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Retrofpect of French Literature...Hiftory:.. Biography... Antiquities. 547

finished, is meant to be the most complete and authentic repertory of facts extant, for the important period indicated, and is intended to serve in France the purpose of the Annual Regifters in England.

Tableau Hiftorique, &c. An hiftorical, literary, and political View of the fixth Year of the French Republic,, &c. &c. by A. M. CECILE; 8vo. This is another imitation of the English Annual Regifters.

Correfpondance Secrète de Charette, &c. Secret Correfpondence of Charette, Stofflet, Puifaye, Cormatin, d'Antichamp, Bernier, Trotté, Scepeaux, Botherel, the, Pretender, Artois, their Minifters and Agents, and other Vendéans, Chouans, and Emigrants, &c. &c.; 2 vols. 8vo. with the portrait of Charette. This is an authentic collection of pieces relative to that interefting part of French revolutionary hiftory, the war in La Vendée.

Hiftoire de Pierre III. &c. Hiftory of Peter III. Emperor of Ruffia, printed from a Manufcript found among the Papers of Montmorin, &c. with important Additions and Explanations; followed by a fecret Hiftory of the Amours and principal Lovers of Catharine II. by the Author of the Life of Frederic II. King of Pruffia; 3 vols. 8vo. This work takes a much larger fcope than its title promifes, and may be confidered as the hiftory, public and private, of the Ruffian court, from the reign of Elizabeth to the clofe of that of Catherine II.; indeed many of the materials accumulated relate to a much earlier period. The proper hiftory of Peter III. makes a fmall part of the three volumes, and the chief perfonage of the whole is Catharine, whom the author calls the "Agrippina of Anhalt." The pieces, of which this mifcellany is compofed, are of various value and authority: but the quantity of amufement and information afforded is very confiderable; and the publication is an interefting addition to the memoirs which have already appeared, concerning the latter affairs of Ruffia and its fovereigns.

and annihilated pope was too tempting a fubject for the compilers of anecdotes and memoirs, to be fuffered to fink quietly in his grave, before his life was exhibited tø the public curiofity. The anonymous author of thefe volumes feems to have performed the task of fhow-mafter with tolerable skill; and, by the help of decu ments, fome known, fome fecret, has made out an interefting compilation of matter, correfpondent to his title-page.

Mémoires Hiftoriques et Philofophiques fur Pie VI. &c. Hiftorical and philofophical Memoirs of Pius VI. and his Pontificate, to his Retreat into Tuscany; in which are given curious Details concerning his private Life, his Quarrels with the different Powers of Europe, the Caufes which have produced the Overthrow of the papal Throne, and the Revolution of Rome; drawn from the moft authentic Sources, with a Portrait of Pius VI. and a Map of the Pontine Marthes; 2 vols. Svo. Á depofed


Memoires d'Hyppolite Clairon, &c. Memoirs of Hippolyta Clairon, and Reflexions on the dramatic Art, published by herfelf; 8vo. The heroine of thefe memoirs, one of the most celebrated actreffes her country has produced, has painted her own character, and the events of her life, with much franknefs, and in a very interefting manner; and the obfervations and inftructions fhe has given relative to an art in which the fo greatly excelled, cannot but be thought highly valuable to all engaged in the fame profeffion. Some curious anecdotes of diftinguished perfons are introduced; but it will be thought extraordinary at the prefent day, that a woman of great ftrength of mind, and fuperior understanding, fhould fancy herself to have been haunted, for more than two years, by the apparition of a former lover,

Eloge de Poiffonier. Eulogy of PeterIfaac Poiffonier, pronounced at the public Sitting of the Medical Society, by Citizen SUE. This piece contains feveral anecdotes of Poiffonier during his refidence at Peterburg, and notices of fome of his works, which are not to be met with in Lalande's éloge.


Antiquités Nationales, c. National Antiquities, or a Collection of Monuments relative to the general and particular Hiftory of the French Empire; by AUBINLours MILLIN, Confervator of the Mufeum of Antiquities in the National Library, &c. This is the fifth volume of a great work, which, from various causes, has been fufpended fince the year 1792. We may obferve, that the refumption of thefe coftly publications is a certain proof that fecurity and profperity begin to revive in France, though the return of peace alone can render them durable.

Diplomata, Charte, Epißola, &c. Diplomas, Charters, Letters, and other Do. cuments relative to the Affairs of France, extracted from the Archives and Libraries of the Kingdom, and of foreign Countries, by the Labours of many learned

men, particularly the Congregation of St. Maur. Publifhed, and illuftrated with Notes, by L. G. O. FEUDRIX DE BREQUINY, and P. J. G. LA PORTE DU THEIL; 3 vols. folio. This great work was printed in 1791, but prevented from publication by the circumftances of the times. Its prefent appearance affords another proof of the refumption of the ufual studies in France, of which national hif tory and antiquities always formed a diftinguished part.

Recherches fur les Origines Celtiques. Inquiries concerning Celtic Antiquities, particularly thofe of Bugev, confidered as the Cradle of the Celtic Deita; by P. J. J. BACON TACON; 2 vols. 8vo. with ten engravings. This work is the fruit of elaborate refearch, and fupports the patriarchal antiquity of the Celts of Bugey, by the strongest evidence, hiftorical and literary.


Recherches, &c. Inquiries concerning the fyftematic and pofitive Geography of the Ancients, to ferve as a Bafis for the Hiftory of ancient Geography; by P. P. J. GOPELIN, of the National Inftitute; 2 vols. 4to. with eighteen maps. This author, already advantageoufly known by his Geography of the Ancients analysed, has, in this work, maintained and augmented the idea formed of his learning and talents.

Dictionnaire Univerfel, &c. Univerfal Dictionary of commercial Geography; by J. PEUCHET; vol. i. 4to. This is the commencement of a very extenfive and valuable work, which may be regarded as the history of the progrefs of wealth and induftry among all nations, ancient and modern. It is the refult of thirty years' labour, and will do honour to the nation when finished.

Nouvelle Géographie Univerfelle, &c. New Univerfal Geography, tranflated from the English of W. Guthrie; by C. NOEL, Ex-Ambaffador to the Batavian Republic; 5 vols. 8vo. The great and valuable additions made to the English work, amounting to a third of the whole bulk, and comprehending all the modern difcoveries, with numerous corrections and improvements, entitle this tranflation to be regarded almost as an original perform


POLITICS AND COMMERCE. Traité de l'Efprit Public, &c. A Treatife on the Spirit of Society; by DrEUDONNE THIBAUT; 8vo. It is the purpofe of the philanthropic author of this work to point out the means of remedying the evils of mankind, by me

liorating governments and political inftitutions.

L'Inde en rapport avec l'Europe, &c. India with relation to Europe; by ANQUETIL DUPERRON, of the late Academy of Infcriptions and Belles Lettres ; 2 vols. 8vo. This well known author writes from the experience of more than twenty years' refidence in India, whence his obfervations on the manners, legiflation, arts, manufactures, commerce, &c. of the natives well deferve attention. The great purpofe of his work is to point out the means of restoring the influence of the French in India, and balancing that of the English. He is a decided friend to the re-establishment of an exclufive French India-company with fovereign authority.

Système Univerfel, &c. Univerfal Sy. ftem of the Principles of Maritime Law in Europe; by D. A. AZUNI; tranflated from the Italian, with the Additions of the fame Author; by J. M. DIGEON; 2 vols. 8vo. This may be regarded as a claffical work on the fubject.

Du Crédit Public, &c. On public and private Credit, the Means of defraying the Expence of all Services, and of effecting Reforms in the different Branches of public Economy; by A. Sabatier; 4to. The ideas contained in this pamphlet afford highly useful fubjects of meditation to all perfons concerned in the management of public affairs.

Conftitution de la République Fr. Conftitution of the French Republic, with the Laws relating to it, preceded and followed by chronological and alphabetical Tables; by Citizens ČAMBACERES and OUDOT; vols. 12mo. A copious collection of important matter.


Effai fur les Contributions, &c. An Effay on the Contributions propofed in France for the year 7, on those actually exifting in England, and on pubric Credit; by LECOULTEAUx, Member of the Coun cil of Ancients; 12mo. This work is characterised by luminous views, found fenfe, and pure patriotifm. He endeavours to prove, that, in the present state of things, taxes upon objects of luxury would only prevent the circulation of fpecie, and finally fall upon the laborious claffes; and that taxes upon neceffaries, judiciously impofed, are greatly preferable.


Voyages de la Perfe, &c. Travels from Perfia to India, and from Bengal to Perfia, tranflated from the Perfian and En. glish, with a Summary of the Revolu tions of Perfia, an hiftorical Memoir on


Perfepolis, and notes; by L. LANGLES; 2 vols. 16to. These volumes form part of a collection. They contain a journey from India to Mecca by Abdoul Kerym, favourite of Nadir-Shah, tranflated from the English; a journey from Perfia to India, in the years 1442, 3, and 4; by Abd Ul rizaq, embaffador from Shah Rokh to the king of Bifnagor, extracted from a Perfian manufcript; and a journey from Bengal to Shiraz, in 1787 and 8; by W. FRANK LIN; tranflated from the English.

Voyage du ci-devant Duc du Chatelet en Portugal, &c. Travels of the late Duke du Chatelet in Portugal, published from his MS. and augmented with notes by J. F. BOURGOING; 2 vols. 8vo. This work contains many curious details on the foil and productions of Portugal, the manners of its people, its agriculture, commerce, colonies, &c. the earthquake of Lisbon, the miniftry of Pombal, and other interesting topics, which render it the best account probably extant of this kingdom.

Tableau de Cayenne, &c. A View of Cayenne, or French Guaiana containing exact Account of its Climates, Productions, native People, &c. together with nautical Obfervations made by the Author; 8vo. The writer of this work is a military officer, and man of letters, who has made three voyages to Guaiana, employed by government to collect every informa tion refpecting this valuable colony that could be of ufe. He appears to have been well fitted for the task; and his obfervations, which are detailed with fimplicity, may be relied on for their truth and accuracy.

Voyage pittorefque de la France, &c. Picturefque Tour through France, with a Defcription of its Departments. This grand national work, published in numbers, each containing fix plates, with their explanations, is now arrived at the 78th number.

Le Prisonnier en Espagne, &c. The Prifoner in Spain, with a philofophical and fentimental Survey of the Provinces of Catalonia and Grenada; by N. MASSIAS; 18vo. This little work, written in the ftyle of Sterne and Mercier, defcribes, with much vivacity and nature, the manners of the Spanish nation, the places vifited by the author, and his own fenfations at every fcene.

Voyages et Avantures des Emigrés, &c. Travels and Adventures of the French Emigrants in Volhynia, the Government of Archangel, Siberia, Samoiedia, Kamtkatka, the Canary Islands, Majorca, Minorca. Canada, &c.; 2 vols. 8vo. In this work are contained defcriptions of all the MONTHLY MAG. XLVII.

countries abovementioned, with the manners and cuftoms of their inhabitants, obfervations on the Polish revolution, the articles of treaties, by which different powers engaged to expel the French emigrants, with the names of many emigrants who have undergone remarkable fortune.

Voyage à Bourdeaux, &c. Journey to Bourdeaux, and in les Landes, in which are defcribed the Manners and Cuftoms of the Country; 8vo.

Voyage dans l'Interieur de la Chine, Sc

Travels into the interior of China and Tartary, by Lord MACARTNEY, &c. &c. Tranflated from the English of Sir GEORGE STAUNTON, by J. ČASTERA. Second edition; 5 vols. 8vo. The fifth volume of this new edition contains a new preface, an abridgment of the history of China, and of the life of the emperor Tchien-Long, Hüttner's travels into China and Tartary, tranflated from the German, and thirty-two new plates, defigned in London. Several new notes to the whole work are added.


L'Art du Taupier, &c. The Art of the Mole-catcher, according to the Methods of Citizen AUBIGNAC; by Citizen DRALET; with figures. In this pamphlet the natural history of the mole is given, with the principles of the art of destroying this deftructive little quadruped, in a very curious and precife detail.

Defcription Topographique, c. A topographical Description of the ci-devant Diftrict of Boulogne-fur-mer, the State of its Agriculture, and Means of ameliorating it; by HENRY and DELPORTE; 8vo. This very ufeful undertaking is executed in a manner highly creditable to the authors.

Météorologie des Cultivateurs, &c. Mcteorology for the Ufe of Agriculturists ; by Citizen D. C. 12mo. This fmall work contains an account of meteorological inftruments, the manner of employing them, and the ufe that may be made of them by farmers; alfo figns of the weather, drawn from natural phenomena; concluding with advice respecting health.

Compte rendu, &c. Account delivered to the Society of Agriculture at Paris of its Labours concluded, commenced, and projected, from its Inftitution in 1788, to the 30th of September, 1793, with the Application of its Funds during that Period; by J. L. LEFEBRE, its Agentgeneral; 7 vols. 8vo.

Traité fur les Bétes à Laine, &c. Treatife on Spanish Sheep, their Rearing, Jour neys, Shearing, Wafhing, and the Wooltrade, &c.; by the C. P. LASTERIE;

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8vo. This appears to be a very complete and faithful account of an important matter in rural economy. The writer has derived much of his knowledge from enquiry upon the spot.


Flora Atlantica, E. The Flora of Mount Atlas; by DESFONTAINES; fol. Of this magnificent and very valuable work, the firft volume is now finished.

Methode analytique des Foffiles, &c. An analytic Arrangement of Fotfils, founded on their external Characters; by H. STRUVE; 8vo. This work, built upon the principles of Werner, is a very useful introduction to mineralogy, according to the fyftem adopted.

Lettre fur l'Hiftoire Phyfique de la Terre, &c. A Letter on the Phyfical History of the Earth, addreffed to Profeffor BLUMENBACH, containing new geological and hiftorical Proofs of the Miffion of Mofes; by A. DELUC, Citizen of Geneva, &c. &c. Profeffor of Geology in the Univerfity of Gottingen; 8vo. A difcourfe is prefixed relative to the univerfal principle of moral obligation. The author's geological obfervations are interefting, and fome of them new; and he does ampie juftice to the difcoveries of Sauffure, Dolomieu, and other late writers on the fubject. This publication is well worthy of the high character he has acquired. as a philofophical obferver.

Collection Complete, &c. A complete Collection of all the Parts hitherto finished of the Mineralogic Atlas of France; published by A. G. MONNET, Infpector of the Mines; 1 vol. 4to. This is another of the grand national defigns now carrying on in France, in the midst of fo many political difficulties, which fhould ferve as a model and stimules to all other civilized nations.

Hiftoire Naturelle abrégée du Ciel, &c. Abridgment of the Natural Hiftory of the Heavens, the Air, and the Earth, or Notions on general Phyfics; by PHILIBERT; 8vo. Though this is only a fketch of the fubject, it is drawn up with kill and intelligence, and contains all the fundamental information that is wanted by readers in general.

Plantarum Succulentarum Hiftoria; or, a Hiftory of Succulent Plants; by A. P. DECANDOLLE, with coloured Plates; folio. This work is to appear in numbers of fix plates each, with explanations, containing a phyfiological, botanical, and economical account of the fubjects.

Hiftoire Naturelle de la Montagne de St. Pierre, &c. Natural History of the Mountain of St. Peter at Maeftricht, with a to

pographical Chart of the Country, and fifty-four Plates, engraved by the beft Artifts; by B. FAUJAS-St.-FOND; large 4to. The mountain of St. Peter, famous for its foffils, has furnished a very interefting and curious work, the fruit of much labour and attention, which the name of the author will, doubtlefs, recommend to the notice of mineralogifts. The work appears in numbers, but the whole is entirely finished.


Cours Elementaire, &c. An Elementary Courfe of Chemistry, theoretical and practical, according to the new Nomenclature, in which are given most of the ufeful and agreeable Proceffes belonging to this Science; by Citizen ALYON; 2 vols. 8vo. This is an excellent work of the kind, not only for ftudents, but for practifed chemifts, on account of its proceffes, and a number of particular preparations, not before made public.

Manuel d'un Cours de Chymic, &c. Manuel of a Courfe of Chemistry, or a Series of Experiments and Demonftrations, which fhould compofe a complete Course on this Science; by E. J. B. BoUILLON LAGRANGE, Profeffor in the Central Schools of Paris, and the School of Pharmacy; 2 vols. 8vo. The plan of this work is that lately adopted by Fourcroy. It is accompanied with the new figns or marks adopted by the French chemists, and with plates reprefenting the appara tus of different operations. Many new experiments are defcribed; and, on the whole, this manual may rank with the moft ufeful elementary works.

Annales de Chymie. Annals of Chemiftry, by GUYTON, MORVEAU, MONGE, &c. Of this very useful work, the 27th volume has appeared, containing feveral curious articles.

Opufcules Chymiques, &c. Chemical Tracts of Peter Bayen; 2 vols. 8vo. This collection of the works of a late very eminent chemift is made by PARMENTIER and MALATRET.


Nofographie Philofopbique, &c. Philofophical Nofography, or the Analytic Method applied to Medicine, by P. H. P1NEL, Prof. of Medicine at Paris. 2 vols, 8vo. In this work a new claffification of difeafes is attempted, free from the theoretical deductions of other fyftematifts, and grounded upon diftinctions difcovered by analyfis. Thus fevers are arranged under fix orders, bearing the names of Angiote nic, in which an irritation fubfifts in the coats of the blood-yeffels; Meningo-goftric, the feat of which is in the coats of the


ftomach and duodenum; Adeno-meningic, in which there is an irritation of the mucous membranes of cavities; Adynamic, in which the mufcular fibres are affected with atony; Ataxic, in which the nervous fyftem is directly attacked; and Adenonervous, in which the nerves and glands are fubjected to the influence of a delete. rious contagion. Probably few readers will discover more fimplicity or less hypothefis in this claffification than in the more ufual ones.

L'Ami des Orphelins, &c. The Orphan's Friend, or Nurfe's Manual, by J. M. LAMBIN, 8vo. An ufeful family work on the rearing of children.

Traité des Maladies des Voies Urinaires, &c. A Treatise on the Difeafes of the Urinary Paffages, by P. J. DESAULT. This work is extracted from Default's Journal, with the addition of many new cafes and obfervations.

Medicine prefervative et curative, &c. A Treatife on prefervative and curative Medicine, general and particular, for the Ufe of young Practitioners, and Perfons careful of their Health; by N. F. ROUGNON; 2 vols, 8vo. This is a plain practical work, the refult of experience, particularly valuable for the means it points out of prefervation from each particular difeafe.

Difcours fur la Douleur, &c. A Difcourfe on Pain, by MARK ANTONY PETIT, M.D. 8vo. In this piece the external and internal caufes of pain, its effects on the folids and fluids, the nature of irritability and fenfibility, &c. are difcuffed, and a variety of curious facts relative to the fubject are introduced.

Traité de Medicine clinique, &c. A Treatife on clinical Practice in the principal Army-difcafes which have reigned in the hofpitals during the late years of war, by P. J. ROUCHER, 2 vols, 8vo.

Bibliotheque Germanique Medico-Chirur gicale, &c. An Extract from the best Works in Phyfic and Surgery published in Germany, by BREWER, No. 1. The first number of this work contains methods of treating the fmall-pox. It is to be continued monthly.

Actes de la Société, Sc. Tranfactions of the Medical, Chirurgical, and Pharmaceutical Society at Bruffels, vol. 1ft. 8vo. This volume contains, befides the hiftory of the fociety, twenty-nine memoirs on different practical fubjects.


Les Lois eclairées, &c. The Laws enlightened by the Phyfical Sciences; or, a Treatife on Legal Medicine, and the Pub.

lic Prefervation of Health; by F. E. FoDERE: 3 vols, 8vo. This work is the refult of many years' labour, and may be regarded as completely anfwering its propofed end. It will be found very useful to all magiftrates, civil and criminal officers, and the administrators of all depart ments in which the public health is concerned.


Inftructions et Obfervations, &c. Inftructions and Remarks on the Difeafes of domestic Animals, with the curative and prefervative Means, and the Methods of multiplying them, rearing them to Advantage, and purchang them without being defrauded. There is added an analysis of ancient and modern veterinary works, as a fubftitute for all that has been written on the fubject. By citizens CHABERT, FLANDRIN, and HUZARD. Of this ufeful work fix volumes have been printed, and it is ftill going on.

Tableaux Comparatifs, &c. Comparative Views of the Anatomy of thofe domeftic Animals which are the most effential to Agriculture, arranged according to an uniform Plan of Claffification; by J. GIRARD, Profeffor of Anatomy at the veterinary fchool of Alfort. As anatomy is the groundwork of the veterinary art, this publication will be very useful as an elementary work to the ftudents of that branch of the healing art.


Oeuvres diverfes de J. J. Barthelemy. Mifcellaneous Works of J. J. BARTHELEMY, 2 vols. 8vo. This collection of the fmaller pieces of the celebrated author of Anachartis is preceded by a well-written eulogy of this eminent man, containing excellent remarks on his writings. The collection itself confifts of a short treatife on morals; the romance of Charite and Polydore; the burlesque poem, entitled, La Chanteloupe, or the war of the fleas; extracts from works on antiquities, medals, &c., originally inferted in the Journal des Savans; reply to a letter from ' Hans Stanley, on the divifion of booty among ancient nations; fragments of a li terary tour in Italy and the fouth of France; feveral papers on subjects of ancient art, and the ftudy of medals; and a felection of letters to different perfons.

Lettres Originales de JJ Rouf au, &c. Original Letters of J. J. Rousseau, to Madame de ****, Madame la Marechale de Luxemburgh, M. de Malefherbes, d'Alembert, and others. A fac-fimile engraving of a letter in the hand of Rouffeas is prefixed, and fix plates of mufic are sub4 B & joined

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