The American Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, Bind 80

W.A. Townsend & Adams, 1919

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Side 541 - ... and such other appliances as may be necessary to protect the health and secure the safety of the workmen therein; and shall prohibit the employment in the mines of children under twelve years of age. Sec. 3. The general assembly may make such regulations, from time to time, as may be necessary for the proper and equitable drainage of mines.
Side 108 - It fell slightly below that for 1915, 10.9 per 1,000. If the birth and death rates prevailing in any one of these three years were to remain unchanged, and if no migration were to take place to or from the area to which they relate, its population would increase at the rate of slightly more than 1 per cent, per annum, or a little more than 10 per cent, in a decade.
Side 108 - The birth-registration area, established in 1915, has grown rapidly. It comprised, in 1917, the six New England states, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and...
Side 335 - Infant mortality is the most sensitive index we possess of social welfare. If babies were well born and well cared for, their mortality would be negligible.
Side 283 - In view of the part played by developmental abnormalities of the fetus in the production of abortion, it is apparent that in many instances its occurrence should not be regarded as a misfortune but rather as a conservative effort on the part of nature to rid the organism of a product of conception which cannot attain maturity.
Side 1 - the uterus contracts normally, its substance is compressed, so that the blood in its vessels is squeezed out, much as we squeeze water out of a sponge. The quantity of blood so held in the uterus at the moment of separation of the placenta may be regarded as superfluous for the wants of the system. It may amount to i pound, but it is often less and occasionally more. This I call physiological hemorrhage.
Side 546 - The certificate to practice midwifery may be revoked for failure to call or summon a physician if any of the following conditions exist or develop at the beginning of or during labor : (a) Complicated presentation of a vertex (head). (b) Convulsions. (c) Excessive bleeding. (d) Prolapse of the cord. (e) A swelling or tumor that obstructs the birth of the child. (f ) Signs of exhaustion or of collapse. (g) Unduly prolonged labor.
Side 540 - Either possess a diploma from a recognized school of midwifery, or have attended under the instruction of a duly licensed and registered physician, not less than fifteen cases of labor and have had the care of at least fifteen mothers and new-born infants...
Side 539 - ... failure to secure the attendance of a reputable physician in case of miscarriage, hemorrhage, abnormal presentation or position, retained placenta, convulsions, prolapse of the cord, fever during parturient stage, inflammation or discharge from the eyes of the new-born infant, or whenever any abnormal or unhealthy symptoms appear in either the mother or infant during labor or the puerperium.
Side 550 - ... reaching every part. Should the midwife herself contract a local infection, such as a sore on her hands or an abscess or boil, or a communicable disease, such as diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, erysipelas, etc., she shall not attend cases of confinement or visit her patients until she has entirely recovered and disinfected herself, her clothing, and all the contents of her bag and other appliances according to rules 4 and 7 and has received a certificate from the local health officer....

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