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thought we should return no more. If asked wh we were, she would move her head sorrowfully and fro, and lament thus: "Ma die !-Ernie die Then sweetly smiling, she added, in a joyous tone voice, "Pa ky!"-proving that she understood th was a state of happiness with God after death; a thus, even in her supposed loss, “sorrowing not those without hope." When we returned, she wo spring into our arms, shouting, "Ma die? N Ernie die? No!" Early in the mornings little Cla would slip out of bed as soon as she awoke, and } nurse had left the room. We heard her sweet voi all down stairs to my room, "Me coming! coming!" Then bounding into the room, and sho ing, "Me come!" she clambered on my bed, insisti on seating herself between Ernest and Emm They had come to receive their morning-lesson fr the little picture-gallery, and objected to Clar little head coming often between them and t pictures; but there she would sit, crying, "Ook, o see!" despite their unbelieving smiles, and repeat assurance, "she cannot understand." In reply which, she would point to the pictures, and remar "My Pa ky!" in a tone and manner which seem to say, "I do understand it is something abo Him who loves me, whom I dearly love; and I ha just as much right to hear about Him as any you."



(To be continued.)


J. B. was drowned in the act of disobedience and of Sabbath-breaking.

"He could not go to heaven, could he, mamma?” said G. R. to me.

G. R. was a little boy, who knew what God has said in the Bible respecting the sin of disobedience to parents, as well as that of Sabbath-breaking. He did not ask the question to puzzle me; but that I might confirm his own belief in regard to the


The incident which led to this inquiry was as follows:-In the large manufacturing town of B., there was a thoroughfare which leads to a park. In this park there is a large piece of water, surrounded by trees, of ancient standing, of lofty stature, and wide-spreading boughs.

On the Lord's day, during the winter, when the pool is frozen over, to arrest the eye of the passenger, placards are pasted up in every direction, "Fine skating, excellent skating, price twopence; skates included, fourpence."

This thoroughfare lies in my way to the sanctuary; and as I pass through it, Sunday by Sunday, I am led to exclaim, "O God, how art Thou insulted in Thine own world, by Thine own creatures, on Thine own day!

'Free as air Thy bounty streams

On all Thy works; Thy mercy's beams,
Diffusive as Thy sun's, arise.'

But how is Thy rich bounty perverted to Thy

greater dishonour, and to man's greater ruin!" one of these Sabbaths, a day cold but bright, especially inviting to strollers, the inhabitants po forth from the town towards the pool, like freed, rapid stream.

There came the tradesman and the working-1 in holiday attire; with the beggar in his ta The old and the young were there: the man furrowed brow, on whose head the snows of old were falling fast; and the youth, with quick sprightly step: the one to live over again the of the past; the other, to take part in the s The parent came with his children. There w father leading his comparatively infant boys; tiny hand of each holding, by the strap, his fat skate, swung loosely over his shoulder. This w me the most affecting part of the scene. Here the parent, to whom God had delegated influ and authority, to be employed for the salvatio his children, abusing that authority and influ for their ruin. The Heathen devote many of little ones to temporal death, almost ere they the light; while parents here, called and bapt Christian, reserve and train theirs for the misery innumerable evils to which Sabbath-breaking l on earth, and for the companionship of fiend


The park is now in sight: unusual gathering the people are seen about the upper part of the P and strange mutterings are heard among the cr "A boy is drowned! a boy is drowned!" one to another; whilst with quickened step the multit

And now,

since was

pass on. Breathless, and terror-stricken, the father of the boy hastens to the spot. Men are already on the pool, with their drags, searching for the body. Hope and despair prevail by turns in the father's breast. Dreadful moment! In vain he tries to persuade himself that his boy is at the Sundayschool, to which he belongs; until the body is found, and the worst fears are realized. alas for that form which a short time glowing with life! Where is the skill or power which can light that fire again? The spirit has gone. Gone! whither? Where are the souls of the disobedient and of the Sabbath-breaker, who die as they have lived, in their sins, and in their blood? The corpse was borne by strangers to his parents' dwelling. His mother, ill prepared for the stroke, became suddenly ill, and was unable to leave her bed for many days.


James was one of a family of ten children. parents, amidst penury and affliction, toiled hard o provide for their subsistence. He was about welve years of age; a period this, in our manufacuring towns, when the earnings of a boy serve onsiderably to assist in the support of the family. ames was wayward and disobedient; his word ould not be relied on. In the morning his father onducted him to the school; in the afternoon he as permitted to go alone: he did go; but, as the hildren passed from the school into an adjacent apel, to be addressed by one of the Ministers, he ontrived to elude his Teacher, and to escape. ent with some companions to skate.

He In his

ignorance, or in his daring, he went to a part of th pool which was unsafe, and suddenly plunged int the water. His companions tried to save him; the held out a stick, one end of which he firmly grasped while they as firmly retained the other. But feelin the ice give way under their feet, they let the stic go, and fled for their own safety. James held hin self up by means of this stick, for several minute and cried lustily for help. "You cruel people," h said, "will you not try to save me?" Alas! thos who might have rescued him, by running to a adjacent house for line or ladder, were too muc absorbed, at the moment, with their own sport. A length they came, but it was too late to render hi help. He had frittered and broken away the ic around him, in futile attempts to save himself; ti unable to make another effort, and despairing human aid, he uttered a last cry, "Lord, have merc on my soul!" and sank, to rise no more.

To the young, and especially to the Sunday scholar, this incident is admonitory. "Sabbath breaking,” said a youth, "has proved my ruin ; and one of his last utterances was, "Tell the youn from me, that Sabbath-breaking is a dangerou and costly sin." Remember that word,-"They polluted My Sabbaths: then I said, I would pour ou My fury upon them." Sad indeed are the threaten ings which the Lord has denounced against this sin whilst many and special are the blessings which He confers on those who keep His Sabbaths, and choose the things that please Him. "Even unto them," He says, "will I give in Mine house and within My

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