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But considering the immensity of the issues at stake, one could not but wonder that so few clergymen were present, scarcely ever more than half-a-dozen, seldom so many. The pleadings were more spirited than usual. The reference to authorities, was to authorities more modern than is common. Dr. Phillimore, who is usually on the liberal side, on this occasion led the charge against Dr. Williams, he was seconded by Dr. Swabey. Dr. Deane and Mr. Stevens defended Dr. Williams. The most noticeable incident was the bringing out by Mr. Stevens, the fact that the Bishop of London holds that "the early chapters of Genesis are allegorical." Thus, gradually is one New Church truth after another making its way into influential quarters. The appeal by the legal gentleman was not to any definite law, canon, or doctrine of the church, but to bishops, deans, or distinguished men who had held, or inclined to, opinions like those they had to defend. There were fourteen days of pleadings, and the judge is still taking time to consider his decision. In the meantime, notice has been given of another action, against another of the essayists, Mr. Wilson, a gentleman who pleaded very strongly for great freedom of thought in the "Essays," but who, in a work since published, evidently endorses views which leave the least possible trace of inspiration and divinity in the Bible. But this is a state of things which Swedenborg long ago stated would happen, unless the spiritual sense of the Word was revealed and admitted. It is now rapidly taking place. And, we would strongly press upon all New Churchmen, the duty of supplying as far as possible the antidote, by publish. ing the knowledge of the spirit and life of the Word as widely as may be. Dr. Bayley's Discourses furnish a ready means of doing this in a popular manner. They can be had separately at 3d. each, and the whole are handsomely bound for 3s. 6d. Some gentlemen, we believe, have given great circulation to these by sending copies to Mechanics' libraries, others by sending them to the clergymen in their neighbourhoods. We cannot recommend these methods too strongly to our readers. Then, there are the excellent pamphlets by Mr. Clissold, of which two are issued, and to extend, we believe, to seven. These we hope will be extensively circulated. The propriety

of printing the first chapter of Genesis, as explained in the Arcana, has been suggested, which we would respectfully recommend to the consideration of the Swedenborg Society. All things portend a very serious crisis in the religious world. The waves of the flood threaten, but the ark is ready.

To the Editor.

Dear Sir, I was rather surprised, on reading the remarks of your correspondent "R.," on the article in the "Westminster Review" of January last. "R." says, that the article in question speaks of the "Swedenborgians" as among those "organised congregations" who are increasing in numbers but decreasing in intelligence. I understand the article quite differently, as classing the Swedenborgians among those organised congregations to which the artisan population connect themselves,-small in numbers that join, but of the most intelligent; the remark in the "Westminster" is as follows:

"So far as the artisan population is concerned, we believe that the following is a fair classification of those connected with missions and organised congregations, the numbers increasing and the intelligence decreasing in the order here given:-1. Unitarians, Swedenborgians, Quakers; 2. Church of England, Independents, Baptists; 3. Wesleyan Methodists, Wesleyan Association, Primitive Methodists, and smaller sects; 4. Latterday Saints and Roman Catholics." p. 67. S.

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followed by a tea party, which was crowded. There was again a meeting in the new church, and several interesting addresses were delivered by gentlemen from different places, shewing the blessings they had received, and which they strongly invited others to partake from the doctrines of the New Jerusalem. It is now seven years since the first discourse in connection with the views of this body of Christians was preached in this town, by the Rev. W. Woodman. Since that period, they have gradually increased in their numbers and influence; and we trust they will add to the moral and spiritual influences which tend to elevate the town. The New Church building is a very neat Gothic structure, quite an ornament to the district of the town in which it is situated. It has a large window at the west end, with stained glass, is well lighted, and has seats for nearly 150 persons. There is a neat vestry, and altogether the place is pretty and well arranged."

This successful result is mainly owing to the consistent and persevering zeal of Mr. Tall, formerly an esteemed local preacher amongst the Primitive Methodists. Through opposition and discouragement, varied, it is true, by the sympathy and aid yielded by missionary visits and the increasing light of divine truth in his own mind, announcing the presence and blessing of the Lord, has this excellent and devoted man continued to preach and propagate the principles of the New Dispensation.

Seven years have seen them first assemble together, three or four in number, hopeful and trustful however, and strong in their faith, then taking a low room with a brick floor, and calling it "The New Church;" continuing to gather hearers and occasionally receivers, and to keep a Sunday-school. The result now is a very fair society; a congregation of about 50 in the morning, and their church full in the evening. Mr. Tall now writes:-"There is a wonderful influence at work among the people. I am cheered with the hope that our labours will be more than ever useful."

Besides the reception of the doctrines by those immediately associating with the society, there are some known who receive them, and propagate them among other bodies in St. Ives, who do not yet perceive it to be a duty openly to identify themselves with the New Church. These

brethren are doubtless performing uses, and must be left to their conscientious convictions. Besides these, there are in the villages and small towns a few miles distant, two or three here and two or three there, and to these St. Ives and Chatteris form centres of light and good. May the Lord strengthen and bless them in this position, that they may become brighter and stronger to cheer and direct the suffering and the wanderer to a church of wisdom and a God of Love!

The cost of the church has been, as near as can yet be ascertained, £260.

There have been received, as subscriptions and otherwise, the following

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A soirée, to welcome the Rev. G. B. Porteous, on his arrival amongst us as our minister, was held in the Schoolroom, on Friday evening, February 28th. A very numerous and respectable company assembled on this interesting occasion, and were highly delighted with the genial spirit and the good feeling universally prevalent; where all seemed determined that nothing should be

*Miss Tall has herself collected nearly £10., and

hopes to complete that sum. We trust our young ladies everywhere will note this fact, and imitate it.

wanting on their part to make the meeting a complete success, and to convince Mr. Porteous that he need fear no halfheartedness or coldness, in his new sphere of usefulness. The room was decorated in a style that reflected great credit on those who had had the management of that department, and it was frequently remarked that never before had the school looked so well. The three flags of the Sunday school were placed at the head of the room, the walls were hung round with the portraits of New Church ministers and other New Church friends, and the table, which occupied the middle, looked very inviting, with its loads of delicious fruits, and its vases of lovely flowers, well relieved by an exquisite centre-piece of rockery, ferns and mosses. The music too was everything that could be desired; the songs and glees were admirably given, and served to enliven the evening, adding materially to the enjoyment of the company.

James Grimshaw, Esq., J.P., occupied the chair, and was supported on his right hand by the guest of the evening. After having given an interesting account of the progress of the New Church in Accrington, since its establishment to the present time, the Chairman very cordially welcomed Mr. Porteous to his new home, and trusted he might long be spared to work with us, in the advancement of that noble cause, which should be our most cherished aim; craving for him, as a young man called to the arduous position of minister to so large a society as ours, all the help and all the sympathy we could possibly extend to


Several other friends having favoured the meeting with a few remarks, appropriate to the occasion, dwelling on the necessity of joining heartily together in strengthening the hands of our new minister, so that the society might prosper still more than it had ever hitherto done; Mr. Porteous was called upon to address the meeting, which he did in a brilliant and telling speech, candidly and frankly stating his position in the society, expressing himself very much gratified with his reception. He warmly complimented the musical friends for the pleasure they had afforded him, and also those who had transformed the schoolroom into such a fairy-like scene, making it certainly the finest New Church meet

ing at which he had ever the happiness to be present. "I shall, no doubt," said the reverend gentleman, "as a young man, need all your kind sympathy, to cheer me on in the responsible position to which I am called, and I feel sure my appeal for that help will not be in vain. We have each our own individual sphere; every man is a genius, and has some particular faculty which distinguishes him from his fellow-men, which it is his duty to cultivate, so as to become a useful member of the human family; and if we care not to do this, we are neglecting our duty; we are suffering the talents which have been given to us by our Heavenly Father to lie idle and to rust. But, my dear friends, let us avoid getting into this fatal rut of listless uniformity, that is, alas! so prevalent at this day; rather let every one be eccentric, in the sense of possessing an individuality different from all other men; for, don't imagine for a moment, that I am come to think for anyone,-to infringe on the freedom of any; no, far from it. I can simply suggest and endeavour to present the truth in such a striking light, as to induce serious and earnest reflection in the minds of my congregation, and stir them up to a warmer love for all that is good and true; so that we may indeed become faithful citizens while here below, of 'that holy city New Jerusalem which cometh down from God out of heaven;' and when called from our pilgrimage here, we may enter its portals above, where dwells eternal peace." After having spoken nearly an hour, the audience listening with breathless attention, he sat down; and a meeting which will long be remembered with pleasure, was brought to a close.

On Sunday, March 2nd, the anniversary sermons were preached, in our church, by the Rev. G. B. Porteous. The congregations both morning and evening were numerous and respectable, and the brilliant and attractive, as well as instructive manner in which the subjects of both discourses were treated, was the theme of almost universal admiration. The subject in the morning, "And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me," was made very interesting; as was also that in the evening, on "The Degrees of Truth, and its infinite adaptation to all states and conditions."

It is impossible, in the compass of a brief sketch, to give even an outline of

these eloquent discourses; we must content ourselves with saying that they were exceedingly well received, and have created quite a sensation in our society, as well as in the town itself. The collections amounted to the handsome sum of £42. 15s. 74d.


HAMMERSMITH. Our small society has been favoured with a visit from the Rev. E. Madeley, of Birmingham. He attended our usual reading meeting, and delighted those who were present with a practical exposition of the writings. On Sunday, February 23rd, he delivered to us two admirable discourses; and in the morning administered the sacrament of baptism to two adults and three infants. Our little society was quite cheered by his visit, which I doubt not will be productive of much good, our little place of worship being quite crowded. We have also to make our acknowledgements to the Rev. W. Bruce, for his great kindness to us. He administered, on Sunday, January 26th, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper to the elder communicants, and favoured us with most interesting sermons. Our society feels very deeply indebted to these ministers for their kind and ready assistance.

J. W. BOYLE, Sec.

MELBOURNE. The members and friends of the New Church in this place have been favoured with a visit by the Rev. John Hyde, of Derby, who delivered two very impressive discourses on Sunday, February 16th. In the morning he took for his subject, "Touching the Hem of the Lord's Garment;" and in the evening, "Atonement the Reconciliation of Man." The attendance on both occasions was very numerous, indeed, we do not recollect having seen our chapel so well filled for many years as it was in the evening. On the fllowing evening, Monday, February 17th, Mr. Hyde delivered a lecture on "Correspondences, what they are, and what is their use." Fears were expressed by some of our friends that this subject would not be sufficiently attractive to strangers, as the generality of persons might think that "correspondence" related to letter writing only; but it was found there was no cause to regret the

choice of a lecture on this subject,-we had again a very good audience, and the lecture was listened to with the utmost attention. We hear many expressions of approval and delight, and hope soon to be favoured by Mr. Hyde with another visit, especially as we have reason to believe our Derby friends are anxious to render us all the assistance possible.


As it is encouraging to all societies, and cheering to all friends of the church, to learn of the "prosperity of Jerusalem," permit me to offer you a brief report of the annual meeting held on the 2nd of February, 1862. Our beloved minister, the Rev. John Hyde, was in the chair. From the various reports that were read, we learned with great satisfaction that during the last year more than twice the amount of any previous year was received for pew rents, with an increase in the congregation; that many friends are anxiously investigating the heavenly doctrines, with most pleasing results; that notwithstanding our greatly increased expenses during the year, involved in alterations in the school-room, minister's salary, &c., and in subscribing £5. to the destitute poor of Derby, and £5. to the Hartley Colliery-accident Fund, yet a balance of £31. 10s. remained over all disbursements, which was appropriated to lessening the debt on the church; that our Sunday - school has increased from 40 or 50 scholars to 136 scholars during the year; that out of 72 members, our average communicants number 50; that there is an increasingly healthy tone of unanimity and exertion pervading the society.

Five new members were received, and eight candidates admitted on probation, while several valuable and worthy friends are inclined, and will probably at our next quarterly meeting cast in their lot with us. A very delightful feeling pervaded the meeting.

Mr. Hyde paid a high tribute of respect to the Rev. W. Mason, from whose profound and extensive knowledge of the writings of the New Church, and from whose experience and kind friendship he was glad to say that he had derived great benefit during his nine months' residence in Derby.

The members and friends took tea together at the close of the meeting, all feeling grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ

and His instruments for past progress, and hopeful in the pleasing promises of success in the future.



The quarterly social meeting of the members and friends of this society was held in their place of worship, No. 6, Infirmary-street, on the evening of Thursday, 16th January, when about thirty-five to forty persons sat down to tea, many of the friends having been prevented by illness and the inclemency of the weather from being present. After a hymn and prayer, two new members were admitted. An excellent essay was then read by one of the members, followed by observations by several others, and a very suitable and cheering address by our respected pastor. The greatest unanimity and brotherly love prevailed. This is the second meeting of the kind held since Mr. Gladwell entered on his duties as leader, and is certainly good evidence of the usefulness of his services. There is a growing warmth of love amongst the members. From forty to forty-five attend in the forenoon, but not so many in the afternoon, which may be owing to the distance many of the members have to come. It is intended to discontinue the afternoon services, to afford an opportunity for the Sabbath-school being held immediately after the forenoon services. A course of lectures on the leading doctrines of the New Church are being delivered in the evenings,-they are well attended. Towards the close of last summer Mr. Gladwell gave a course of nine lectures, in the meadows (a public park), with encouraging results. At the close of each lecture some of his hearers made further inquiries about the doctrines, and several attended him home to converse with him. The greatest attention and respect were shewn to the lecturer by these promiscuous congregations, frequently numbering from 200 to 250. Eight hundred tracts were distributed to persons inquiring for them; and only in one instance has a tract been returned with expressions of disapprobation. This was by a gentleman who had received one on the "True Object of Worship," which he denounced as heresy,-and, handing Mr. Gladwell a tract, "Christ All in All," hurried off. The lecturer

availed himself of the opportunity to shew that the doctrine he was preaching proved Christ to be all in all, the Divine Trinity dwelling in Him alone. T. I. NOTTINGHAM.

To the Editor.

Dear Sir, We, the undersigned deacons of the New Christian Church late of Park-street, in forwarding you an account of the work in which we are engaged, desire only to promote the usefulness of the Lord's Church, and to see it extended upon the broadest basis of the truths of the New dispensation. We seek to recognise as brethren, all such as receive the great central truths of the Holy Word, viz. :-the Supreme Divinity of the Lord Jesus; the Divine authenticity of the Word; and the necessity of obedience to the Divine Commands. They in whose hearts dwell abundant charities, and whose feet may be said to stand within the gates of the Heavenly Jerusalen, will, we trust, fully appreciate our earnest endeavours.

To many, our history and progress are well known; but, for the information of others, we would briefly relate a few facts which we conceive to be both interesting and encouraging. Since the opening services, September 15th, 1859, the church has been subjected to many bitter experiences, yet a merciful Providence has crowned this labour of love with abundant cause for the deepest thankfulness.

At the present time there are sixtyfive earnest and decided members enrolled, as well as a large number of probationary members on the list. In order to meet growing requirements, and to provide against the uncertainty of our tenancy in Park-street (as the chapel was being sold), it became necessary, during last summer, to make some provision for a place of worship. A plot of leasehold land was therefore secured, in a new and rapidly-increasing populous neighbourhood, upon which might be erected a commodious church and schools. It was, however, imperative that immediate steps should be taken, and our present temporary school and mission-room was therefore built, (at a cost of £125.) on part of the site of the new edifice, and is already far too small for present requirements. It will only seat 200 persons, and many of the younger people on Sunday evenings are excluded, in


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