hath brought in an everlasting righteousness, by his perfect obedience, sufferings and death. Justice itself is satifised; righteousness and peace have met and embraced each other: Yea, and there is a communicative fulness in him also, and he hath imparted some grace already. Sure I am not all enmity now, though I have fuch heartbreaking remains. O, then restore thine image more and more! Suffer me not to fit down discouraged, as if my cafe was defperate, for thou hast found a remedy. There is balm in Gilead, there is a glorious Phyfician there. O, then, let me be healed, even me ! Saturday evening, August 21.-Surely I am the strangest creature upon earth. This morning, God condescended to take me near to himself, held up my foul by his almighty power to wrestle, and plead for conformity to his glorious image; that I might get as near to pefection in holiness, as it is poffible in a mortal state. Though I was unworthy of the least spark of grace, yet I pleaded, for Chrift's fake, I might have large draughts from the full, overflowing fountain; clear evidences of my union to him. I had strong consolation from gracious promises. Matthew v. vi. Ifaiah liv. and others. Likewise from God's eternal decrees. For whom he did foreknow, he did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son. As many as were ordained to eter nal life believed. These were chosen before the foundation of the world, through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth. This is the will of God, even your san@ification, Alfo Also the mediatorial prayer of Christ: Sanctify them through thy truth. From the purchase, Redeemer's blood: He died to purchase to himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. That hereby God would be glorified, if I bear much fruit. O, what shall hinder? All power is in his hands! Had an affecting sense of these things all the former part of the day. But this afternoon in a restless frame. Could not converse, or fix on any thing, though with dear christian friends. Discontented and gloomy. Surely, this is the body. O, blessed be God, that Christ Jesus is the same, as at the beginning! With him there is no variableness, nor shadow of turning. Though my frames vary, He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, and will accomplish the thing which he pleaseth. He will conduct me through all these viciffitudes, and bring me at last to behold his glory, for I am his own forever. Lord's Day, September 12.-Last evening died a child, whom I have had in my school from the cradle. Will God gracioufly pardon all my deficiencies in the instruction of this, as well as all my other children, and accept of any fincerity thou hast seen, in my endeavors to save the precious souls. Blessed be thy name, my gracious God, for the teftimony of my confcience, in that I have labored, and longed for their salvation, though not so much as I ought. O, humble me, and give grace to be more faithful. If thou seest fit to continue R tinue me in this world, and in my calling, Lord fanctify this stroke to me, and to my little ones. My bodily diforders have followed me more violently fince Thursday, than before. Was very ill all Friday night, yesterday and last night; but blessed be God, not comfortless; no, adored be his name, very far from that, especially last night, when I began to cherish a hope, that this fickness would be unto death. O joyful profpect of eternity, while well assured that I have reposed my trust in a glorious allsufficient savior. I know on whom I have believed, and can gladly venture through the dark valley of the shadow of death, and fear no evil, for God is with me, Christ with me. I have fled to him for refuge, and he will keep me. My affections are very strong toward my dear confort, my honored aged mother, my dear chriftian friends, from whom, under God, I have received so much comfort. My heart was raised in thankfulness to God for all the comfort, and refreshment he hath bestowed, on his poor, weary, unworthy worm, in her tirefome pilgrimage, and for all the dear privileges, with which he hath indulged me; for minifters, especially my dear paftor; for his written word, precious promises, fabbaths, facraments, and all fanctuary enjoyments; these were all dear, all precious; but I could gladly resign them all, for full enjoyment of my precious Chrift; can cheerfully commit my dear confort, mother, and dear friends, into the merciful and faithful hands of God, relying on his care and gra cious providence, which hath, and will flill provide for them: The God who hath fed me all my life! Having taken my farewell of things dear below, I seemed to be looking and longing for the joyful period. But, O, if it be the sovereign pleasure of my gracious God, to say, Return, I submit. His will be done on earth, as it is in heaven! It is meet such a worm should, with patience, wait his time, if he hath any thing for me to do, or fuffer, If he will give me grace, if he will fanctify me more, give me more holiness, that I may glorify him upon earth, all is well. But I cannot think of remaining here, so unlike to God. Lord, sanctify me more, for Jefus' fake alone. Thursday morning, September 22.-I have been all this week, and still am, very weak. My distemper returned, and hath brought me lower than before, and have been attended with more pain; but, through divine goodness, not in extremity, and God is still raising up friends to fupply me with any little dainty my stomach craves, and with it gives me a sense of his goodness, fills my heart with thankfulness to him, and to my friends, and this doubles the sweetness. O, my God, this is a gentle rod, not according to my iniquities; yet let it serve a valuable purpose. Sanctify every twig, and let my fins be purged away, and make me more holy, for Christ's fake. Wednesday evening, November 10.-Bleffed be God, I had a precious season this morning. God excited vehement desires after holiness; drew drew forth faith, love, repentance, refignation to the divine will, into exercise. I renewed my choice, and dedications. I was comforted. Bless the Lord, O my foul. Sabbath evening, November 14.-Bleffed, forever blessed be my gracious God, for he is good, and his mercy endureth forever. Yefterday, and Friday evening also, God took me near to himself in meditation, prayer, and. examination; this morning alfo ; and adored be his name, he keeps me in his fear, all the day long, habitually so. Blessed be his infinite wifdom, love and faithfulness, for all the difpenfations of his providence; that he by his mercies hath led me to repentance; not only fo, but hath used the rod, to reduce my wandering foul; breaking off my dependence on creatures, weaning my affections from things below, that they may be more fteadily fixed on himself, and on his Christ, his spirit and grace, that these may be all in all to my foul. What wife and blessed steps hath he taken, though once afflictive. When in my young and tender years, my heart was much set on the husband of my youth, he rent him from me, and likewise bereaved me of almost all that was dear to me according to the flesh, whereby he broke off my dependence on those streams for comfort, and led me to the fountain. O, "happy rod, that brought me nearer to my God." He hath abundantly made up to me, in himself, and in his Christ, the loss of all these. But, alas, ftill the world, its pleasures, profits and cares, threatened to engross and entangle my affec : |