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it as a specific in all such cases, but thinks it will prove a remedy of great value. In one or two aggravated cases, where the nausea was constant and there was a rejection of all food taken, after all the ordinary means of relief had failed, the administration of this agent was followed by immediate and permanent relief. He prescribed as follows: Bromide of potassium half an ounce; water four ounces; of which a dessert spoonful was to be taken once in two hours. Three doses quite relieved all nausea. Where there was any return of the nausea afterward, it was allayed by a single spoonful.

IN PREVENTING NAUSEA FOLLOWING ANESTHESIA.-Dr. Alex. J. Stone has published a small pamphlet detailing his experience in the use of the bromide in correcting the nausea, vomiting, and other disagreeable effects attendant upon the use of ether. He instances some thirty cases in which the efficacy of this drug was peculiarly marked. The chief objection to the employment of ether has been the great functional derangement of the stomach which almost invariably follows its use, and if this objection is obviated, there is no doubt that it will almost entirely supersede the more dangerous article, chloroform. Dr. S. further remarks, "I have, within the past four months, been obliged to prescribe it for various symptoms attending uterine disease, such as insomnia, hysteria, epilepsy, and other forms of mental and nervous derangement. With the single exception of the resulting acnoid eruption which passes away voluntarily when the medicine is discontinued, I have been so fortunate as not to have seen any ill results. In case it is to be given after the use of ether I would recommend the exhibition of either 30 or 40 grains every 30, 45, or 60 minutes, as may be found desirable. I am inclined to think, from an extended series of experiments, that there is little or no risk of gastric, nervous, or other irritation from its use, even in doses that might seem enormous, provided the bromide is exhibited in at least twice the amount of water required to dissolve it."

IN ASTHMA.-In the Richmond Medical Journal Dr.

J. D. Palmer reports a case of distressing asthma of seventeen years' standing, in which the paroxysms occurred nearly every night, with occasional intervals of a week, which came under his notice about four months ago. He prescribed the bromide of potassium in 20 gr. doses, twice a day, and found it capable of exerting the most satisfactory influence over the disease. Only two paroxysms have occurred since, and they were produced by unusual exposure, together with neglect of the remedy. He therefore cordially recommends it in similar cases.

Dr. Belgie also reports having permanently cured two cases of asthma of long standing, where the patients had renounced all hopes of benefit from drugs, by the use of bromide of potassium in full doses, night and morning.

IN WHOOPING-COUGH.-Dr. Helmke treated successfully, by inhalation of a solution of bromide of potassium, twentythree children suffering from whooping-cough. He generally used a solution of 2 grains of the salt to an ounce of distilled water; from one ounce to an ounce and a half of this was used in the course of a daily sitting, lasting, on an average, for eight minutes. All the above cases, varying in age from one and a half to eleven years, were, at the commencement of the treatment, in the early stage of the convulsive period, attended with frequent attacks of coughing, the daily number of which varied from ten to twelve. The cure demands from eight days to three weeks. His theory of the action of the bromide in such cases is that the salt acts as an anesthetic on the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx, and trachea, and also that it acts as a slight astringent and diminishes the tenacity of the mucus which can now be more readily expectorated.

IN STRIDULUS LARYNGISMUS.-Dr. T. M. Rooke, in the British Medical Journal, suggests the great probable value of bromide of potassium in the constitutional treatment of this affection, and narrates a severe case of this intractable disease occurring in a child of nine months, which had resisted all the means generally recommended, but yielded to the employment of the bromine salt. He commenced in

doses of one grain twice a day, and gradually increased it to two grains. He has now been taking it ten months, has never had another fit, and has otherwise been in excellent health.

Clinical Record of Cases Treated at the Eclectic Medical Dispensary.


[Continued from page 258.]

CASE 5295. This, it will be remembered, was a severe case of catarrh, resulting in obstruction of the lachrymal duct, abscesses had formed and resulted in fistulæ, presenting a scrofulous tendency.

June 2.-The last fistula has closed, and is granulating nicely. The others have entirely disappeared, and traces of their previous existence becoming obliterated. The duct performs its functions perfectly, the eye resuming its natural appearance.

We continue the wash of Hydrastis and Sulphate of Zinc, also the Compound Stillingia Pills, and recommend their use for some weeks.

This being the first opportunity we have had to thoroughly test this form of pill unaided by other medication, we cannot speak too highly of their action, as a powerful alterative, and recommend them to the profession as perhaps the best combination of Stillingia, and kindred agents for the treatment of scrofulous diseases, more especially those that have been aggravated by mercurials. The formula will be furnished to any physician on application at the Empire Chemical Laboratory, 221 E. 26th street.

James C, age 40. Native of Ireland. Single. Partial deafness, resulting from catarrh (five months standing), irritation of auditory nerve, constant pain in vertex and frontal region, singing and roaring noises, with other symptoms of congestion, derangement of stomach, loss of appetite, impaired vision, tongue heavily coated, and a discharge of thick gelatinous secretion from the nares.

Prescribed Pil. Cathart. Comp. j. omni nocte, and to syringe the ear with warm soapsuds once daily, using about one pint each time.

May 22.-Patient states that his appetite and general health are much improved, has less noise in the head, can distinguish sounds more readily, still some sense of fullness with singing noise and pain in the frontal region. Gave the following to be used as a snuff every night :

Powdered Bayberry, Myrrh, Hydrastis and Bloodroot. Continuing the warm soap and water injections.

May 25.-Patient says snuff acted like a charm. Pain all gone. No more noise in the head; offensive secretion. from nares arrested; hearing much improved. Gave more snuff; desiring him to return if necessary; have not seen him since.

Abram M, age 29. Native of Germany. Married. Incipient Phthisis, with laryngitis and bronchial irritation.

This patient presents himself much emaciated; has hectic fever, night sweats, respiration short and hurried, pallid countenance, pulse 100; has severe spasmodic cough, with profuse yellow expectoration; no appetite. There is soreness of the pectoral muscles and enlargement of the pupils; on auscultation, the respiratory murmur is feeble, with bronchial rale; on percussion, there is dullness in the lower lobe of the left lung. On examination of the throat, the tonsils appear elongated and ulcerated, and covered with a thick frothy expectoration. Patient says he has suffered during three years, and cannot walk the length of a block without rest. After giving explicit directions as to diet, clothing, exercise, bathing, etc., we prescribe as follows:

Potass Chlorat., 3ij.; Aquæ, iv.; Al. Fld. Ext. Hydrastis, 3ij. M. The throat to be gargled twice daily.

R Al. Fld. Ext. Silphium, Ziv.; Hydrastis, 3iij.; Asclepias, 3 iij. Syrupi Helianthi Co., 3 iii. Dose, 2 teaspoonfuls three times daily.

April 22.-The condition of the throat much improved; appetite gaining; cough less troublesome, but expectoration increased; slowly gaining strength.

Continue the cough drops as above, and use frequently

during the day inhalations of tar. Also take 2 Cod Liver Oil dragees three times daily.

April 29.-Rapidly improving in every respect, continue


May 13.-Patient says he walked this morning from Thirtieth street to City Hall park without inconvenience; had resumed his occupation. Recommend continuance of Cod Liver Oil dragees, with the inhalations of tar, and discharged him.

Francis K- , age 28, single, native of Ireland. Gonorrhoea. First appeared three days since, with usual symptoms. Has now a muco-purulent discharge, with scalding, and slight symptoms of chordee. Second attack. Gave proper instructions as to habits, diet, etc., and prescribed as follows: May 19.-Al. Fld. Ext. Agrimonia, 3j.; Gelseminum, 3j. Thirty drops 3 times daily in water, or Decoct. Althæ.

Zinci Sulph., grs. vj.; Al. Fl. Ext. Hydrast., 3j.; Tinct. Opii, 3ij.; Aqua; Glycerine, aa. 3 xiij. Ft. Lotio. to be used as an injection twice or three times daily.

May 22.-Reports no scalding, or chordee; discharge apparently clear mucus.

Continue treatment; also take 5 drops Oil Erigeron twice daily.

June 4.-Reports himself cured.

In this connection we would state, that we have not a drop of that nauseous drug, Copaiba, in the Dispensary, and never fail to cure Gonorrhoea without it. The Oil of Erigeron, which is suited to the secondary stage, must be absolutely pure, or failure will result.


Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam).-By C. T. HART, M.D., Professor of Physiology and Pathology in the Eclectic Medical College of New York City.

A MORE extended clinical experience is daily developing a much broader range of action for the Dioscorea. For a

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