| John Flavel - 1671 - 576 sider
...aright." Psa. 50 : 23i He will be your sun and shield, if you walk softly before liim. Gen. 15 : 1. " He will give grace and glory, and no good thing will he withhold from him that walketh uprightly." Psa. St : 11 And he promises no more to you than he hath made good to... | |
| John Jones (of Merionethshire.) - 1705 - 86 sider
...Refpedts, with his Favour and Blefling here, and Glory hereafter : For God will be a Sun and a Shield, he will give Grace and Glory, and no good thing will he with-hold from them that Walk^uprightly ; whereas if Men are partial in their Obedience, God will abhor all thnr good... | |
| William Beveridge - 1709 - 364 sider
...fupport me. Hath He Grace? That fhall make me Holy. Hath He, Glory ? That mall make me Happy 5 for the Lord will give Grace and Glory, and: no good thing will he vitfyhold from thofe that walk uprightly, Pfal. 84. n. And as He is nothing but what He is unto us,... | |
| Matthew Hole - 1716 - 540 sider
...fuffer Hunger, yet they that fear the Lord {hall want no manner of thing that is good •, for God wiH give Grace and Glory, and no good thing will he withhold from him that leads a godly Life : and therefore our Saviour bids his Dip ciples riot to labour for the... | |
| Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 sider
...his Faithfulnefs. He will recornpenfe his Work ; and a full Reward fliM be given him of the Lord. b The Lord will give Grace, and Glory; and no good thing will he with-hold from them that •walk uprightly. c All things work together for good to them that love God. d Be ye ftrong... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 sider
...Lord : my Heart and my Flefh CRIETH out for the living God. II. For the Lord God is a Sun and Shield: the Lord will give Grace and Glory : and no good Thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. John vii. 37. In the laft Day, that great Day of the FeaH, Jefus flood and... | |
| Daniel Wilcox - 1744 - 454 sider
...in the jeer et place of the Mo ft High, jhall abide under the Jhadoio of the Almighty. The Lord God is a fun and a fhield : the Lord will give grace and glory, and no good thing will he withhold from thole that walk uprightly. And this is the God / am always continually ivith, A God who is a fun to... | |
| Nehemiah Walter - 1755 - 550 sider
...Sincerity, and that {hall be verified on you. Pfal. Ixxxiv. i r. The Lord God is a Sun and Shield : The Lord will give Grace and Glory, and no good Thing will he witbold frotii tiem that walk uprightly. The Unreafonabknefs of labouring for Things that cannot fatisfy.... | |
| Titus Knight - 1766 - 478 sider
...mine before men, that they fee" ing your good works may glorify your father " which is in heaven ; for the Lord will give " grace and glory, and no good thing will he " withold from them that walk uprightly. f IN 1 S, TREATISE ON THE • IMPUTATION of SIN, AND OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.... | |
| John Flavel - 1770 - 518 sider
...Pi.il. 1. ult. He will be your fun and fiielri, if you walk before him and be upright, Gen. xv. i. "He " will give grace and glory, and no good thing will he with-hold " from him that walketh uprightly," Plal. Ixxxiv. i i. And he promifes no more to you than he hath made good... | |
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