THE TREAT & SHEPARD CO., Wholesale and Retail Music House, IMPORTERS OF SMALL INSTRUMENTS AND STRINGS, 849 CHAPEL STREET. State Agents for MATHUSHEK PIANOS, and the WASHBURN GUITAR and MANDOLIN, and the FARRIS and FAIRBANKS & COLE BANJOS and BANJORINES. New Pianos to Rent. New Music Ordered Every Day. Indigestion Horsford's Acid Phosphate Is the most effective and agreeable remedy in existence for preventing indigestion, and relieving those diseases arising from a disordered stomach. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield, Mass., says: “I value it as an excellent preventative of indigestion, and a pleasant acidulated drink when properly diluted with water, and sweetened." Descriptive pamphlet free on application to Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. For Sale by all Druggists. PACH BROTHERS, College Photographers, 935 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. URBANITY IS THE PRIME FACTOR OF J. H. GRIFFIN'S TONSORIAL ROOMS 994+ CHAPEL ST., Under the New Haven House. MACKINTOSHES . A . SPECIALTY GOODYEAR RUBBER STORE, 866 Chapel Street. F. C. TUTTLE, Prop'r. C. P. MERRIMAN'S 154 Elm Street, opposite New Gymnasium. IS THE PLACE TO BUY Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Oil, Cans, Wicks, etc., Gas and Oil Heaters and Cookers. TEAM ON CAMPUS WEDNESDAY 7.30 TO 10. OSBORN HALL PHARMACY D. J. BRENNAN, 1008 Chapel Street. Pure Drugs and Fine Chemicals! PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. Agent for Tenney's (New York) Candies. OTTO HINTZ, 1174 Chapel, corner Park Street. The New Haven Window Shade Co. 68, 70, 72 Orange Street. ARTISTIC EFFECTS IN Carpets Rugs - Portieres, etc. Every size and grade in Imported and Domestic Rugs. Competent Drapers. Prompt attention. OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. 68, 70, 72 ORANGE STREET, FINE C. K. FLINT, UPHOLSTERING. Students Chairs, Couches, Window Seats and Portieres a Specialty. Near New Haven Opera House, 674 Chapel Street. 22 Center Street. M. JACOBUS, IMPORTING TAILOR 10 per cent. discount on College trade. Best $5.00 BOARD in the City at 156 ELM ST. One minute walk from College Chapel. Mrs. CLAYTON. 1130 Chapel, cor. York St. Prescriptions a Specialty. HIGBY'S DENTIFRICE IS THE BEST TOOTH POWDER. SCHEIDER, Barber to the Yale Co-Operative Association. C. P. BUTLER, DEALER IN IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, ALSO FINE PIPES OF ALL KINDS. .. .. AND YOU WILL MAKE NO MISTAKE. Fine New York Clothing made to individual order, at moderate prices. OFFICE, ROOM 5, 730 Chapel St., cor. State, New Haven, Conn. FORD BUILDING. |