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Containing an Account of the first thirty years of her Life, written by herself; with a brief Introduction.

MRS. SARAH OSBORN, was born in London, on February 22, 1714. Her father was Mr. Benjamin Haggar. Her mother was Mrs. Sufanna Haggar, whose maiden name was Guyse. She was sister to the Reverend Doctor John Guyfe of London. Mrs. Ofborn came to America, with her mother, in the year 1722, in the ninth year of her age, her father having been here for fome time before. They lived in Boston a short time, and then moved to Freetown, on the east side of Taunton river, near fifty miles fouth of Boston, and above twenty miles from Newport. In the year 1729, they moved to Newport on Rhodeifland, where she lived till her decease.

The following is a more particular account of the first thirty years of her life, written by herself.

HAVING been for fome years strongly inclined to write something of what I can remember of the dealings of God with my foul from a child, I now, being about thirty years old, attempt to do it; hoping it may consist with the glory of God, at which I trust, through grace, I fincerely aim: And the good of my own foul, as a mean to ftir up gratitude in the most ungrateful of all hearts, even mine, to a glorious and compaffionate Savior, for all his benefits towards fo vile a monster in fin as I am: And for the encouragement of any who may providentially light on these lines after my decease, to trust in the Lord, and never despair of mercy, fince one so stubborn and rebellious as I have been, has obtained it, through the sovereign riches of free grace. But Oh, let all tremble at the thought of abusing a Savior fo, lest God should say, " Let them alone, they shall never enter into my rest."

Lord, humble me for my base ingratitude; and help me, by affording me the influences and assistance of thy blessed Spirit, that I may be impartial in this work, declaring the truth, and nothing but the truth; and in all that, have a fingle eye to thy glory. O, for Jesus' fake, fuffer me not to do any thing that will tend to puff up. felf. O, remove all spiritual pride, and keep me low at the fect of Jesus. Fill me with adoring and admiring thoughts of thee, O God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghoft, who has fo wonderfully contrived and wrought out my redemption; and though thou haft, through infinite wisdom, hid these things from the wife and prudent, yet haft revealed them unto babes; and even to me, the mon ignorant and

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