ready to conform to thy holy will and pleasure, that we, living in thy love and fear, may die in thy favour, and rest in hope, and rise in glory to the participation of the blessings of a blissful immortality through the mercies of God in our Lord Jesus Christ, our dearest Saviour, and ever glorious and most mighty Redeemer, in whose name let us pray in the words which himself commanded: Our Father, which art in heaven, &c. Prayer after Sermon. ALMIGHTY GOD, our Glory and our Hope, our Lord and Master, the Father of mercy and God of all comfort, we present to thee the sacrifice of a thankful spirit, in humble and joyful acknowledgment of those infinite favours by which thou hast supported our state, enriched our spirit, comforted our sorrows, relieved our necessities, blessed and defended our persons, instructed our ignorances, and promoted our eternal interests. We praise thy name for that portion of thy holy word, of which thou hast made us partakers this day. Grant that it may bring forth fruit unto thee, and unto holiness in our whole life, to the glory of thy holy name, to the edification of our brethren, and the eternal comfort of our souls in the day of our Lord Jesus. : Have mercy on all that desire, and all that need, our prayers. Visit them with thy mercy and salvation. Ease the pains of the sick, support the spirits of the disconsolate, restore to their rights all that are oppressed. Remember them that are appointed to die. Give them comfort, perfect and accept their repentance, give them pardon for Jesus Christ's sake, that in the glories of eternity they may magnify thy mercy for ever and ever. Hear the cries of the orphans and widows in their calamity; let all their sorrow be sanctified and end in peace and holiness, in the glorification of thy name, and the salvation of their souls. Lord, pity and pardon, direct and bless, sanctify and save us all. Give repentance to all that live in sin, and perseverance to all thy sons and servants, for his sake who is thy Beloved, and the Foundation of all our hopes, our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus, to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, praise and adoration, now and for evermore. The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord : and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and remain with you always! THE END. J. MOYES, GREVILLE STREET, LONDON. |