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We invite the attention of the Medical and Surgical Pro-
fession to the various merits combined in our Bandages:

1st. ITS POROSITY-the greatest in the "Empire." It never causes itching, rash, or ulceration under the bandage. 2d. ITS ELASTICITY, which will enable the surgeon or nurse to put it on at any required tension, and which will follow a swelling up and down, as the case may be, a feature unknown to any other bandage.

3d. ITS ABSORBENT PROPERTIES-greatest in the "Empire."

4th. ITS EASY APPLICATION to any part of the body, not being necessary to fold over, as with other bandages, as it follows itself with equal uniformity around any part of the abdomen.

No bother

5th. ITS SELF-HOLDING QUALITIES. with pins, needles and thread, or string, so tiresome to surgeons, as simply tucking the end under the last fold insures its permanent stay until its removal for purposes of cleanli

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The Empire, Abdominal Supporter

Is Superior to all Others for the following reasons:

1st. It adopts itself to every movement of the body, giving strong and even support.

2d. It produces warmth without irritation or sweating, as it is perfectly ventilated. 3d. In pregnancy, corpulency, tumors, or other cases of abdomen, it supports weight of body from the backbone, relieving the sinews of their overwork.

4th. Its easy appliance (lace and drawn on over head or feet)

5th. It is cheap; durable. It can be washed when soiled, proper care being taken to cleanse it in lukewarm water and dry in the shade.

In ordering, give the measure of the abdomen.



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TELEPHONE Nos. 196 AND 736.

HE HERALD' circulation being among a class of physicians who PAY THEIR UB CRIPTIONS (and consequently READ each issue), this journal naturally offers the best opportunity to those advertisers who desire to reach the thrifty and progressive practitioners of the West and South.

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THE CRAWFORD THEATER-Fifth and Jule streets-First-class attractions at popular prices. Seats reserved four days in advance. FRANK F. HARL, manager.


Fifth HE NEW TOOTLE THEATRE-Finest House in the West.- TooTLE ESTATE, Proprietors. and Francis Streets. Do not fail to visit the Tootle Theatre. Seats reserved by mail or telephone.

Wanted.--Situation as clerk by a Physician; ten years experience. Registered Address A. C. MAJOR, Kearney, Mo.

in Missouri.

Sander & Son's Eucalypti Extract (Eucalyptol).—In the article treating on inhalations of eucalyptus in cases of diphtheritis (Berlin Klin. Wochenschrift, 1876, No. 21) by Prof. Dr. Mosler, Director of the Medical clinic of the University at Griefswald, it is stated: "The oleum eucalypti folies, I employed in my tests, I received through Holzle & Chelius, Frankfort-on-the-Main; it must not be mistaken for the more frequently offered oleum eucalypti australe which is obtained from the wood of the eucalyptus trees. This latter oil is used commonly for mechanical purposes and has a far cheaper price; it is, however, no longer applied by me as an internal medicament." We certify that the oleum eucalypti folies named in the Berlin Klin Wochenscrift, 1879, No. 21, and there mentioned to have been procured from us, was the product of Messrs. Sander & Sons, Sandhurst, Australia. Holzle & Chelius, Frankfort-on-the-Main, Agents.

Elixir Maltopepsine (Tilden's).--In addition to its special value as a remedy for indigestion in infants, children and delicate adults, Elixir Maltopepsine is found to possess pecular merit as a vehicle for the administration of many of the drugs which irritate the stomach and impair digestion and assimilation. It has proven of the greatest possible benefit in the administration of the iodides, bromides, salicylate of soda, iron, etc., because of its grateful influence on the stomach. Cases in which these and similar drugs cannot be borne, may be rendered not only tolerant, but really acceptable to the stomach by combining them with Elixir Maltopepsine in about the following proportion:

Citrate of iron


1 to 3 grains to each f. drachm of Elixir Maltopepsine.

"and Quinine 1 to 3 Iodide of Potassium

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1 to 3


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The above combinations readily suggest to the mind of the physicians the various conditions in which they would be applicable. If, in a case of indigestion, for example, with anæmia, debility, chlorosis, etc., what could be more appropriate than to associate with the Elixir Maltopepsine the Citrate of Iron, Citrate of Iron and Quinine, or Citrate of Iron, Quinine, Strychnine and Phosphorous (?) any of which will readily combine with the Elixir Maltopepsine, making an elegant and agreeable preparation, and one that nicely meets the indications presented in such cases. So in relation to the other drugs meeting the complications presented by a tuberculous-scrofulous, syphilitic or rheumatic diathesis, in a dyspeptic subject.


Surgical Chair.-Any doctor in need of a first class operating chair, can secure a bargain by addressing RETIRED, care MEDICAL HERALD, St. Joseph, Mo.


Insomnia. If the patient is unable to obtain sleep during the early hours of night, give trional; if patient falls to sleep upon retiring, but awakens too early, give sulfonal.-Med. Record.

In Hemicrania.-I have used Gurania in the treatment of hemicrania, and have come to regard it as a very useful addition to the resources of the physician in the treatment of that and other varieties of neuralgia.

WM. E. QUINE, M. D., Prof. Practice Medicine, College P. and S.

Great Relief.-J. Ringwood, M. R. C. P. I. and L. M. L. R. C. S. I., Kells, County Meath, Ireland, writes: "I have had the most satisfactory results from the use of Lilly's Glycones. Besides their certain gentle on the bowels, they give the greatest relief in all cases of pelvic congestion, pruritus and internal hemorroids."

Doctor.-Advice given in difficult medical cases, by an old physician, who has had more than ordinary success in the treatment of disease. Write him a statement of the case that puzzles you. Inclose $2.00, fee for consultation. By return mail you will get his opinion, and the plan of treatment he prescribes.

Address, ELI G. JONES, M. D. Ph. D., 84 Fair St., Paterson, N. J.

Bicycling Hustling.-Hustle in your application for agency, and we'll hustle you our terms. They will compel you to hustle an order to us, and we'll hustle to you the finest wheels you ever saw. You can quickly hustle them out on the street, thereby hustling some easily earned money in your pocket. Hustlers wanted by a hustling bicycle concern. Send two cent stamp for catalogue.

KNIGHT CYCLE Co., 311 N. 14th St., St.. Louis, Mo.

What do you Feed the Baby?-Nothing is so important as the right food. Carnrick's soluble food, a perfect food for infants, is constructed upon the strictest physiological principles from powdered cow's milk and dextrinized wheat. Thousands of children have been raised on this food when mothers milk, cow's milk and the various other "Infants' Foods" have failed. Being a perfect food in itself, the only preparation needed is the addition of water. Large sample sent physicians on request. REED & CARNRICK, New York City.

To the People of Missouri.-One of the prominent features of the tour of "Missouri on Wheels" will be an effort to put the people in the East in direct communication with representative citizens of all parts of Missouri who can supply specific information that will assist in deciding the matter of location. To make this work effective, it is necessary for the management to have the names and addresses, together with such material as can be furnished, of every one who is willing to correspond direct with those seeking particular information in regard to any subject or locality. With this end in view a special and urgent request is hereby made to all public-spirited citizens of the State to forward at once to H. A. Fisher, General Manager "Missouri on Wheels," 403 Union Trust Building, St. Louis, any data or facts that can be used to advantage in this connection.

Better Results and Less Luggage.- Shrub Oak, N. Y., September 2, 1895.-The Abbott Alkaloidal Co., Station X, Chicago. Dear Dr. Abbott:-When I look back upon more than forty years of practice in the old rut, and think of the useless luggage I have borne about a rough country and dispensed to a suffering clientage, and now find unspeakably better results from the exhibition of your never disappointing alkaloidal preparations, I can hardly realize the delights of the new era. I am not only determined but thankful to change the old for the new, and continue with delight the practice of medicine which I was about giving up. I want the Clinic and all the rest of the alkaloidal literature. It makes me a boy again. I am, very truly yours, JAMES HART CURRY, M. D. Send for price list, literature and free sample copy of the Alkaloidal Clinic.

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Have You Secured Space in the CHRISTMAS HERALD?


THE SANITARIUM:: Battle Creek, Michigan.

Incorporated 1867.

The largest, most thoroughly equipped and one of the most favorably located in the United States. It is under strictly regular management. Eight physicians, well trained and of large experience. A quiet home-like place where trained nurses," "rest cure," "massage," "faradization," "galvanization," "static electrization," "Swedish movements," "dieting," 'baths," "physical training," and all that pertains to modern rational medical treatment can be had in perfection at reasonable prices. A special Hospital Building (150 beds) for surgical cases with finest hospital facilities and appliances. Large fan for Winter and Summer ventilation, absolutely devoid of usual Hospital Odors. Delightful Surroundings, Lake-side Resort. Pleasure Grounds, Steamere, Sail-boats, etc, Trained nurses, either sex, furnished at reasonable rates. J. H. KELLOGG, M. D., Sup't, Battle Creek, Mich.


The undersigned have for several years been manufacturing a pure gluten for a few physicians. We are now prepared to furniet to the medical profession the one pure gluten biscuit manufactured in America. For samples and prices, address. Sanitarium Health-Food Co., Battle Creek, Mich.

As Digestible as

Mothers' Milk.

Cows' milk modified by the PEPTOGENIC POWDER is just as digestible as mothers' milk,-no more so, the baby has to do the rest.

FAIRCHILD'S PEPTOGENIC MILK POWDER affords the only known method of modifying cows' milk to the standard of human milk.


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