1 of the day. The modern novel is, as we said above, the natural outcome of modern life. There will be no general betterment until there is a larger class whose life is not so strenuous as the ordinary life of to-day. It is largely dependent on college men to encourage good literature. It behooves us then to arrange our time in the future, with some aim toward the reading of good books, that the class of people who are to make literature better may be increased. Reading a trashy novel is like taking a warm shower-bath when you know it isn't going to do you any good, but you haven't the nerve to turn on the cold. If we haven't the nerve for continued cold showers, let's remember they are better for us and take one once in a while. The Idlers. By Morley Roberts. L. C. Page & Co. Jack Bexley, only son of an English country gentleman, is petted and fondled and kept from all evil influences by his mother until he is twenty. Then he goes to the devil most innocently, reforms and marries the sweetheart of his youth. The plot is simple enough. The characters have some life and individuality to them; Bexley's father is probably the best, clearest and most original, but the younger Bexley and his fiancée are fairly well done. The immorality depicted impresses one as loathsome and disgusting, whereas the heroine is attractively pure. She is not ignorantly pure. She knows all about Bexley but loves him in despite of what he has done, seeing the natural manliness and purity that is in him. The general impression of the book is invigorating and clean. The Castlecourt Diamond Case. By Geraldine Bonner. Funk & Wagnalls Co. This is not a detective story, although so advertised. It is a robbery story with a detective. It is dull and valueless. We wish to acknowledge the receipt of the following in addition to those reviewed above: The Chicago University Press. A Decade of Civil Development. G. P. Putnam's Sons. The Development of the European Nations, Vol. II. EDITOR'S TABLE. The pronunciation of a farewell: it is something of an art. It may be that there is much to be said which can never be said, which can only be suggested: or perhaps, there is nothing to be said, yet for form's sake one must say something. Or, to make a finer distinction, there is much, yet nothing to be said; and still for form's sake again something must be said. This last sets forth my position. We of the 1906 Editorial Board of the YALE LITERARY MAGAZINE have ruled for a year. It has meant much to us, more perhaps than we now realize. Still, there is little to be said, now. For us, there has been effort, there has been profit, there has been pleasure-a goodly combination. Mark, now-we are of the ranks of those who have gone before us. That is all. As for you who now are entering upon your editorial duties, take heed. You will be with us in a year. So-for a time-good-by. And to all others: adieu. S. M. H. Purssell Mfg. Co. PERFECTION OF THE CATERER'S ART WEDDINGS, AFTERNOON TEAS AND OTHER HOME FUNCTIONS DAINTY SERVICE AND EFFECTS DELICIOUS ENGLISH WEDDING CAKE Broadway at Twenty-first Street, New York Y. M. C. A. Building, 152 Temple Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. A standard school for individual instruction in Bookkeeping, Bank, Corporation, Safe Guard, and Voucher Record Accounting, Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewriting and kindred commercial subjects Our evening sessions are especially adapted to the needs of Yale men. Consult with us by 'phone, mail or a call during office STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRITER. We are prepared for any work within the limits of our business. the Typewriter. When you finish talking, your work is ready for you. Telephone 1404-12. Room 302 Exchange Building, 865 Chapel Street. F. W. TIERNAN & CO. Successors to EVARTS CUTLER & CO. PICTURE FRAMERS 827 Chapel Street New Haven, Conn. OUR STOCK OF PIANOS New and second-hand, in mahogany, oak and walnut cases, has never been more complete and attractive. Our prices and terms are the lowest and best to be The New Haven Shoe Company. Fine Shoes at Retail. 842 and 846 Chapel St., New Haven, Conn. "Well Shirted وو This phrase used to have an intellectual significance, as it referred to a particularly happy issue between a student and a classroom exercise. Sometimes the recitation itself was considered well shirted and sometimes the phrase had a more personal application. Applied more literally, the phrase still involves an intellectual occupation, for the choice of colors and designs and materials which are presented in such a stock as is offered in this store this year involves taste and discrimination and artistic judgment. CHASE & CO. Shirtmakers OPPOSITE VANDERBILT HALL W. A. KIRK, Livery |