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in his pocket, in perfect self-possession, expressing himself on his subject in the most beautiful language, without effort or affectation, we felt our respect for him rapidly warming from curiosity to veneration, and left him finally, in our regard, as our ideal of an obstetrician.

The discourse was on the subject of hæmatoma, selected, as he said, from dearth of material, a difficulty, we were informed, with which his clinic is frequently afflicted; yet he pictured the case so clearly and forcibly as almost to render the presence of a patient unnecessary.

Scanzoni is a disbeliever in the frequency of this disease. In twenty-five years he has met with but three cases in which he could conscientiously state that hæmatoma existed. Just from a school, as we were, in which this was a disease of daily diagnosis, this was rather a strange statement, explicably partly, however, from the difference of different authors' conceptions of the disease; Scanzoni only regarding those cases as blood tumors, in which an effusion really occurred in the peritoneal cavity, and that generally in the cavity of Douglas, retro-uterine; whereas, according to Martin, the most frequent seat of extravasations is between the folds of the broad ligaments, the most of which cases Scanzoni regards as simple perimetritis without effusion.

In his lecture, Scanzoni narrated a peculiar case in which it became necessary to establish a diagnosis between a hæmatoma and a retroverted pregnant uterus. The introduction of the sound, which in other cases would have been sufficient, was here, for evident reasons, necessarily excluded. By placing the patient on elbows and knees, however, he succeeded in establishing a reposition of the retroverted uterus as the case thus proved to be, and the pregnancy terminated favorably. Scanzoni is deservedly a great favorite among his patients, of whom, as you can well imagine, he has a goodly quantity, and a choice. For two visits to the Empress of Russia, recently, during one of which he was only present in case his aid might be called, he received, as his assistant informed us, some thirty thousand dollars in gold, besides a residence and a handsome equipage. He has refused a dazzling offer from Baden Baden, one of the former assistants in the hospital there informed us, as it would remove him from his school.

We were unable to see Kölliker, who would not lecture until the following day. Bamberger we met at a post-mortem by Recklinghausen. He is altogether about the last man whose outward appearance presents any index of the ability which characterizes him. Small in stature, with heavy side whiskers which almost completely conceal his features; he stood there the picture of wrapt attention over an autopsy

of one of his patients which he had followed to the end. He enjoys the reputation of being one of the finest clinicians of Germany. His two late works on Diseases of the Heart and Abdomen, are considered standard.

Munich has a very fine university, a spacious stone structure, with elegant appointments, erected by the late King Lewis I, whose munificence in every respect has contributed so much towards rendering this one of the most beautiful cities of the world externally, as well as enriching her galleries and nurseries of art and science, with untold treasures within.

During our entire stay in the city, although we made it exceedingly profitable and interesting in sight-seeing, we were unable to glean anything of medical interest, on account of the inopportune season of one of the numerous church holidays, which are religiously observed by all the schools. We contented ourselves, therefore, with the purchase of photographs of Liebig and Pettenkofer, of world wide fame, and of Hecker, the present professor of obstetrics, and hastened on our way. As true disciples of Esculapius, however, we could not resist the temptation of visiting the home and haunts of Paracelsus, so that we were detained another day at Salzburg, Austria. A beautiful little city we found it, encamped down amongst some of the loveliest scenery which nature could command, and rich in historical interest. Mozart's birthplace and home, Hayden's home, the residence of the family of Weber, three of the world's greatest composers. What being who has ever heard the music of these three inspired men as rendered by the royal operas of these Calliope-worshiping people, who would not feel an inspiration in traversing the scenes of their daily lives? Not far from the bridge crossing the river which bisects the town, crowded in among its neighbors, stands a high house with dark weather-scarred walls, bearing about its centre a half-effaced portrait of the celebrated naturalist and empiric, Paracelsus. This was his home-nothing else to be learned of him there. His manifold virtues, which he himself heralded forth trumpet-tongued, have not been sufficient to have preserved a single relic of our hero's greatness. The first half dozen whom we interrogated, could not direct us to his house. A little more than three centuries have elapsed since our great medical Munchausen, the prince of braggarts, flourished in the hight of his glory, healing diseases like the traveling charlatans who take up a temporary abode in our western cities until suffering humanity elsewhere makes a sudden call for relief in other quarters; but his reputation has been, alas! almost as evanes

cent as theirs. Paracelsus adopted every precaution to propagate his name and fame to posterity. In the vestibule of the church of St. Sebastian, there is a large monument built into the wall over his grave, a tall column of red marble of obelisk shape, resting on a square base, on the anterior surface of which a scroll bears the following modest epitaph: "Insignis medicinae doctor, qui dira illa vulnera lepram podagram hydropsim aliaque insanabilia corporis artes subtulit."

Another day en route and we are snugly domiciled in Vienna, the place of the present writing; and still another beholds us in avail of the magnificent advantages of the clinics of, perhaps, the most practical school of medicine in the world, of which, anon.





Professor in the University of Wurzburg. Translated by D. B. St. John Roosa, M. D., Clinical Professor of the Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the University of New York.

Second American, from the Fourth German Edition. Wm. Wood:

New York, 1869. For sale by C. P. Wilder, Indiana

polis; Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati.

No branch of the noble art of healing has been so much neglected as that of aural surgery. This neglect has certainly been due to a very generel impression that very little could be done for the affections of the organ in question. But a patient and concentrated attention given to its pathology, has lately done much to enlighten the obscurity surrounding the subject, and demonstrated the practicability of doing much for the relief of aural diseases. This is certainly a desideratum, when we consider how frequently they present, and how generally one of the most important senses is thereby impaired. To the busy, general practitioner, few sources of information on this subject, have been accessible. In fact, hitherto, the only one was the very excellent work of Toynbee.

In the volume under consideration, the medical man will find a complete exposition of all that relates to aural science, with all the latest improvements in treatment, which have done so much to force a recog

nition of the importance of this branch of the medical art. It is a consideration of facts, garnered in years of patient investigation and practice. The book is presented in the form of lectures, but is much more systematic than is usual in such arrangement. The classification and nomenclature of diseases, is not entirely satisfactory, after having considered the admirable system of Toynbee; but this is a point of minor importance, especially when the great practical excellence of the book is so patent. Every detail of practice is thoroughly illustrated and explained; more than a hundred pages being devoted to the most improved plans of examining the outer ear, the use of the eustachian catheter, and Politzer's and Valsalva's methods of investigating the diseases of the tympanum. The anatomy of the organ is given in a clear but concise manner. As regards therapeutics, the most approved plans and agents are minutely considered. Most of them will be found to be novel; but, based as they are, on simple principles of science, will command confidence.

The American physician is deeply indebted to the translator for presenting this admirable work, as well as for his translation of Stellwag on the Eye, the latter, filling, as it did, a wide chasm in English ophthalmological literature. J. G. R.



Professor in the University of Vienna. Translated by Joseph Kammerer, M. D., and Benjamin F. Dawson, M. D. New York: Wm. Wood & Co. For sale by C. P. Wilder, Indianapolis; Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati.

This translation, first issued about a year since by a New York firm no longer in existence, has now become the property of the veteran publishers, Wm. Wood & Co. In a previous number of the *Journal, we made a brief analysis of the book, giving it such hearty commendation as its careful study led us to believe was quite just. By the judgment then expressed we are quite willing to abide. The highest critical fauthority in Great Britain in our profession, has recently, January last, spoken of it thus: "A translation of Klob's Patholog

*Western Journal of Medicine, 1868, page 375.

†British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review.

ical Anatomy of the Female Sexual Organs, has been fairly accomplished by Drs. Kammerer and Dawson, of New York, and we welcome it here as a work of great use to those whose attention is specially directed to those organs." T. P.


Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston. For sale by C. P. Wilder, Indianapolis; Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati.

The contributors to this handsome volume are Drs. Hewson, Morton, Da Costa, Hutchinson, Edward Hartshorne, Ashhurst, Hunt, J. F. Meigs, Packard, Agnew, Harlan, Richardson and Pepper.

As our talented Philadelphia correspondent, Dr. J. Ewing Mears, proposes the consideration of this volume in a future communication, we will now merely say that these reports are nearly, if not quite, equal to those for 1868, and that they are creditable alike to the editors and publisher. We hope both parties may be encouraged by seeing this annual widely circulated.

T. P.



Second American edition, thoroughly revised and amended. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Received through Bowen, Stewart & Co., Indianapolis.

The author has revised the third British edition of his well known work, for re-publication in this country, and contributes a preface to this American issue.

A communication made a few months since to the Lancet, and which struck us as being of such interest that we re-published it in this Journal, constitutes a large portion of this preface. In the course of it, Dr. Tilt compliments "the splendid achievements of those American surgeons who have taught us that we can safely remove ovarian tumors, and how to cure vesico-vaginal fistula;" and justly speaks of his admiration of "the surgical genius, great skill, and the perfect honesty of purpose that characterize Dr. Marion Sims, who is an honor to his country and to our profession."

Western Journal of Medicine, 1868, page 310,

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