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" I have commanded you, and lo ! I am with you alway, even to the end of the world. "
Sermons . Eight discourses on several subjects; with four sermons on the ... - Side 224
af John Sharp (abp. of York.) - 1734
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The harmony of the Evangelists, with a paraphrase, with dissertations by J ...

Jean Le Clerc - 1701 - 650 sider
...and of the holy Ghoft: 20 Teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have commanded you : and lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world. Amen. PAU L. i Cor. XV. 6 After that, he was feea, of above five hundred brethren at once :...
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Discourses on Personal Religion, Bind 1

Samuel Stennett - 1769 - 454 sider
...that he meant to extend this commiffion to all fucceeding minifters, by adding his gracious promife, Lo I am with you alway, even to the end of the world1. Nor mould we forget the declaration, which immediately follows his commiffion in another Evangelift,...
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Memoirs of the Life, Time, and Writings, of the Reverend and Learned Thomas ...

Thomas Boston - 1776 - 582 sider
...my foul much fttengthened in confidence of the Lord's owning me, by means of that word, " Go — and lo I am with " you alway, even to the end of the world." And I was then determined to begin with the book of Pfalms for lecture ; and for the exereife...
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Memoirs of the Life, Time, and Writings, of the Reverend and Learned Thomas ...

Thomas Boston - 1776 - 610 sider
...my foul much ftrengthened in confidence of the Lord's owning me, by means of that word, " Go — and lo I am with " you alway, even to the end of the world." And I was then determined to begin with the book of Pfalms for lee-v ture ; and for the exercife...
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The Evangelical Magazine, Bind 15

1807 - 672 sider
...aud of the Holy Ghost ; teaching them to observe all tilings, whatsoever 1 have -commanded you. And, lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world. Amen." In this Scripture the preacher directed the attention of the Society to The command of...
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A defence of Unitarianism, intended as an answer to dr. [R.] Hawker's ...

Thomas Porter (Unitarian.) - 1793 - 228 sider
...Father -will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. Matt, xxviii. 20. And lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world. Both thefe paflages may be explained by John xiv. 16—18, above referred to; where Chrift reprefents...
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Sermons: By the Late Rev. George Lyon, ... To which is Prefixed, a Short ...

George Lyon - 1794 - 424 sider
...in the fpiritual, though invifible prefence of her King ; according to his own gracious promife, " Lo, " I am with you alway, even to the end of the world ;" and again, " Where two or three are met together " in my name, there am I in the midft of...
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The Christian guardian (and Church of England magazine).

...all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost : and lo ! I am with you alway, even to the end of the world." His rule, however, is not the bare exercise of power, much less any arbitrary manifestation...
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An Antidote Against Deism: In a Series of Letters ... in which the Arguments ...

Niel Douglas - 1802 - 302 sider
...has it, tho' not fo literal, before the •»</• A.-jan. Our Lord's promife to hie difciple«, " Lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world, is, to the clofe of the age, by which he evidently in* tende, throughout the whole period of...
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A Companion for the Altar: Consisting of a Short Explanation of the Lord's ...

John Henry Hobart - 1804 - 316 sider
...contrary, was to be perpetuated in the church, is evident from the concluding words of the commission : " Lo ! I am with you alway, even to the end of the world." The apostles and their successors, therefore, were commissioned to promulgate the terms of...
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