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Croupou Pneumonia can be abated, says Dr. Gundann, (Med. News, Oct. 22, '92) in answer to an interrogatory by Dr. Thos. J. Mays. Dr. G. cites as an illustration the case of a girl, 19 years old, who, having been ill one day, was lying upon a pillow-because of dyspnea-her face livid, finger nails bluish, respiration 46, pulse 130, temp. 160°. Physical examination discovered crepitant rale over nearly entire left lung posteriorly. Having learned from Niemeyer's practice the idea that pneumonia may be aborted by cold applications to the chest, he wrung a large woolen blanket out of water at 50° F., and wrapped patient in it from chin to toes; changing every 30 minutes, until temp. reached 104°, when the cold pack was allowed to come only below the middle of the thighs. Temp. fell at 1 A. M. to 102°, then pack was applied to chest and upper abdomen. At 6 A. M. temp. was 98, face pale, resp. 16, pulse 60. She was rubbed and hot bottles were applied, half oz. brandy administered. At 10 A. M. there was no trace of crepitant rale. She had received also four doses of four drops Tr. Verat Virid every hour; then two drops every hour four times; then one drop until 4 A. M. When pulse got slow, she made a rapid recovery.

Dr. G. has not much confidence in Veratrum Virid, but considers the application of cold to the chest a great, if not absolutely the greatest therapeutic agent in lobar pneumonia; but for various reasons, prejudice of patients or their friends, or weak-kneedness of the doctor-few use it.

The Treatment of Gout.-In a clinical lecture at the Vienna General Hospital, Nothnagel stated that the diet of the gouty patient may contain green vegetables and fresh fruits. Sugars and starches are to be avoided. A little meat may be allowed; white meats are preferable to red meats. Active physical exercise is to be encouraged; the action of the skin is to be stimulated by baths and friction. In the treatment of the diathesis alkalies and alkaline waters occupy a prominent place. The lithium salts, well diluted, are useful, permitting, as they do, the formation of soluble combinations of uric acid. Re-. cently, with the same end in view, piperazin has been strongly recommended. In the attack, applications of cold or heat, blood-letting, fomentations of narcotic substances, ointments of opium, have in the past been employed; but these are now usually abstained from, as experience has taught that by energetic treatment the condition may be transformed into atonic gout; at most, inunctions with an ointment of cocaine are made.

During the attack, the administration of an acid, like phosphoric acid, has been recommended.-Med. News, July 16.

The Blessings of Cholera.-The cholera scare has left some blessings in its wake. The people have been aroused to the realization of the fact that as we no longer live in the middle ages, the panic and fear engendered by epidemics are as foreign to our period as they were part and parcel of the former.

The application of plain common sense has solved the cholera problem. Cleanliness, that talisman by which mankind shall be made healthy and happy, has demonstrated its superior power. More effective than sublimate and carbolic acid, steam and fresh air, and whitewash, and soap and water have driven the dread invader from our harbor. The microbe shuns the bright sunlight and the pure air; soap and boiling water are his worst enemies. The broom, too, is doing good work. Witness the supreme cleanliness of the streets of this great and whilom dirty city. What the clamor of the people and the taunts of the press failed to accomplish was done in a trice by the gaunt specter of cholera hovering at our gates. It pointed its hideous finger to our streets and alleys, and lo ! they were swept and swept until they now vie with the best streets of an European capital. What a blessing in disguise cholera has been to this city will never be fully realized. The lesson of cleanliness, of healthful living, of shunning bad food and foul drinks, of the value of temperance, of a calm spirit, of humane regard for our kind-all these shalı remain as the silver lining which has proven a remnant of the dark cloud that, but a few weeks ago, hovered so threateningly over us. Gartland's Med. Journal.

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Cheese and its Effects on Health.Cheese is formed of a mixture of curdled milk and butter, pressed, salted and dried.

In general nourishing it is not suited to weak stomachs. Bread and cheese alone constitute a meal very difficult of digestion. What makes it so indigestible is the toughness and tenacity of its particles. It is claimed that cheese aids digestion of other foods, and there is an old proverb which says, " cheese digests everything but itself." It is probable that

the efforts of the stomach to dissolve the cheese act on the less digestible substances which are at the same time digested. But the use of cheese is sometimes unwholesome and may lead to cutaneous eruptions. The casein, or the curdled milk, which is the basis of cheese, greatly resembles albumen in its composition.-Journal de la Santé.

Salitonia, although a new preparation, has already established its worth. The Phenique Chemical Co. has placed this preparation upon the same high plane as that occupied by its well known and efficient antiseptics and germicides, Campo-Phenique and Chloro-Phenique.

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