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WANTED AND FOR SALE inserted in this column at Three Cents per Word. Cash must accompany each order. Twenty-five words will be inserted one time for subscribers free. For additional words or for subsequent insertions, cash, at the rate of three cents per word, required. In estimating, each word, or letter representing a word, must be counted, including address. If letters are to be sent in care of this office, an extra fee of 25 Dents must accompany order, with sufficient stamps to pay for forwarding letters. Instruments, preparations, etc., advertised here at double the above rates. An adv. intended for a certain issue must reach us not later than the 12th of the month preceding.

FOR SALE. An advertising account against O. E. Herrick,

M.D., manufacturer of uterine supporters, Grand Rapids, Mich. Address this office.

[blocks in formation]

The Medical Register says of the MEDICAL WORLD Visiting List: "The great advantage of the List over others with which we are familiar is the fact that the services rendered, with the amounts charged, are entered in writing and figures, and not in symbols. Hence, the book may be presented in court in case of dispute, and will be accepted as book of original entry. It has merits which stand second to the former, such as small bulk, neatness, good paper and print, and ready facility for reference. But the first is the best reason, to our mind, for its use. Physicians' book-keeping is now a complicated, inefficient and awkward procedure, and any means that may be introduced to simplify and render it more accurate are worthy of commendation. Hence, we feel justified in strongly recommending this List to our readers.


Superheated Oxygen Air Inhaled





Send to Dr. Abbott for Circulars describing his Improved Apparatus. It burns oil costing 1 1-2 cents a day, is odorless. Can be used with oxygen and air or air alone.

Price, $25.


Order one for your patient and for your E. W. ABBOTT, M. D., Concord, N. H.

af er,
36 N. 19th St., Phila
til December 15th,

High, dry, sandy and
piney. On the


St. John's River,
25 miles south of Palat-
ka. Large house, over
a Northern
500 feet of piazza, open
fires, excellent water,
every home comfort;
situated on a hill 75 feet
above the river; con-
venient to steam-boat
landing and railroad
home for people who
are unable to bear the
winter. Conducted by
rigors of

a trained nurse from
Bellevue Hospital, N.Y.
Best of references. For
particulars, address, un-




Dr. Meigs Case's Spinal Apparatus.

Means afforded. 1. Appropriate exercise under elastic exten sion with no restrictive appli


2. Continued extension made endura le by change in position, sitting, standing, or walking.

3. Perfect support, balance and guidance in locomotion

Results obtained. 1. The absolute and speedy cure, without deformity, of recent cases of Pott's Disease and Lateral Curvature.

2 Immediate relief followed by permauent cure in a ute Pott's Disease, either before or after supervention of abscess or paraplegia.

3 Deformity lessened, and attending complica

tions alleviated in all chronic curvatures in adults or youth.

4. Normal growth stimulated in children dwarfed by dis


5. Spinal irritation relieved, and ultimately, with its causes, removed.

6. Remarkable im

provement in the condition of children suffering from defective Innervation, lack of muscular power, or nervous inco-ordination. with inability to articulate distinctly and to control the use of the limbs.

These claims are not merely theoretical; they have been abundantly established by actual use of the Apparatus.

For full particulars, reports of cases. prices, etc., apply to

Pomeroy Truss Company, 785 Broadway, New York.

Sole Manufacturers Under United States Patents.
Please mention the MEDICAL WORLD.

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Buggy Cases, Hand Cases, Vial Cases, Obstetric Bags,
Splints, Trusses and Batteries.

Hick's Fever Thermometer, with Indestructible Index
and Certificate, net,

Clinical Thermometer, with Certificate,
Clinical Thermometer in G. P. Case, Chain and Pin,

Write for Circulars; it will cost you but the price of a postal card. ou get my prices you will be a Customer.



1 25


BOX PATTERN, No. 33, $10.00.

Cut No. 33 converts by same hinge device as Nos. 36 and 59. Here bags are showu arched over the respective Buggy-Case into which they convert. Contents: 1 sundries space, 11 1-oz. screw top, 11 6-dr. 11-dr. cork stoppers.

The No. of care indicates the bottles and vials contained. When ordering, do not allow any dealer to put you off with, or substitute any other case. See that each Case-Bag is branded with registered No,, and bears the name of Marshall, with date of patent.

No. 36, Convertible Case, in Black Leather. When No. 36, Convertible Case, in Russet Leather. Write for Prices on Same.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed]

The Red Cross Badge for Physicians, discussea ana adopted through these columns, is a gold breast-pin, three-fourths of an inch in diameter, bearing a red enamel cross on an olive enamel back-ground with the letters M. D. in the center of the cross. It is to be worn on the lappel of coat or vest, or the shirt-front or scarf.

HYPO-PHOS-PHITES COMP: The price is $2.50, ten cents extra if by registered mail.

[blocks in formation]

The Red Cross Watch Charm Badge is a heavy gola watch charm of same design, price $8.00.

These are intended only for regularly qualifiea, legal practitioners in their respective states, who, in ordering, must give date and place of graduation and any other credentials, as society membership, etc., they may possess. Address, J. J. Taylor, M. D., 1520 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa.

[merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed]

One Physician Only. Galvanic Batteries.

In every town and city, to
introduce a new apparatus
and improved method of
treating Catarrh, Throat,
and Lung Affections.
Strictly Professional.
No Competition.

For particulars address,

Moore-McGregor Medication,

P. O. Box 671.



Cincinnati, O


A twenty-four page Pamphlet on the "Treatment of Gonorrhoea and its Sequela" by means of

Soluble Medicated Bougies,

Will be sent Free, with sample of the Bougie, on application to any physician mentioning THE MEDICAL WORLD, and enclosing his business card or letter heading. Address


1016 Cherry St., Phila.

Manufacturer of Soluble Medicated Gelatine Preparations.

[blocks in formation]

Dr. W. J. Conner's Patent Cane for Carrying Medicine and Instruments. 1886.

THE PHYSICIAN'S COMPANION! IT IS ALWAYS AT HAND AND READY! SOMETHING NEW! IT IS PERFECT! I beg leave to offer to the Profession an article indispensable to the practitioner. It is recommended for its simplicity of construction. It virtually does away with the Lunglesome and annoying Hand and Pocket Med cine Cases. The cane is made of trass, enameled, black, highly polished, with 16 kt. Chased Rolled Gold Head. [See Cut ] The head is hollow, and letter A is cap to cover the cavity. The chamber is large enough to carry hypodermic syringe and small instruments sufficient for immediate use. The body of the cane D is a hollow tube in which is inserted a tray which is fastened to the handle. In this tray are sixteen phials for medicine. Letter C represents tray withdrawn out of cane and detached from handle. Bis tray partia ly withdrawn. When closed it is a FINE, NEAT, WALKING CANE of medium size. They are sold to the profession as follows: Chased Gold Head, $20. Sent C. O. D., or on receipt of money, draft or P. O. Order. IN USE AND RECOMMENDED BY THE PROFESSION. SOLD THE FIRST YEAR OVER 4,000. For further particulars, address, W. J. CONNER, M.D., Labette City, Kansas.


Pil. Ext. Humuli Concentrated.

Heretofore the chief objection to this valuable drug has been the large, and disagreeable dose necessary to produce a decided effect. This we have entirely overcome, in this form of administration. Our Extract of Hops is prepared by an entirely new process, by which all the active tonic, hypnotic and anaphrodisiac properties are retained unimpaired, while the degree of concentration is such that each pill represents about twenty grains of Lupulin, thereby enabling the Physician to exhibit this most efficient drug, in a small and agreeable dose.

Pil. Headache. (Brooks.)

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This pill has been thoroughly tested, and in a majority of cases will give immediate relief in sick and nervous headaches.

Syrup Terebene Aromatic.

Terebene has been thoroughly tested, and found a potent and valuable remedy in all Bronchial and Pulmonary troubles. In Syrup Terebene Aromatic, its unpleasant taste is completely disguised, without lessening its activity. Each fluid drachm contains 12 drops pure Terebene.

Saline and Chalybeate Tonic Tablets (Flints). Glycerine Suppositories, containing 95 per cent. pure Glycerine, Antiseptic Tablets (Seiler's), Gelatine Coated Pills and Granules, Tablet Triturates, Hypodermic Tablets, Compressed Tablets and Lozenges, Elixirs, Wines, Syrups, and all Pharmaceutical Preparations.




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We have from time to time made improvements to this set and are now making a perfect aseptic set, which offers especial facilities for aseptic precautions; the blades are soldered into hollow German-silver handles, nickel plated, are light so as not to be unwieldy and admit of a firm grasp when operating.

The saw is adjusted to the handle on an entirely new principle, being made to separate easily and to facilitate thorough cleansing.

The handle is entirely of metal and fenestrated to overcome unnecessary weight.

Scissors and Forceps having French locks can be separated, and the slide can be easily removed from Artery and Needle Forceps.

Therefore, no opportunity is offered for the lodgment and development of germs.

The entire set is patterned with especial reference to facility in cleansing.

The instruments can be sterilized by placing them in boiling water, without fear of damaging them. Wood or rubber handles will not admit of this procedure. For price see caseA.

The following instruments are put up in either a fine Mahogany or Morocco case, with nickel trimmings, lined with velvet, and has an extra space for Trephine with handle, and Elevator if desired.

One Amputating Knife (6-in. blade); One Finger Knife; One Hernia Knife; One Sharp Curved Bistoury; Two Scalpels; One Tenotome; One Tenaculum; One Pair Scissors, curved or flat; One Saw (9 in. blade); One Liston's Bone Forceps,

with Spring; One Artery and Needie Forceps, improved; One Esmarch's Flat Rubber Tourniquet, with Chain: One Hæmostatic Forceps; One Director, with Aneurism Needle; Two Silver Probes; Silk, Wire, Wax and Needles.

With the Sixteen Instruments Contained in this Case, any Ordinary

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DISCOUNT 25 PER CENT. TO PHYSICIANS. Our Catalogue of 260 pages will be sent on receipt of 10 cts. for postage.

CHARLES LENTZ & SONS, Manufacturers of Surgical and Orthopedic Apparatus,

Established 1866.


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