaustion from mal-nutrition. This is the key to its successful administration. It is highly useful in the premonitory stages of tuberculosis, and indeed in almost any or all stages of this terrible malady. In the somewhat chronic stages of cholera infantum bordering on marasmus, as well as in the

latter form of disease, it is often of the greatest utility. Its effects are not sudden and temporary, but slow, certain and effectual in building up and removing that condition of the organization expressed by the term inanition. It will be found to be exceedingly efficacious also in.those old cases of nervous and seminal debility growing out of excessive venereal indulgence or self-abuse.. In infants during the process of dentition, and especially in those cases of defective organization, from scrofula, and transmitted mercurial poisoning, where there seems to be such defective nutrition that the vital forces cannot eliminate sufficient tooth-making material from the defective blood, it has in my practice produced the most remarkable effects. I have also found it useful in the second dentition of delicate and strumous children. MILFORD, Del.

Clinical Record of Cases Treated at the Eclectic Medical Dispensary.


[Continued from page 258.]

THE readers of the Review will remember a case reported in the April No. of severe intra-uterine ulceration, treated with carbolic acid. The patient called upon me a few days since, having been absent 2 months, somewhat alarmed at an enlargement of the abdomen and tumefaction of the mammæ, although she admitted her health to be vastly better than for years past. When discharged, the functional action of the uterus was apparently normal, discharge entirely arrested, no tenderness, but some induration of the cervix, for which we used the pessaries of cocoa butter and iodide of zinc with belladonna.

At her request we made an examination of the uterus. Somewhat increased in size, not tender, high up in the pelvis with the os and cervix soft and patulous in the highest degree-these with other symptoms lead us to the conclusion, that she is "enciente" after eight years of barren wedlock.

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