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rons who lived in the same house, frequently ard her during the night engaged in prayer and aise. She was not afraid to die, but had rather a desire to depart, and to be with Christ."

A few urs before her departure, she clasped her hands, ying,—

“Jesu, Lover of my soul,

Let me to Thy bosom fly!"

en becoming still, she fell into a short sleep. On ening her eyes, she said, "God bless you, father! od bless you, mother! Good-bye! I have plenty of mpany here. The room is full of angels." And en, pointing towards heaven, she exclaimed, Come quickly! come quickly!" And so the happy ›irit of Elizabeth Sarah Ann Crowther was gathered >the bosom of the Lord.

"The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; lessed be the name of the Lord!"


W. D. T.

JAMES COOKE AMES was born in Dorchester, and ed May 2d, 1855, aged eight years and six months. rom the dawn of reason he gave decided evidence `love for God's house. At an early age he began attend the Sunday-school, where he was remarkble for his orderly behaviour and deep attention, requently on his return home making the lessons e had received the subject of conversation. His est illness was short, but severe. The Sunday revious to his being seized, he was at chapel; the

following days saw him prostrated by pain. day after his illness commenced he could not Christ precious to his soul; but after much pra by himself and his friends, God was pleased, in I to shine on this dear child's mind; and, after conflict was over, he was constantly rejoicing the love of the kind Shepherd. Sometimes mind was so wrapt in sweet thoughts of heaven, he imagined he could see the spirits of depa ones hovering near him, ready to conduct hir share their immortal pleasures. Once, after thought, he said, "I should so like to know will be the next to follow me to that happy sho The hymns he had learned in health afforded much comfort in sickness, and he often repe verses. When he thought himself dying, he wi all his friends to come round him, that he might them farewell: "For," said he, "when my J comes, I cannot wait." He then kissed them and entreated them not to weep; saying, "You c me pain by weeping: I shall soon be sing Hallelujah." Then, turning to one of his relati he said, "I am going to heaven: you will never me again, unless you go to Jesus, as I have dor The day after, he inquired for his Minister; and being told he was from home, "O then," said "tell him, I shall soon be where sin and sorrow never reach me again." Until Wednesday did t happy little boy continue to suffer, bearing testimo that he knew he was accepted through Jesus, a waiting till his release should come. About f o'clock he then exclaimed, "Glory, glory, glory

nd soon his spirit joined the happy throng above, who were doubtless ready to receive him.

Let little readers ask themselves, if they had been called, instead of this dear child, could they have answered, so joyfully, "Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly?" Your kind and loving friends may make your path bright on earth; but they cannot die for you, or give you that happy confidence that will make the way to the tomb the entrance to heaven. The work is between your heart and God. But your loving Saviour stands waiting to receive each of you as His favoured child. Be assured, in His love alone is happiness on earth to be enjoyed, or peace secured for our last moments. May God grant that, when the angel of death receives his mission to call us, we may be found worthy to dwell for ever in that

"lovelier clime,

In a land of flowers unbreathed on by time!"

R. P.



"I buried the remains of Joan Turner; who spent all her last hours in rejoicing and praising God; and died 'full of faith and of the Holy Ghost,' at three years and a half old." -Rev. John Wesley's Journal, Sunday, February 27th, 1771.

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AT night, when I retire to rest,
I pray to God to make me blest:
He knows my sins; He sees them all;
Yet, through His Son, I on Him call.
I pray for grace, my sins to know,
And grieve for having grieved Him so:
I ask a soft and contrite heart,
That I from every sin may part.

I pray for pardon, that I may
Feel all my guilt is wash'd away;
That may love Him, and delight
To live as pleasing in His sight.

I pray for power, within my soul,
My thoughts and passions to control;
The power of faith, the power of love :
May I His full salvation prove!

To Christ I offer humble praise
That I am taught His happy ways:

I praise Him, 'tis His grace alone

Has bow'd my heart before the throne!

May every child the Saviour know!
May every soul to Jesus go!

He pities all that from Him stray;

Nor sends returning ones away.

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A YOUNG lady, not long since, called at the house of her Pastor. When she entered the parlour, she found his two sons, Arthur and Willie, seated on the floor, surrounded by beautiful toys and pictures, which had been sent them as presents, and with which they seemed highly pleased. There was a map, a magic lantern, a humming-top, and various beautiful and amusing things. The young


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