On the Day of Ascension. He is risen higher, not set: Did, with his leave, make bold to shroud Amen. On the Feast of Pentecost, or Whitsunday. TONGUES of fire from heaven descend With a mighty rushing wind, Of heav'nly charity, and pure desire, And give men warning to defend And all her gifts and graces, slide Even unto thee, dear Spirit,- Penitential Hymns. I. LORD, I have sinned: and the black number swells To such a dismal sum, That, should my stony heart, and eyes, And this whole sinful trunk, a flood become, And run to tears, - their drops could not suffice, To count my score, Much less to pay : But thou, my God, hast blood in store, Yet since the balsam of thy blood, Teach but my heart and eyes And then one drop of balsam will suffice. II. Amen. GREAT God, and just! how canst thou see, And not, in mercy, set us free ! Weak as the dewy jewels of the morn, Who, like court-flatterers, wait Lord, we are sick, spotted with sin, Like Naaman, bid us wash; yet let it be Then will we sing Touch'd by the heav'nly Dove's bright wing, Hallelujahs, psalms, and praise, To God, the Lord of night and days; Ever good, and ever just, Amen. A Prayer for Charity. FULL of mercy, full of love, Look upon us from above; Thou, who taught'st the blind man's night To entertain a double light, Thine and the day's, (and that thine too); The parched crust of leprosy Return'd unto its infancy: The dumb amazed was to hear His own unchain'd tongue strike his ear: Where thou thyself shouldst dwell, not he. Let thy mercy teach one brother That, copying thy mercy here, Our dust shall cease to be with men. Amen. |