The Century BibleT.C. & E.C. Jack, 1901 |
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Side 101
... Roman , and uncondemned ? When the citizen . centurion heard that , he went and told the chief captain , saying , Take heed what thou doest : for 27 this man is a Roman . Then the chief captain came , and said unto him , Tell me , art ...
... Roman , and uncondemned ? When the citizen . centurion heard that , he went and told the chief captain , saying , Take heed what thou doest : for 27 this man is a Roman . Then the chief captain came , and said unto him , Tell me , art ...
Side 139
... Romans . ' Elsewhere in Acts Roman ' always means a Roman citizen : .only here the whole stress is upon locality as index of language , not upon political status ; so that it may well be an exception , and mean one living in Rome ( cf ...
... Romans . ' Elsewhere in Acts Roman ' always means a Roman citizen : .only here the whole stress is upon locality as index of language , not upon political status ; so that it may well be an exception , and mean one living in Rome ( cf ...
Side 344
... Roman , and uncondemned ? And when the centurion heard it , he went to the chief captain , and told him , saying , What art thou about to do ? for this man 27 is a Roman . And the chief captain came , and said unto him , Tell me , art ...
... Roman , and uncondemned ? And when the centurion heard it , he went to the chief captain , and told him , saying , What art thou about to do ? for this man 27 is a Roman . And the chief captain came , and said unto him , Tell me , art ...
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Almindelige termer og sætninger
Acts Agrippa Ananias angel Antioch apostles Asia baptism baptized Barnabas behold believed brethren brought Cæsar Cæsarea called centurion Chap chief captain Christ Christians church Cilicia circumcision Codex Bezae connexion Corinth Damascus disciples Divine elders Ephesus faith fathers Felix Festus Galatia Gentiles God's gospel Greek hand hath hear heard heaven Hebrew Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Iconium Israel Jerusalem Jewish Jews John Joppa Josephus Judæa Judaism Judas king kingdom Lord Jesus Luke Luke's Lystra Macedonia Mark Messianic ministry Moses multitude narrative Pamphylia Paul Paul's Pentecost Peter Pharisees Philip phrase preaching prison probably prophets reference resurrection Roman Rome Sadducees sailed Samaria Sanhedrin Saul saying seems sense sent shewed Silas spake speak Stephen synagogue temple thee Thessalonica Theudas things thou touching unto verse viii witness words xviii xxii xxiv xxvi