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kead, of Tuam, at their last meeting, the details of which we shall lay before our readers in the reports of the Society next week. A patient had been subject to epileptic fits, and had been treated without benefit for them. Being taken suddenly in one of the attacks, the patient fell with the head against the bars of the grate, and sustained very severe burns over the parietal bones. After a protracted illness, the parietal bone became detached and exfoliated almost entire, and the patient recovered, cured of the epilepsy but minus the parietal bone, and with no protection for the brain but the cicatrized integument.-Dublin Med. Press & Cir.

INFLUENCE OF DIGITALIS ON THE PULSE.-Dr. CONSTANTIN PAUL has published (Bulletin Gener. de Therapeutique, tome lxxiv., 1868) a research on the influence of digitalis on the pulse, in which his principal results were obtained by the use of the sphygmograph. He thus states his conclusions: Digitalis, in small doses, generally diminishes the frequency of the pulse; in large doses it increases it.When digitalis is exhibited in such doses as to produce its hyposthenic effects, it lowers the arterial tension; and the contrary effect may possibly be produced by very small doses, as some investigators have asserted. Finally, it is probable that digitalis raises the arterial tension when it diminishes the frequency of the pulse, and that it lowers this tension when it increases the number of the pulsations.Journ. Anat. and Phys., Nov. 1868.

CAPSICUM IN DELIRIUM TREMENS.-A further experience (see Nos. of this Journal for July, 1866, p. 241, and January, 1867, p. 248) has confirmed Dr. LYONS in his opinions of the value of capsicum in. delerium tremens, more especially in those cases in which opium has been already tried and failed to produce sleep.

"In a considerable number of cases, Dr. Lyons has found that a single dose of capsicum-twenty to thirty grains, according to the urgency of the symptoms-suffices to produce rest, sleep, and consciousness. In exceptional instances, however, a second and even a third dose has been required, before full tranquility was produced.Thus, in a case recently under treatment in the Hardwicke Hospital, the patient, after a period of tranquility, had, as it were, a relapse into tremor and delirium, on two distinct occasions, and required a second and third dose of the drug, when eventually full relief to all the symptoms was produced, and the patient was pronounced well.

As a practical point, it would scem worthy of special comment, that Dr. Lyons has found that the drug is well borne, and tranquillizes the stomach in cases in which irritability and vomiting are present as a very troublesome complication. In several such instances, the administration of the drug has been followed by immediate relief to the gastric symptoms.

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Fourth Annual Commencement of the Eclectic Medical College of the City of New York.

THE Commencement exercises of the Fourth Session of this Institution were held at the College Building on Thursday evening, Feb. 4th, 1869, before a crowded and highly intelligent audience.

Prof. Robert S. Newton introduced the Rev. D. K. Lee, who opened the exercises with prayer.

The Report of the Session just closed was then read by the Secretary of the Faculty, Prof. Paul W. Allen.


We are assembled this evening to hold the Commencement Exercises of the Fourth Session of the Eclectic Medical College of the City of New York.

From the date of our charter, April 22, 1865, until now, the progress of our educational enterprise has been regular and permanent. We believe it can be truly said that the College has never excited any expectations to solicit the approbation and patronage of the profession and of students. of medicine which it has not amply fulfilled.

The Session just closed, has been eminently harmonious
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and pleasant. So far as the Faculty know, the entire feeling of the Class has been that of mutual courtesy and fraternity to each other; of respect and kindness to their teachers; and of constant and earnest enthusiasm in the pursuit of the knowledge of their chosen profession. Our belief is that every student has been industrious in his studies, has carefully avoided every outside excitement which might attract his interest and attention, and has devoted himself, or herself, to the thorough acquisition of Medical and Surgical Science.

Very rarely indeed has any student been absent from any lecture given by either of the Professors; and all have seemed anxious, day by day, to gather such definite ideas of our teachings, that they could thoroughly understand us, and thus be prepared to use such knowledge in the actual and responsible duties of the profession.

Our class has been small-twenty-seven matriculants and only seven graduates; and yet we feel that the influence of our instructions will tell on the medical welfare of thousands of families of the afflicted.

Of this number, six were ladies; and it is proper in this connection to state that, by making provision for their separate instruction in dissections, and in a few lectures, all objections to the joint education of ladies and gentlemen in medicine and surgery seem to have been entirely removed. The attendance of ladies has in no way hindered the usefulness of the course of lectures, and their presence has added greatly to the social and refined enjoyment of all. We know not what may be the future action of the College in this respect, but it is not too much to say, that in the experience of the session just closed, it has been an agreeable and perfect success. It can scarcely be supposed that any lady who aspires to the sacred duties of the physician will be less than a lady; and no man has the least right to be a physician who is less than a gentleman.

Among our students have been those who have devoted many years of study to their profession, and have performed its duties to a limited extent; and some of these have prac

ticed other systems of medicine, and have only attended our College because the intelligent convictions of their experience have led them to believe that the Eclectic Practice is entirely more successful and more scientific than either Allopathy or Homœopathy.

From conferences which the Faculty have had with Physicians who visited the city, and from correspondence with a still greater number, in many different States, we distinctly infer that a large proportion of the students of this College for the next ten years, will be those medical gentlemen who have, heretofore studied and practiced other systems -some of them for many years. We invite all such to test our system, as it shall theoretically approve itself to their reason, in its teachings; and as it shall prove itself successful, in its practice.

This College has now graduated about fifty physicians, aside from its honorary and ad eundem graduates; and these physicians are mostly settled in a useful and lucrative business, and are attracting to themselves the respect of the public and the gratitude and confidence of the afflicted. Promising fields of usefulness are now open to many more Eclectic physicians than attend this College, and the inducements to enter the Medical Profession were never before so great as


New York is a better field for the observation of medical students than any other city; its hospitals embrace every class of invalids; its dispensaries illustrate every variety of chronic disease; its clinics are now at least as varied as those of any European city; and the opportunities of studying specialties, under teachers who have long devoted themselves to perfecting their knowledge of particular diseases, is nowhere excelled.

The Eclectic Medical College of the City of New York is becoming much better known every year; and the Eclectic Medical Societies of Maine, Vermont, Canada, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, and some other States, have endorsed our College by such action as shows their fullest confidence in the scientific character and practical value of

our instructions. This institution had never before as many friends as it has to-day.

We cannot close this Report without referring to one other topic. This College would wonderfully enlarge its usefulness, if it could receive such an endowment, at once, as would free its building from debt, enlarge its cabinets, and add to its apparatus for the illustration of the medical sciences. A few intelligent friends, in different States, fully realize this; and what better benefaction could humanity and wealth make than to endow such an institution with the means of enlarged usefulness—an institution which has now the full confidence and patronage of the public; an institution whose medical doctrines and practice are fast securing the confidence of physicians, and of the American people; an institution devoted to the advancement of that science which is dedicated to the saving of life and the relief of suf fering. Missionary and educational enterprises receive the honorable and generous benefaction of hundreds of the wealthy and the poor, and distinguish our age as the age of charity and brotherhood, of enlarged humanity and usefulWho will stand forth, and by their munificent generosity, establish, in the fullest success, an enterprise second to none in its service to the human race!


Prof. Newton then announced the names of the following successful candidates for graduation :

Wm. Archer, New Jersey, H. E. Archer, New Jersey, M. F. Linquist, New York, Homer L. Sweet, New Hamp shire, Isaac S. Miller, New York, George O. Starr, New York, T. C. S. Berry, Maine.

The Diplomas were conferred by the President of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Alexander Wilder, who addressed the graduates as follows:


By the recommendation of your instructors that you are duly proficient in scientific and other attainments, and in the name of the Board of Trustees of this College, I now confer

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