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will fhew. And feveral of them were the Sermons which he ufually preach'd in his Diocese, and elsewhere, in the latter Part of his Life, as being beft calculated, in his own Opinion, (fo it may be justly prefum'd) for doing Good to Mankind, and the Discharge of his own Duty, as a Minister of the Gospel.

Could these Sheets have carried any Impreffion of that Energy and Zeal with which the Living Author of thefe Difcourfes addrefs'd them to his Auditors, and to which they owed no Small Share of that Beauty and Influence which they once had from his own Mouth, they would have been more welcome and more valuable to the Reader. One Excellence indeed they cannot be depriv'd of, which, in fome meafure, will fupply the Want of those external and additional Graces that accompanied and adorned them in the Pulpit, viz. that Spirit of Piety which yet enlivens and breathes through them


all, and demonftrates them to be the real Iffues of his Heart, and the very Dictates of his Soul, by fuch Marks of Evidence as are easy to be difcover'd, tho' difficult to be "defcrib'd, and impoffible to be counterfeited.



DISC. III. p. 64.

Of grieving the Spirit. Of the Sealing of the Spirit. Of the different Notions of Redemption in Holy Scripture.

Deliver'd in Two Sermons on this Text,

EPH. iv. 30. Grieve not the Holy Spirit of
God, whereby ye are fealed to the Day of

DISC. IV. p. 105.

Of the various Callings in Life: And the Inferences from thence. That Christianity makes no Change in human Callings, or in the Civil Relations of Life: And the Inferences from thence. Of the Requifites of a lawful Calling, and how it is to be diftinguish'd from one that is unlawful. Of Gaming.


Deliver'd in Two Sermons, on this Text, I COR. vii. 17. But as God hath diftributed to every Man as the Lord hath called every one, fo let him walk: And fo ordain I in all the Churches.

DISC. V. p. 143.

Of Diligence and Watchfulness in oùr Chriftian Calling. How our Time is to be spent, and our Leifure improv'd, to useful Purposes: And particularly what Wis


dom and Prudence Chriftians are to use in evil and dangerous Times.

Deliver'd in Two Sermons, on this Text,

EPHES. V. 15, 16. See then that ye walk circumfpectly, not as Fools, but as Wife, redeeming the Time, because the Days are


DISC. VI. p. 191.

The Danger of Cloaking or Diffembling our Sins. Confeffion of Sins neceffary to Repentance. What Sort of Confession that muft be.

Deliver❜d in Two Sermons, on this Text,

PROV. xxviii. 13. He that covereth his Sins fball not profper: but whofo confeffeth, and forfaketh them, fhall find Mercy.

[blocks in formation]

The Efficacy of Believing, to Salvation. Against Infidelity.

Deliver'd in Two Sermons, on this Text,

MARK XVI. 16. He that believeth, and is baptized, fhall be faved: But he that believeth not, fhall be damned.

DISC. VIII. p. 243.

Of Conformity to the Customs and Ways of the World. How far allowable, and how

far not.


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