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glorious company of the apostles, with the goodly fellowship of the prophets, with the noble army of martyrs, with the holy Church throughout all the world, with the heavenly Jerusalem, the joyful assembly of the first born on high, with the innumerable host of angels around Thy throne, the heaven of heavens, and all the powers therein, we worship and adore Thy glorious name, saying with a loud voice: Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. Amen.

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HOLY SPIRIT, who wast poured upon the Apostles, and wast promised unto us by Jesus our Redeemer, to kindle in us a true faith and calling upon God; make, we pray Thee to arise in our hearts a true fear of God, and a true faith in the mercy which the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ hath promised for His Son's sake. Be Thou our comforter in all dangers, enlighten our understandings, and fill our hearts with spiritual desires, and so renew us both in soul and body that we may die unto sin and live unto righteousness, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



LMIGHTY Father, give unto us the spirit of wisdom, and bring us unto the true knowledge of Thy Son Jesus Christ, and of Thyself, as revealed in Him. Enlighten the eyes of our understanding that we may know what is the hope of our calling, and what the riches of the glory of Thine inheritance in the Saints, and the exceeding greatness of Thy power toward them that believe; that by true faith we may be indeed Thy children; worshiping Thee in spirit and in truth; and showing forth the glory of Thy grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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GOD, who knowest our nature to be perverse and apt to sin; take from us all those evils and occasions which may draw us away from Thee. Protect, defend, and strengthen us against the assaults of our enemies; that being neither high-minded in prosperity, nor fearful in tribulation, we may endure the trial of our faith,

and having finished our course in victory, may evermore dwell with Thee in Thy heavenly kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



LORD JESUS CHRIST, who art the true Sun of the world, who by Thy life-giving beams dost bring forth, preserve, and nourish all things in heaven and in earth, we beseech Thee mercifully to shine into our hearts, that the darkness of sin and the mists of error on every side may be driven away; and that we may go forward in Thy light without stumbling or offence; having no fellowship with the works of darkness, but abounding in all those good works which Thou hast prepared for us to walk in; and to Thee, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, shall be the praise both now and evermore. Amen.



ALMIGHTY God, who in Thy mercy hast not only delivered unto us a rule of godly living, but hast revealed Thyself in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Father, with intent to write Thy law in our hearts; suffer us not, by our ingratitude or sloth, to cast away this inestimable blessing; but may we offer ourselves unto Thee our souls and our bodies, to be a reasonable, true, and living sacrifice, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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LORD, our heavenly Father, who by Thy holy Apostle hast. taught us to make prayers and supplications for all men, we beseech Thee to bring back all such as are ignorant or out of the way, to the understanding of Thy heavenly truth. Breathe into their hearts by Thy Holy Spirit the most precious gift of faith, that, truly believing in Thee, they may be justified and received into Thy favor, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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BOUNTIFUL Saviour, have pity upon us, and despise not our prayers. Create in us a pure heart, and renew a right spirit within us. Bind up the wounds of our souls, wash them with Thy precious blood, and heal them through the anointing of Thy Holy

Spirit. Repair that heavenly image which is defaced in us through sin, and adorn it again with Thine own righteousness; that we, being renewed and sanctified, may render acceptable praises to Thee in Thy holy Church, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost art one God, blessed forever. Amen.

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LORD JESUS CHRIST, who wast crucified for us, grant that we, being crucified with Thee, may rise again with Thee to everlasting life. Grant that we may put off the old Adam, and in newness of life may be transformed into Thy likeness; all sin, unbelief, and the whole tyranny of Satan being vanquished and overcome. Grant that by Thy cross and suffering, Thy yoke may be made light to us, and Thy burden easy; that willingly and gladly following Thee, we may come whither Thou art gone; even to Thy Father most blessed and immortal, to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be honor and praise, forever and ever. Amen.

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SSIST us mercifully, O Lord, in these our supplications and prayers, and dispose the way of Thy servants towards the attainment of everlasting salvation, that, among all the changes and chances of this mortal life, we may ever be defended by Thy most gracious and ready help, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

GRANT, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that the words which

we have heard this day with our outward ears, may, through Thy grace, be so grafted inwardly in our hearts, that they may bring forth in us the fruit of good living; to the honor and praise of Thy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


LMIGHTY God, bless, we beseech Thee, the instructions of holy Scripture which we have heard this day, and all the services of Thy sanctuary; that our hearts may be inclined to love and to fear Thee; that we may serve Thee faithfully whilst we live ; and that, having profited by the means and opportunities afforded for our salvation during this life, we may be received into the temple of Thy glory, to praise Thee forever in the assembly of the saints; through Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose name we offer up our prayers. Amen.

IRECT us, O Lord, in all our doings, with Thy most gracious


favor, and further us with Thy continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy holy Name, and finally, by Thy mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


LMIGHTY God, the Fountain of all wisdom, who knowest our necessities before we ask, and our ignorance in asking, we beseech Thee to have compassion upon our infirmities; and those things which for our unworthiness we dare not, and for our blindness we cannot ask, vouchsafe to give us, for the worthiness of Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


LMIGHTY and everliving God, who art the Author and Giver

Aof all good, we humbly and thankfully acknowledge Thy

manifold mercies to Thy sinful creatures. We bless Thee for the benefits which we have received during the day past, and for the favor of this opportunity of worshiping in Thy house. Pardon, we beseech Thee, the sins that we may have committed in Thy presence. Accept the prayers and thanksgivings which we have offered before Thee. Forgive us wherein we have asked amiss. Grant that what has been faithfully asked, according to Thy will, may effectually be obtained, to the supplying of what we need, and to the promotion of Thy glory and praise. Grant, O Lord, that what has been read this evening from Thy word, and what has been spoken according to Thy will, may be to all who have heard it a savor of life unto life; may it be so impressed upon our hearts as to establish, strengthen, and settle us in the faith of Jesus Christ, and bring forth in us the fruit of righteousness and peace. We pray that Thy good Spirit may go with us to our respective dwellings; may Thy kind, protecting Providence watch over us whilst we sleep; preserve us through the silent watches of the night, and fit us for the duties of the following day. And whilst our lives are prolonged upon the earth, take us, we beseech Thee, O heavenly Father, and all that is near and dear to us, under Thy holy care and keeping. Direct our steps in the paths of righteousness and peace, and dispose all our ways towards the attainment

of everlasting salvation, that in this world we may live to Thy glory, and in the world to come enjoy eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and


HE blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the


GRACE, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the

Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, and from the Holy Ghost the Comforter, be unto us, and all whom we should remember, now and forever. Amen.


HE Lord bless us and keep us: the Lord make his face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us; the Lord lift up His countenance upon us, and give us peace, both now and evermore. Amen.


OD the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep us: the Lord mercifully with His favor look upon us, and fill us with all spiritual benediction and grace, that we may so live in this life that in the world to come we may have life everlasting. Amen.


HE God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make us perfect in every good work to do His will, working in us that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

THE peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep our

hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord: and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst us, and remain with us always. Amen.

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