a rational and confiftent Ground,) to de-S ER M. clare that he knew that his Redeemer lived, XII. and that be fould ftand at the latter day upon the Earth. Under the New Teftament, God himself has, in a more express and explicit manner, declared himself to be, in the future and eternal state, a Rewarder of them that diligently feek him; not thereby to diminish, but to increase That Virtue, the Practice of which is rationally and confiftently supported by fo divine and glorious an Expectation. Accordingly, the Apoftle St Paul declares Phil. iii. concerning himself, that he preffed toward14 the Mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Chrift Jefus. And he perpe I tually exhorts all other Christians; fo to Cor. ix. run, that they may obtain an incorruptible 25. Crown; fo to behave themselves, as they who are continually looking for That Blef-Tit. ii. 13. fed Hope and the glorious Appearance of the Great God and our Saviour Jefus Chrift; laying hold upon the Hope fet be-Heb. vi. fore them; even the Hope which is laid 18. up for them in Heaven; looking not at the 2 Cor. iv. things which are temporal, but at the 18. things which are eternal; and confidering T 3 that Coł. i. 5. Mat.y. 12. SER M. that their light affliction which is but for XII. a moment, worketh for them a far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory. Our Saviour alfo himself, when his Dif ciples asked him, faying, Behold, we have forfaken all and followed thee, what shall we have therefore? fcrupled not to reply, Matt. xix. 28, Verily I fay unto you,—when the Son of man fhall fit in the throne of bis glory, Ye alfo fhall fit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of If rael. And elsewhere, in his exhortations to the fame Difciples; When men frall revile you, fays he, and perfecute you, rejoice, and be exceeding glad; For great is your Reward in Heaven. Nay, which is more remarkable than all thefe; concerning our Lord's own practice, the Scripture declares, that for the Joy which was fet before him, he endured the Crofs, defpifed the Shame, and is fet down at the right band of the Throne of God. To imagine therefore, as Some Enthufiaflick Writers, and Others through a vain and conceited affectation have done; that the perfection of Virtue wholly excludes Self-love, and all Regards to any recompence of Re ward; XII. ward; is taking upon themselves to re- SER M. proach the Greatest and most eminently Virtuous men, that have lived in All Nations and in All Ages; 'tis reproaching the Apostles of our Lord; 'tis reproaching our Saviour in his own Practice; 'tis reproaching God himself, and the Nature of things which he has made; who hath prepared for, and expressly promised to, them that love and obey him, fuch good things as pafs man's Understanding, which Eye hath not feen, nor ear heard, neither bath it entred into the heart of man, to conceive. Through the expectation of which spiritual and eternal Happiness, whoever is prevailed upon to live virtuously, has a Right to apply to himfelf upon account of Religion in general, what our Saviour in the Text fays in particular of those who are poor in Spirit; Bleffed are they, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. SERMON XIII. Of the Virtue of Charity. I COR. xiii. 3.. And though I beftow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my Body to be burned, and have not Charity, it profiteth me nothing. I N the following Difcourfe SER M; fite Vice. 2dly, I fhall confider the ex cellent |