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That it is fo tainted with mixtures of fin. O thou glorious husbandman, purge me by what means thy infinite wisdom fees beft, so I may but glorify thee in deed and in truth, and not leek hateful felf. Lord, I hate myfelf, when I ftand in competition with thee, and thy glory. Oh, take me out of felf, in every fhape and form. O ye glorious angels, and perfected fpirits, who can glorify your God without any of these finful mixtures; if poffible, exert yourfelves yet more. O, adore and bow yet lower: And in God's time I will come and bear a part with you.-Refreshing thought! Lord keep me every step of the way; for I am forever thine.

Monday evening, April 21.-Thanks be to God, who has this day affifted me, and brought me through the day with courage and cheerfulnefs. Has added to my family another board-1 er. Lord, adopt her into thine own family. Give me grace and prudence to inftruct her and all the reft; and open their understandings to receive inftruction. O let there be a foundation of knowledge laid in their tender hearts, which may never be rased out. O, help me to travail in birth till Chrift be found in them.

And while thou art calling me to be fo much engaged for the good of my generation, enrich my own foul with the gifts and graces of thy. bleffed Spirit; and, for Jefus' fake, indulge me with near and intimate communion with thyfelf in the few precious moments I can redeem, that thou mayeft be glorified in me. Lord, help me, and I will offer praife. And though thou


standeft in no need of me; yet thou haft condefcended to declare thyfelf glorified by the praises of poor worms of the duft, even here upon thy footstool. O let me bear my part: This fhall be my greatest joy, to adore and praife thee. Am I not akin to the worshipping and adoring hofts above? Then let me refemble them; and not the murmuring crew beneath. O let me behave like thofe with whom I hope I fhall forever dwell; and not like thine enemies, like thofe who hate thee, and wifh in their hearts there were. no God. Thou haft called me by the endearing name of friend, let me prove I am fo of a truth, by keeping all thy commandments. O let me rejoice in thee,and give thanks at the remembrance of thy holilinefs.

Friday morning, April 25-O Lord, thou feeft my weakness in body as well as mind; and how my vital ftrength fails; and I am finking under the weight of bufinefs: And yet the neceflities of my family oblige me to covet it. Lord, help, and lay no more on me, than thou wilt enable me with grace and patience to bear, to thy glory. O grant me fo much bufinefsfo much ficknefs-fo much health-fo much poverty, and fo much profperity, as will bring me nearest to thy felf, and moft advance thy declarative glory; and no more of either; Lord, no more of any thing, than thou wilt fanctify, I beg for Jefus' fake: For, except thou fanctify, business will hurry, fatigue, fret, and carry off my heart from God.- Sickness will clog, and utterly unfit for duty, fecret and fo

cial; and nothing will be attended to but an impatient complaining of aches, and weakness; an impatient, Jonah like fpirit, wifhing rather to die than live.Health will be wantonly fpent in the delights of fenfe: I fhall facrilegioufly wafte that precious enjoyment, and rove from God among the creatures. Ah woful depravity! Ah bitter remains of enmity and contrariety to God, that will abufe every mercy! -Poverty, unfan&tified, will make me murmur and complain, and care, and cark, and quarrel with the difpenfations of thy allwife providence. Oh, cutting thought! Thou knoweft 1 fhall murmur in my tent, and diftruft thee in every thing, and impudently charge God foolishly; and hang down my hands, and unbelievingly cry, It will never be better than now! I fhali bury all my mercies. They will be all loft in vile ingratitude; and I fhall dif honor God all the day long. Oh, can I bear it! Lord, canft thou, wilt thou bear it! For Jefus' fake forbid. -Profperity will puff me up. Pride will rear up its venomous head; and I fhall be glued to this world, and take up contentment in it, inftead of laying up all my good in God.

But, Lord, fanctify, and all thefe fhall work together for good, and bring me nearer thyself. For bufinefs, I will rejoice and blefs thee; diligently attend, and rely on thee for a bleffing, ftrength and fuccefs.In ficknefs, I will fubmit, and kifs the dear hand which firikes the blow. I will lie down and adore and praife, and cry, Thy will be done, when I cannot kneel

kneel and wreftle.In health, I will arife, and with joy run the ways of thy commandments. I can do all things, Chrift ftrengthening me.In poverty, I will truft thee, and eling to thee, and rejoice in thee as my only portion. Yea, though thou flay me, I will truft in thee. I will acknowledge the leaft morfel of good to be more than I deferve. And in profperity, my heart fhall be lifted up in the way of the Lord.


Therefore, O my covenant God, fanctify all to me, and do with me what pleaseth thee. have no choice to make but that by which thou wilt be moft glorified. Lord, any thing, only poffefs my whole foul, fuffer no rivals, and it is enough. O keep me from the evil; for I am thine, forever thine. My ftrong tower, I fly to thee for protection this day, and all my days. O let me be safe.

Sabbath morning, April 27.-Now, my God, bring me again to ftand ftill, and fee the falvation of God. Thou knoweft better than I can tell thee, how my way is again hedged up, and, I know not which way to turn. We are deeply. in debt already, and are obliged daily to plunge deeper, for the fupport of our family. But with. thee all things are poffible. All thy treasures are full, both in providence and grace, None. of thy flores are exhaufted. How dark did every thing appear a year ago! And yet thou didft to aftonifhment overrule, and bring re to rejoice in thy goodnefs. Thou haft chofen, my changes; change of help, and change of habitation, Delivered me from the unreafona

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ble, in a quiet way; and thereby taken off many burdens which then preffed my fpirits. And thou didft to my furprife provide for the winter, and brought me through it triumphing in thy goodnefs. And now help me to remember, that if my ftores are empty, thine are not. What have I to do, but to caft my care on thee? Lord, help me, and take me near thyfelf this day. Strengthen my faith, and refign my will to thine, whatever it is; and then do with me whatever feemeth good to thee.

Tuefday morning, May 13.-Thanks be to God, I had my hands filled with bufinefs yelterday, and was brought through it with a degree of comfort and courage. More than fixty children now under my care, in this place, where I and others feared I hould not have bufinefs. Lord, I blefs thee. Thou art with me whitherfoever I go. O, for Chrift's fake, qualify me, and make me faithful. And as thou knoweft my poor, weary body will require more reft, I pray thee let not the few moments for fecret devotion be fquandered away; but grant me fpeedy accefs. O, meet me immediately. Grant me fweet communion, transforming views of thy adorable perfe&ions.

O let me renew my choice and dedications; for thou art forever nine; and I am, and will be forever thine. O make me, as I delight to be, wholly devoted to thee in foul and body, and it is enough. Grant me this, and I ask for myfelf no more. O grant it for Chrift's fake. Grant it, because he has faid, Whatever

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