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y God for such witnesses as this. Let mined."

I her story with the simplicity of a child, as, but there was a directness about it ried conviction of its truth to every heart. gidly cross-examined. The Counsel plied many ingenious questions, but she never n her first statement in any one thing. The oken by that little child was convincing. and perjury had preceded her testimony. er had entrenched himself in lies, until

himself safe. Witnesses had falsified his favour. But before this girl's testiehood was scattered like the winds. The hat her mother prayed for was given her; ablime and terrible simplicity (terrible I ne prisoner and his associates) with which was like a revelation from God Himself.


was a pious, praying boy. Every day, was old enough to repeat words, he had rning and evening by his bedside, and d to take care of him, help

him to be a

and prepare him to die. As he grew ayer became the habit of his daily life. was ten years old, he was accustomed to moon-day to pray. The result of these peared in his life. He was gentle, oy. When about ten years of age, father to a distant town, for a

short visit: this town was much larger than the in which L. D———— lived, and he was delighted t the prospect of seeing many things new and teresting. He arrived at evening, and the followi evening he must return home; and you may thi how anxious he must have been to improve ever moment of the day in looking about. Before be left his room in the morning, however, he did not hastily repeat the Lord's prayer, with his though intent on what the day promised, but thoughtfully and devoutly prayed to his heavenly Father. with a light heart he went out for his morning ramble. At noon he returned to the friend's h where he was stopping, delighted with what he ha seen, and eager to accomplish much more beson the time of his visit expired. Dinner finished, thr lady in whose care his father left him observed the he went to his room, instead of going out, as supposed he would, to resume his walk. He not soon appear; and, after waiting awhile, the lady thought she would go to his room, and see if, beng tired, he had not dropped asleep. She went saly up-stairs, and listened a moment at the door: dear child was praying.

Gently, but earnestly, he was pleading with God to bless him, to shield him from temptation, thanking Him for the blessings and pleasures of the morning. The lady's heart was touched, and she left him undisturbed. Cheerful and active started out again, and at evening he went hea with so much to tell his little sisters, and with mo naughty act to trouble him, or to grieve his dea

What a happy day he had passed! God had prayer. Another, too, had been blessed by er. The lady who heard him, told me that to that room when the boy had gone, and he side of the bed, where he had knelt, was ssion of the head and folded hands of the hipper. "I fell on my knees," said she, by the example of a child, whom pleasure ish curiosity could not tempt to neglect noon-day, and asked God to forgive me, mature experience, and often with less n, I had forgotten Him."

✓ grew to a youth of promise; but far from chool, he was at length stricken down with The first intimation of danger given him inouncement made to him by his physician as dying. "I am ready," said the dying I am not afraid; my hope rests on the Rock and suddenly, with scarce an hour's warned calmly and peacefully.-Little readers, habit of fervent prayer will make you good y children,

"Protect your following years,

And make your virtue strong;"

God calls you, you may go, with prayers on your dying lips, without fear, to that place the blessed Saviour has gone to or His own precious ones.

A. E. D.

THE LITTLE BOY WITHOUT A CONSCIENCE "WELL, there, I haven't any conscience, mother," said a little boy, the other day. Poor little boy! don't you think he was to be pitied? I have heard of little children who were so unfortunate as to be born without sight, or without hearing; and I have thought their case very, very sad. I have read lately of a poor girl, who cannot see this beautiful world in which we live, nor hear the glad songs of the birds, nor even her own mother's sweet voice, and who cannot utter one pleasant expression with her own lips; and I have pitied her very much But I would rather be deaf, and dumb, and blind, than not have a conscience. Shouldn't you? I am sure you would, if you understood what conscience is, and how very important it is to have a good conscience.

But what is conscience? This is the very questi that the brother of the little boy whom I just intre duced to you had been asking his mother; and was when he heard her reply, that Charlie made the remark with which I commenced. “Com science," said the mother, “is the voice within that tells us when we do right and when we wrong." "Well, then," said Charlie, "I haven' any conscience, mother; for I don't hear anything in me speak;" and he laughed, as if the idea of someTM thing within him talking was very funny indeed “Ah!" said his mother, "I am very sorry for you, if you have no conscience. But stop a minute: perhaps you are mistaken. We do not any of us hear

thin us, as you hear mine now; but is there omething, which makes you feel happy when e done right, and troubles you when you ne wrong?" "O, yes, mother, there's someat I know by; but I didn't think that was u meant."

e little boy concluded that he had a conafter all; and he seemed very glad that he left without this kind monitor. Indeed, I hink that God ever made a rational person one. Whatever else is wanting, this is in uman breast, unless there may be some poor ones, who cannot understand the difference right and wrong. And even these sometimes conscience. I remember one who used to live native town: he could not be taught to read ite, and could not talk as well as many little when they are two or three years old. He like a grown-up child, tall as common men, 1 scarcely more mind than an infant. Yet he onscience. He knew that it was wrong to d tell lies, and use bad words; for so much d be made to understand. When he was ung, he did some of these wrong things, but cience troubled him; he was not happy, and hem off. I used to think, when I saw how he afterwards was to do just as well as he how, that children, and older people, too, learn a very good lesson from him. He to the monitor within, and so it was very him; faithful to praise him when he did d to reprove him when he went astray.

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