| Jesus Christ, John Henderson Thomson - 1871 - 720 sider
...endeavouring by their practice to render it of none effect. But I have this Scripture for my encouragement : ' And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?' (i Pet. iii. 13-17-) " 8. I have this great and glorious Prince to praise for this. And, oh ! let all... | |
 | Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 sider
...Lord tendeth to Life; and he that hath it (hall abide fatisfied: He (hall not be vifited with Evil. » And who is he that will harm you, if ye be Followers of that which is Good ? k Many are the Afflictions of the righteous : but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. a Job... | |
 | William Clagett - 1720 - 552 sider
...that do Evil : Which is one Reafon why St. Peter infers in the very next Words, thofe of the Text, And 'who is he that will harm you^ if ye be followers of that which is Good? For. indeed they feem to be well fenc'd againft all Harm, whofe Virtue and Piety doth not only .put... | |
 | Richard Duke - 1730 - 416 sider
...great , but engage the Love, and attract the Good-will of all round about us j and as St. Peter fpeaks, Who is He that will harm you , if ye be followers of that which is Good ? But befides this Natural Effect of Righte©ufnefs, and the Exercife of all the Duties of Religion,... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 sider
...Man his Thoughts; (d) Matt. vj Bleffed arc the MEEK, for they fhall INHERIT the (() i fet. in. 15. And who is he that will harm you, if ye be Followers of that which is good ? and his Teftimo. nies. The SECRET of the Lord If with them that fear him, and he will fhew them his... | |
 | William Darrell - 1736 - 340 sider
...virtuous of God's fpecial protection, but alfo that they fhall receive no evil from men. And who is bt that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good. No man perfecutcs another, but upon upon appearance of fome injury received : it is uncommon, and unnatural,... | |
 | 1737 - 470 sider
...Lord is againft them that do evil. ( /'. e. Difpleafure) of the Lord h againft them that do Evil. 1 3 And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good ? 13. And, as this Providentially tends to procure you the Divine Bleffing, fo does it Naturally prove... | |
 | James Blair - 1740 - 564 sider
...Face of the Lord is againji them that do Evil. Then, fecondly, the general Favour of Men, And 'who if he that will harm you, if ye be Followers of that -which is good? Lafily, A Suppofition of the worft (which anfwers my laft Caution :) VI] TbeMeek, Mat. V.5. 159 Caution... | |
 | Thomas Maddock - 1745 - 104 sider
...Couardice, or Negleft. THE beft Security you \vill always find to be in doing your Duty honeftly ; For who will harm you, if ye be Followers of that 'which is good. When you are noting as you ought, then tho', as Solomon fays, you fhould weet a Lion in your Way, you... | |
 | John Tillotson - 1748 - 440 sider
...Apoftle St. Peter is careful to mention exprefly, immediately after the Text ; for after he had faid, Who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good ? he immediately adds, But, and if ye fuffer for righteoufnefs fake, happy are ye; and be not afraid... | |
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