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topics than Carpenter's. So that while expressing our regrets for the apparent close of this great man's labors, we can rejoice in the successful work of the new author.

I wish I could spare the time to offer an extended review of this superb work. It really merits an elaborate comparison with other recent and familiar works, not for the purpose of showing its superiority, so much as to exhibit the rapid and splendid development this attractive science is making. Physiology may be studied in this work from the lowest forms of vegetable and animal existence, to man, the richest and noblest observer of all the marvelous works of the Creator.

Science has discovered that a law of progression actually pervades the whole universe, not in the sense of the Darwinian, or kindred theories of universal development, which have no established facts nor stringent analogies to sustain them; but the unbroken series in the works of nature which present themselves from the phenomena of bare forms up to the highest manifestations of organization and the vital forces.

In the presentation of the cell doctrine, Mr. Marshall makes allusion to a subject that I have never seen referred to by any other writer, but which I have ventured to teach for fifteen years past as a reasonable inference from the phenomena of all proliferation, and that is, that each tissue and organ is represented in the spermatazoon, when it penetrates the germ cell or ovum of the female and finds there the peculiar pabulum for the beginning of organization. In other words, the different organs of the body cast off imperfect cells or gemmules, which in the generative organs becomes elaborated into the spermatazoa. I do not say that the reader will find the statement I have made so definitely stated; but well defined allusions are made to it.

In a most interesting department, this work falls below our wishes, and that is, in those profound, yet luminous psychological and metaphysical discussions into which Carpenter has entered in his views of the structure and functions of the brain.

I have been struck with the prominence which many of his original views have in recent works, such as Luys (French) on the Nervous System, and Maudsley's Physiology and Pathology of the Brain, which latter seems to be leading some into the unsatisfactory doctrines of materialism. And while both writers use freely Carpenter's scheme, they are devoid of that reverence and veneration of God which marks that great man's work.

For the present at least, the vaunted pride of science had better

accept the statement of Prof. Tyndall in his recent address as president of the British Association: "That while a definite thought and a definite molecular action may occur simultaneously in the brain, we do not possess the intellectual organ, nor, apparently, any endowment of the organ which would enable us to span by a process of reasoning, from the one phenomenon to the other."

One thing is always to be regretted in the re-publication of English works by the house to which we are indebted for so many, and that is, the miserable wood-cuts; they usually disgrace the works which they are intended to illustrate. Why not get them from our transatlantic friends, if we can not get them made here? C. G. C.


WE HOPE the meeting of the American Medical Association at New Orleans will be largely attended. For years, a great gulf divided between north aud south; and now that gracious peace has bridged that gulf, now that the "war-drum throbs no longer," and all battle-flags are furled, the devotees of Medicine-which knows neither clime nor caste, neither political nor sectarian beliefs, which is all-embracing the race as the atmosphere the earth-ought to hasten together with the throbbing of fraternal hearts and to the grasping of fraternal hands. Let the men of the north and of the south, of the east and of the west, meet together in an everlasting peace, revive old memories of harmony and union, and inaugurate new measures for the honor, the dignity and usefulness of the profession. Space does not permit us to urge upon our readers the importance of sustaining by sympathy, and by presence at its annual convocation, the American Medical Association, and especially of attending this New Orleans meeting; nor can we urge certain subjects which we hope will be presented to the Association. However, there is one thing we want to suggest to our brother editors, viz: That we have a meeting of our own at New Orleans, sometime during the period when the Association is in session. We can meet together, become better acquainted, agree, possibly, upon some plan of medical education, for example, upon the most advisable scheme of State medical legislation, and advocate these measures in our journals. What say you, gentlemen of the medical journals, to this suggestion?


[blocks in formation]


Indications for trephining cranium.

5. Best method of reducing verticle luxation of patella.

7. Difference between Colles' and Barton's fracture of radius.


Describe ordinary operation for strangulated oblique hernia.

Diagnosis between luxation of humerus and fracture of the neck.


9. Differential diagnosis of fracture of neck of femur and luxation on dor

sum ilii.


Characteristics of luxation in sciatic notek.

11. Best method of reducing luxation of femur.

Prof. Graham: Theory and Practice of Medicine—

1. What are the physical signs of different stages of pneumonia?

2. In valvular disease of the heart, how find the particular valve affected?

3. Diagnose between remittent and typhoid fever.

4. Diagnose between peritonitis and enteritis.

5. Diagnose between lumbago and nephritis.

6. How would you treat a case of acute dysentery?

Prof. Wright: Obstetrics

1. What are the boundaries of the inferior strait?

2. Name the vertex presentations and the one most frequent.


What direction must the face assume to make a natural labor?

4. What are the positive signs of labor?

5. How manage prolapse of funis in first stage of labor?

6. Give symptoms and treatment of puerperal fever.

[blocks in formation]

2. How is food classified, bow digested and how absorbed?

3. What are the chief constituents of the blood and what is the average

proportion to the weight of the body?

4. What time is required for the whole to pass through the heart?

5. How rapid is the capillary circulation, and what condition of the ves

sels is necessary to maintain the normal movement?

6. What effect on the capillary movements results from increased heart action in fever?

7. What is the theory of respiration?

8. What amount of space for each person should be allowed, due regard to ventilation being had?

9. What constitutes a nervous system, and what are the functions of its parts? 10. Give an example of excito-motor, sensori-motor and ideo-motor acts. Prof. Parvin Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women

1. What are the normal dimensions of the unimpregnated uterus?

2. How would you distinguish a simple from a specific vaginitis?

3. The differential diagnosis of a fibroid of the posterior wall and retroflexion of the uterus.

4. Diagnosis between uterine prolapse and hypertrophic elongation of the infra-vaginal neck.

5. The treatment of asthenic amenorrhoea.

6. The treatment of intra-uterine polypus.

7. The treatment of epithelioma of the uterine neck,

[blocks in formation]

9. How are ulcers of the neck of the uterus divided?

10. The different methods of treating the pedicle in ovariotomy.

Prof. Gobrecht: Anatomy

1. Describe a rib.

2. Describe a bony thorax.

3. What parts are necessary to form any movable joint.

4. Describe the hip-joint.

5. What muscles form the quadriceps extensor eruris, and how are they inserted?

6. What is a satellite muscle (give an example)?

7. Describe the heart.

8. Give the coats of an artery.

9. Describe the lungs.

10. Give the principle divisions of the encephalic nervous mass.

Prof. Bartholow: Materi Medica and Therapeutics

1. Give rule for administering arsenic.

2. Write a prescription containing Fowler's solution.

3. Describe physiological effects of Calabar bean.

4. What is the nature of the physiological antagonism of morphia and atropia? 5. Under what circumstance would you prescribe morphia and atropia together?

6. Describe the physiological effects of the bromides.

7. What is the therapeutic value of oil and water in the treatment of skin diseases?

8. Give rules for the hypodermic use of remedies.

9. Describe the preparation of calomel,

10. How administer tartar emetic to produce emesis?

Prof. Seely: Diseases of the Eye and Ear

1. Of what does the organ of sight consist?

2. How many bones enter into the composition of the orbit, and name them? 3. Name the ocular muscles, give their origin and insertion, and the nerves that inervate them.

4. Give structure of the lids.

5. Define accommodation, by a change in what structure is it brought about, and what produces the change?


What is the macula lutea, and what the blind spot of Mariotte?

7. Bound the anterior and posterior chamber.


What are granulations, divisions, diagnosis, etiology and treatment?

9. Iritis, what its diagnosis, cause, and treatments?

10. What is cataract?

Prof. Conner: Chemistry

1. Define base, acid, salt, haloid, body, with examples of each.

2. Iodine-From what source obtained, physical properties, combination with other elements, methods of distinguishing iodide from bromide of potassium. 3. Iron Oxides, method of preparing hydrated sesquioxide for use in cases of poisoning by arsenic.

4. Lead-Physical properties, oxides, lists, effect as poison.

5. General difference between inorganic and organic compounds.

6. Carbolic Acid-From what source obtained, physical properties, solvents of, strength of saturated aqueous solution.

7. Products of Decomposition of Mineral matter-Action upon lead pipe of water containing decomposing animal matter; method of purifying water containing animal matter.

8. Disenfectants-Classes of, actions of, those commonly employed, methods of employing them.

9. Alkaloids-In general, from what obtained, physical properties? Morphia and quinine, how distinguished one from the other?


Urine-normal and abnormal constituents-tests for each.

THE COMMENCEMENT exercises of the Medical College of Ohio took place on the 1st of March. Judge Dickson-whose scholarly, thoughtful and useful address upon the occasion, we are sure our readers will rejoice in having the opportunity of reading-represented the trustees in conferring the degrees. Prof. Graham delivered the valedictory, its subject being Faith in Medicine, and it is needless to add, that in composition it had the peculiar, vigorous and logical style which characterize the author's habits of thought, and that it was delivered with that graceful oratory which all who have ever heard Prof. Graham know that he possesses.

*In this address, page 197, line 36, for "connected " read associated; also, page 138, second line from foot of page, for "true" substitute good.

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