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count of fuch articles as it is lawful to export from or import into Ruffia, and concludes with the defcription of Petersburgh,


Compendio de los exercicios de los Monges Ciftercienfes de nueftra Senora de la Trapa, &c. A Synopfis of the fpiritual Exercifes of the Ciftercian Monks of our Lady of La Trape, &c. This work contains a circumftantial account of the establishment of the faid monks in the convent of St. Sufanne in Aragon, by virtue of the royal decree of the 27th November, 1797, which authorises them to admit novices in their order.

Hiftoria natural, civil, y geográfica, de las Naciones fituadas en las riberas del Rio Orinoco y fus Provincias: par et P. JOSEPH GUMILLA, dos tomos en 4o, non eftampas. The History,natural, civil, and geographical, of the Nations inhabiting the Banks of the Oronoco, and the adjacent Provinces; by F. J. Gumilla, 2 vols. in 4to, with plates. A work of great merit, giving a full account of nations, hitherto but little known beyond the country they inhabit.

Hiftoria de la Economia politica de Aragon, par D. IGNATIO DE ASSO; un tomo en 4. Hiftory of the political Economy of Aragon, by D. I. de Affo; one vol. in 4to. An interefting ftatistical account of the province of Aragon, its population, agriculture, manufactories, and trade, written in an eafy and entertaining ftyle.

Hiftoria Cronologica del pueblo Hebreo, de fu Religion y Govierno politico par D.J. RIGUAL. A chronological Hiftory of the Jews, of their Religion, and political Government; by J. D. Rigual.


El Diccionario de Fifica de Briffon, tradurido y aumentado con las de ferubrimentes pofteriores á fu publicacion, par D. C. C. 5 tomes. The univerfal Dictionary of Natural Hiftory, by Briffon, tranflated and. enriched with the difcoveries pofterior to its publication, by D. C. C. 5 vols.

POLITICAL ECONOMY. Penfamientos politicos y economicos, dirigidos a promover en Efpana la Agricultura y demas ramos de Induftria, &c. par D. M. J. P. QUINTERO. Political and economical Thoughts, defigned to promote in Spain Agriculture, as well as other Branches of Industry, &c. by D. M. J. P. Quin



Aforifmos de las Relaciones y Cartas primeras y fegundas, de Antonio Perez, Secretario de Estado que fué del Rey D. Felipe II.

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un tomo, en 4°. Aphorifms of the Reports and Correfpondence of A. Perez, late Secretary of State to King Philip II. one vol. in 4to.

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Curfo de Matematicas para la enfenanza de los caballeros del real Seminario de Nobles de Madrid, dedicado al Rey, nueftro fenor é imprefa de fu Real Orden; fu autor el Teniente Coronel D. TADEO Lope, &c. Tomo 3. A Course of Mathematics for the Inftruction of the Students of the royal Seminary of Noblemen at Madrid, dedicated to his Majefty, and published by his Command; by Lieutenant-colonel D. T. Lope, &c. vol. 3d. The prefent volume of this valuable work contains an excellent treatife on logarithms, with a great variety of logarithmical tables.


Compendio de Navegacion para et Ufo de los caballeros Guardias Marinas, par D. JOAGE JUAN, un tomo en 4° con laminas. A Compendium of Navigation for the Ufe of young Gentlemen of the Navy, by D. J. Juan, one vol. in 4to.


Carta critica Sobre la Hiftoria de America, de D. JUAN BAUTISTA Munoz, efcrita de Roma, par D. FRANCISCO ITURRI, Prefbytero Espanol, &c. A critical Letter on the Hiftory of America, by Dn. J. B. Munoz, written from Rome by D. Francifco Iturri, a Spanish Prieft, &c.

Coleccion de Autores Latinos en 3 tomos, anoados e ilustrados con algunas Noturcas de Geografia, Coftumbres e Hiftoria Romana, par los P. P. de las Efcuelas pias. A Collection of Latin Authors, in 3 volumes, with explanatory Notes, concerning the Geography, Manners, and Hiftory of Rome, by the Fathers of the pious Schools. POETRY.

Poefias del Miro. GONZALEZ, &c.; un tomo en 8°. The Poems of Gonzalez, &c. This work contains all the fugitive pieces of this celebrated Spanish poet.

Mexico conquistado: Poema beroyco en veinte y feis cantos, dedicado al Rey nueftro Senor, pro D. JUAN DE ESCOIQUIZ, &c. Mexico conquered: an epic Poem, in twenty-fix cantos, dedicated to his Majefty, by Dn. J. de Efcoiquiz, Inftructor of the prince of Afturia; 3 vols. in 8vo.

Obras Poeticas de D. IGNACIÓ DE MERAS Y QUEYPO: des tomos en 8°. The poetical Works of D. J. de Meras y Queypo, 2 vols. in 8vo.

Fabulas en Verfo Caftellano, par D. J. A.

IBANEZ DE LA RENTERIA dos tomos en 8°. Fables in Spanish Verfe, by D. I. A. Ibanez de la Renteria; 2 vols. in 8vo. Poefias de D. E. SAEZ DE PARAYULO, dedicadas al Principe de la Pa: un tomo en 8°. Poems by D. F. Saez de Parayuelo, dedicated to the Prince of the Peace; one vol. in 8vo.


Diccionario de las Nobles Arts, para Infruccion de las Aficionados y Ufo de los ProFefores: Su autor D. DIEGO REJON DE SILVA. A Dictionary of the Fine Arts, for the Inftruction of the Amateurs, and the Ufe of the Profeffors of the Arts, by Dn. Diego Rejon de Silva. This ufeful work comprifes all the technical terms and phrafes of the art of painting, engraving, architecture, &c. with proper explanations of all the terms contained in the work.

Vifta de la Enfenada en donde fe confruyen las balfas para et Defembarco de Inglaterra por la Republica Francefa, para la Conquista de aquel Reyno, &c. A View of the Dock, where the Rafts and flat-bottomed boats are conftructing for the defcent in England by the French Republic, to conquer and fubdue that Kingdom,


Inftruccion para gravur en Cobre, &c. The Art of Engraving on Copper, &c. explained, &c. This ufeful compofition, which is dedicated to the royal academy of St. Fernando, explains in an easy and luminous ftyle the art of engraving, in all its various branches, and contains an historical fynopfis of the most celebrated engravers fince the origin of the art to the middle of this century.

Los Gritos de Madrid, ó Figuras que reprefentan los vendedores pas las calles, &c. The Cries of Madrid, or Figures reprefenting the Hawkers in the Streets of Madrid, &c.

GENEALOGY AND ANTIQUITIES. Antigüedades Romanas, en que fucinta y exactamente fe manifefta et Eftablecimiento de la Ciudad de Roma, &c. par D. FRANCISCO PEREZ PASTOR. Roman Antiquities, containing a fuccinct and exact Account of the Eftablishment of the City of Rome, &c. by D. Fr. P. Paftor.


Apologia del Rey D. Pedro de Caftilla, conforme a la Hiftoria verdadera de D. Pedro Lopez de Ayala, &c. par D. JOSEPH LEDO DEL Pozo, Catedratico de Filofofla de real Univerfidad de Valladolid; un tomo en folio. Defence of King Peter of Caftille, according to the true Hiftory of D. P. Lopez de Ayala, &c. by D. J. Ledo

del Pozo, profeffor of philofophy at the royal univerfity of Valladolid; one vol. in folio. The learned writer of this ingenious performance endeavours to prove, that king Peter, hitherto furnamed the Cruel, was a juft monarch, not a tyrant, rather mild than cruel; that under his reign flourished the administration of juf, tice, and that he was a wife and candid legiflator, a valiant commander, an accomplished Chriftian, and a monarch, worthy of the appellation of a good, prudent, wife, and virtuous king.

Vida del Dr. Benjamin Franklin, facada de documentos auténticos: un tomo en 8°. The Life of Benjamin Franklin,drawn from authentic Documents; one vol. in 8vo. An interefting and well-written account of the life of the great American philofopher and statesman.


Suplemento á las Obfervationes fobre et cultivo del Arrok en el Reyno de Valeniccia y fu Influenza en la falud publica en refpuefia a la Conteftacion de D. VICENTE IGNACIO FRANCO, par D. ANTONIO JOSEPH CAVANILLES. A Supplement to the Obfervations on the Culture of Rice in the Kingdom of Valencia, and its Influence on the public Welfare; being an Anfwer to the Objections of Dn. V. J. Franco, by Dn. A. J. Cavanilles.

Hiftoria de la Agricultura Espanola, fu Origen, Progrefos, Eftado actual, y reglas para darla la mayor perfeccion poffible,par D. FRANCISCO LUIS DE LAPORTA, &C. Hiftory of Spanish Agriculture, its Origin, Progrefs, actual State, and moft proper Means to carry it to the utmost Perfection, by D. F. L. de Laporta.

Tratudo practico de colmenas ó Paftoria de las Abejas, &c. A practical Treatife on Bee-hives, and the rearing of Bees, &c.

Nuevo Plan de Colmas ó Tratado hiftoriconatural fifico-economico de las Abejas, &c. par D. JOSEPH ANTONIO SAMPLI, &c. un tomo en 8°. A new Plan of Bee-hives, or a phyfico-economical Treatife on Bees, &c. by D. I. A. Sampli, &c. This useful compofition is a full and instructive extract or fummary of the celebrated works of Swammerdam, Réaumur, Maraldi, Riem, &c. on the best method of rearing bees, and the most proper conftruction of beehives.

Lecciones prácticas de Agricultura y Economia del Campo, que da un Padre à fu bijo, para fer buen labrador en qualquier pais, &c. Practical Leffons on Husbandry and Agriculture, given by a Father to his Son, for


becoming a good Hufbandman in any the City of Vitoria, &c. by D. J. J. de Country whatever, &c. Landazuri y Romarata.


Flora Peruviana et Chilenfis, five Defcrip. tiones et Icones Plantarum Peruvianarum et Chilenfium: auctoribus HYPPOLYTO RUIZ et JOSEPHO PAVON; un tomo en folio, &c. This is the first volume of a botanical work of high value, being a collection of non-defcript plants of Peru and Chili, which is to confift of feven volumes in folio. The prefent contains 106 plates, reprefenting 219 new plants, which belong to the four firft claffes of Linnæus.

Flora Peruvienfis et Chilenfis Compendium, five Vegetabilium Syftema; auctoribus HYPPOLITO RUIZ et JOSEPHO PAVON: one vol. in large 8vo. A fummary or fynopfis of the above Flora, published by order of his Catholic Majefty, for the use of those who are not able to purchase that expenfive work.


Atlante Efpanol ó Defcripcion general Geografica, Cronologica, e Hiftorica de Efpana par Reynos y Provincias, &c. 14 tomos en 8°. The Spanish Atlas, being a general Defcription of Spain, divided into Kingdoms and Provinces, geographical, chronological, and hiftorical, &c. 14 Volumes in 8vo.

Almanaque Nautico y Efemerides aftronomicas, para et Ano 1800, calculadas de Orden de S. M. para el Obfervatario real de Cadiz, &c. The Nautical Almanack and Aftronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1800, calculated by Command of his Majefty for the royal Obfervatory at Cadiz, &c.

Geografia Moderna, par D. TOMAS MAURISIO LOPEZ, tomo 3d. Modern Geography, by D. T. M. Lopez; vol. 3d. The prefent volume of this ufeful work comprises the two provinces of Mancha and Burgos.

Atlas elementat: nuevo Metodo, breve, facily demonftrativo para aprender la Geografia por fi mifmo, &c. The elementary Atlas, being a new Method, fhort, eafy, and demonftrative, of learning Geography without a Master, or teaching it to Child ren, &c. by D. FR. VAZQUEZ, &c. one vol. in 4to.

Diccinario Geografico univerfal: par D. F. PERE Y CASADO: tres tomos en 4°. The univerfal geographical Dictionary; by D. F. Pere y Cafado; 3 vols. in 4to.


Hifloria civil, ecclefiaftica, politica y legiflativa de la cindad de Vitoria, &c. par D. JOACHIN JOSEPH DE LANDAZURI Y ROMARATA, &c. The civil, ecclefiaftical, political, and legiflative Hiftory of

Memorias politicas y economicas fobre los Frutos, Comercio, Fabricas, y Minas de Efpana: tomos 37, 38, 39, and 40, par Dn. EUGENIO LARRUGA. Political and economical Memoirs on the Produce, Trade, Manufactories, and Mines of Spain; vol. 37th, 38th, 39th, and 40th, by Dn. E. Larruga. The four volumes before us of this important work, which ftands fingle and unrivalled by any literary compofition of the fame nature and complexion, gives a full and circumftantial account of the productions, trade, and manufactories of the province of Eftremadura.

Retrato de la Ciudad y Termino de Jaen, &c. un tomo en 4°. Defcription of the City and District of Jaen, &c. one vol. in


VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Obfervaciones de un viagero politico y filofofo, en que fe manifiesta el origen de las cienrias y de las Artes, los Defcabrimi entos en les Reynos de la Naturaleza, &c. Remarks of a political and philofophical Traveller, explanatory of the Origin of the Sciences and Arts; the Difcoveries in the three Kingdoms of Nature, &c.

Differtaciones fobre la Navigacion á las Indias Orientales, par el Norte de Europa, efcritas par Mr. BAUCHE, y D. CIRIACO DE CEVALLOS, &c. Differtations on the Navigation to the Eaft-Indies by the North of Europe, written by Mr. Bauche and Dr. Ciriaco de Cevallos, &c.

El Viagero univerfal ó noticia del Mundo, antiguo y nuevo: obra recopilada de los mejores Viageros, par D. PEDRO ESTALA, Prefbitero, &c. An univerfal Collection of Travels, or Introduction to the Knowledge of the ancient and modern world, compiled from the best Collections of Travels, &c. by D. P. Eftata, Prefbyter. The numbers of this voluminous compilation which have been published in the courfe of last year, contain defcriptions of the Spanish poffeffions in South America, and the voyages of captain Cook, and several Spanish navigators to Otaheite, &c.


La Dicha viene quando no fe aguarda: Comedia jocofa en un acto, par L. A. J. M, &c. Good Luck comes unexpected: a Farce, in one act, by L. A. J. M.

La Muerte de Hector: Comedia nueva en dos actos, par D. VINCENT RODRIGUEZ ARELLANO, &c. The Death of Hector: a new Play, in two acts, by Dn. V. Rodriguez Arellano.

El Triunfo del Amor divino: Comedia paftoral, para reprefentar el Nafumiento del

Hijo de Dios, &c. The Triumph of divine Love; a paftoral Play to reprefent the Nativity of the Son of God, &c.

Adriano en Siria, Comedia en tres actos, par D. GASPAR ZAVALA Y ZAMORA, &c. Adrian in Syria, a Drama in three acts, by D. Gafpar Zavala y Zamora.

Las Vidimas del Amor, Ana y Sidam: Comedia en tres Actos, &c. Ana and Sidam, the Victims of Love, a Play in three acts, by the fame Author.

Palmis y Oronte: Comedia nueva, èn tres tos, &c. Palmis and Oronte; a new Play, in three acts, &c.

El Mayordomo feliz: Comedia en tres adus, par F. C. H. de C. The happy Steward: a Play in three acts, by F. C. H. de C. &c.

NOVELS AND ROMANCES. Siglo Pidagorico y Vida de D. Gregorio Guadana: 1: un tomo en 8°. The Pythagoric Age, and the Life of S. Guadana; one volume in 8vo.

Memorias para la Hiftoria de la Virtude, fatadas del Diario de una Senorita: quatro tomos en 8". Records for the Hiftory of Virtue, extracted from the Journal of a young Lady; four volumes in 8vo.

La Noche entretenida: par D. JUAN YDANOS, &c. The pleafant Night; by D. Juan Ydanos, &c. This work contains a tranflation of the French romance, L'hermite des Ardennes; of Merton and Sufan; and a Spanish romance, entitled, Alfonfo and Feliciano.

Los mal Criados: Novela Inftruction, par el Brigadier D. F. DE EGUIA RAMIREZ DE ARELLANO, &c. The Dangers of a bad Education; an inftructive Novel, by D. F. de Eguia Ramirez de Arellano, &c. Triumfo del Amor perfecto, ó los Amantes firmes y virtuofos: un tomo en 8°. The Triumph of true Love, or the conftant and virtuous Lovers: one vol. in 8vo. by D. J. M. DORMENA.

Noches de Invierno, ó Bibliotera efcogida de Hiftorias, Anecdotas, Novelas, Cuentas, &c.: con un diccironario de Entretenimiento é Inftruccion: 8 tomos en 8°. Winter Nights, or a choice Collection of Stories, Anecdotes, Novels, Tales, &c. with a Dictionary, calculated for Amusement and Inftruction; 8 vols. in 8vo.

Biblioteca entretenida de Damas; coleccion de Novelas y Cuentos morales, &c. 2 tomos in 8°. An entertaining Library for Ladies, being a Collection of Novels and moral Tales, &c. 2 vols. in 8vo.

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EDUCATION AND MORALS. Arte de enfenar Ninos, &c. The Art of teaching Children the Rudiments of the moft ufeful Arts, &c.

Prontuario Moral, del P. LARRAGA, addicionado, corregido, y publicado, par D. FRANCISCO SANTOS Y GROSIN, &c. The moral Repofitory of P. Larraga, enlarged, corrected, and published by Dn. F. Santos y Grofin, &c.

pana; en tres libros: par D. MANUEL ROSELL. On Education, according to the Principles of Religion, and to the Laws and Customs of Spain; in three books; by D. M. Rofell.


Mifcellanea Inftruction, ó Anales de Literatura, Ciencias, y Artes, &c. The inftruc tive Mifcellany, or Annals of Literature, Sciences, and Arts, &c. The most inte refting articles contained in the numbers of this truly inftructive mifcellany, publifhed in the courfe of, this year, are as follows: a brief account of a tour to Paris in the year 1796-obfervations on Galvanifm-on the mounts of piety in Lima, Mexico, and the Philippines-on a ftray girl found in the interior of Quito-a letter and journal, written by F. J.DUENAS, a miffionary in Peru, on the discovery of 22 heathen nations, their manners and cuftoms-on the natural productions of the banks of the river Ucayala, &c.-hints for compofing an exact defcription of the kingdom of Guatemala-on the literary fociety of Guatemala-on the discovery of the tea-plant in America, &c. &c.

Defcripcion de las Maquinas de mas general Utilidad, que hay en el Real Gabinete de ellas eftablecido en el Buen Retiro. Numero 1°. Defcription of the Machines of moft general Ufe, which are found in the Royal Cabinet of Machines, formed at Buen Retiro; No. 1. His Catholic Majefty having ordered a methodical defoription to be published of all the machines which are found in the royal collection at Buen Retiro, it has been judged convenient to publifh detached defcriptions of fuch machines of general ufe, as do not fall under any of the heads of the systematic defcription of the cabinet. This firft number contains the delineation of an hydraulic prefs, which may be applied in all cafes, where a ftrong preffure is required, and particularly useful in extract. ing all forts of oil.


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