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Also, 8 miles east of Zanesville I constituted, at the house of brother Berkhimer, a church of 13 members. At this house crowds (notwithstanding the weather) continued to turn out. I regretted much that I could stay no longer than I did (which was three days) at brother Berkhimer's. Efficient laborers are much needed at the places above mentioned. Though the above is more intended for Evangelists travelling upon this great thoroughfare through the state, yet the brethren of the Western Reserve are particularly invited to see these brethren as well as other portions of this state.

In passing from Maysville to Columbus I found but one disciple, and yet no country has greater claims to the gospel than this, filled as it 18 with fountains, streams, and rivers, a dense population, and all other conveniencies for evangelical operations. And now, brethren, as we are willing that the Pope should have the country without water, let us go and take for our Master that of much water.

With the best of wishes, your fellow servant in the Lord,

A. P. LAW.

Short's Mill, Indiana, November 28, 1840.

Since I last wrote you the congregation meeting at Short's Mill, Indian Creek, Law. rence county, have divided off so as to form a congregation in and around Springville; so that our number is about 60; 13 of them have been added the last six months, We are doing tolerable well; but we think we should do much better with only a passing visit from you as soon as you can. I am persuaded that much good would result from your speaking face to face to the people of this country. But the will of the Lord be done. Should you visit New Albany, it is about 70 miles to this place, on your way to Bloomington, la., which is 21 miles. JOHN SHORT.

Georgetown, Kentucky, December 8, 1840.

I have just concluded a meeting of ten days at North Middletown, in Bourbon county, at which we had 23 accessions. The brethren were much revived, and rejoiced greatly. I had the constant assistance of brother Dr. Adams who resides there, and brother Raines was with us a few days.

Brother Adams is in the confidence of the people, and had about as much as he could do in his profession while I was with him. His labors with me by way of exhortation, &c. were most salutary and successful, and most overwhelming with the brethren. The prospects were most flattering for more.

The meeting-house erected by the brethren at North Middleton is one of the neatest, most commodious, and best adapted to speaker and hearer, that I ever occupied. They are entitled to all praise for their Christian emulation and liberality. It is judged that the house will accommodate 800 hearers On the first Lord's day I was there the house could not hold the congregation. JT JOHNSON,

Middle Mountain, Botetort county, Virginia, December 20, 1840. I wish to say something about the good cause in this section. We have a congregation at New Castle, numbering 25 or 26. Out of this number I suppose some 6 or 8 upon an average meet every first day so attend to the ancient practice of breaking bread, &c. Out of the whole number we have only 4 male members, and generally but 2 of them attend meeting regularly. We have only one Elder. Since brother Bullard went to Eastern Virginia, brother Isaac Scott, of Giles, preaches for us once a month I think it is within the last two months he has baptized about 27, and some 5 or 6 to follow shortly-all these in his own neighborhood. The gospel appears to have no effect any more on the people of New Castle and its vicinity, owing principally, in my opinion, to Universalism. The most abandoned drunkards, liars, and presumptuous swearers are all going to heaven because there is no hell! MARTHA L. CURTIS.

Perryville, Kentucky, November 28, 1840.

I have no news of interest to write you. Religion in this country is rather on the onward march although we fall far short of primitive Christianity; but I think I discover amongst the preachers more zeal and dillgence upon this point.

Brother Campbell, I see but two things essential to the conversion of the world; and these are the union of Christians and a conformity to the gospel. O that the brethren universally would wake up upon this subject!

The second Lord's day in this month 5 obeyed the gospel at Perryville Young brother Kendrick is the preacher at that place. ISAAC CHAPLINE. Warren, Ohio, December 7, 1840

I have been speaking for about two years in the northern part of Trumbull county, principally in Southington, Farmington, Bloomfield, and Johnson churches. In all these places there have been added the present year by immersion and letter about 50 members. We have now only one Evangelist in the northern part of this county who pretends to labor regularly, and that in a population of some 20,000 Of all these there are only about 250 now on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. Of this 20,000 some 500 annually sink into the tomb-a fearful majority, alas! unprepared-and O the wretched state of the self-styled evangelical churches! While you are engaged in devising and executing great enterprizes for the glory of God and the happiness of your fellow-pen, remember us. HARVEY BROCKETT,



Enoch, Monroe county, Ohio, December, 1840. I informed you some time since that there were about 25 Disciples in this place. I now inform you that our number at present amounts to thirty, who meet on Pawpaw.They organized last summer. 1 co-operated with brethren Hendershot and Ward in declaring the ancient gospel there on last Lord's day; and the result was the concession of three happy souls-two of them were young ladies from the Methodist connexionthe other a young man from the world. Prospects are propitious for more in this region, if we only had efficient proclaimers; and how can we have them unless we co-operate; for individual churches generally are not able to send alone. Do, brother Campbell, speak out to the brethren again on this subject. J. R. FRAME. Pittstown, New York, December 9, 1840, Fifteen have recently obeyed the gospel. Elder Porter S.W. THOMPSON.

Our prospect here is flattering. Thomas is now laboring with us.

Philadelphia, November 10, 1840.

In the past month I gave you a very brief statement of the progress of the gospel with us; since which time there have been some valuable accessions. It is good to gather strength from every quarter among those who are in the open field of rebellion; but when Bible Christianity can make a draw from the ranks of the clergy, we rejoice the more because of the influence upon others.

The brethren were much rejoiced last Lord's day at the addition of four valuable disciples-a lady from the Baptists, and a Methodist preacher, wife, and daughter. A brief sketch of his religious history may not be uninteresting to the brethren. At the age of 14 he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church in England; at 17 he was licensed to preach; and about — years since was sent out to the Wesleyan missionary station in Halifax While there he became dissatisfied with Episcopal Methodism and united with the Protestant Methodists, and for some time labored with them; but becoming dissatisfied with Methodism in general, and not knowing where he could find any thing much better, he resolved to resign his station and locate here for the study of medicine, and in the meantime studiously examine the Bible.

Previously to his moving to our city the Rev. Mr Stockton, a talented preacher, of the Protestant Methodist Church, speaks of him in the September number of the Letter Press, of which he was Editor, under the head of Providential Encouragements, as follows:-"The Rev. Thomas Taylor, Pastor of the Methodist Protestant Church in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is about to remove his ressdence to Philadelphia. Brother Taylor was originally sent out by the Wesleyan Missionary Society. He subsequently became connected with our missionary station in Halifax, and has held the superintentancy of it for some years. He has also been the Editor of a popular literary periodical, entitled, The Pear!. He is an excellent preacher, and will, no doubt, in this capacity be a valuable helper to our cause. Indications of providential favor are multiplying around us. Let us be grateful and obedient. We respond with like feelings, Amen!"

Little did our brother who wrote the above think that in about one year after his removal to our city he would be called upon by his brother Taylor to witness his burial beneath the yielding waves of the wide and deep waters of the Delaware.

But the interest of the cause demands an additional remark. When Brother Taylor moved to the city, he did not enrol his name upon the book of any church, determining tó first decide what was truth. He, however, very often spoke for Mr. Stockton and others. The morning of the Lord's Day he united with us, he spoke for Mr. Stockton's congrǝgation-upon the kingdom of Christ and the appointed means of remission of sins, alleging that baptism was one and an important means. At the close of his remarks, he informed the church that he was now resolved to be immersed the first opportunity. Mr. Stockton then offered to immerse him, if he would allow him. The next morning he invited him to go with him and family to the immersion, which he did with a heavy heart but good spirit. When I had immersed brother Taylor I requested him to immerse his wife and daughter, which he did, to the joy of him and them. We can say with brother Stockton, "Indications of providential favor" are multiplying around us Let us be grateful and rejoice I thank the Lord for one who can and will now stand side by side in the good cause and plead a Saviour's love and claims to a dying world, and against the ravages of the demon, Party. GEORGE W. ELLEY.

Georgetown, Kentucky, January 4, 1841.

I have just reached home from a tour of 12 days, spent partly at Paris, Cane Ridge, and Millersburg. I met brother Gano at Paris, and in a few days we gained 5 additions. We parted on Saturday morning-he for Millersburg, and I for Cane Ridge. Brother Ricketts inet me at Cane Ridge, where we gained 8 additions by Thursday morning. Brother Gano had by that time gained 21 at Millersburg. At the urgent entreaty of the brethren we went to Millersburg, and 5 more were added. The weather became very severe, and the meeting closed very differently from what we expected. The year 1840 went off finely in that section-39 were added to the faithful The year 1841 ought to inspire us with renewed zeal, and courage, and diligence in this good cause. And we ought to learn wisdom at protracted meetings-short sermons, short exhortations and many of them-short prayers and many of them, with much singing, constitute the life and soul of a good meeting. The truth thus put forth would conquer the world.

When do you visit Kentucky? And will you spend any time with us here? Oh! that we could have a meeting to discuss the principles of Union, and give public notice for all parties to attend! the meeting to be conducted in all good feeling, free from all harsh remark. Incalculable good might be the result. A week or two spent in this way would give an impetus to the cause never to be forgotten. Think of this, and take such course as your judgment may approve. J. T. JOHNSON.

Beloved brother Johnson, your motion is an excellent one; and I will travel 100 miles out of my way to attend such a meeting in Kentucky on my return from Nashville the ensuing Spring. I will confer with you on time, place, and circumstance. Let us have a real big meeting once on the subject of Union, on Truth, and in Truth.

A. C.


TIMOTHY DWIGHT and AARON BURR were first cousins. Their mothers were daughters of the elder Jonathan Edwards. Both these mothers were devoted Christians, and both consecrated their infant sons to God on the altar of prayer. The mother of the former lived to train him up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and to witness and enjoy the blessed fruit of her extraordinary faithfulness to his best interest. The mother of the latter (together with his excellent father,) died in his early childhood, after having experienced and communicated by letter to her father, very remarkable spiritual exercises in behalf of the soul of her promising son-the recorded pledge of what she would have been to him, had her holy life been prolonged. Thus early bereft of parental example, protection and instruction, Aaron Burr, with capacities not inferior to those of Timothy Dwight, pursued a course which has made his name a terrific beacon, both in the domestic circle and in the political world; while Dr. Dwight became eminently successful in extending the bounties of learning and religion while he lived, and left behind him a noble monument of piety and genius in his written works. Who can say but that if Mrs. Burr had lived to watch over and pray with her son, this highly gifted youth might have pursued the same narrow path, so that they might have been equally useful on the earth, and equally welcome in the Heavens.

Mothers! though your children may not possess mental endowments of so high an order, with which to bless or curse mankind, honor or offend God, elevate or degrade themselves, yet they do possess souls as precious; for their salvation the same blood has been shed; and while your lives have been spared, they are as much dependant upon you for their guidance aright, and you are as deeply responsible to God as were these mothers, for the manner in which you discharge the sacred trust. Oh, are you individually prepared with reference to your children, to obey the summons, "Give an account of your Stewardship, for thou mayest be no longer Steward"-[Mothers' Monthly Magazine.


ABOUT four weeks since the Baptists began their services at their church in this place, which were ptotracted to eleven days, and continued afterwards at Shiloh, in Camden county, the same length of time. At Sawyer's creek, also in Camden county, the meeting was held more than a week. These churches were abundantly blessed with the conversion of souls:-44 were added at Shiloh, 56 at Saw

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yer's creek, and some 12 or 15 at this place. Bridge was highly imposing, and not less than 2000 persons were present to witness the solemn ordinance of baptism. Here were baptized on Thursday last the 56 souls who were converted at Sawyer's creek, and it was finished in 33 minutes, and 10 were led into the water at a time. Had all entered the stream at once, we doubt not that the Rev. Mr. Trotman, who administered the ceremony, would have concluded it in 20 minutes. The 44 members at Shiloh were baptized by the Rev. Mr. Forbes in 18 minutes. The work goes on rejoicingly. Exchange paper.


This effort at despatch in celebrating a divine institution of so much solemnity, is undignified, irreverential, and, upon the whole, profane. I know it is done for effect against murmurring Paidobaptists; but it is no less profane on that account. The telling it for effect is little better. In argument it may be affirmed that no more time is necessary to immerse under favorable circumstances, than to sprinkle: and this is enough. I have often heard of, and sometimes seen, these gallopping baptisms; but I have heard and seen with sorrow and disgust. What would we think of the preacher who, to encourage morning and evening worship in families and closets, should say, that in forty family visitations, only ten minutes a-piece were employed in each family worship! I trust our Baptist friends will receive this admonition with as much kindness as it is tendered, and abandon the practice. A. C.



No American press, known to me, is more addicted to misrepresenting our views, and more reckless of Christian morality in this particular, than the good old Episcopal Methodist Christian Advocate, and Journals East and West. A late writer, who dares not give his name, living probably in Pittsburg or its environs, but pretending to live in Western Virginia, has been reviewing our "Christian System" in four essays! rather, indeed, demonstrating double rations of the spirit of Philips and Jamison of Kentucky, of calumniating memory. Philips' "Gospel in the Water" and Jamison's book on "Campbellism," have, in the esteem of such spirits, survived their authors. Any one who wishes to see one of the foulest specimens of misrepresentation and sectarian hatred, sustained by voluntary ignorance, may find it in those four essays lately printed in the Pittsburg Conference Journal.

The continued displays of this spirit, together with other traits of the system in forming character, has led me to devote myself anew to the study of Methodism in its standard works. The result of my examination I purpose to give to the public in due time. I sincerely desire to discover the true elements of that system, and the causes of this disregard of fair dealing which I so much regret to witness increasing in that party-especially towards us, since so many of that

community began to abandon it and come over to the ranks of primitive and apostolic faith and practice. Any good Methodist, for I sincerely believe there are some good Methodists, who are opposed to this savage warfare, who has any document that will be likely to assist me in acquiring a very intimate acquaintance with Methodism; or any brother who may be able to furnish me any thing original or selected, will receive my thanks, and probably aid me in the detection of truth, and the exposure of error.

A. C.


SOME of the faults of public prayers are the following:

1. Doctrinal prayers, or prayers designed to inculcate certain doctrines, which are regarded as essential or important. But should a prayer be thus converted into a sermon? Is a prayer designed to teach men, or is it not an address to God?

2. Historical prayers, in which are comprised long narratives for the information of those who may not be acquainted with the detail of the facts referred to. But is narrative the business of prayer, or not rather


3. Hortatory prayers, designed to stir up the zeal of the congregation in regard to some particular subject, which at the moment may be thought interesting.

4. Denunciatory prayers, designed to warn against certain errors or practices, to put down certain sentiments, or to awaken towards them indignant feelings; being appeals to men, not addresses to God.

5. Prayers which have a designed or palpable bearing on individuals. The case of the afflicted, who asks prayers, is not intended, in regard to prayers for them, some caution against too great particularity is requisite; but the personality which may spring from a desire to administer a secret reproof or to bestow commendation, some individual being expressly in the mind of the praying man. But should not public prayers be general-such as all Christians may join in, instead of having a secret aim for or against an individual?

6. Prayers of eloquence, in which there is a display of brilliant fancy and of polished and elegant language, compelling the hearer to say, 'What a fine prayer that was!'

7. Prayers of familiarity, in which there is an evident absence of that sacred awe and reverence, which should fill the mind in every approach to God.

8. Sectarian prayers, which indicate very clearly an attachment to a particular sect among the multitude of Christian denominations.

9. Long prayers, which weary and exhaust the spirit of devotion. There are those who seem to forget that public prayer is an address of a company of Christians to God; all guilty and needing mercy; all weak and needing divine strength; all either subject or exposed to calamity, and needing support and consolation; all breathing the same benevolent and pious desires; all with hearts full of praise to the Father of mercies; and that praying is a different thing from preaching and exhortation. Boston Recorder.

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