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Rechts der Deutfchen, &c. &c. Th. I. pp. 360. Tb. II. pp. 300. 8vo. A complete Repertory of the politive Laws of Germany, for the Ufe of practical Jurists. PAUL. JOH. ANSELM FUERBACH Diff. inaug. jurid. de Caufis mitigandi ex Capite impedita Libertatis, 1798. pp. 30; 4to. The learned author exhibits here another instance of his philofophical acutenefs, of which he has already given fuch a favourable fpecimen in his Philofopbico-juridical Inquiry into the Nature of the Crime called High-Treafon, mentioned in our last Retrospect.

Gedanken eines Deutschen Patrioten, &c. &c. 1798. pp. 61. Reflexions of a German Parriot on the Memorial prefented by Mr. de BERLEPSCH to the Congress of Raftadt. The anonymous writer of this pamphlet is a zealous antagonist of the English nation, and declaims loudly against the annexation of the electorate of Hanover to the kingdom of Great Britain.

Ueber die Secularisation Deutscher geiftlicher Reichfender, &c. &c. von DR. CH. E. WEISSE, 1798. pp. 196; 8vo. On the Secularifation of the Ecclefiaftical States of the German Empire, &c. &c. A very able difcuffion of this subject, which is highly important to Germany.


PETRI CAMPERI fummi Medici, Differtationes decem, quibus ab inluftribus Europe, præcipue Gallia, Academiis palma adjudicata. Accedunt ejufdem de optima agendi in Medicina ratione Liber fingularis, et Differtatio de forcipum indole et actione. Cum Tabulis in are expreffis. Vol. I. 1798. pp. 14. and 162; 8vo. Camper's merits are fo generally acknowledged, that it would be fuperfluous to enter into a critical examination of the value of this collection: we therefore fhall only point out the fubjects of thefe differtations. 1. De infantum regimine. 2. De emolumentis et optima methodo infitionis variolarum. 3. De incommodis ab unguentorum abufu oriundis et de eorum emendationibus in ulcerum curatione. 4. De theoria et curatione morborum chronicorum pulmonum. 5. In French: Sur les influences que l'air, par fes diverfes qualités, peut avoir dans les maladies chirurgicales, et fur les moyens de le rendre falutaire dans leur traitement. 6. De vera et precipua caufa morborum, inter pecora et armenta epidemica, feu epizootice, graffantium. Ideen ueber das Lafter der Selbstbefleckung, &c. &c. 1798.

Krankenbuch, &c &c. von Cor. A. STRUVE. Erfter Band, 1798. pp. 470; 8vo. Sick-Book. Of the Prefervation of human Life, the Prevention and proper

Treatment of Difeafes. This is a very valuable medical compofition, written in a popular and fimple flyle, and difplaying the author's folid erudition and humanity in a very favourable hight.

CHRISTIANI THEOPHILI SELLII Liber de curandis Hominum Morbis. Septimum vernacula editum Latine interpretaus eft Curtius Sprengelius, 1738. pp. 20. and 626; Svo. The original work of Dr. Selle being fufficiently known, we have only to obferve, that this tranflation is elegant, and extremely correct.

Guter Rath an Muetter, &c. &c. von DR. CHR. W. HUFELAND, 1799. pp. 86; 8vo. Advice to Mothers, concerning the moft important Points of the Phyfical Education of Children. Dr. HUFELAND's credit as an able popular writer is already too well established, to stand in need of our recommendation in the prefent inftance; fuffice it, therefore, to fay, that this little medical pamphlet is written in his ufual lucid ftyle.


Ueber die betrachlichen Vortheile welche alle Nationen des jezzigen Zeitalters aus der Kentnifs, &c. &c. der Alten Zieben Kænen, von D. TREDEMANN, und D. JENISH, 1798. pp. 322; 8vo. On the important Advantages, which all Nations of the prefent Age may derive from the Knowledge and an historical Examination of the State of Sciences among the Ancients. This fubject, which is ably treated by profeffors F. and J. deferves particular attention in our times.

Betrachtungen ueber die Krieg fkunft, &c. &c. 1798. pp. 457. Reflexions on the Military Science, its Progrefs, Contradictions, and Certainty. tions, and Certainty. Intelligible alfo to Readers not of the Profeffion, who have fome Knowledge of Hiftory. Thefe reflexions are the refult of the ftudies and experience of a venerable Pruffian veteran, and, as such, deserve being perused with attention.

Revolutions-Almanach, von 1797; PP. 368: von 1798; pp. 327: von 1799; pp. 264. Revolutionary-Almanac. An hiftorical collection of anecdotes and facts, collected with a vifible partiality for one party, and displaying a rich vein of rancour and malice.

Die Zeichen der Zeit, &c. &c. 1798, Pp. 334. The Signs of the Times against the Clofe of the eighteenth Century.

Helvetifche Annalen, 1798. pp. 364; 4to. Helvetic Annals. A highly-interefting periodical work, published by a grandfon of the great Haller.

Profaifche und Pastifcbe Italienifche Blumenleft

menlefe von AGOST DE VALENTI, 1799. pp. 186. 8vo. Profaic, and poetical Italian Florilegium. We have perufed this judicious collection with pleasure, and can, without hesitation, recommend it to all friends of Italian literature.

Einige worte ueber die Haupt-quelle unferer Sich taglich vermehrenden ungluecklichen Eben, &c. &c. von F. G. H. FIELITZ, 1798. pp. 94; 8vo. A few Words on the daily Encrease of unhappy Marriages; Recommended to the Confideration of Mothers, &c. &c. The author, who is a furgeon in Pruffia, justly maintains, that many marriages are unhappy, chiefly becaufe moft daughters enter, unprepared, into the conjugal ftate. This obfervation occafioned him to write an instruction for the fair fex in the phyfical maternal duties. He ftrongly recommends to all good mothers to acquaint their daughters carefully with their future fituation, and points out in what manner this can be done moft fuccefsfully. His treatife is written with great animation, and proves that the author is a moft promifing young man, who difcharges his profeffional duties, not in a mechanical manner, like many of his brethren, but with reflexion, and a truly philanthropic fpirit.

C. FR. POCKEL's Verfuch einer Characteristic des Weiblichen Gefchlechts. Erfter und Zweiter B. 1798. 8vo. pp. 1081. An Attempt towards a Characteristic of the Female Sex; a moral Picture of Mankind, of our Times, and of focial Life. Although this work has many Atriking defects, yet we cannot deny that it alfo contains a great variety of novel and useful obfervations, and is written in an elegant and polifhed ftyle. We were particularly pleafed with the chapter on bafhfulness; but are forry that the author has not treated this important subject with more delicacy.

Sittenlebre in Beispielen fuer Buerger und Landleute, &c. &c. von JOH. P. L. SNELL. 2 Theile, 1798. Ethics, in Examples, for Citizens and Country-People. A very judicious collection, which recommends itfelf by the great purity of the moral principles, inculcated in it, and a plain and correct language.

Anzeige der nothwendigften Verbalt. ungfregelen bey nahen Gewittern, &c. &c. 1798. pp. 30, 8vo. The moft neceffary Rules of Conduct on the Approach of Thunder-Storms, and the propereft Means of Prefervation against the hurtful Effects of Lightning. For the Ufe of unexperienced People. This fmall, but highly ufeful, pamphlet, the joint production of Mr. MONTHLY MAG. XLVII.

VON GERSDORF, and Dr. KNEBEL, is adapted to the comprehenfion of even the moft ignorant people, and contains a great variety of rules and cautions, extracted from the works of the most eminent phy fical writers, and founded on re-iterated experience.

Beifpeile von allerley Unglueks faellen, &c. &c. 1798. pp. 168; 8vo. Inftances of various unfortunate Accidents; an Inftruction and Warning for young People. With an Appendix, containing a Defcription of the most common poisonous Plants, and eight coloured Plates. Collections of this kind, if made with judgment, may produce a great deal of good. The prefent volume promises to be useful in many respects; although the author has not taken as much pains as he could, and ought have done, to render it as com plete as poffible. The appendix is very pertinent, and the engravings are correct, and well executed.

Die Kunft Sein Leben der Tugend, &c. &c. gemefs Zufuebren, &c. &c. 1799. pp. 296. The Art of Living conformably to the Dictates of Virtue, Wisdom, and Propriety. After the Latin Work of Mr. Campe. Mr. GRUBER, the author of this book, affures us, in the preface, that this is not a tranflation, but an entirely new performance, in imitation of Mr. Campe's work, which was published under the title, Compendium Artis vivendi ex Erafmi Roterodami, Libro de Civilitate morum puerilum, et ex Jo. Lud. Vivis Valentini Introductione ad veram Sapientiam cone cionatum, à Joach. H. Campio. Mr. G's work appears to us to be entirely fuperfluous, particularly as it is difficult to diftin guifh whether it be written for children or philofophers.

Archiv der Vorfebung fuer die Menfchenwelt, No. I. pp. 97; 8vo; 1798. Archives of Providence for Mankind. Col. lected by the Rev. AUG. M. RUNGIUS, and published by Dr. F.VOLKM REINHARD.

There is a Providence," fays the author in the introduction, which is active every where, and encompaffes, preferves, and rules every thing with infinite power, wifdom, and love; a Supreme Being, without whofe confent no bird can drop down dead, nor a hair can fall from our head. An extremely important doctrine of religion I which muft render the Chriftian the more ferene and content, the more his faith entitles him to cherish cheerful expectation; which, however, alfo cannot be denied by the non-C tian, who is acquainted with hiftory, and has obferved men and their fate. We have 4 E



here a field before us, which produces the most inestimable fruits; for, who can proceed a fingle ftep without meeting with the most striking proofs, which convince us that the Supreme Protector of the univerfe does not fleep, but watches over all created beings-whether they be radiant funs, or grains of fand-men, or in fects-conformably to the wants of every one of them? But what a peculiar object of Providence is man, his deftination and fate! And how much matter for contemplation and admiration does this afford to the attentive obferver!" In order to af fift the attentive obferver in his contemplations of the wonderful ways of Providence, the author gleaned, from his occafional readings, a collection of striking inftances of fingular deliveries from imminent dangers, of unexpected preferments of poor and common people, and of fudden punish ments of profperous villains. Thofe who are acquainted with Dr. R's. philofophical fpirit need not be told, that his affiftance in the publication of this work is fufficient to recommend it to the ferious confideration of every reflecting man.

Die extra Poft fuer Stadt und Land, &c. &c. 1798. pp. 288; 8vo. The extra Poft for Town and Country, making known a Variety of useful Things. No. 1.

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This periodical work was begun in the year 1797, and received with fo much applaufe, as rendered a second edition of the first numbers neceffary. The title befpeaks it to be a popular publication, which, in plain language, is to circulate generally ufeful knowledge among the lower claffes of people. The greater part of it is devoted to fubjects of rural economy, and we are of opinion that it can do a great deal of good among that clafs of people, for whom it is principally intended.

Die Schule der Erfahrung fuer alle, &c. &c. Th. I. 1798. pp. 251. The School of Experience for all those to whom Contentment, Life, and Health, are dear, &c. &c. This book contains gleanings from Mr. BEBKER's Deutsche Zeitunz, a newfpaper, avowedly written for the middling and lower claffes, and from several other popular publications, of which, at prefent, a greater number is published in German, than in any other country. But we also have met, in the prefent volume, with a great many pieces, which feem to be the refult of the author's own experience and obfervation, which are, by far, more generally useful than his gleanings from other authors.

Literature during the Year 1798. Retrospective View of the State of Spanifh Literature chiefly of felections from the Madrid Gazette, and from fuch numbers of the Memorial Literario as we have been able to procure. Should the late glorious achievements of the allied armies in Germany, Italy, and Switzerland, bring on a speedy reftoration of the former relation of amity and friendship be tween this country and Spain, which the latter, by the imperious dictates of the French directory, was forced to break off, we fhail gladly embrace the earliest opportunity of cftablishing a literary correfpondence, capable of enabling us, in our next Retrospect, to do full juftice to the excellent productions of Spanish genius and erudition, the merits of which, we are forry to obferve, are far from being fufficiently understood, and juftily valued in this country.

Retrofpect of the Progrefs of Spanish ALTHOUGH the prefs, last year, has not been peculiarly prolific in Spain, yet Spanish literature has, in its principal branches, unvariably maintained the diftinguished rank, which it has, of late years, regained through the meritorious exertions of CAVANILLES, LARRUGA, ORTIG, RUIK, and fome other celebrated Spanish writers of the present age. The fplendid and important botanical work, Flora Peruviana, the political and economical memoirs of Larruga, which, in point of exactnefs and copioufness of information, are unequalled by any other literary production of that kind, and the Spani Atlas, a geographical compofition of unrivalled excellence, would alone be fufficient fully to establish the truth of this affertion, though it were unfupported by the masterly productions of ORTIG, NAVAL, GUMILLA, and other eminent literary characters in Spain. It therefore remains with us a matter of fincere regret, that, from the want of Spanish fiterary reviews, and the prefent interrupted communication with that country, we once more obliged to compofe our


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Sermones del Ilmo. S. Arzobispo de SerTARRAGONA ; 2 tomos, &c. mons by the most illuftrious Archbishop of Tarragona, &c. 2 vols. 8vo.

La Unica Religion verdadera demoftrada



contra los Secarios opuefios à la Iglefia Romana; un tomo en 3o, &c. The only true Religion demonftrated against the Sectaries opposed to the Romish Church; 1 vol. in 89.

Defenfa de la Religion Chriftiana, dedicada al Rey, &c. Tom. 4. y ultimo, par D. JUAN JOSEPH HEYDECK, Profeffor de Lenguas Orientales, &c. Defence of the Chriftian Religion, dedicated to his Majefty, vol. 4th and last, by D. J. J. Heydeck, Profeffor of Oriental Languages, &c.

El Paftor Evangelico repartiendo et Pafto de la Divina palabra en pláticas familiares de los Domingos y fieftas de todo el Ano; fu autor el P. D. TEODORO DE ALMEIDA, &c. The Evangelic Paftor, diftributing the Food of the Word of God, in familiar Difcourfes, for all Sundays and Feafts of the Year; by P. D. Teodoro de Almeida, &c.

Liga de la Teologia moderna con la Filofofia en dano de la Iglefia de Jesucristo, &c. The Alliance of modern Theology and Philofophy to the Prejudice of the Church of Jefus Chrift, &c.

Practica completa de ayudar à bien morir à Espanoles y ex etrangeros, &c. Complete practical Inftructions to affist both Spaniards and Foreigners to die well; publifhed in Spanish and French by D. Jo SEPH VILLAROEL PEREZ DE BANOS, Prefbyter.

Differtacion Téologico-canonica, en que fe propone como dogma de fe, que fon dignas de culio y veneracion las reliquias de los Santos, &c. par D. FRANCISCO COUQUE, &c. A theologico-canonical Differtation, in which it is propofed, as an Article of Faith, that the Relics of Saints are worthy of Worship and Veneration, &c. by D. F. Couque, &c.

Efpiritu de los Apologistas de la Religion Chriftiana; dos Tomos en 4°. The Spirit of the Apologifts of the Chriftian Religion; 2 vols. in 4o.


Examen de las aguas medicinales de Andalufia, &c. par D. JUAN DE Dros AyuDA, Subinfpector de las Aguas minerales de Efpana, &c. Tomo 3. An Analyfis of the medicinal Waters of Andalufia; by D. J. de Dios Ayuda, Deputy Inspector of the mineral Waters of Spain, &c. Vol. 3d. The prefent volume of this interefting work contains an analysis of the waters of Jaen, Almeria, Alhama, Hardales, Cafares, Manilha y Fuente de Piedra, and points out the cafes, when the ufe of thefe waters may prove either be neficial or hurtful to health.

Tratado fobre el Colico de Madrid; por el D. IGNASIO MARIA RUIZ DE LUZURIAGA; un Tomo en 8°. A Treatife on the Colic of Madrid; by D. M. Ruiz de Luzuriaga; one volume in 8vo. This inftructive compofition, which was firft inferted in the Memoirs of the Royal College of Phyficians, at Madrid, is the beft and most fatisfactory account of the difeafe, known under the name of the colic of Madrid, which has hitherto appeared..

Differtation fifico-medica, bafta ahora inedita, del D. D. MARTIN DE VILLANUEVA, medico que fué en efia corte, cuyo argumento es perfuadir, que en la Hora de Nacer fe pueden precaver Las viruelas, &c. A phyfico-medical Difcourfe, never published before, by D. D. Martin de Villanueva, late Phyfician at Madrid, tending to prove that the Small-Pox might be prevented at the very Hour of a Child's Birth, &c.

Tratudo fifico-medico-chirurgico de las enfermedades de los oidos; par D. JUAN NAVAL, Medico de Familia de S. M. &c. A phyfico-medico-chirurgical Treatise on the Diftempers of the Organs of Hearing, by D. J. Naval, Phyfician to his Majefty, &c. one vol. in 8vo. This very valuable work delineates the organs of hearing, explains their mechanifm, enumerates their diseases, points out the most efficacious remedies, and concludes with a defcription of the beft instruments hitherto invented, to encrease the irritability of the organs, and alleviate the misfortunes of deafnefs.

Difcurfo Medico, par D. JUAN NAVAL, &c. A Medical Difcourfe, by D. J. Naval. This ufeful compofition of the author of the last-mentioned work, treats, in three parts, on ophthalmy and its fpecies, 41 of which are here enumerated; on the gutta ferena, and its species, 28 in number; on cataracts, 10 fpecies of which are defcribed by the author; and concludes with pointing out the most proper cure for each fpecies of the abovementioned difeafes of the eye.

Tratado completo de la Flebotomia, &c. par D. J. F. DE VALLE, &C. A complete Treatife on Phlebotomy, &c. by D. J. F. de Valle, &c.

Dictionario elemental de Farmacia ó apli caciones de los fundamentus de la Chimica mo derna à las principales Operaciones de Farmacia; fu autor D. M. HERNANDEZ DE GREGORIO, dos tomos en 4o. An Elementary Dictionary of Pharmacy, in which the fundamental Principles of modern Chemistry are applied to the prin

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cipal pharmaceutic operations, by D. M. Hernandez de Gregorio, &c. 2 vols. in 4to.

Differtacion fifico-chimica del examen, analfis y virtutes medicinales, de las aguas de la fuente mineral, de la Villa de Efpinofo del Rey, &c. par D. J. NAVIA DE LA PAZ RODRIGUEZ, &c, Un tomito en 8. A phyfico-chemical Difcourfe on the Analyfis and medicinal Virtues of the mineral Spring of the City of Efpinofo del Rey, &c. by D. J. Navia de la Paz Rodriguez, &c.

Differtacion acerca del verdadero carafter y método de curar las heridas de armas de fuego, &c. par D. A. PELAEZ. A Differtation on the true Character and Method of curing Shot Wounds, &c.; by D. A. Pelaez.


Teatro de la Legislacion de Efpana é Indias, o Biblioteca general de los Codigos civiles, canonicos, y reales, de ambos dominios; 28 tomos un 4, The univerfal legislative Code of Spain and India, or a general Digeft of the civil and canonic Law, and of the royal Ordinances for both Empires; 28 vols. in 4to. This is the most com. plete repofitory of the Spanish laws which has hitherto been published, arranged in alphabetical order, and carefully diftinguifhing the laws yet in ufe, from thofe which are no longer in force.

Jurium Romani et Hifpani Hifloria, brevis concinnata ufui tironum, qui in Scholis juris civilis ftudio incumbunt; opera Joannis Sala, &c. This little work is a well written fynopfis of the hiftory of the Roman and Spanish law, by the author of the Digeflo Romano-Efpagnol, a pandect of the Roman and Spanish law of great merit.

Addiciones y Repertorio general, de la Practica univerfal forenfe de los Tribunales fuperiores é inferiores de Efpana e Indias, par D. P. BOADA DE LAS CASTAS: dos tomos en 4. Supplements, and a general Repertory of the univerfal Practice of the fuperior and inferior Courts of Juftice in Spain and India, by P. D. Boadą de las Caftas; 2 vols, in 4to.

Nobleza, Privilegios, y Prerogativas del Officio publico de Efcribano, par D. J. J. SANCHEZ, Efcribano de S. M. tres tomos. On the Dignity, Privileges, and Prerogatives of the public Office of a Notary, by D. J. J. Sanchez, Notary of H, M, three vols.

Prontuario de Teftamentos y Contrados, &c. tomo. The Repofitory of Teftaments and Contracts, &c. vol. ift. A wellarranged fynopfis of the voluminous work

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of D. Jofeph Febrero, on the important fubject of laft wills and contracts. HISTORY.

Gloriofa Defenfa de Malta par los Caval leros de S. Juan de Jerufalem contra el eercito de Soliman II. un tomo en 4o; fu autor D.JOSEPH MARIA CALDERON DE LA BARCA, Cavallero de dicha Religion, &c. The glorious Defence of Malta by the Knights of St. John of Jerufalem against the Army of Soliman II.; one volume in 4to; by D. Jofeph Maria Calderon de la Barca, Knight of the faid Order, &c.

Antigüedades Eclefiafticas de Efpana, &c, un tomo en folio, par et Rmo. P. FR. PABLO de S. Nicolas, &c. The ecclefiaftical Antiquities of Spain, &c. one volume in folio, by the Reverend Father Paul of St. Nicolas, &c.

Vida, Prifion, y Muerte de D. Rodriga Calderon, Marques de Siete Iglefias, Conde de la Oliva, &c.: dada a lu luz, par D, ANTONIO VALLADARES, &c. The Life, Imprisonment, and Death of D. Rodrigo Calderon, &c. published by Dn. Antonio Valladares, &c.

Compendio cronologico de la Hiftoria de Efpana, par D. JOSEPH ORTIZ, &c, tomo 5. A chronological Summary of the Hiftory of Spain, vol. 5th; by D. Jofeph Ortiz. This is a continuation of the ex, cellent work, the fourth volume of which we announced in our Retrospect of laft July. Its author, the celebrated royal librarian Ortiz, has the 6th volume also ready for prefs.

Hiftoria critica de Efpana y de la Cultura Espanola, par D. JUAN FRANCISCO MASDEU: tomo 18. Critical Hiftory of Spain, and Spanish Culture, by Dn. J. F, Mafdeu; vol 18th.

Compendio Cronologico de la Hiftoria y Eftado actual de Ruffia, escrito par D.Luis DEL CASTILLO, Penfionado que fué par S. M. tn Petersburg, &c. A chronological Summary of the Hiftory and actual State of Ruffia, written by D. Luis del Caftillo, late Penfioner of his Majefty in Peterf burgh, &c. The first part of this work contains a fynopfis of the hiftory of Ruffia fince the 9th century, and the fecond delineates her prefent ftate, and comprizes the information which the author, during his refidence in Petersburgh, has been able to collect in regard to that vaft empire. He gives a geographical-description of the country, delineates the character and man, ners of the Ruffians, their religion, go, vernment, political and military conftitution, revenue, fciences, and commerce, both active and paffive; he adds a full ac


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